Archived on 3 June 2023 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@BryonBare [name pseudonymized] [10]: 🚨 BREAKING 🚨 HYSTERISCHE #PRIDEMONTH #WOKE-#LINKSGRÜNVERSIFFTE-#RUSSOPHOBE-#KLIMA-#TAGX #TERRORISTEN HABEN VAGINALE PHANTOMSCHMERZEN, WEIL #STOLZMONAT DEN GANZEN JUNI TRENDEN WIRD ✊🇩🇪✊🇩🇪✊🇩🇪✊🇩🇪✊🇩🇪✊🇩🇪✊ #ausschreitungen #VogelRIP #turbokrebs #Maassen #DFBPokalFinale… [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 May 2023 at 7:00 am [URL redacted]
@SamTraill [name pseudonymized]: Die woken Schwachköpfe projizieren ihren Selbsthass auf echte Frauen und Männer und intakte Familien. Sie sind extrem psychisch labil und gestört. Was wird wohl nach dem großen Umbruch mit ihnen geschehen? #woke #WokeMindVirus #WokeCulture [URL redacted]

"The woken imbeciles project their self-loathing onto real women and men and intact families. They are extremely mentally unstable and disturbed. What will happen to them after the great upheaval?" #MetaphorDiseaseMindVirus #TauntWokeCulture

Addendum: I'm curious about what is meant by "großen Umbruch" [great upheaval], is this a reference to #BeliefChristianityHeaven (after an individual's upheaval of dying) or is this about prophesying #NarrativeUtopiaEschatologyRaptureEndOfDaysEndOfTimes ?

Archived on 30 April 2023 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@TracieTaufer [name pseudonymized] [04]: Easier to visualise #ThenAndNow Then or now? Think multiculturalism, diversity and cultural marxism or progressivism 😉 Please comment #poll #vote #Britain #Society #Alinsky #multicultural #woke #TradLife 👀 [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#CharacterisationSentimentality #IdentityWhite #PleaNostalgia #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #BehaviourExnominationWhiteness #IRLIllustratorTrevorMitchell i.e. And #ConspiracyTheoryGreatReplacement #OrgClassifPPDECDUChancellorAngelaMerkel i.e. #TheoryAbsurdismBureaucraticComplacency / #PowerControlOverreach

Context: "Gangs armed with machetes run through the streets of Dili" #2006_CrisisInTimorLeste #LiteralWeaponMachete #PolicyCulturalIntegrationEnrichment #PowerCrimeKnife i.e. #TheoryProxyDiscourses #OtheringCaricatureSlaveryBrute ? #ToponymAsiaSouthEastTimorLesteDili i.e. #IRLScholarMiguelRivasVenegas "The discourse behind Ben Garrison's 'Wunderbar' (Figure 6) follows equivalent metaphorical presentations as the notion of the hazard hiding behind official power (Figure 8) or sneaking behind national emblems (Figure 7) is presented in this case as an exposed menace, not like a falling backcloth but as an uncoiling truth. Merkel's allegedly secret plans for Europe's future, to become the 'European globalist edition', according to Ben Garrison's caricature, are supported by the 'Soros Inc.'. Presenting the US-Hungarian investor as a man who wants to rule the world as if it was an incorporated business reinforces the idea of 'human merchandise' that fills the centre of the nationalist counter-reaction. The presence of a three-sided polygon on Merkel's necklace once again references Freemasonry and completes the classical narrative of the Juden-Freimauerei Komplot."
Rivas Venegas, Miguel. 'Exnominated Anti-Semitism? Reframing the Paranoid Hate-speech of Spanish National-populism' Analysis of Current Trends in Antisemitism - ACTA, vol. 41, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-47. #2016_Wunderbar! i.e. #ConspiracyTheoryGreatReplacementEurabia by #CaricaturistBenGarrison #OtheringElitesGlobal #IRLFinancierGeorgeSoros #OtheringHateAntisemitismCaricaturePuppetMaster #OtheringHateAntisemiticCanardInternationalJewry #OrgIntlFreemasonry

Archived on 10 April 2023 at 6:45 am [URL redacted]
@TracieTaufer [name pseudonymized] [04]: #WokeNotWantNot New thread 🧵 post #TradLife memes #Tradition #Culture #values #woke 👀 [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 April 2023 at 1:30 pm [URL redacted]
@BreannaDrossos [name pseudonymized] [03]: Pastors & Christ followers, discern & reject even the influence of #neomarxism and #woke #socialjustice for what it is — a false religion. It is evil. Great episode of @charliekirk11 show with @VoddieBaucham! Listen to the whole thing! [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 March 2023 at 2:15 pm [URL redacted]
@KehaulaniOstroot [name pseudonymized] [02]: @SiriusXMPatriot @MJSarraille @XVanFleet @SIRIUSXM Contradiction! #woke #studentloans #gender [URL redacted]
Archived on 2 March 2023 at 4:30 am [URL redacted]
@ScottVallimont [name pseudonymized] [07]: Republican #VivekGRamaswamy is running in the 2024 presidential election. #CivicNationalism YOUR President? "Chip Roy" #racialconsciousness "Mike Lee" #Woke "Ultra MAGA" Greta Murdoch "Fox News" Alaska #nationaldivorce "Proud Boys" "scott adams" #scottadamsisright #Dilbert #1A [URL redacted]

