Archived on 20 April 2023 at 9:45 pm [URL redacted]
@AmandaKaczmarek [name pseudonymized]: @ElijahSchaffer We will be catching their hands alright! #Regressiveleftistsmustdie #RLMD #SJW #regressiveleft #woke #WokeMindVirus #WokeCulture #criticaltheory #criticalracetheory #gendertheory #antiwhite #AntiWhiteRacism #intersectionalism #socialjusticewarrior #socialjustice #misandry #gender [URL redacted]

"A white hand holding a knife cuts off a black hand." ?

Archived on 30 January 2023 at 3:45 pm [URL redacted]
@KahealaniCucullu [name pseudonymized] [17]: 🇬🇧🇳🇱 Combating WOKE MYTHS - Episode#10: "Only white people can be racist." Some tips for when having a discussion with a woke fanatic. Usually a futile attempt, but you never know. 🎶 UNMUTE Share it ❤️ Like it #woke #wokemadness [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 January 2023 at 8:30 pm [URL redacted]
@AngieDoble [name pseudonymized]: We live in a sick, twisted society here in the West. Satanism is rife and they want you to just except what they say and do. Don't let them. #fightback #clownworld #memetheleft #soldtheresouls #logic #weakpeople #news #trans #pedophiles #woke #GoWokeGoBroke #sicksociety [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 November 2022 at 9:00 pm [URL redacted]
@ElijahKilheffer [name pseudonymized]: Exposing children to #woke culture has gone too far‼️ @AsraNomani joined '@ericbolling The Balance' to discuss how a public school board meeting in Michigan was shut down after hundreds protested the use of #LGBTQ books in class. Watch the full clip 👇 [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 September 2022 at 4:00 pm [URL redacted]
@CindyShinkle [name pseudonymized] [09]: This is the bait and switch. This is the Motte & Bailey. #Woke #Intersectional #TransIdeology [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"We just want people to be nice and include everyone. This will help boys too. Boys should cry if they want to.
We must smash patriarchy, toxic masculinity, himpathy, & rape culture; call out people who explain things or spread their legs on trains and problematic microag- gressions; make snide 'cis het white men' comments publicly and write articles on them; they must acknowledge their privilege, racist/sexist past they contributed to. and sit in the back to elevate others; if you disagree, you are complicit in white supremacy, and just afraid to lose your power; you can be an ally by staying in your lane, listening and believing, refuse to participate in manels, practice bystander-intervention, stop replying and educate yourself in oppression while not demanding e[m]otional labor of others. Also, all politics is intersectional, and you musn't write about, perform on, or appropriate other cultures/identities, and the future is female. Sorry for your Male tears but you've had your time and everything is about you."

Archived on 7 September 2022 at 4:45 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 2 August 2022 at 11:00 am [URL redacted]
@MartinGregson [name pseudonymized] [69]: Venant d'un étron des #Insoumis #LFI #nupes #DavidGuiraud est une sous merde qui passe ces journées à sucer les #islamistes de #Roubaix #Démission #balancetondéputé #justice #LFI #nupes #voyoucratie #Mélenchon #Corbyn #islamogauchiste #woke [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#SymbolGestureGivingTheFinger to: #PoliticsFascismReligiousIslamo #TauntWokeism #PhenomnColonialism #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PhenomnGenderSpectrum ? #TauntCultureCancel #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI #IdentityFirstNations #CharacterisationRadicalFundamentalismIslamic #BeliefIslamismSalafis #OrgIntlMuslimBrotherhood ? #BeliefIslamismWahhabism #BeliefIslamismTablighiJamaat i.e. #OtheringHateAntisemitism #OtheringHateHomophobia #TheoryCommunitarianism #BeliefIslamismTaqiya i.e. #BeliefIslamismShariAhlamicLawShariAhLawFatwa #SymbolHijabNiqabBurqa #BeliefIslamismJihad

Context: "Décolonialisme [Decolonialism]
Racialisme [racialism]
Racisé [Racialized]
Dégenrer [degender]
Wokisme [wokism]
Cancel Culture [Cancel Culture]
Intersectionnelles [Intersectional]
Ecriture Inclusive [Inclusive Writing]
Indigéniste [indigenist]
Militant Islamiste [Islamist activist]
Salafisme [Salafism]
Frère Musulman [Muslim Brother]
Wahhabisme [Wahhabism]
Tablighi Jamaats [Tablighi Jarmaats]
Antisémite [antisemitic]
Homophobie [Homophobia]
Communautarisme [Communitarianism]
Taqîya [Taqiya]
Fatwa [Fatwa]
Charia [Shariah]
Hidjab Niqab [hijab niqab]
Jihad Atmosphère [Jihad Atmosphere]
Indigéniste [indigenist]"

Archived on 2 June 2022 at 8:00 am [URL redacted]
@DaneDingeman [name pseudonymized] [19]: « Bienvenue dans le nouveau monde des wokistes… » #Néocolonialistes #Woke #wokisme #Piscine #NouveauMonde #Burkini #féminisme #végan [URL redacted]

"Burkini: victory of the Islamists in Grenoble
you want an entry for the Islamo-feminist slot? For the racialized bio-vegan pool? Or for the intersectional degendered water aerobics session?
Euh... swim ?" #PhenomnBurkini #NoREuropeFranceGrenoble #TauntIslamoFeministe #CharacterisationVegan #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #CaricaturistIxene

Context: "Burkini : victoire des Islamistes a grenoble
vous voulez une entrée pour le créneau Islamo-féministe? Pour le bassin bio-vegan racisé? Ou pour la séance d'aquagym dégenrée intersectionelle?
Euh... nagger ?
Piscine Municipale"
Supplementary: "Atteinte à la laïcité ou préservation de la liberté religieuse ? L'autorisation implicite du burkini dans le nouveau règlement des piscines municipales de Grenoble a suscité un débat fondamental, mercredi 25 mai."

