Archived on 14 May 2023 at 5:30 am [URL redacted]
@MahinaHemken [name pseudonymized] [02]: [URL redacted] #Woke #Cambridge students attempt to cancel screening of film exploring WORLDWIDE DECLINING birthrates AND #Feminisim @men_odins @imbrettcooper @Johnincarlisle
Archived on 29 March 2023 at 1:30 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 15 March 2023 at 11:00 pm [URL redacted]
@ShylaDenniston [name pseudonymized]: @oxfamgb’s list of banned words according to its new “inclusive” language guide. How does a charity meant to alleviate poverty think it has the right to dictate our language? #woke @KonstantinKisin @GBNEWS @TitaniaMcGrath @andrewdoyle_com @LozzaFox [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"'Mother' 'Father'
'A victim of'
'normal' 'healthy' 'able-bodied'
'natural disasters'
'vulnerable people' 'vulnerable women'
'black market'
'the elderly', 'seniors' 'youth'
'standing with'
'sanitary products'
'expectant mothers' 'illegal immigrant'
'economic migrant'
'the West'
'developed / developing / underdeveloped
'international aid'
'ethnic minority'
'local language', 'local people' local anything
'natural disasters'
'poor people' 'the poor'
'beneficiaries' 'recipients'
'giving a voice to' 'helping'"

Archived on 17 July 2022 at 5:30 pm [URL redacted]
@CheriLangford [name pseudonymized]: Managed to stay alive today, but only just. Helped by the July copy @TheCriticMag #woke book . #ClimateCrisis [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 July 2022 at 2:30 pm [URL redacted]
@ChristianTorguson [name pseudonymized] [04]: The Wonderful World of the #Woke 😂😂😂 They LITERALLY are EATING THEMSELVES.... (thank #GOD!) [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 March 2022 at 6:15 am [URL redacted]
@KelseyDenlinger [name pseudonymized] [02]: A #woke Egyptologist?!? Good grief. [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 March 2022 at 1:45 pm [URL redacted]
@DominiqueSegreti [name pseudonymized] [02]: Awwww @andrewdoyle_com & @DouglasKMurray we’re so disappointed. 😢 It’s been scheduled for 5/5 since last year, what went wrong?! Was looking forward to all the extra crazy #woke content you’ve collected!! Have you any other events coming up?? @EventimApollo #resistingwokeness [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 February 2022 at 4:45 pm [URL redacted]
@LaraGlotzbach [name pseudonymized] [11]: @andrewdoyle_com @spikedonline @HeydonProwse The #Woke simply can’t accept there might be alternative views that are ‘worthy of respect in a democratic society’. Trudeau is just taking #wokism to its natural next step. [URL redacted]

#2021_CanadianFederalLeadersDebate #NMCACBCNewsNetworkRosemaryBarton
"Rosemary Barton (01:30:28):
You said in 2019 that Canadians should never have to make the, and these are your words, impossible choice between paying for medications or putting food on the table. We have seen you particularly in these recent months willing to spend billions of dollars on programs that matter to your government, daycare would be another example of that. Why is there no money in your platform or in your most recent budget for a national PharmaCare program? Is it no longer a priority? And should you not just tell Canadians that, sir?
Justin Trudeau (01:30:57):
No, it continues to be a priority because indeed, no one should have to choose between paying for groceries and medications. On health investments, we were all focused on COVID-19 and supporting the provinces and making sure that on that we were giving the support we needed so we could have Canadians' backs. But at the same time, we worked with a number of different jurisdictions and we've actually signed with Prince Edward Island a national universal PharmaCare first step-
Rosemary Barton (01:31:26):
Yeah, you've signed one deal, sir, but there's nothing in your platform in terms of costing. I understand the pandemic kept you busy. What about going forward? Why wouldn't you put that in place?
Justin Trudeau (01:31:35):
Going forward, we are going to continue to. But we know that it's not something-
Rosemary Barton (01:31:38):
Continue to is not do.
Justin Trudeau (01:31:39):
We did with Prince Edward Island, we're going to continue to do with others. In respect of the provincial jurisdiction, that is delivery of healthcare. We can't impose PharmaCare on a province that doesn't want it unlike the NDP proposes, we are going to work in partnership as we have on so many things to get it done like we did on childcare." #NoRAmericaNorthCanada

Archived on 6 February 2022 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@DiegoSadhu [name pseudonymized]: Next book on the list #Woke by the queen of parody ⁦@TitaniaMcGrath⁩ - looking forward to this! [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 February 2022 at 1:45 pm [URL redacted]
@LisaKewish [name pseudonymized] [46]: I’ve just published a post on Free Speech. It’s with video link and on my site. You’ll find it in the Free Speech Category. #FreeSpeech, #TransIssues, #CancelCulture, #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 17 January 2022 at 7:45 am [URL redacted]
@JamariKalies [name pseudonymized]: Well. #Rassismus beim #ZDF. #woke [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

tweet responding to Die Tageszeitung article criticising a #BrandMetaInstagram post by #NMDEZDF, which supposedly includes a slur.

Context: And
Supplementary: Grada Kilomba (2008). 'Plantation Memories: Episodes of Everyday Racism'.

#WebsiteSpikedAndrewDoyleAKATitaniaMcGrath tweet seeking to draw parallels between controversy about the misrepresentation of #IdentityIndigenousBlackPeopleOfColourBIPOC and discussions about a supposed #OtheringHateAntisemitismCaricatureGoblin trope in #IndivAuthorJKRowling's #FictionalCharacterHarryPotter (and therefore wider controversy about Rowling and the #SlurTERF position). i.e. using a #ReasoningFallacyStrawman to serve a #PleaAWorldOfSimpleStableFixedOperations agenda.

Supplementary: #NewspaperDEBrdshtDieTageszeitungTazSilkeMertins "It's part of the business model at Bild to whine about leftists. ... One wonders who exactly Bild has in mind when she talks about 'our children'. With around 40 percent of first graders having a migration background, it is high time to discuss which songs and images of society are still appropriate today."
"Es gehört bei der Bild zum Geschäftsmodell, über Linke zu jammern. ...Man fragt sich, wen genau Bild im Kopf hat, wenn sie von 'unseren Kindern' spricht. Denn mit rund 40 Prozent Erstklässlern mit Migrationshintergrund wird es höchste Zeit, darüber zu diskutieren, welche Lieder und Gesellschaftsbilder heute noch angemessen sind."!5826402/ #PhenomnColonialism #NewspaperDETabloidBildZeitung

Archived on 14 January 2022 at 9:45 am [URL redacted]
@JadenConnacher [name pseudonymized]: Y 3... #woke [URL redacted]

#NewspaperESTabloidElMundoLaLectura #IndivAuthorJKRowling #SlurTERF #WebsiteSpikedAndrewDoyleAKATitaniaMcGrath

Context: "We live in troubled times. Culture and freedom of expression are beset by intransigence. Identity fervors, populism and sectarianism gain ground and join forces to impose 'cancellation' and censorship, in a global context of crisis and questioning of the principles and values ​​of liberal democracies. EL MUNDO has not wanted to be left out of these challenges. For this reason, La Lectura was born with the vocation to vindicate the principles of the Enlightenment and appeal to reason, education and a critical sense."
Supplementary: this is a #LiteralSourcePrintMedia with [Xiaomi] 'Redmi Note 9T' burnt in to bottom-left of image.

