Archived on 13 June 2023 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@BiancaWisler [name pseudonymized]: @australian Amazing how the #MurdochGutterMedia uses the term #virtuesignaling & #woke at every given opportunity while they propagate the #culturewars at every opportunity for profit [URL redacted]

#NewspaperAUBrdshtTheAustralian #NewspaperAUBrdshtTheDailyTelegraph #NewspaperAUTabloidHeraldSun (Melbourne) #NewspaperAUTabloidTheAdvertiser (Adelaide) #NewspaperAUTabloidTheCourierMail (Brisbane) #NewspaperAUTabloidTheMercury (Hobart) #MetaphorCircusClown
'Football meat pies kangaroos and Turnbull/Abbott LIES'

Supplementary: #NewspaperUKOnlineTheLondonEconomicJosephConnor
"More than half of people feel politicians are using so-called culture wars to distract from other issues, according to a survey which also found the term 'woke' is increasingly seen as an insult.
Almost two thirds (62%) of those polled said politicians 'invent or exaggerate' culture wars as a political tactic - up from less than half (44%) three years ago, the research suggested.
Just one in 10 people felt politicians who talk about divisions over cultural issues genuinely believe it is an important topic, with 56% feeling they are just trying to distract people from other important topics." #CatchcryDivision #TauntMediaManipulationDistraction #EDUUKUniversityKingsCollegeLondonKCL #BrandIpsosMori