Archived on 15 May 2022 at 3:45 pm [URL redacted]
@PamelaSarna [name pseudonymized] [22]: @JackPosobiec #Marxist push #Intersectionality & #CulturalHegemony in the guise of #Woke, tear up the status quo so when the WEF #Transhumanist & #Technocrats cross the lines no one will challenge them [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 May 2022 at 6:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JoannPearse [name pseudonymized] [13]: "#Intersectional" "Leftism" buries "class" amidst a plethora of allegedly-equivalent 'axes of oppression,' and then all but ignores it in practice. It's acknowledged only as a means of dismissing class-based critiques of itself. The #woke fear a class analysis of themselves. [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 March 2022 at 8:45 pm [URL redacted]
@SusanLosier [name pseudonymized]: Well, @HomeDepot appears to have gone #woke. This is what happens when publicly traded companies start using #ESG. What a shame, there are not many privately owned hardware stores around anymore. [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 March 2022 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@NevaehEigenberger [name pseudonymized] [02]: #woke culture, Intersectionality and the pursuit of “equity” are root causes for racism [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 February 2022 at 11:45 pm [URL redacted]
@JoannPearse [name pseudonymized] [13]: The #intersectionality-spouting fake "Left" has debased the words "nazi," "fascist," and "white supremacist" for years now by applying them to anyone who won't submit to them. So now we can't call the US-armed Azov Battalion in #Ukraine what they ARE without sounding #woke. 😒 [URL redacted]
Archived on 13 February 2022 at 9:15 am [URL redacted]
@BabyRiness [name pseudonymized]: Bienvenue chez les wokes ➡ [URL redacted] "En ces temps où le mot #woke est si décrié, #LittleFiresEverywhere offre une grille de lecture fabuleuse pour les divers systèmes d’oppression et de domination dans nos sociétés." @VirginieMartin_ [URL redacted] #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #IndivActorMichaelaBoakyeCollinsonAKAMichaelaCoel #IndivScholarKimberleCrenshaw #IdentityAmericanBlackAndAfrican
"Two women. A rather poor African-American, Mia. A rather rich white woman, Elena. And maybe a third, of Asian origin, Bebe Chow. Here is posed the duel, the duet, the face to face, but also the trio of Little fires everywhere. Simple, simplistic in appearance, in appearance only, because it hides all the finery of a theory that is much talked about today: intersectionality. I wanted to talk about this series taking place at the end of the 90s because it is indeed a pretext to evoke this so-called intersectional approach and why not woke. In my book on series I quote a word from the creator of 'I may destroy you' Michaela Coel. She says the following: In a few words here or with the characters of Little fires, the theory of intersectionality is inexorably invoked. This approach was forged by Kimberly Crenshaw in the 80s in the United States. Crenshaw is an academic, and she lays the foundation for this concept around the work of African-American feminism. She describes that the experiences of an African-American woman arise from an interaction between sexism and racism. An interaction that will reinforce discrimination. Black women are victims as a woman and victims as black. A situation which only potentially, of course, reinforces their poverty. The world is complex, discriminations plural, they add up to each other and Kimberley Crenshaw advises to fight against the standardization of lived experiences by people who are discriminated against. This is intersectionality: the interaction between different broad categories of discrimination which are social class, gender and race. And even also the issues of age or disability, for example. Intersectionality brings people together and in doing so, allows the interweaving of discriminations. Little fires everywhere takes us to the very heart of this paradigm. It brings out perfectly in the story the three main variables, the three main inputs addressed by intersectionality: social class, I said it before, gender and race. Already the differences in backgrounds are obvious in the series, and jump out at you. Elena was once a journalist, but thanks to her husband's lawyer can afford to slow down... Mia, she is on the side of artists and bohemians and ends up serving Elena. She will prepare the kitchen and do the cleaning for the white and bourgeois family. Bebe Show, meanwhile, survives as best she can with her job as a waitress, precariousness is rather his daily life. Beyond the professions exercised or not, it is perhaps housing that most marks the difference in social class: Elena's beautiful home with an impeccable garden, contrasts with Mia's rental apartment, which itself contrasts with the makeshift accommodations of Bebe Show. As if, at the end of the ends, it was indeed the dwelling which defined a possible way of life or not. As if beyond profession, beyond income, it was immediately a question of heritage. The series addresses many points concerning gender issues. Let's get to this one now. Sexual orientation is staged there via Elena's daughter, women's work too, between precarious jobs and a housewife, who became dependent on a husband's income. Maternity is also widely discussed. or rather ways of being in motherhood. Adoption, abortion, child abandoned for lack of money, maternal sacrifice, mental load of mothers... All these topics around gender, are quite delicately treated in this fiction. This treatment, often subtle, is often due to the fact of a crossover between all these diversely constructed families. Mia's child prefers Elena, Elena's lesbian daughter will willingly take refuge with Mia. It is in particular these mirror effects that allow the subtlety of the analysis. In this duo, even this trio, ordinary racism will often be introduced with more or less subtlety. Nice intentions will often be tinged with this everyday racism, actions, words full of prejudices and stereotypes. And then, structurally, it is staged a sort of hierarchy between the various communities. The whites at the very top of the ladder, then African Americans and finally Bebe Show, Undocumented Asian, freshly arrived on American soil. The whole point of the series is to brew at the same time, all of these variables simultaneously. Variables that must be understood as nested, ultimately. Intersectionality has this genius of no longer competing between discriminations. Discriminations must be considered at the same time. In these times when the word 'woke' is so decried, intersectionality gets a lot of bad press too. And yet, yet, it offers a fabulous reading grid for the various systems of oppression and domination"