Archived on 9 January 2022 at 8:15 pm [URL redacted]
@SebastianUmstead [name pseudonymized] [41]: GB News on how only 20% of #Britain is on social media and how .. 'Has a disproportionate influence' and 'debate means if you win you get sworn at and compared to Hitler' and its all #Woke authoritarians and #censorship is out of control. [URL redacted]

#NMUKGBNews #WebsiteSpikedAndrewDoyleAKATitaniaMcGrath #TauntBigTech #PhenomnCensorshipOfSocialMedia #TheoryGodwinsLawOfNaziAnalogies #IndivHistoricalFigureMaryWhitehouse #IndivEntrepreneurHunterBiden #NewspaperUSTabloidNewYorkPost #IndivHistoricalFigureAlexanderHamilton #MetaphorVersusGenderSex #IndivAuthorFranzKafka #1914_TheTrial #IndivHistoricalFigureKarlMarx #LiteralDemos i.e. #PlatformSMAltTechParler #BrandMetaMarkZuckerberg #PlatformSMAltTechGettr #PhenomnOligopoly #CatchcryIlliberalTimes #CatchcryFreedomOfSpeechFreeSpeech #PodcastChJoeRoganExperienceJRE #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseMainstreamMediaMSM #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation / #MetaphorDissenterRebelOutsider #MetaphorSpatialEchoChamber #MetaphorVersusRightWingLeftWing #SlurTERF #CharacterisationDogmatistIdeologue #IdentityClassMiddle kids in #NoRAmericaNorthUSCalifornia

Context: Doyle's comparison between #PlatformSMTwitterTWTR banning #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPPOTUSDonaldTrump (for his part in the #2020_CapitolSiege) but not #IndivLeaderAyatollahKhamenei (for criticising #NoREastMiddIsrael's occupation of #NoRPalestine land) appears to be based on a #NewspaperUSTabloidNewYorkPostYaronSteinbuch article from (12 May 12 2021).
Supplementary: Doyle makes specific mention of "Section 230 of the CDA [Communications Decency Act of #1996_] provides protection for providers and users of an 'interactive computer service' from liability for third party content that they publish. Specifically, Section 230 provides that 'No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider'."

Archived on 5 January 2022 at 8:15 pm [URL redacted]
@StephanieDombek [name pseudonymized] [27]: #Comedian #Andrew_Doyle takes apart woke #comedy and #political_Correctness ... [URL redacted] via @YouTube #GBNews #Woke #Free_Speech
Archived on 28 November 2021 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
@HeatherHavran [name pseudonymized]: Esto de #TitaniaMcGrath en «#Woke» no parece irónico: “Nadie le impedirá nunca a otra persona decir cosas correctas, así que es lógico concluir que solo necesitan la libertad de expresión quienes piensan decir las cosas equivocadas.” [URL redacted] @HombresG [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 November 2021 at 7:15 am [URL redacted]
@LisaKewish [name pseudonymized] [46]: I’ve just published post 2 on Andrew Doyle and Free Speech. It’s with video link and on my site. You’ll find it in the #FreeSpeech Category. #AndrewDoyle, #FreeSpeechNation, #Woke, #CancelCulture [URL redacted]
Archived on 8 November 2021 at 12:30 pm [URL redacted]
@StephanieDombek [name pseudonymized] [27]: #Free_Speech Nation with #Andrew_Doyle The Podcast Episode 5: Helen Joyce [URL redacted] via @YouTube #GBNews #Free_Speech #Woke #Cancel Culture. #Farage #Steve_Laws #Condell #Tice #Patel
Archived on 16 September 2021 at 5:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JerryKalita [name pseudonymized]: Thrilled social justice activist theatre does not preclude snacks & pink wine. About to be educated by @TitaniaMcGrath herself* (pronoun assumed) #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 September 2021 at 6:00 pm [URL redacted]
@DominickTwarog [name pseudonymized]: @RealCandaceO @Timcast @SydneyLWatson @pnjaban @MrAndyNgo @TheQuartering @ginacarano @TheLaurenChen @benshapiro @BretWeinstein @TitaniaMcGrath #vaccine #covid19 #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 August 2021 at 10:30 am [URL redacted]
@CarrieCoast [name pseudonymized]: Why the #woke narrative is effective [URL redacted] @andrewdoyle_com @jordanbpeterson [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 August 2021 at 9:45 am [URL redacted]
@VincentZwicker [name pseudonymized] [02]: @LaSuperPasteque Heureusement, il y a le compte de @TitaniaMcGrath pour nous tenir informé des délires #woke. Dommage que #RTBF et #ULB soient tombé dans le panneau [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 July 2021 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JanaeEinfalt [name pseudonymized]: «Como sucede con todos los activistas importantes, la mayor parte del trabajo de Alyssa Milano se desarrolló en Twitter.» 'Mi pequeño libro de activismo interseccional' es la guía ilustrada de iconos #woke de @TitaniaMcGrath. 🔎 Comienza a leer: [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#WebsiteSpikedAndrewDoyleAKATitaniaMcGrath #2020_MyLittleBookOfIntersectionalActivism: "After the success of 'Woke', Titania McGrath takes her talents into the realm of children's non-fiction. Aimed at activists between the ages of six months and six years, 'My Little Book of Intersectional Activism' will help educate a new progressive generation with its explanations on gender identity, climate change, how to argue with crypto-fascists." #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #CauseActivismSocial

