Archived on 5 June 2023 at 5:45 pm [URL redacted]
@EzraLorkowski [name pseudonymized] [03]: @jordanbpeterson @RobertKennedyJr @YouTube They are spewing nonsense, in defense of their #Woke Ideology. [URL redacted]
Archived on 8 March 2020 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JuneTeichner [name pseudonymized]: Totuus woke aatteesta pähkinänkuoressa. Pakko iskeä jokaisen länsimaalaisen tajuntaan. #woke #SJW #leftism [URL redacted]

tweet translated from #NoREuropeNordicFinland: "The truth about the idea of woke in a nutshell. Forced to strike the consciousness of every Westerner" #TauntSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #TauntLeftism #_Focal

"If you wanted to destroy
a race without killing it
directly, you would ...
Promote race mixing
Promote homosexuality
Promote feminism
Promote divorce
Promote the use of birth control
Promote abortion rights
Promote sex with dolls
Promote 'Men Go Their Own Way'
Promote the irrelevance of the family
Teach them that race does not exist
Teach them to feel ashamed of their heritage
Push for mass immigration into their lands
Call them racists when they defend themselves" #TheoryCodedFemininityOver #PoliticsNationalismRomantic, #TheoryEssentialismCultural, #ConspiracyTheoryCulturalMarxism and even #PoliticsNationalismEthno / #PowerControlSegregationEthnopluralism #IdentityWhite #OtheringDenialPseudospeciation i.e. #PhenomnSexualityFetishAgalmatophilia #PleaManosphereMenGoingTheirOwnWayMGTOW #MetaphorWarUnderAttackBlameAvoidance

Context: the dress i.e. appears to have been designed by Daniel Fendler i.e. who appears to trade under the name 'Daniel Fendler Trachtencouture' i.e. The image is part of a set i.e. and used to promote traditional #NoREuropeGermanyBavaria.n costumes known as #SymbolTrachtDirndl i.e. The headband and bracelet used in the shoot were seemingly designed by the #NoREuropeGermanyBavariaMunich company 'Schönes Fräulein' i.e. And
Supplementary: "the concept of hegemonic masculinity has been used in gender studies since the early-1980s to explain men's power over women. Stressing the legitimating power of consent (rather than crude physical or political power to ensure submission)" as per: #IndivPhilosopherKarlPopper's "conspiracy theory of society": is also an interesting concept here. #MagazineUKTheSpectatorLionelShriver's piece on Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban i.e. and is a useful case here. Adam Rutherford's critique is that the article is merely a rehash of #ConspiracyTheoryGreatReplacement tropes i.e.
Addendum: the overtly racist meme seems to belie #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation. It points to a seemingly #NarrativeStableMorality concept of society i.e. one centring on the a priori of #PhenomnSexualityHeterosexuality, #TheoryHegemonicMasculinity (clear and explicitly defined, gender-hierarchy), sanctity of the nuclear family, a traditional #BeliefChristianity belief system, #MetaphorPurityRacial etc. seeks to assert the authority of a fundamentalist i.e. faith-based (genetically-justified, prescribed/precondition, religiously preordained) concept of society (in contrast with the commonly accepted 'social construct' model. #ReasoningFallacyAppealToTraditionValues #TheoryRetrospectiveIdentities #TheoryCodedFemininityOverTradWives ? #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #PleaTruthUniversalIncontrovertibleAbsolute #CharacterisationInjuryFeelingAggrievedResentmentGrudge #ConspiracyTheoryWhiteGenocide is a #SlurWhiteSupremacy #ConspiracyTheoryGreatReplacement e.g. "'The Great Replacement,' a reference to a conspiracy theory that non-white immigration is part of a plot to 'replace' white people with people of color"