Archived on 13 February 2022 at 7:00 am [URL redacted]
@JamieFinau [name pseudonymized]: Idéologie #Woke et division [URL redacted]

"RESIGNATION DIRECTOR OF THE GAY AND LESBIAN FORUM Philippe Dubreuil, director for 4 years of the Gay and Lesbian forum announced that he was resigning from his post. He admitted that he no longer recognised himself in the ideology of activists who, according to him, lead new fights such as "intersectionality, the convergence of the struggles of minorities against society, the fight against Islamophobia exclusively, neo-feminism and 'gender suppression'. A new director will soon be appointed."

Context: "DÉMISSION DIRECTEUR DU FORUM GAY ET LESBIEN Philippe Dubreuil, directeur depuis 4 ans du forum Gay et Lesbien a annoncé qu'il démissionnait de son poste. Il a avoué ne plus se reconnaître dans l'idéologie des militants qui, selon lui, mène de nouveaux combats comme « l'intersectionnalité, la convergence des luttes des minorités contre la société, la lutte contre l'islamophobie exclusivement, le néo-féminisme » et « la suppression du genre ». Un nouveau directeur sera donc prochainement nommé." #TheorySociologyIntersectionality

Archived on 9 February 2022 at 7:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JocelynStreno [name pseudonymized]: MaKriKaLi:n realistinen näkemys kriittisestä rotuteoriasta vaikuttaisi olevan suositumpi kuin World Economic Forumin propaganda. #politiikka #woke #intersektionalismi #viestintä [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 February 2022 at 6:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JoannPearse [name pseudonymized] [13]: @EPoe187 >"this should also be prima facie evidence of racism against white players" NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You CAN'T be racist against whites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL racism comes EXCLUSIVELY from white people!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😱 #IdentityPolitics #intersectionality #woke #CriticalRaceTheory [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 February 2022 at 2:30 am [URL redacted]
@JoannPearse [name pseudonymized] [13]: "Why is the actual working class overwhelmingly not on the Left?" The "radical" "Left" sold them out in favor of #woke #intersectionality. As for the liberal left, Chris Hedges lays it all out: [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 30 January 2022 at 12:45 pm [URL redacted]
@MartinGregson [name pseudonymized] [69]: #PrimairePopulaire ou #GaucheDeLaHonte Le #scrutin a débuté, 460 000 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨̂𝐦𝐞𝐬 #woke #islamogauchiste et #Antifas #SamuelGrzybowski #Crétin #Décérébré #Taubira #Hidalgo #Melenchon #PrimairePop #Présidentielle2022 #Primaire #LCI #Cnews #BFMPolitique [URL redacted]

#TauntIslamoGauchismeIslamoLeftism #CauseAntifa #NMFRLaChaineInfoLCI #NMFRCanalPlusCNews #NMFRBFMTV i.e.

Context: #CausePrimairePopulaire "The French left is fielding four main candidates: Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo for the Parti Socialiste (PS); Green party leader Yannick Jadot; the 70-year-old hard-left revolutionary Jean-Luc Mélenchon; and the former justice minister Christiane Taubira, who announced her decision to stand on Saturday and take part in the people's primary. Polls show none stand a chance of reaching the second round in April. Calls for unity have been ignored, with analysts blaming candidates' egos and "irreconcilable" policy stances." #OrgClassifPPFRLaPartiSocialistePSAnneHidalgo #OrgClassifPPFREuropeEcologieLesVertsEELVYannickJadot #OrgClassifPPFRGroupeLaFranceInsoumiseLFIJeanLucMelenchon #OrgClassifPPGYWalwariChristianeTaubira

Archived on 16 January 2022 at 6:30 pm [URL redacted]
@KyleighGessell [name pseudonymized] [16]: #Intersectionality #CRT #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 January 2022 at 12:15 am [URL redacted]
@BradBroten [name pseudonymized] [02]: Extrait de la préface d'un livre qui vient de paraître cet automne: Sojourner Truth, "Et ne suis-je pas une femme?" / traduit de l'anglais par Françoise Bouillot; textes réunis et introduits par Pap NDiaye, Paris, Payot, 2021. #intersection #sexisme #racisme #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 December 2021 at 2:00 pm [URL redacted]
@MartinGregson [name pseudonymized] [69]: #ParisSousTutelle #saccageparis #Presidentielle2022 #fiasco #UnionPopulaire #indigéniste #décolonialisme #antiraciste #woke #islamogauchisme #dégenrer #communautariste #Hidjab #censure #Victimisation #ecritureinclusive #intersectionnelles #PS #EELV [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 December 2021 at 2:00 pm [URL redacted]
@MartinGregson [name pseudonymized] [69]: 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐨 #ParisSousTutelle #saccageparis #Presidentielle2022 #fiasco #UnionPopulaire #indigéniste #décolonialisme #antiraciste #woke #islamogauchisme #dégenrer #communautariste #Hidjab #censure #Victimisation #ecritureinclusive #intersectionnelles #PS #EELV [URL redacted]