"Creo que estamos en una época en la que el mundo metafísico es superinteresante." [I think we are in a time where the metaphysical world is super interesting.] #IndivActorAlyssaMilano

Archived on 24 July 2021 at 12:15 am [URL redacted]
@MalcolmAlston [name pseudonymized]: @Sales_Rainmaker @WhirredPlay Some light summer reading arrived today, on the recommendation of a French professor! I’ll share the quality one liners I’ve been promised. #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 July 2021 at 3:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JaylaStrzelec [name pseudonymized] [05]: @TitaniaMcGrath couldn't come up with satire this good; but it is so good I am not sure whether it's real or satire. That's how crazy #woke #feminism is nowadays [URL redacted] #NarrativeTruthHoax #IndivActivistAshleighIngle e.g.

Context: #OtheringHateMisogyny i.e. "So a misogynist with an axe to grind completely made up a story about two very real feminist activists ini the hopes of smearing their name and making feminists look stupid. And now, it's fucking everywhere, including under a lot of headlines reading, ironically, 'sadly, I'm afraid this is real' and 'of course fart rape is a thing.' And it's to the point where famous metal guitarist Gary Holt is selling tshirts and getting 15,000 likes for really sticking it to feminists, even though he's totally not anti-feminist you guys. Why? Because misogynists are fucking morons. One of them made up a story about how stupid feminists are and ended up proving how gullible misogynists are."

Archived on 15 July 2021 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@ChristineRohlf [name pseudonymized] [02]: 🗣️ Nouvelle étude @Fondapol | L'idéologie #woke | par @Valent1Pierre Cette étude vise à analyser l’influence croissante de ce système de croyances sur nos sociétés occidentales. 1️⃣ Anatomie du wokisme [URL redacted] 2️⃣ Face au wokisme [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"New study Fondapol The woke ideology by Valent1Pierre. This study aims to analyse the growing influence of this belief system on our Western societies."