#TheoryVictimhoodWhiteThymos #PoliticsNationalismWhite / #IdentityWhite #PleaNostalgia #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity / #ReasoningFallacyAppealToTraditionValues / #PleaNostalgia / #NarrativeValuesFamilyNuclear #BehaviourExnominationWhiteness

Supplementary: #ToponymAmericaNorthUSMinnesotaMurdock #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheGuardianAmudalatAjasa, #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheGuardianTomSilverstone, #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheGuardianCharliePhillips, #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheGuardianKatieLamborn #BeliefPaganHeathenryAsatruFolkAssemblyAFAStephenMcNallen #TheoryMythOriginStory #TheoryMythopoeiaLore #TheoryMythos #ToponymEuropeNordicVikings #PoliticsNationalismNativism #BeliefPaganHeathenryNeoVolkisch i.e. #BeliefPaganHeathenryFolkish

Context: #PoliticsNationalismWhite #PowerControlSegregationEthnopluralism #MetaphorPurityRace #ToponymAmericaNorthUSVirginiaCharlottesville i.e. #2017_UniteTheRightRally ? #AdvocacyUSMurdockAreaAllianceAgainstHateVictoriaGuillemard #BeliefPaganHeathenryTheAsatruCommunityTAC #IRLConspiracistJacobChansleyAKAJacobAngeli
Addendum: I'm not sure if the reference to "Americaa" in blue type on the bottom righthand side of the image is meant to be significant (or simply a spelling mistake). For example, this book shares the same name and colour

Archived on 12 February 2023 at 12:30 pm [URL redacted]
@RitaScibelli [name pseudonymized] [06]: An accurate depiction. #feminism #FeminismIsCancer #woke #WokeCulture #Wokeness #WokeMindVirus #LiberalHypocrisy #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica #DemocratsAreTheProblem #DemocratsAreEvil #TrendingNow #TrendingNews [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 February 2023 at 6:30 am [URL redacted]
@DoreenCsik [name pseudonymized] [09]: @laralogan What would this wokist do to Michael Jackson, were he still with us? #WokoFascists #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 December 2022 at 5:30 pm [URL redacted]
@IvanFarzad [name pseudonymized] [35]: #redpill #fjb #letsgobrandon #feminism #firstamendment #secondamendment #trump #elonmusk #twitterflies #woke #freedom #meme #liberal #conservative #republican #benshapiro #joerogan #jordanpeterson #candaceowens #mattwalsh #michealknowles #democrat #thomassowell [URL redacted]


Addendum: parody of the fact that #IRLEntrepreneurElonMusk has #ToponymAfricaSouthAfrica.n citizenship (as well as US and seemingly, Canadian). The 'joke' relies on a #PoliticsNationalismEthno assumption of ethnic homogeny where being #ToponymAfrica.n necessarily means that you're not #IdentityWhite.

Archived on 10 December 2022 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@KanoaManti [name pseudonymized] [03]: @GunayUslu Een (bijna) wereldwijde continue door de strot duwen van #woke sprookjes door te beweren dat men t geslacht net zo makkelijk kan veranderen als je kleren, een directe aanval (via de kids) op traditioneel gezin, vrouw-man-kind en de wetenschap #2genders #antiwoke #antilinks [URL redacted]

"An (almost) worldwide continuous pushing of woke fairy tales by claiming that one can change the gender as easily as one's clothes, a direct attack (via the kids) on traditional family, woman-man-child and science 2 genders anti-woke, anti-left" #PhenomnGenderSpectrum #NarrativeValuesFamily

"The Aryan Family (undated) is a print after a painting by Wolfgang Willrich. It depicts what could be described as the quintessential Aryan family. With their sunshine-blond hair, strong jaw lines, chiseled 'Nordic' features, and rosy-red cheeks, the members of this family of six could have easily appeared as 'Aryan' ideals in the Nazi propaganda series 'Blood and Soil.' The clothing of the boy in the foreground seems to identify him as a member of the Hitler Youth, while the traditional rustic clothing of the others links them to the rural population so idealized by the regime. Symbols of hard work, fertility, bounty, health and vitality, and connection to the land abound. The family's home, a half-timbered, thatched-roof construction, is an excellent example of the völkisch architecture celebrated by the Nazis, and, as such, provides a fitting backdrop for this idyllic family scene." #IRLPainterWolfgangWillrich #1938_Familienbildniss (Family) #PoliticsFascismNaziAryanMasterRace #PoliticsFascismNaziPropaganda #PoliticsFascismNaziHitlerjugendHJAKAHitlerYouth i.e. #PoliticsNationalismRomantic #PoliticsNationalismEthno #IdentityWhite #PoliticsFascismNaziBlutUndBoden

Supplementary: #NarrativeUtopiaNewMan i.e.

Archived on 2 November 2022 at 1:45 pm [URL redacted]
@BrittneyTabellion [name pseudonymized] [07]: 🎧👀Good advice👇Do it yourself and do it now and before all that #woke #schoolteachers gang-in front of open eyes- permanently indoctrinates and turns yours sons into a daughters …and of course other way around. They are turning them against You. #traditional #homeschooling [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation #PhenomnRoleFamilyDaughter #PhenomnGenderReassignment #PhenomnHomeSchooling #AdvocacyUSMomsForAmerica: "Erin Lee moved to a conservative mountain town hoping for a new life. She was stunned when a middle school art teacher targeted Lee's 12-year-old daughter with transgender indoctrination. Her story is a warning for parents to be aware. What followed was a battle of good against evil as Erin and her family fought for her daughter's identity, mental health, and very life." Episode 2232, 'Teacher Tries to Trans Young Girl':

Context: #TauntIndoctrination

Archived on 18 September 2022 at 1:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JoleneSkean [name pseudonymized]: Hey #Woke: Müssen wir hier nicht über "kulturelle Aneignung" sprechen, wenn aus selbem Grund Weiße keine Rastas tragen sollen? Nein, müssen wir nicht! Merkt ihr selbst, oder? #Oktoberfest2022 #FCBayern [URL redacted]

"Hey Woke :
Shouldn't we be talking about 'cultural appropriation' here if, for the same reason, white people shouldn't wear Rastas?
No, we don't have to! You see it yourself, don't you?
Oktoberfest2022 FCBayern" #PhenomnCulturalAppropriation #EventOktoberfest #ToponymEuropeGermanyBavariaMunich #OrgDEFssballClubBayernMunchen i.e. 'Rastas' = #SymbolHairstyleDreadlocks ?

this sets out a #ReasoningFallacyWhataboutism based on a #PoliticsNationalismEthno assumption that being #ToponymEuropeGermanyBavaria.n necessitates that you're white. The logic follows, that if #IdentityBlack people are not criticised for dressing 'white', then #IdentityWhite people shouldn't be criticised for their #PhenomnCulturalAppropriation of the cultures of others. Significantly, #IRLSportspersonDayotUpamecano is French i.e. "is a French professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for Bundesliga club Bayern Munich and the France national team" Given this, cultural appropriation tends to have an 'exploitative' dimension to it i.e. that those appropriating tend to be doing so to gain advantage (from those whose culture is being appropriated) - so, in the sense, any such appropriation would be deemed trivial (surely).

Archived on 30 August 2022 at 11:30 am [URL redacted]
@QuintonKanzig [name pseudonymized] [10]: No thanks, I don't fuck fat people. #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 August 2022 at 10:15 am [URL redacted]
@JuanitaMantle [name pseudonymized]: @welt Richtig, denn so darf und soll sich jeder kleiden/stylen dürfen wie er will. Man stelle sich vor, es würde ein Erlass geben, dass Trachten nur noch von weißen Deutschen/Bayern angezogen werden dürfen. Wäre das auch #woke? Ich denke nicht. [URL redacted]

"That's right, because everyone can and should be allowed to dress/style themselves as they want. Imagine if there were a decree that traditional costumes could only be worn by white Germans/Bavarians. Would that also be woke ? I do not think so."

Addendum: this sets out a #ReasoningFallacyWhataboutism based on a #PoliticsNationalismEthno assumption that being German/Bavarian necessitates that you're white. The logic follows, that if #IdentityBlack people are not criticised for dressing 'white', then #IdentityWhite people shouldn't be criticised for their #PhenomnCulturalAppropriation of the cultures of others. Significantly, #IRLSportspersonDavidAlaba is Austrian (born in #ToponymEuropeAustriaVienna ) and #IRLCampaignManagerShalimarHeppner is German (born in Bavaria's capital city, #ToponymEuropeGermanyBavariaMunich ) i.e. neither are positioned 'outside' of the culture they're presenting here (and so, by definition they're not appropriating #ToponymEuropeGermanyBavaria.n culture).

Archived on 31 July 2022 at 6:15 pm [URL redacted]
@DustinWishon [name pseudonymized] [02]: Michael Harriot: Critical race theory is the whitest thing. The backlash against diversity, critical race theory and “wokeness” is not anti-Black. It’s even whiter than that. [URL redacted] #woke #CRT #race #Diversity [URL redacted]

#IRLAuthorMichaelHarriot "Whiteness is why anti-racism exists. Whiteness is why critical race theory exists. Black people wouldn't need to 'stay woke' if white supremacy hadn't lulled this country to sleep. The best legal institutions in America wouldn't teach critical race theory if the laws were not racist. If oppression didn't affect Black people's health, universities wouldn't rearrange centuries-old medical curriculums to teach students about systems of oppression. If America's institutions were diverse, equitable or inclusive, they wouldn't have to create departments for diversity, equity and inclusion. " #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #IdentityWhite #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional

Archived on 18 July 2022 at 3:00 pm [URL redacted]
@BethWallbaum [name pseudonymized] [02]: So bloody true! 😂😂😂 #politicallycorrect #woke #Wokeness #politicalcorectness [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 June 2022 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@SheldonWildhaber [name pseudonymized]: This is everything they want you to hate, so embrace it. #woke #WhatIsAWoman [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 June 2022 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@BarryVannevel [name pseudonymized] [121]: #woke #Disney #Biden #Trump #trumptrains #TrumpTruths #TrumpWon #LGB #Trump2024 #COVID19 #FJB #PandemicOfTheVaccinated #BidenIsALaughingstock #elon #musk #twitter #Hillary #killary #hillaryclinton #FakeNews #sensorship #FreedomOfSpeech #freedom #FreedomFighter #GasPrices #gas [URL redacted]

#MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseMainstreamMediaMSM #MetaphorTarredWithTheSameBrush #LegislationUS1791ConstAmdt2RightToBearArms

Context: #ReasoningFallacyAppealToTraditionValues / #PleaNostalgia #IdentityWhite #BehaviourExnominationWhiteness
Supplementary: the centrepiece of this mélange is a vintage Daisy brand airguns ad i.e. "the advertisement promoted Daisy brand airguns (i.e., pellet rifles and BB guns) and featured several products such as the Spittin' Image line that were not available until the 1960s.
While it's possible that such an ad appeared in the Sears catalog at sometime in the 1960s, the only published version we've been able to uncover came from a 1966 issue of Boys' Life magazine, the monthly publication for members of the Boy Scouts of America"

Archived on 27 May 2022 at 5:15 am [URL redacted]
@NoaRipepi [name pseudonymized] [17]: More on "whites" & "#whiteness" as a mental pathology. Axiomatic statements about "whites" & their greater access to health services... but also their poor health outcomes. #Woke #Science needed to resolve this apparent paradox! [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"Whites in the USA are the dominant racial group, with greater than average access to most material and social rewards. Yet, while whites have better outcomes than other racial groups on some health indicators, whites paradoxically compare poorly on other measures. Further, whites in the USA also rank poorly in international health comparisons. In this paper, we present a framework that combines the concept of whiteness-a system that socially, economically, and ideologically benefits European descendants and disadvantages people in other groups-with research from a variety of fields in order to comprehensively model the social factors that influence whites' health. The framework we present describes how whiteness and capitalism in the USA shape societal conditions, individual social characteristics and experiences, and psychosocial responses to circumstances to influence health outcomes. We detail specific examples of how social policies supported by whiteness, the narratives of whiteness, and the privileges of whiteness may positively and negatively affect whites' health. In doing so, we suggest several areas for future research that can expand our understanding of how social factors affect health and can contribute to the patterns and paradoxes of whites' health. By expanding research to include theoretically-grounded analyses of the dominant group's health, we can achieve a more complete picture of how systems of racial inequity affect health."

Archived on 24 May 2022 at 4:30 pm [URL redacted]
@SuzanneChennault [name pseudonymized] [10]: Its okay to Be a Traditional Family. You dont have to be a nonbinary antiscience #Woke trans traditional phobia #graduate #graduation #college #student #university [URL redacted]

#NarrativeValuesFamily #PhenomnGenderNonBinary #IdentityLGBTQIATrans #MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation

Addendum: presumably the reference to 'antiscience' is an attack on perspectives, which are critical of absolutist #TheoryDeterminismBiologicalGenetic positions and the idea of #PhenomnGenderSpectrum? And is 'science' in this case, really simply a synonym for #NarrativeTruthImmutableUniversalIncontrovertibleAbsolute? Given this, I wonder how #TheoryDragonsOfInactionDiscredenceDenial fits with the conception - is this also anti-science (or a legitimate anti-science)?

Archived on 22 May 2022 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@JudithCram [name pseudonymized]: #tchibo #woke #Diversity schön das nicht alle Firmen auf diesen Zug mit aufspringen! Danke Tchibo! [URL redacted]

"tchibo woke diversity nice that not all companies jump on this train! Thank you Tchibo!" #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI #PhenomnTrendBandwagon

Context: #TheoryRepresentation

Archived on 19 May 2022 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
@RichardVenturella [name pseudonymized]: Lapidario. #scuola #cancelculture #woke #genderfluid [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 May 2022 at 6:30 am [URL redacted]
@EliasDedert [name pseudonymized]: #UltraMAGA > #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 April 2022 at 8:00 pm [URL redacted]
@LashawnPierzina [name pseudonymized] [09]: But seriously, why do New Zealand universities hate white males so much? 33% of the population = 0% of people featured in their adverts over the last five years Can’t wait for my son to ask if he’s allowed to go to university, or if it’s for non-white females only #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 April 2022 at 9:30 am [URL redacted]
@LeslyUtley [name pseudonymized]: You’ve got to be shitting me right?!! 🤬 #woke #WOKENESS [URL redacted]

"'Decolonise' maths by subtracting white male viewpoint, urges Durham University. A new guide says professors [lecturers?] must question themselves if they are citing work from 'mostly white or male' mathematicians" (9 April 2022, 7:00pm). #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheTelegraphEwanSomerville #EDUUKUniversityOfDurham #PhenomnColonialismDe #LiteralFieldMathematics #IdentityWhite