#MagazineFRCharlieHebdo "translated [VÉLIB- Definitely, nothing seems to be going well for Anne Hidalgo. This week, Charlie Hebdo devotes the cover of its Wednesday, May 16 issue to two news items concerning Paris: the failures of the company in charge of Vélib', and the knife attack that took place on the evening of May 12.
In the foreground, we can see a caricature of the mayor of Paris smiling as she presents her new 'service', CouteauLib' 'finally something that works in Paris' can be read in the headline.
While referring to the attack that recently hit Paris, the weekly magazine attacks the mayor of the capital on the fiasco of the change of self-service bicycle provider.
]" #PhenomnCrimeKnife #TheoryProxyDiscourses ?

Archived on 23 December 2021 at 12:45 pm [URL redacted]
@TheresaFeuerborn [name pseudonymized] [09]: @JosuJEANBART @FJolivet36 @lopinion_fr Lire la pravda...Les amoureux de Pol Pot et sa déconstruction ...50 % d'une population exterminé.. la nouvelle lubie des tarés #woke [URL redacted]

#PleaAWorldOfSimpleStableFixedOperations: "Wokism .. Take a child. Teach him that his country is racist, intolerant, imperialist, evil. Also learn from him that science is white supremacy that must be decolonized. Teach him that what defines the sexes is an old, ancient construction. Teach him that racist borders must be abolished, that merit in the workplace is a matter of white supremacy. Remind him that the perception of an individual is more important than reality. Teach him that his story does not exist. Teach him that all cultures are the same, except his own. That's for day 1 in kindergarten. From there, repeat those lessons until his Ph.D. in Intersectional Gender Epistemology at Tolbiac. journalism, the world of culture, high-tech .... This is how a society implodes. This is how a civilization collapses. It doesn't happen overnight. But over 50. 100. 150 years." #IndivScholarGadSaad #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #EDUFRSorbonneUniversite

Context: "The university also occupies part of the historical Sorbonne campus. Overall, its campus includes over 25 buildings in Paris, such as the Centre Pierre Mendès France ('Tolbiac')..."

Archived on 21 December 2021 at 12:30 am [URL redacted]
@MartinGregson [name pseudonymized] [69]: Sainte 𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐚 Aspire à être Mère de la #gauche «Divine» #islamogauchisme #indigéniste #décolonialisme #racisé #Hidjab #woke #ecritureinclusive #intersectionnelles #censure #Victimisation #Taubira #EELV #LFI #PS #CGT #NPA #LR #LREM #Zemmour #RN #UnionPopulaire [URL redacted]

#OrgClassifPPGYWalwariChristianeTaubira: "We must not talk too much about the Arab-Muslim slave trade so that the 'young Arabs' do not carry on their backs all the weight of the legacy of the misdeeds of the Arabs" #PowerControlChattelSlavery

Context: «Il ne faut pas trop évoquer la traite négrière arabo-musulmane pour que les 'jeunes Arabes' 'ne portent pas sur leur dos tout le poids de l'héritage des méfaits des Arabes' »

Archived on 17 December 2021 at 12:15 am [URL redacted]
@BradCangelosi [name pseudonymized] [05]: #culture #Hollywood #media #academia #racism #news #socialjustice #wokesupremacy #virtuesignaling #intersectionality #woke #inclusive #patriarchy #dothework #diversity #equity #race #gender #blueanon #antiracism #decolonize #education [URL redacted]
Archived on 13 December 2021 at 11:15 pm [URL redacted]
@KyleighGessell [name pseudonymized] [16]: “We define wokeness as critical consciousness to intersecting systems of oppression. Specifically, to be a woke person is to hold an unretractable embodied consciousness and political identity” #Woke = #CriticalConsciousness #CriticalPedagogy 🎯 #Freire #CriticalIndoctrination [URL redacted]

Aeriel A Ashlee, Bianca Zamora and Shamika N Karikari (2017). "We Are Woke: A Collaborative Critical Autoethnography of Three 'Womxn' of Color Graduate Students in Higher Education." International Journal of Multicultural Education 19(1). specific paper: #JournalInternationalJournalOfMulticulturalEducationIJME #IdentityWomxn

Archived on 22 November 2021 at 11:00 am [URL redacted]
@MartinGregson [name pseudonymized] [69]: Mme @ramayade à quitter la république pour le #fascisme #Woke Retourne au USA Pays des #Crétin #Décérébré et #Raciste #Colbert #RamaYade #indigéniste #racisé #antiraciste #décolonialisme #Wokisme #communautariste #CancelCulture #dégenrer #ecritureinclusive #intersectionnelles [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 13 November 2021 at 6:00 am [URL redacted]
@CurtKeltgen [name pseudonymized] [06]: Intersektionaalisen rotuerottelun resoluutio tarkentunut yliopistojen opiskelijavalinnoissa, seuraavaksi Nürnbergin rotulait uudestaan käyttöön?🤔💩#rasismi #antirasismi #woke [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"The resolution of intersectional racial segregation refined in university student choices, next to the re-introduction of the Nuremberg racial laws?" #TheoryGodwinsLawOfNaziAnalogies #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #PowerControlSegregationDiscrimination #MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation

Context: response to tweet by #AdvocacyUSManhattanInstituteForPolicyResearchChristopherRufo criticising #EDUUSUniversityOfMaryland's table headed-up 'New Freshmen Admission and Enrollment'. The tweet takes issue with the categorisation: 'Students of Color, minus Asian' (in context with the category: 'White or Asian Students'). Seemingly, this is all a plot to manipulate the interpretation of #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT

Archived on 9 October 2021 at 4:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JoannPearse [name pseudonymized] [13]: #intersectionality #woke #crt #CriticalRaceTheory #RacismeAntiBlancs #RacismeAntiBlanc #racismo #racism #privilege #WhitePrivilege [URL redacted]
Archived on 30 September 2021 at 12:00 pm [URL redacted]
@AnnmarieMunns [name pseudonymized] [04]: - Pour l'instant, il n'y a pas que du #raciste #racisé, #woke, #intersectionnel et blabla : - [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 September 2021 at 9:45 am [URL redacted]
@AnnaSieckmann [name pseudonymized] [15]: #Google goes #Woke. Thanks for the courageous work of @RealChrisRufo. Read the full article: [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 September 2021 at 11:00 pm [URL redacted]
@RaheemVali [name pseudonymized] [02]: #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #SocialJusticeDay #Woke [URL redacted]

#CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #TheorySocialJustice #WebsitePragerU

Context: #AdvocacyUSHooverInstitutionAyaanHirsiAli i.e. #2001_September11Attacks911 #MetaphorWarfareHero #TheoryModelBinary #ReasoningFallacyFalseEquivalence #IndivHistoricalFigurePatrickHenry i.e. #EDUUSBrandeisUniversity #TauntCultureCancel #TheoryPhysicalismOrMaterialism "But materialism as traditionally construed is not a linguistic thesis at all; rather it is a metaphysical thesis in the sense that it tells us about the nature of the world. At least for the positivists, therefore, there was a clear reason for distinguishing physicalism (a linguistic thesis) from materialism (a metaphysical thesis)." #TauntLeftist #TauntLunaticFringe the #TauntLeftLoony ? #MetaphorCultReligious i.e. #MetaphorCultWoke #BeliefSecularism #EDUNLUniversiteitLeiden #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #TauntWokeism #BeliefDeityGodAllahYHWHJesusChristMessiah #TauntMarxism #TauntIndoctrination #MetaphorConformitySheepSheeple #BeliefIslamismAllahuAkbar #SymbolTakeAKneeGenuflectionKneeling #PleaBlasphemy #OtheringHateSpeech #OtheringHateIslamophobiaAntiMuslim #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #NarrativeUtopiaWokeLiberal #SloganDefundThePolice #NoREastMiddleSyriaArRaqqah #PoliticsCollectivism #PowerControlViolenceBrutality i.e. #PleaLawAndOrder #PowerControlSubjugation #CatchcryFreedomOfSpeechFreeSpeech #PoliticsNationalismConservative i.e. #PoliticsConservatismTraditionalist #OrgClassifPPNLVolkspartijVoorVrijheidEnDemocratieVVD #EDUUSStanfordUniversity
Supplementary: "The Hoover Institution is a unit of Stanford University but has its own board of overseers".

Archived on 1 September 2021 at 8:15 am [URL redacted]
@JadynStoakes [name pseudonymized] [02]: Waar blijft het universitaire verzet tegen #woke-minister @ivanengelshoven? [URL redacted] #VolgWyniasWeek [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 August 2021 at 8:00 am [URL redacted]
@BetsyFinefrock [name pseudonymized]: Not much has changed since this was made 5 years ago. Modern Educayshun [URL redacted] via @YouTube #woke #Wokeism #wokeisajoke

#2015_ModernEducayshun #TheoryEthnomathematics #LiteralSchoolCollegeUniversity #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #ReasoningFallacyReductioAdAbsurdum #PhenomnWhitePrivilege #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #MetaphorWarfareSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #NoROceaniaAustralia #PhenomnResponsibilityMoral

Addendum: the film operates as a heavy-handed polemic on the perils of #PolicyAffirmativeActionDiscriminationPositive. In doing so, its unsubtle message fails to recognise that we are all products of societal agendas and biases and that despite the (naive) insistence that achievement is solely and the product of #TheoryIndividualismCompetitive the reality is that #EpistemologySociallyConstructedKnowledge i.e. that as much as we have freewill to shape our own circumstances, we are also situated within a socio-cultural context that exerts a force, which we must act in relation to - we are, as much as anything, products of our circumstances.

Archived on 11 August 2021 at 12:45 pm [URL redacted]
@BonnieSandles [name pseudonymized]: I tempi cambiano, le politiche identitarie no. #identitypolitics #idpol #woke #Italy #leganord #idpolisracist #BlackLivesMatter #intersectionality #biden #sinistra #sinistraidentitaria #fintasinistra #leftist #jacobin #antiracism #culture #culturalappropriation #appropriation [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 July 2021 at 10:00 pm [URL redacted]
@ShaquilleWeafer [name pseudonymized]: How #Woke Culture Is Spreading Anti-Biblical Messages [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 July 2021 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JanaeEinfalt [name pseudonymized]: «Como sucede con todos los activistas importantes, la mayor parte del trabajo de Alyssa Milano se desarrolló en Twitter.» 'Mi pequeño libro de activismo interseccional' es la guía ilustrada de iconos #woke de @TitaniaMcGrath. 🔎 Comienza a leer: [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#WebsiteSpikedAndrewDoyleAKATitaniaMcGrath #2020_MyLittleBookOfIntersectionalActivism: "After the success of 'Woke', Titania McGrath takes her talents into the realm of children's non-fiction. Aimed at activists between the ages of six months and six years, 'My Little Book of Intersectional Activism' will help educate a new progressive generation with its explanations on gender identity, climate change, how to argue with crypto-fascists." #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #CauseActivismSocial

