Archived on 10 January 2022 at 8:15 am [URL redacted]
@KathleenMangieri [name pseudonymized] [03]: 🔴 Avec le hashtag #colloquedelahonte, on constate que l'idéologie #woke est encore bien gravée dans l'esprit d'une toute petite minorité active ➡️ À lire ici : [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"What is wokism? A monoma of hyper-sensitive Western teenagers wanting to wipe out the past. Wokism is the meeting of Maoism and the Disney Club; the bastard and cruel child of the worst of the egalitarian cultural revolution and ultra-liberalism in a 'my body, my choice' way. Everything becomes possible, to the point of denying the most elementary biology. 'I am a woman' because I have decided it. 'I' can even be a dolphin or a cat. Everything is allowed, especially the most stupid, as long as the parents are unhappy. By the term 'parents', one must also understand authority, standard, country and civilisation. The avowed aim of all these tendencies is indeed to put down all that we are, all that we were. They want to strike out from executives everything that is not a visible minority, applying unambiguous and tyrannical prior censorship that will stop at nothing." #PoliticsProgressivismSocialLiberalism #PhenomnColonialism #IdentityFirstNations #IdentityLGBTQIA #CauseFeminism #IdentityWhite #PhenomnSexualityHeterosexuality #MetaphorThreatExistential

Archived on 28 July 2021 at 4:15 pm [URL redacted]
@KathleenMangieri [name pseudonymized] [03]: 🔴La Fondapol a publié un rapport en deux volets sur le phénomène #woke, pour analyser ses ressorts idéologiques et mesurer ses implications sociales. Décryptage⤵️ À lire ici : [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#MagazineLIncorrectRemiCarlu #TauntLeftRadical #AdvocacyFRFondapolDominiqueReynie #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI
Extract via Google Translate: "Based on the work of #IndivAuthorHelenPluckrose and #WebsiteNewDiscoursesJamesLindsay, the report draws a straight line between Wokism and #TheoryModernPost i.e. #TheoryModernPostConservatism. Refusing the very existence of scientificity and objectivity, these radical progressives consider, like #IndivPhilosopherMichelFoucault, that existing knowledge is a production of power, therefore unrelated to knowledge. Therefore, it is the identity of power that must be questioned. It is from this assumption that the meritocratic-universalist discourse can be deconstructed, for it would only be the rhetorical facade of a power held by white men to maintain their social positions, while shamelessly discriminating against minorities in everything. kind."

Context: regarding L'Incorrect
Supplementary: by #AdvocacyFRFondapolDominiqueReynie

Archived on 19 January 2022 at 6:45 pm [URL redacted]
@KathleenMangieri [name pseudonymized] [03]: 🔴 Noyés dans leur idéalisme #woke et climatique, les jeunes gens contemporains croient faire de la politique quand ils dénoncent et invectivent ➡️ À lire ici : [URL redacted] [URL redacted]