Archived on 5 April 2022 at 6:00 pm [URL redacted]
@SamSedoris [name pseudonymized] [05]: #Woke #Disney #DisneySayGay #DisneyWalkOut #wokeness #CancelDisney #CancelCulture [URL redacted]
Archived on 25 March 2022 at 8:00 am [URL redacted]
@NaiaHesley [name pseudonymized]: #woke #fakewoke #rasicm #rasta #KulturelleAneignung #culturalappropriation [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 March 2022 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@LashawnPierzina [name pseudonymized] [09]: Drove past a BNZ advert at a bus stop and it stood out because it featured a white kid I’ve just seen the full advert on television… and it turns out he’s light-skinned Maori Weird that 95% of adverts feature non-white people in a country that’s over 70% white #nzpol #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 March 2022 at 11:45 am [URL redacted]
@ErikaGaltney [name pseudonymized]: Nouveau jeu. Trouve un blanc sur le site [URL redacted] . Alors que la clientèle est quasi exclusivement blanche et bourgeoise. #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 January 2022 at 8:15 am [URL redacted]
@KathleenMangieri [name pseudonymized] [03]: 🔴 Avec le hashtag #colloquedelahonte, on constate que l'idéologie #woke est encore bien gravée dans l'esprit d'une toute petite minorité active ➡️ À lire ici : [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"What is wokism? A monoma of hyper-sensitive Western teenagers wanting to wipe out the past. Wokism is the meeting of Maoism and the Disney Club; the bastard and cruel child of the worst of the egalitarian cultural revolution and ultra-liberalism in a 'my body, my choice' way. Everything becomes possible, to the point of denying the most elementary biology. 'I am a woman' because I have decided it. 'I' can even be a dolphin or a cat. Everything is allowed, especially the most stupid, as long as the parents are unhappy. By the term 'parents', one must also understand authority, standard, country and civilisation. The avowed aim of all these tendencies is indeed to put down all that we are, all that we were. They want to strike out from executives everything that is not a visible minority, applying unambiguous and tyrannical prior censorship that will stop at nothing." #PoliticsProgressivismSocialLiberalism #PhenomnColonialism #IdentityFirstNations #IdentityLGBTQIA #CauseFeminism #IdentityWhite #PhenomnSexualityHeterosexuality #MetaphorThreatExistential

Archived on 25 December 2021 at 3:15 am [URL redacted]
@MelvinSuel [name pseudonymized] [06]: #Woke #CancelCulture #SocialJustice #Whiteness #Racism #ClownWorld [URL redacted]

#FictionalCharacterSantaClaus #IdentityWhite
"Why we must eliminate Santa Claus and hi: whiteness from our culture, explained
Experts say that the mythical figure has taken credit for the gifts provided by the economic contributions of American slavery for too long and Christmas is only a manifestation of racial capitalism that must be abolished for social justice. By Winston Smith 1 @winstonsmith1984 1 Dec 24, 2021, 8:50pm EST "

Archived on 5 December 2021 at 9:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JeanninePatzelt [name pseudonymized] [06]: It would be funny if someone did this to a #woke person's vehicle so other people would damage it in a parking lot or to be an asshole to them on the road. #WokeIsAJoke [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 November 2021 at 8:30 pm [URL redacted]
@ZanderBillman [name pseudonymized] [16]: "KinderCare" wants parents to teach 6week olds about "Anti Racism" & Teen Vogue promotes Socialism. #woke #democrats #marxism #socialism #antiracism #crt #kids #parents [URL redacted]
Archived on 27 August 2021 at 2:00 pm [URL redacted]
@ZariaJanecke [name pseudonymized] [02]: A Short History of Slavery [URL redacted] #History #Woke #slavery #AmericanHistory
Archived on 9 August 2021 at 8:00 pm [URL redacted]
@KelvinPressnell [name pseudonymized] [02]: It's a woke world after all! #Woke #Disney #Democrats #America #Antifa #BlackLivesMatter #Politizoid [URL redacted]

#2021_ItsAWokeWorldAfterAll #BrandDisneyland #IRLAnimatorBobArvinAKAPolitiZoid: #ReasoningFallacyReductioAdAbsurdum #OrgClassifPPCNChineseCommunistPartyCCP #IdentityWhite #PhenomnWhitePrivilege #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #EDUUSBostonUniversityIbramXKendi #BrandNBCUniversal Tamron Hall? #IRLSportspersonTamyraMensahStock ? #IRLSportspersonLeBronJames #IRLActivistColinKaepernick #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyPOTUSBarackObama ? #OrgClassifPPUSPOTUSAbrahamLincoln #BrandDisneyMickeyMouse #IRLHistoricalFigureChairmanMaoZedong #IdentityUyghur #SlurChinaWuhanVirus #OrgCNWuhanInstituteOfVirology #ConspiracyTheoryEngineeredManMadeVirus #2020_Mulan #BeliefChristianityBible #ToponymAmericaNorthCanada #1937_SnowWhiteAndTheSevenDwarfs
'Princess' #IRLActivistPatrisseCullors of #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyPOTUSJoeBiden #PhenomnImmigration #ToponymAmericaNorthMexico #CauseAntifa #2011_OccupyWallStreet #PleaLawAndOrder / #PleaVandalism #TheoryRacialColourBlindness #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation #PoliticsCommunism #PhenomnStatueToppling
The Testimony of #IRLHistoricalFigureWaltDisney Before the House Committee on Un-American Activities 24 October #1947_

Context: And "Politizoid formed more than a decade ago to create funny animation lifting Republican lawmakers back into power in 2010. The group faded to the periphery in subsequent years but returned alongside the impeachment of Mr. Trump to lambast the president's critics."
And Robert F. Arvin:

Archived on 2 August 2021 at 11:00 am [URL redacted]
@AnnaSieckmann [name pseudonymized] [15]: Most Racist Countries 2021 Countries where #Woke #CriticalRaceTheory is propagated as "necessary" to combat #racism don't even make the list. And only one white country made the bottom of the list, Russia, and that's a #Marxist country. #Whiteness #Woke [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 13 July 2021 at 7:15 pm [URL redacted]
@NakiaMatherne [name pseudonymized] [04]: Hey @CocaCola...I will try to be less white if you try to be less of a Nazi sympathizer #woke #coke #isajoke [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 July 2021 at 8:45 pm [URL redacted]
@TyroneBorell [name pseudonymized] [03]: Did @SpeakerPelosi just threaten WHITE AMERICA??? “Whiteness” Vs “DEMOCRACY” #woke Government #MAGA [URL redacted]
Archived on 30 June 2021 at 12:00 pm [URL redacted]
@OscarAhnen [name pseudonymized] [13]: #blm #antifa #woke #roit @BLMLA @GetterOfficial @PhillyANTIFA [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 June 2021 at 6:00 pm [URL redacted]
@VanessaBaizan [name pseudonymized]: Amazing. #CriticalRaceTheory #CriticalRaceTheoryIsRacist #racism #woke @ConceptualJames [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 June 2021 at 3:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JanaeSearer [name pseudonymized]: #woke-‘oorlog’, ‘terreur’, ‘angstregime, ‘gemuilkorfd’ 😳 - totaal van de pot gerukt dit soort taal. Woorden die wél passen bij de moord, terreur en slavernij die ons koloniaal verleden kenmerkt. Maar, ja dat heet in de krant nog steevast ‘gouden eeuw’...🙄 [URL redacted]

"In het Nederlandse hoger onderwijs speelt zich een heuse cultuuroorlog af. Onder de noemers 'diversiteit' en 'inclusiviteit' en aangejaagd door speciale diversity officers moeten de universiteiten worden gezuiverd van 'anti-zwart-racisme, witte superioriteit en kolonialisme'. Maar die aanpak stuit op kritiek. „Mensen zijn bang en voelen zich gemuilkorfd."" translated via GoogleTranslate "A real culture war is taking place in Dutch higher education. Under the headings of 'diversity' and 'inclusiveness' and driven by special diversity officers, the universities must be purged of 'anti-black racism, white superiority and colonialism'. But that approach has been criticized. "People are scared and feel muzzled."" #NewspaperNLBrdshtDeTelegraaf #PhenomnColonialism #MetaphorWarfareCulture #LiteralSchoolCollegeUniversity #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI #IdentityWhite #SlurWhiteSupremacy #SymbolHairColourBlue

Archived on 7 June 2021 at 6:45 am [URL redacted]
@EdenSengupta [name pseudonymized]: Le délire #woke ➡️ « The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind » A psychiatrist lecturing at Yale's Child Study Center spoke about 'unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way.' [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 June 2021 at 10:30 am [URL redacted]
@LizbethKight [name pseudonymized]: Absolute woke nonsense having people of a not historically appropriate skin colour playing famous figures from the past. #AnneBoleyn #JodieTurnerSmith #woke #Wokeness [URL redacted]

#IRLHistoricalFigureAnneBoleyn #IRLActorJodieTurnerSmith #TheoryRevisionismHistorical

Context: #VlogTheRootFeliceLeon #BehaviourExnominationWhiteness

Addendum: I can only assume that this tweet is meant to be ironic i.e. antagonistic to criticism of 'wokeness' because the images of various actors playing #BeliefDeityGodAllahYHWHJesusChristMessiah are clearly not representative of peoples originating from the #ToponymEastMiddle i.e. they are uncharacteristically #IdentityWhite - representative of people living in the #PhenomnAnglosphere

Archived on 26 May 2021 at 7:00 am [URL redacted]
@MelvinSuel [name pseudonymized] [06]: Live view of #White #Woke #Leftists apologizing for their whiteness: [URL redacted]
Archived on 30 April 2021 at 7:30 am [URL redacted]
@KamaleiAgilera [name pseudonymized]: #Woke et #Cancelculture à l'envers. [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 April 2021 at 7:00 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 April 2021 at 1:45 pm [URL redacted]
@DoreenCsik [name pseudonymized] [09]: First Corbyn, now Starmer... Woke Labour are now detested by real working class British people. #LabourParty #Woke [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 April 2021 at 7:15 am [URL redacted]
@ShelleySchlink [name pseudonymized] [04]: @gmb gone totally politically correct now? Not a single British white person presenting the news. #congratulations you're 100% #woke 'news' organisation now, u made it. #GMB #tooleftwingnow #multicultureism gone haywire. [URL redacted]

The logic of this tweet seems to go along the lines of: "it's OK to have some non white people on #NMUKITVGMB - in a tokenistic kind of way (because after all, it's not like they're essential of anything) - as a type of 'decoration' / evidence used to stave off criticism of being racist, but of course, because they're not fulfilling an essential role - the more of 'them' i.e. #MetaphorVersusUsThem that you have the fewer 'legitimate' i.e. white people that you have to do the actual job". The 'give away' is the characterisation of a "British white person" i.e. a 'legitimate British person' (pointing to the idea that #IdentityWhite is an essential attribute of Britishness). The tweet is an overt example of deep-seated #OtheringDiscriminationRacism and strongly implies that the author feels under attack i.e. #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation as they struggle (resist) to engaged with contemporary society i.e. a #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity if ever there was one.

Interestingly, the image used to illustrate the tweet is taken from a video, which shows #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesBorisJohnson, moments before being infamously stuck on a zip-wire while intending to celebrate/raise awareness for the UK winning its first Olympic gold medal in the #2012_LondonOlympicGames i.e. an image that has become synonymous with #TauntSnatchingDefeatFromTheJawsOfVictory i.e. Presumably, the image is meant to signify a sense of #PoliticsNationalismConservative re #TauntFlagWaving etc.

Supplementary: #2006_Borat version of infamous image:

Archived on 6 April 2021 at 5:45 am [URL redacted]
@MitchellBrizard [name pseudonymized] [02]: White self-hatred is SICK!!! "Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White! "Diversity is a code word for #WhiteGenocide! "#Diversity means chasing down the last White person! Repeat those and wake up from "#WOKE"! [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 March 2021 at 9:45 pm [URL redacted]
@QuintonKanzig [name pseudonymized] [10]: White Privilege #woke [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#ToponymEuropeNetherlands #PhenomnWhitePrivilege
Historical images of #PowerControlExploitationChildLabour seemingly being used as #ReasoningFallacyStrawman that exploitation is not directly correlated with race (racial discrimination) - presumably offering up the explanation that such situations are solely the consequence of a lack-of-opportunity, and certainly not discrimination. The argument seeks to shift focus back onto the issue of #IdentityClassWorking #IdentityWhite. This type of argument follows the logic that #OtheringDiscriminationRacism isn't an issue because people of all races are able to be discriminated against (and so discrimination against black people is simply one example of many, rather than a category of itself - and so deserves no special treatment). This image (from the above collection) seems to typify this thesis: (which strongly implies that #IdentityIndigenousBlackPeopleOfColourBIPOC are being exploited by white people) which is contrasted with this image: (which because it includes a white boy shining shoes - that was cropped out of the first image - strongly implies that race isn't the determining issue).

Archived on 17 March 2021 at 5:45 pm [URL redacted]
@ReidPenczak [name pseudonymized]: Yet @billburr can’t have a black wife and not get shit for it. This “wOmYN oF CoLoR” has thus white simp for two reasons. 1, she’s trying to play the “I’m not racist, see. I’m getting this white dick.” Or 2, they actually love each other. #woke people are #hypocrites too STFU. [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 March 2021 at 10:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JoannPearse [name pseudonymized] [14]: @Oneiorosgrip #Woke "Leftism" divides workforces along identitarian lines, thus helping to undermine organizing attempts, & break existing unions. It also provides cover for the destruction of the USA middle class by harping on its "whiteness" and "privilege." Its critics are called racists. [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 March 2021 at 8:00 am [URL redacted]
@LorettaLedwith [name pseudonymized]: I watched some old #HarryEnfield shows last night. True comedy genius and definitely not #woke. They really don’t make’em like they used to and very sadly never will again. [URL redacted]
Archived on 17 February 2021 at 4:45 pm [URL redacted]
@JaneThibodeaux [name pseudonymized] [09]: @nypost #woke #WhitePrivilege [URL redacted]

reply to tweet about #IRLScholarBarnorHesse's #IdentityWhite identities scale

Archived on 15 February 2021 at 6:30 pm [URL redacted]
@RaekwonMagera [name pseudonymized]: Hey @adidas why are you supporting the Slow Factory Foundation which is distributing this neoracist garbage to white parents in US public schools? I know you support them because you appear on their website. Shameful #wokenidiots #woke #neoracism #CriticalRaceTheory #antiracism [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 February 2021 at 11:15 am [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 January 2021 at 5:15 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 15 December 2020 at 7:30 pm [URL redacted]
@RosemaryWonser [name pseudonymized]: Why do woke White Leftist hipsters look the same? - Man-bun - Red flannel shirt - Beard - Glasses - Skinny jeans - Sandals They are literal NPC's. No sense of individuality whatsoever. #NPC #NPCMEME #AntiSJW #AntiLeftist #AntiWoke #SJW #Leftist #Woke #hipster #hipsters [URL redacted]
Archived on 25 July 2020 at 9:30 am [URL redacted]
@PamelaSarna [name pseudonymized] [25]: @TrishaPhillipss Is @BBC trying to tell us that our race nationality identity isn't important! why does #BBC social experiment sound like a #woke white shaming marxist experiment ignoring census data & pushing BLM lefty militants What "do you identify as white" mean racist when it suits BBC [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 May 2020 at 3:45 pm [URL redacted]
@AmiraManzer [name pseudonymized]: Big Energy: the people seem pretty united across classes in regards to #environmentalism. How can we sew division and distract them from their goals? #Woke corporatists: [URL redacted]
Archived on 25 April 2020 at 3:15 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 April 2020 at 8:00 pm [URL redacted]
@IanHonda [name pseudonymized]: @ComradeJ3b @pseudocia Most everything about America used to be about white working people until (((they))) invented the #woke and #lgbt. The tree of liberty will soon be refreshed by the blood of patriots and tyrants [URL redacted]

#TauntWoke use to denote #OtheringElitesLiberalCulturalEducated (or some other confused description). #IdentityWhite #IdentityClassWorking #IdentityLGBTQIA #TheoryDeclinism #PhenomnAccountSuspension

Supplementary: nostalgiaic, #TheoryRevisionismHistorical, which #IRLScholarBasilBernstein understands: retrospective "identities use as resources narratives of the past which provide exemplars, criteria, belonging and . ... This provides for an unambiguous, stable, intellectually impervious, collective identity. This consumes the self in all its manifestations and gives it a site outside of current and future instabilities, beyond current ambiguities of judgement, relation and conduct" (Basil Bernstein 2000, p.74). #TheoryRetrospectiveIdentities
Bernstein, Basil. (2000). 'Pedagogy Symbolic Control and Identity, Theory Research Critique'. Oxford, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Addendum: #PoliticsFascismUltraPalingenetic i.e. ?

Context: using the Roman #SymbolFasces i.e. a bound bundle of wooden rods surrounding an axe. The symbol appears on the US Mercury dime, which was struck between 1916 to 1945. It's worth noting that the symbol was the inspiration for #PoliticsFascism. #SymbolEmblemFlagUSBetsyRoss 

Archived on 19 April 2020 at 8:00 pm [URL redacted]
@MaryannAhrenholz [name pseudonymized] [02]: @Wormwoo04548746 @pseudocia Parties like labour used to be about white working people. Then they were hijacked by #woke and #lgbtq How the mighty have fallen [URL redacted]

"white working people" invokes retrospective and #PleaNostalgia narrative... see: #IdentityLGBTQIA #PleaAuthenticity #TheoryDeclinism

image taken out of context and used to support #TheoryRevisionismHistorical narrative. #IdentityWhite #IdentityClassWorking #PhenomnMiningMiner

Archived on 26 March 2020 at 4:15 am [URL redacted]
@MaryannAhrenholz [name pseudonymized] [02]: The #left / #labour back then : Class struggle, against capitalism for the working class. The left / @labour now : Bourgeoisie twats / champagne #socialism , #woke politics and #LGBTQ [URL redacted]
Archived on 8 March 2020 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JuneTeichner [name pseudonymized]: Totuus woke aatteesta pähkinänkuoressa. Pakko iskeä jokaisen länsimaalaisen tajuntaan. #woke #SJW #leftism [URL redacted]

tweet translated from #ToponymEuropeNordicFinland: "The truth about the idea of woke in a nutshell. Forced to strike the consciousness of every Westerner" #MetaphorWarfareSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #TauntLeftism #_Focal

"If you wanted to destroy
a race without killing it
directly, you would ...
Promote race mixing
Promote homosexuality
Promote feminism
Promote divorce
Promote the use of birth control
Promote abortion rights
Promote sex with dolls
Promote 'Men Go Their Own Way'
Promote the irrelevance of the family
Teach them that race does not exist
Teach them to feel ashamed of their heritage
Push for mass immigration into their lands
Call them racists when they defend themselves" #TheoryCodedFemininityOver #PoliticsNationalismRomantic, #TheoryEssentialismCultural, #ConspiracyTheoryCulturalMarxism and even #PoliticsNationalismEthno / #PowerControlSegregationEthnopluralism #IdentityWhite #OtheringDenialPseudospeciation i.e. #PhenomnSexualityFetishAgalmatophilia #PleaManosphereMenGoingTheirOwnWayMGTOW #MetaphorWarfareUnderAttackBlameAvoidance #TheorySociologySocialInertiaAnachronism

Context: the dress i.e. appears to have been designed by Daniel Fendler i.e. who appears to trade under the name 'Daniel Fendler Trachtencouture' i.e. The image is part of a set i.e. and used to promote traditional #ToponymEuropeGermanyBavaria.n costumes known as #SymbolTrachtDirndl i.e. The headband and bracelet used in the shoot were seemingly designed by the #ToponymEuropeGermanyBavariaMunich company 'Schönes Fräulein' i.e. And
Supplementary: "the concept of hegemonic masculinity has been used in gender studies since the early-1980s to explain men's power over women. Stressing the legitimating power of consent (rather than crude physical or political power to ensure submission)" as per: #IRLPhilosopherKarlPopper's "conspiracy theory of society": is also an interesting concept here. #MagazineUKTheSpectatorLionelShriver's piece on Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban i.e. and is a useful case here. Adam Rutherford's critique is that the article is merely a rehash of #ConspiracyTheoryGreatReplacement tropes i.e.
Addendum: the overtly racist meme seems to belie #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation. It points to a seemingly #NarrativeStableMorality concept of society i.e. one centring on the a priori of #PhenomnSexualityHeterosexuality, #TheoryHegemonicMasculinity (clear and explicitly defined, gender-hierarchy), sanctity of the nuclear family, a traditional #BeliefChristianity belief system, #MetaphorPurityRacial etc. seeks to assert the authority of a fundamentalist i.e. faith-based (genetically-justified, prescribed/precondition, religiously preordained) concept of society (in contrast with the commonly accepted 'social construct' model. #ReasoningFallacyAppealToTraditionValues #TheoryRetrospectiveIdentities #TheoryCodedFemininityOverTradWives ? #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #NarrativeTruthImmutableUniversalIncontrovertibleAbsolute #CharacterisationInjuryFeelingAggrievedResentmentGrudge #ConspiracyTheoryWhiteGenocide is a #SlurWhiteSupremacy #ConspiracyTheoryGreatReplacement e.g. "'The Great Replacement,' a reference to a conspiracy theory that non-white immigration is part of a plot to 'replace' white people with people of color"