#AdvocacyFRFondapolPierreValentin And #TheoryModernPost i.e. #TheoryModernPostConservatism #CharacterisationWeaknessVictimismVictimMentality #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI #TauntWokeism #EDUUSEvergreenStateCollegeBretWeinstein #IndivDeceasedGeorgeFloyd #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #IndivSingerEricaWrightAKAErykahBadu / #IndivSingerGeorgiaAnneMuldrow #2008_MasterTeacher #IndivAuthorHelenPluckrose #WebsiteNewDiscoursesJamesLindsay #IndivScholarPeterBoghossian #2018_SokalSquaredHoax i.e. And (Joel P. Christensen and Matthew A. Sears, 30 October 2018). #IndivPhilosopherMichelFoucault #IndivPhilosopherJacquesDerrida #IndivPhilosopherMartinHeidegger #TheoryRelativismCultural i.e. #PhenomnColonialism / #TheoryCriticalPostcolonialism #IdentityFirstNations #IndivScholarPierreAndreTaguieff #PhenomnAgeOfEnlightenment #PhenomnSkepticismRadical #IndivScholarKimberleCrenshaw #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #IndivScholarMaryPoovey #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #IndivPhilosopherJudithButler #IdentityLGBTQIA #IndivAuthorDavidHalperin #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT ('race' translated as 'breed' here, which I assume is a language/translation discrepancy, rather than semantic one).
"Fox News has mentioned critical breed theory nearly 1,300 times over a three-and-a-half-month period" (23 June 2021). #TheoryRacialColourBlindness e.g. #TheoryMarginalisation #IndivScholarEveKosofskySedgwick #IndivScholarGayatriChakravortySpivak #PhenomnUnityStrategicEssentialism i.e. #IndivActivistHouriaBouteldja #OrgFRIndigenesDeLaRepubliqueIR
Fahs, B., & Karger, M. (2016). Women's Studies as Virus: Institutional Feminism, Affect, and the Projection of Danger. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 5(1), 929-957. #IndivScholarBradleyCampbell & #IndivScholarJasonManning #PowerControlMicrofascismMicroaggression #IndivAuthorDeraldWingSue #EDUUSBostonUniversityIbramXKendi #TauntCultureCancel #IndivScholarJonathanHaidt & #AdvocacyUSFoundationForIndividualRightsAndExpressionFIREGregLukianoff
LUKIANOFF, G., & HAIDT, J. (2018). The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting up a Generation for Failure. #IndivScholarStevenHorwitz #TheoryStockholmSyndrome #IndivAuthorRobinDiAngelo #IndivUltracrepidarianAllyHenny #WebsiteSpikedAndrewDoyleAKATitaniaMcGrath

Supplementary: #IndivScholarDeandreMilesHercules
"Woke in its initial inception meant political consciousness for Black people about the histories of anti-Blackness in this [USA] country and globally rather than this kind of more generalised political consciousness that it came to take up. One thing that I think is a very common misunderstanding about woke is the idea that it was derived from this phrase 'stay woke'. Woke itself is a standalone word. It's a word that conforms to the syntactic and phonological, which is to say that the sound system and grammatical principles, of African American English which has its origins in the South. 'Awake' is synonymous with 'woke' right, so one might say, 'I was woke about, let's say 7am'. The idea of 'wakefulness' as a concept referring to political consciousness stretches as far back as 1923, and then we see it going all the way up through the 1980s. Marcus Garvey in 'The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey' in the frame of what we might think of as black nationalist tradition where he says, 'wake up Ethiopia, wake up Africa, let us work towards the one end of a glorious and redeemed and mighty nation', he's talking about political consciousness in the same way as Laurence Fishburne's character at the end of 'School Daze' in the 1980s film. In 1962, a New York Times article by a guy named [William] Melvin Kelley 'If You're Woke You Dig It' writing about cultural appropriation and linguistic appropriation of Black language and culture by white people, specifically. As early as the 1990s or the late 1980s, you see it more attached to the idea of 'political correctness'. This is the point of which white people I would suggest, begin using it reflexively. And so it doesn't now just have the meaning of thinking about anti-Blackness from the perspective of someone who experiences it. More now it refers to this more general sense of awareness, as a marker of general political consciousness attention to such issues as those environmental, feminists, regarding ability and so on. Childish Gambino's song 'Redbone', canonised the phrase 'stay woke' for a popular audience. While Childish Gambino might understand that 'wokeness', at least in its original inception, has a lot to do with our awareness of anti-Black oppression. Listeners to the song from a variety of demographics all over the world aren't abreast of that history and now are using it, the phrase, in a way that destroys its meaning. But it has also been taken up more recently by conservatives. And it became used in a negative or pejorative fashion, right or at least one that is mocking or sarcastic. In fact, it's a well-known and popular tactic of conservatives to pick up and shift the meanings of individual terms, to then weaponize them. Mark Milley and Matt Gaetz arguing about what's woke and what isn't, whether it's good or whether it's bad, where that has nothing to do with the case of the Scottsboro Boys or Emmett Till or Trayvon Martin or Sandra Bland or Rodney King or Ahmaud Arbery or Breonna Taylor or George Floyd. I'm not suggesting that it's necessarily a conscious process, but it's the result of the kind of consumption of Black culture, which has always had a lot of capital purchase in the United States and pop culture globally." (5 August 2021, #WebsiteBrut). #TheoryLinguisticsSemanticShift #TheoryLinguisticsSocioAfricanAmericanVernacularEnglishAAVE #MetaphorWokeWakefulnessAwake #IndivActivistMarcusGarvey #NoRAfricaEastEthiopia #IndivActorLaurenceFishburne #1988_SchoolDaze #NewspaperUSBrdshtNewYorkTimesWilliamMelvinKelley #1962_IfYoureWokeYouDigIt #IndivActorDonaldGloverAKAChildishGambino #2016_Redbone #OrgUSFedAFMMarkMilley #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPMattGaetz #1938_ScottsboroBoys #IndivDeceasedEmmettTill #IndivDeceasedTrayvonMartin #IndivDeceasedSandraBland #IndivPrivateCitizenRodneyKing #IndivDeceasedAhmaudArbery #IndivDeceasedBreonnaTaylor #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #_Focal
And #WebsiteVoxAjaRomano: "Before 2014, the call to 'stay woke' was, for many people, unheard of. The idea behind it was common within Black communities at that point -- the notion that staying 'woke' and alert to the deceptions of other people was a basic survival tactic. But in 2014, following the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, 'stay woke' suddenly became the cautionary watchword of Black Lives Matter activists on the streets, used in a chilling and specific context : keeping watch for police brutality and unjust police tactics." (9 October 2020). #IndivDeceasedMichaelBrown #IndivPoliceDarrenWilson #NoRAmericaNorthUSMissouriStLouisCountyFerguson #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #2014_

