Archived on 28 September 2022 at 12:45 pm [URL redacted]
@CharleneKlebe [name pseudonymized]: Are they serious? @mjavinod @Samarth_6 #woke #wokemaxpro @libsoftiktok [URL redacted]

#MagazineUSTheAtlanticPhillipsOBrien "The persistence of the Putin-Cruz-Carlson vision of war is surprising, because we have decades, even centuries, of evidence to the contrary. Since the Industrial Revolution, and in many ways before, the ability to run a complex system has been the cornerstone of strategic success. Though much military popular literature likes to stress the human drama of combat--the bravery and sacrifice, the cowardice and atrocity--it is not nearly as important in victory or defeat as many people assume. In state-to-state wars--a category that includes the current Russian invasion of Ukraine as well as broader conflicts such as the two world wars--the side that can most efficiently deploy more effective equipment operated by better-trained personnel has typically emerged victorious." #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverHyper #MetaphorVersusSimpleComplexAnswers #OrgClassifPPRUSUnitedRussiaVladimirPutin #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPTedCruz #NMUSFOXFNCTuckerCarlson #MetaphorVersusWestEastRussia / #OrgRUAFM

Supplementary: "hypermasculinity, sociological term denoting exaggerated forms of masculinity, virility, and physicality. Scholars have suggested that there are three distinct characteristics associated with the hypermasculine personality:
(1) the view of violence as manly,
(2) the perception of danger as exciting and sensational, and
(3) callous behavior toward women and a regard toward emotional displays as feminine.
Hypermasculine archetypes abound in the mass media, especially action films. The films of Clint Eastwood, for example, usually feature a strong, silent hero who exhibits no emotion as he dispatches his enemies. A female lead character with exaggerated 'feminine' qualities is often added to accentuate the masculine traits of the hero." #IndivActorClintEastwood #MetaphorHero #TheoryCodedFemininityOver #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverStoic
