Archived on 30 January 2021 at 5:45 am [URL redacted]
@TanaJindrich [name pseudonymized] [04]: For All Who Think Failed #California Wanna Be #vicepresident #kamalaharris is a #Woke Inspirational #Woman.... Learn The #Truth Before You Fall for the #Media's Spin on things.... #America #USA #FIGHTBACK for #Peace & #Freedom! #AmericaFirst NOT #socialism #equity or #socialism [URL redacted]

Tweet used to support a status quo position i.e. Harris' win is inconsequential because it relied on support from others (evoking a #MetaphorVersusCompetitionCooperation stance). Or put another way, to what extent have other candidates been measured against the same criteria (when they might have been bank-rolled by #TauntBigBusinessCorporateCorporations, #PoliticsSpoilsSystemCronyism, #LiteralImpartialityReligiousInterest etc)? #PhenomnCulturalHegemony

Supplementary: "Conservatism is only defined as 'maintaining the status quo' by liberals. The reason that they pegged that definition is because they cannot figure out why a conservative thinks as they do thus they are left to try making a definition based on observances.
The USA was founded on guidance by Golden Rule. A true conservative lives by the Golden Euke [sic] thus seeks to keep laws and traditions that were founded upon it. Thus from that perspective the definition given by liberals is correct but far from accurate overall since a conservative will similarly seek to change anything that violates the Golden Rule.
The Golden Rule requires being mindful and equally fair with others. Liberals don't see it that way. Liberals seek to have the balance swing in their favor, and they think that all are alike in that aspect. So let's take the issue where a liberal wants to 'tax the rich'. That, of course, comes from envy and covetness, both of which violates the Golden Rule. Since it violates the Golden Rule then the conservative will be opposed to it on those merits alone. Further, though, they apply the Golden Rule and ask their self, 'if I were wealthy then would I think it fair to be taxed at a higher rate than I am now taxed at?' The answer is, 'no', therefore it is also seen as a double standard, and double standards always violate the Golden Rule. So for that reason they will oppose the 'tax the rich' policies though they are not rich themselves.
In that same situation, though, Liberals try to figure out why the conservatives aren't joining with them. They assume that all have the same goal as they (to swing the balances in their favor) so they are left to trying to figure out why the conservatives are not uniting with them. They figure that it must be because either the conservatives are opposed to change or because the conservatives think that they will become rich some day; it is beyond their comprehension to assume that they might be placing the Golden Rule as a higher standard than their own best interests or for the ability to get gain. So the liberals come up with their definition for 'conservative' yet it is in left field and nobody can convince them otherwise.
Progress happens with conservatism because of two factors: (1) each will follow the Golden Rule in their pursuits, and (2) each is free in their pursuits. Notice how that doesn't work with liberalism because liberals will seek their own interests in their pursuits even at the peril of others. You see this mentality being revealed even in comedy. On Gilligan's Island there was the liberal portrayal of 'the rich' in Mr Howell; with that it was comically portrayed how he stepped on, and squashed, others in order to get to the top. He is given a liberal mentality of being self-centered yet they try to suggest that he is conservative (hence would be following the Golden Rule). That's how a liberal may act in such a position and, of course, that's because the character was created by a liberal.
Another example is Welcome Back Kotter (again created by liberals) where Horseshack's uncle is wealthy and had gotten that way by stepping on others. Again, that defies the Golden Rule hence defies conservatism yet the liberals try to portray conservatives as such. I'm reality, that is liberalism being branded as conservatism.
I [sic] the conservative world, progress is made because a person sees an opportunity to provide what others want and so they pursue it. Conservative policies do not punish them for pursuing it but rather make it possible. Thus for the motivation of making a living at doing what they want to do they are able to become the best at it. Some will fail while others will succeed, but all have the opportunity.
Liberalism closes the door on progress because it evolves to crony capitalism. Crony capitalism seeks for the corporation to have unfair advantages over others. In other words, they want the balances to be tilted in their favor, which is the mentality behind liberalism and is being manifest in the larger scale. Crony capitalism only occurs under liberal corporate leaders - never conservatism. Crony capitalism stifles competition so that the corporation can immorally obtain more wealth than would have normally been gained. When scales get moved in favor of one or another then it will stifle progress every time. Hence liberalism will have a gradual decline when in power. But since conservatism seeks to keep everything fair, and allows each to keep what they earn, then progress will naturally take place." #BeliefChristianityBibleNTGospelOfMatthewGoldenRule i.e. "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12). #PoliticsStatusQuo #TheoryIndividualismHeroic #TVGilligansIsland #TVWelcomeBackKotter #TauntBigBusinessCorporateCorporations
PoliticsSpoilsSystemCronyCapitalismΩ #PoliticsSpoilsSystemCronyCapitalism