Archived on 12 July 2021 at 9:15 am [URL redacted]
@TristenKaur [name pseudonymized]: Critical #Woke theory — The Ideological Spectrum [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 July 2021 at 7:45 am [URL redacted]
@CristinaChacho [name pseudonymized] [02]: #UnpopularOpinion: Twitter's #filmmaking / #screenwriting community is now so #sjw & #woke that I fear individuals are losing their uniqueness in a sea of #Victimhood & right on political correctness. I say stand apart. Don't be a victim. Put in the work. Be the best you can be🙏 [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 July 2021 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: #woke like #RebeccaReid conceited enow to assign HER reasons to "the unasked other" in pre-emptive monologues/harangues I revere St George's flag (Yes St George not English you #assumptionistas) & #UnionJack of troops on #Falklands. Need a reason? Don't guess! Ask ME! @GBNEWS 🇬🇧 [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 July 2021 at 12:15 pm [URL redacted]
@LisaKewish [name pseudonymized] [46]: I’ve just published a post on Cancel Culture. It’s with video link and on my site. You’ll find it in the Society and Culture Category. #AndrewNeil, #CancelCulture, #Woke, #SocialJustice [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 June 2021 at 12:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JasmineSchipke [name pseudonymized] [06]: Andrew Doyle: #Woke culture is fundamentally opposed to #freedomofexpression and open debate [URL redacted]
Archived on 18 June 2021 at 7:45 pm [URL redacted]
@LincolnHaniff [name pseudonymized]: According to @imgur the word sperm is "mature" and posting about a joke #Cryptocurency is forbidden. Posts with the words fuck, ass, vagina, gay, transsexual etc are fine. I'm sure @TitaniaMcGrath will explain me my mistake. #Crypto #woke #Censorship [URL redacted]
Archived on 13 June 2021 at 8:15 pm [URL redacted]
@RonaldMarchwinski [name pseudonymized] [04]: @MatthewBevan #GBNews found a top talent to host their #FreeSpeechNation show. #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 June 2021 at 11:15 pm [URL redacted]
@EricaJicha [name pseudonymized]: Wonderful to see @TitaniaMcGrath on @bbcquestiontime tonight representing the heteronormative everywhere. #woke #hetronormative [URL redacted]
Archived on 27 April 2021 at 5:30 am [URL redacted]
@IsaiahKearley [name pseudonymized]: I see that a lot of you miss our #daily #wokeness wisdom. That's why I decided to give you today one of the ultimate #woke #quotes by one of the brightest minds of the New Wokeness Era: Mrs. @AOC. She got all things right. Just like the charming Big Tech Censors, she knows best! [URL redacted]
Archived on 18 March 2021 at 5:30 pm [URL redacted]
@KayaStobert [name pseudonymized] [03]: Certains pourraient être tentés de la traiter de ‘femme de paille’; de caricature des #Woke ou des décoloniaux. Mais c’est faux car : 1) elle prédit régulièrement l’avenir Woke 2) elle est régulièrement prise au premier degré. (C'est arrivé à Rokhaya Diallo) [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 March 2021 at 9:30 am [URL redacted]
@VickieZavoda [name pseudonymized] [06]: #Woke #Wokeism #PeakTrans [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 March 2021 at 9:30 am [URL redacted]
@VickieZavoda [name pseudonymized] [06]: #FeelingsNotFacts #Woke #Wokeism [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 March 2021 at 9:30 am [URL redacted]
@VickieZavoda [name pseudonymized] [06]: #TitaniaMcGrath #Woke #Wokeism [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 March 2021 at 10:30 pm [URL redacted]
@AlysonHiscock [name pseudonymized]: Possible Unsolved Mysteries Segment: Is @TitaniaMcGrath really #RachelMcKinnonPhD in disguise? #woke #wokeism #unsolvedmysteries #conspiracytheory #AndrewDoyle [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 February 2021 at 6:30 am [URL redacted]
@SalvatoreBednarczyk [name pseudonymized]: Mi elección para este #finde es: 📚 #Woke de #TitaniaMcGrath @alianza_ed 📚 #Jauja de #UseLahoz @EdDestino [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 January 2021 at 12:45 pm [URL redacted]
@KizzyGaw [name pseudonymized] [20]: #woke ...nobody responds well when they're being insulted. And this is... why the tactics of #cancelculture... don't work. All they do is intimidate and put people in a state of fear. But everyone can see that it completely lacks basic human empathy and compassion... #AndrewDoyle [URL redacted]
Archived on 2 January 2021 at 12:00 pm [URL redacted]
@ChanelDeluis [name pseudonymized] [04]: The #Dangers of '#Wokeness' Why #woke side will loose. - #Liberal approach has made an incredible progress against #racism - #Woke approach in just few months, generated #division, more racism, more antagonism. [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 December 2020 at 4:15 pm [URL redacted]