"Creo que estamos en una época en la que el mundo metafísico es superinteresante." [I think we are in a time where the metaphysical world is super interesting.] #IndivActorAlyssaMilano

Archived on 19 July 2021 at 11:30 am [URL redacted]
@AnnaSieckmann [name pseudonymized] [15]: #CriticalRaceTheory #Woke #Wokeness [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

Response to tweet by #AdvocacyUSManhattanInstituteForPolicyResearchChristopherRufo complaining that a 'Cupertino elementary school' is teaching students about #TheorySociologyIntersectionality

Archived on 15 July 2021 at 7:30 pm [URL redacted]
@VeronicaMcclanhan [name pseudonymized] [12]: That's just a lie told by confident, masculine men! #cancelculture #cancel #cancelled #proletariat #sjw #socialjustice #socialjusticewarrior #equality #equity #blacklivesmatter #blm #antiracism #antiracist #woke #manhood #feminism #feminist #intersectionality #gameofthrones [URL redacted]
Archived on 15 July 2021 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@ChristineRohlf [name pseudonymized] [02]: 🗣️ Nouvelle étude @Fondapol | L'idéologie #woke | par @Valent1Pierre Cette étude vise à analyser l’influence croissante de ce système de croyances sur nos sociétés occidentales. 1️⃣ Anatomie du wokisme [URL redacted] 2️⃣ Face au wokisme [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"New study Fondapol The woke ideology by Valent1Pierre. This study aims to analyse the growing influence of this belief system on our Western societies."

#AdvocacyFRFondapolPierreValentin And #TheoryModernPost i.e. #TheoryModernPostConservatism #CharacterisationWeaknessVictimismVictimMentality #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI #TauntWokeism #EDUUSEvergreenStateCollegeBretWeinstein #IndivDeceasedGeorgeFloyd #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #IndivSingerEricaWrightAKAErykahBadu / #IndivSingerGeorgiaAnneMuldrow #2008_MasterTeacher #IndivAuthorHelenPluckrose #WebsiteNewDiscoursesJamesLindsay #IndivScholarPeterBoghossian #2018_SokalSquaredHoax i.e. And (Joel P. Christensen and Matthew A. Sears, 30 October 2018). #IndivPhilosopherMichelFoucault #IndivPhilosopherJacquesDerrida #IndivPhilosopherMartinHeidegger #TheoryRelativismCultural i.e. #PhenomnColonialism / #TheoryCriticalPostcolonialism #IdentityFirstNations #IndivScholarPierreAndreTaguieff #PhenomnAgeOfEnlightenment #PhenomnSkepticismRadical #IndivScholarKimberleCrenshaw #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #IndivScholarMaryPoovey #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #IndivPhilosopherJudithButler #IdentityLGBTQIA #IndivAuthorDavidHalperin #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT ('race' translated as 'breed' here, which I assume is a language/translation discrepancy, rather than semantic one).
"Fox News has mentioned critical breed theory nearly 1,300 times over a three-and-a-half-month period" (23 June 2021). #TheoryRacialColourBlindness e.g. #TheoryMarginalisation #IndivScholarEveKosofskySedgwick #IndivScholarGayatriChakravortySpivak #PhenomnUnityStrategicEssentialism i.e. #IndivActivistHouriaBouteldja #OrgFRIndigenesDeLaRepubliqueIR
Fahs, B., & Karger, M. (2016). Women's Studies as Virus: Institutional Feminism, Affect, and the Projection of Danger. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 5(1), 929-957. #IndivScholarBradleyCampbell & #IndivScholarJasonManning #PowerControlMicrofascismMicroaggression #IndivAuthorDeraldWingSue #EDUUSBostonUniversityIbramXKendi #TauntCultureCancel #IndivScholarJonathanHaidt & #AdvocacyUSFoundationForIndividualRightsAndExpressionFIREGregLukianoff
LUKIANOFF, G., & HAIDT, J. (2018). The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting up a Generation for Failure. #IndivScholarStevenHorwitz #TheoryStockholmSyndrome #IndivAuthorRobinDiAngelo #IndivUltracrepidarianAllyHenny #WebsiteSpikedAndrewDoyleAKATitaniaMcGrath