@FredPrickett [name pseudonymized]: "Ze zeggen dat ze tegen racisme zijn, maar zélf maken ze voortdurend onderscheid op basis van huidskleur. Ze bepleiten diversiteit, maar ze willen dat iedereen hetzelfde denkt, namelijk zoals zij." #AndrewDoyle over #woke in de #Volkskrant [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 October 2020 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@AlainaPavloski [name pseudonymized]: @SeanPlunket @TitaniaMcGrath Yeah, but Tits twitted about #woke since she joined us woke folxs on April'18 WBU, sweetie? [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 September 2020 at 12:15 am [URL redacted]
@LeilaniKietzer [name pseudonymized]: I really love the #wokeness of my heroine @TitaniaMcGrath , especially her discovery of the secret faction of crypto-fascists within @twitter. Aint no (insert appropriate pronoun here) as #woke. [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 August 2020 at 9:45 am [URL redacted]
@PamelaSarna [name pseudonymized] [22]: The #woke are #gaslighting us all, with writer/comedian Bridget Phetasy on Andrew Doyle’s #CultureWars #podcast [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 August 2020 at 9:15 am [URL redacted]
@PamelaSarna [name pseudonymized] [22]: Rapid bubbling up & excesses of '#TheLeft church of social justice #cult, religion-osphy of the #woke origins & ideology, how the #Pandemic forced it into the mainstream Helen Pluckrose & James Lindsay discuss on the Andrew Doyle #CultureWars #Podcast [URL redacted]
Archived on 17 July 2020 at 12:00 pm [URL redacted]
@ShariPeper [name pseudonymized]: TWAW- she’s not gonna say it! 😂🥳⭐️🤩 The woke are gaslighting us all, with Bridget Phetasy [URL redacted] via @YouTube #trans #Woke #CriticalRaceTheory #CriticalGenderTheory #CriticalTheoryBunkam #NotCriticalThinkingThatsForSure
Archived on 21 June 2020 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@KizzyGaw [name pseudonymized] [20]: #racismontheleft #antisjw #sjw #woke #antiwoke #antifeminism've got #socialjusticemobs on Twitter who will smear and attack and demonise and destroy your life... They're not good people... I can see that the #socialjusticemovement legitimises #bullying .... #AndrewDoyle [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 June 2020 at 8:00 am [URL redacted]
@KizzyGaw [name pseudonymized] [20]: #feminism #AntiFeminism #antiwoke ...and this very patronising view of women, that women need to be infantilised... and we need to hold their hands and give them a bit of a leg up and again, it's a sort of a low level misogyny masquerading as feminism... #AndrewDoyle on #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 20 June 2020 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
@KizzyGaw [name pseudonymized] [20]: #woke #woketwitter #antiwoke #antifeminism #antisjw an ideology, it is messed up, it doesn't work. And it will collapse... that's why they attack people so vehemently, that's why they push for censorship, that's why they oppose free speech... Andrew Doyle on woke ideology [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 May 2020 at 3:45 am [URL redacted]
@DeannaMahamed [name pseudonymized] [02]: I strongly suggest that nearly all the old white guys in #government have failed. I've supported replacing nearly all with younger women who better reflect the diversity of this country. I know an old white guy can't really be a feminist, but this book! #Woke @TitaniaMcGrath [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 April 2020 at 8:15 am [URL redacted]
@JamarionRumage [name pseudonymized] [13]: The #BBC will headline this story and the #Leftwaffe will react with glee and suggest that this #Woke leader fly in to put #Boris straight! #DefundTheBBC [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 13 April 2020 at 4:45 am [URL redacted]

[screen name not defined]: @TitaniaMcGrath @AusAntiLeft Why did this Old White Christian Man discriminate against people with no hands.


Interestingly, this tweet is a response to Titania McGrath who (in a minor way) is notoriously a fiction i.e. that was created by comedian / columnist #WebsiteSpikedAndrewDoyleAKATitaniaMcGrath.

Reference to famed Hungarian physician #IndivPhysicianIgnazSemmelweis who apparently discovered the importance of hand-washing for lowering the rate of infection transmission (for communicable diseases).

Archived on 8 March 2020 at 4:15 pm [URL redacted]
@LauraPaasch [name pseudonymized]: @TitaniaMcGrath @BNBuzz @amazon @chaptersindigo @MWHamilton If you were SO #WOKE You should of told your mom! I'm sure she would of ground some nuts after all You are what You eat! [URL redacted]