Supplementary: #IndivScholarDeandreMilesHercules
"Woke in its initial inception meant political consciousness for Black people about the histories of anti-Blackness in this [USA] country and globally rather than this kind of more generalised political consciousness that it came to take up. One thing that I think is a very common misunderstanding about woke is the idea that it was derived from this phrase 'stay woke'. Woke itself is a standalone word. It's a word that conforms to the syntactic and phonological, which is to say that the sound system and grammatical principles, of African American English which has its origins in the South. 'Awake' is synonymous with 'woke' right, so one might say, 'I was woke about, let's say 7am'. The idea of 'wakefulness' as a concept referring to political consciousness stretches as far back as 1923, and then we see it going all the way up through the 1980s. Marcus Garvey in 'The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey' in the frame of what we might think of as black nationalist tradition where he says, 'wake up Ethiopia, wake up Africa, let us work towards the one end of a glorious and redeemed and mighty nation', he's talking about political consciousness in the same way as Laurence Fishburne's character at the end of 'School Daze' in the 1980s film. In 1962, a New York Times article by a guy named [William] Melvin Kelley 'If You're Woke You Dig It' writing about cultural appropriation and linguistic appropriation of Black language and culture by white people, specifically. As early as the 1990s or the late 1980s, you see it more attached to the idea of 'political correctness'. This is the point of which white people I would suggest, begin using it reflexively. And so it doesn't now just have the meaning of thinking about anti-Blackness from the perspective of someone who experiences it. More now it refers to this more general sense of awareness, as a marker of general political consciousness attention to such issues as those environmental, feminists, regarding ability and so on. Childish Gambino's song 'Redbone', canonised the phrase 'stay woke' for a popular audience. While Childish Gambino might understand that 'wokeness', at least in its original inception, has a lot to do with our awareness of anti-Black oppression. Listeners to the song from a variety of demographics all over the world aren't abreast of that history and now are using it, the phrase, in a way that destroys its meaning. But it has also been taken up more recently by conservatives. And it became used in a negative or pejorative fashion, right or at least one that is mocking or sarcastic. In fact, it's a well-known and popular tactic of conservatives to pick up and shift the meanings of individual terms, to then weaponize them. Mark Milley and Matt Gaetz arguing about what's woke and what isn't, whether it's good or whether it's bad, where that has nothing to do with the case of the Scottsboro Boys or Emmett Till or Trayvon Martin or Sandra Bland or Rodney King or Ahmaud Arbery or Breonna Taylor or George Floyd. I'm not suggesting that it's necessarily a conscious process, but it's the result of the kind of consumption of Black culture, which has always had a lot of capital purchase in the United States and pop culture globally." (5 August 2021, #WebsiteBrut). #TheoryLinguisticsSemanticShift #TheoryLinguisticsSocioAfricanAmericanVernacularEnglishAAVE #MetaphorWokeWakefulnessAwake #IndivActivistMarcusGarvey #NoRAfricaEastEthiopia #IndivActorLaurenceFishburne #1988_SchoolDaze #NewspaperUSBrdshtNewYorkTimesWilliamMelvinKelley #1962_IfYoureWokeYouDigIt #IndivActorDonaldGloverAKAChildishGambino #2016_Redbone #OrgUSFedAFMMarkMilley #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPMattGaetz #1938_ScottsboroBoys #IndivDeceasedEmmettTill #IndivDeceasedTrayvonMartin #IndivDeceasedSandraBland #IndivPrivateCitizenRodneyKing #IndivDeceasedAhmaudArbery #IndivDeceasedBreonnaTaylor #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #_Focal
And #WebsiteVoxAjaRomano: "Before 2014, the call to 'stay woke' was, for many people, unheard of. The idea behind it was common within Black communities at that point -- the notion that staying 'woke' and alert to the deceptions of other people was a basic survival tactic. But in 2014, following the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, 'stay woke' suddenly became the cautionary watchword of Black Lives Matter activists on the streets, used in a chilling and specific context : keeping watch for police brutality and unjust police tactics." (9 October 2020). #IndivDeceasedMichaelBrown #IndivPoliceDarrenWilson #NoRAmericaNorthUSMissouriStLouisCountyFerguson #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #2014_

Archived on 6 July 2021 at 12:15 am [URL redacted]
@BrynleeSiddens [name pseudonymized]: For the discriminating double-oppressed fashionista in your life.... #intersectionality #CRT #woke @sandylocks I don't think this is what you had in mind? [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 June 2021 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@BradCangelosi [name pseudonymized] [05]: Woke Origins @becomethesignal #culture #Hollywood #media #academia #racism #news #socialjustice #wokesupremacy #virtuesignaling #intersectionality #woke #inclusive #patriarchy #dothework #diversity #equity #race #gender #criticalRacetheory #blueanon #antiracism #decolonize [URL redacted]

#IndivFilmmakerTravisBrown #2021_TheWokeReformation #TheoryModernPost i.e. #TheoryModernPostConservatism #TheoryCriticalPostcolonialism #IndivPhilosopherJudithButler #TheoryCriticalQueer #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #IndivScholarRichardDelgado #TheorySociologyIntersectionalityFeminism #IndivScholarKimberleCrenshaw #TheoryCulturalImperialism #PleaHeteronormativity i.e. #PhenomnThePatriarchy #SlurWhiteSupremacy #IndivScholarPauloFreire #TheoryCriticalConsciousness #MetaphorBlindnessDeafnessVsSeeingHearingTheTruth #PowerControlMicrofascismMicroaggression #TheorySocialJustice #CauseEquality #LiteralSchoolCollegeUniversity #MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation #TechICTSocialMedia
DIANGELO, R. J., & DYSON, M. E. (2018). 'White fragility: why it's so hard for White people to talk about racism'. #2018_WhiteFragility #IndivAuthorRobinDiAngelo and #IndivAuthorMichaelEricDyson
KENDI, I. X. (2019). 'How to be an Antiracist'. #EDUUSBostonUniversityIbramXKendi #InvectiveAllCopsAreBastardsACAB #WebsiteEverydayFeminismJonGreenberg #NarrativeUtopiaWokeLiberal #TheoryCultural

Context: "Believing Is Seeing: The 'Lens' Metaphor in Critical Theory":
Supplementary: "Conflict theorists view social structure as inherently unequal, based on power differentials related to issues like class, gender, race, and age. For a conflict theorist, culture is seen as reinforcing issues of 'privilege' for certain groups based upon race, sex, class, and so on. Women strive for equality in a male-dominated society. Senior citizens struggle to protect their rights, their health care, and their independence from a younger generation of lawmakers. ...
Conflict theorists believe that a society's system of material production has an effect on the rest of culture. People who have less power also have less ability to adapt to cultural change. This view contrasts with the perspective of functionalism. In the U.S. culture of capitalism, to illustrate, we continue to strive toward the promise of the American dream, which perpetuates the belief that the wealthy deserve their privileges." i.e. #PhenomnWealthInequality #TheorySociologyConflictTheory #TheoryIndividualismCompetitive #_Focal

Archived on 7 June 2021 at 2:15 pm [URL redacted]
@BrennaHoxsey [name pseudonymized] [02]: #INTERSECTIONTHSpace #intersection #intersectionspace #CriticalRaceTheory #Woke #Wokeness #wokewhitedude [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 June 2021 at 11:45 am [URL redacted]
@BradCangelosi [name pseudonymized] [05]: @SamHarrisOrg @sapinker @RichardDawkins The Left is gone. @Salon #culture #Hollywood #media #academia #racism #news #socialjustice #wokesupremacy #virtuesignaling #intersectionality #woke #inclusive #patriarchy #dothework #diversity #equity #race #gender #criticalRacetheory [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 May 2021 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@PatienceThind [name pseudonymized] [07]: @RavMABAY @haroldpollack Yes, but what about #Syria??!! When the #woke #intersectional crowd can't blame us Jews - the most horrific actions of the human race get neglected: I've never seen or heard @lucyaharish Please share far and wide for the sake of #humanity!!! [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 May 2021 at 4:00 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 April 2021 at 9:15 am [URL redacted]
@TeriSchoene [name pseudonymized] [03]: 📖 Être #Woke, c’est quoi ? #Définition [URL redacted]

"Woke comes from the English verb to wake "to wake up". To be "woke" is therefore to be awakened, awakened, finally aware of all the discrimination, domination, even the most "hidden" oppression that is exercised on minorities.
Since 2010, this term has become popular and its use widespread. First used to talk about discrimination against ethnic minorities, then those related to LGBTQ communities ... it is now used throughout the field of intersectional struggles, as well as for the themes imposed by the "new progressivism": from the struggles of neo-feminists to those of antispeciesists or collapsologists." (Google Translate).
#2010_ #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #IdentityLGBTQIA #PoliticsProgressivismNew as per #OrgClassifPPFRRenaissanceRE


Archived on 25 April 2021 at 7:45 am [URL redacted]
@CorbinWade [name pseudonymized] [03]: @DWARSUtrecht Hoe vaak jullie ook op de deugtrommel slaan, waarden veranderen niet. #Intersectionaliteit bestaat niet en werkt niet. Want er is geen enkele moslim die in een YMCA outfit LHBT rechten staat te verdedigen. #Woke foto zal alleen maar weerzin bij moslims oproepen. [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 April 2021 at 10:15 am [URL redacted]
@JazmynBeardshear [name pseudonymized]: #Woke @BBCWorld will surely regret granting this guy an interview 😂😂😂 [URL redacted]


Addendum: In discussing the trial and subsequent conviction of #IndivMurdererDerekChauvin, #PodcastChTheOfficerTatumBrandonTatum seems to be using this platform to criticise claims of the US being #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional. Part of the interest in this perspective is the fact that there is an assumption that all #IdentityIndigenousBlackPeopleOfColourBIPOC are assumed to be anti-racist - overlooking the fact that this is only one dimension of how people are i.e. presumably Tatum prizes his #PoliticsNationalismConservative more than anything else (and most likely sees criticism of the US in this way, as an affront).
The assumption is likely motivated by a logic of #TheorySelfPreservation i.e. that #IndivDeceasedGeorgeFloyd being murdered represents a threat to all #IdentityAmericanBlackAndAfrican.s who in their identification with his plight, will automatically rally on his side. Doing however overlooks the fact that in doing so, assumes that those identifying will automatically interpret his murder as an act of #OtheringDiscriminationRacism.
This foregrounds #PhenomnCulturalHegemony, #OtheringDiscriminationRacismInternalized and possible #TheorySociologyIntersectionality

Archived on 16 March 2021 at 10:00 am [URL redacted]
@HarperMeves [name pseudonymized]: @polenz_r #FreieWaehler #AfD #woke #CDU #WirWollenKarl #hartaberfair "Bei der intersektionellen Rassenkunde ist es nur logisch, dass man Vielfalt verachtet, wenn sie aus Deutschland kommt.... " [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 March 2021 at 9:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JoannPearse [name pseudonymized] [13]: @philo_writings I'm not a Marxist. But he at least grasped the centrality of socioeconomic class in the context of privilege. #Woke ideology gives only brief lip service to "class" as one of a miriad of #intersectionality axes of oppression, and then ignores it. Marx is turning in his grave.😒 [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 March 2021 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@HeathNeidenbach [name pseudonymized] [12]: Parlez-vous le « woke » ? #cancelculture #progressisme #woke [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#TauntCultureCancel #PoliticsProgressivismSocialLiberalism #WebsiteBoulevardVoltaireIrisBridier

Context: #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #IndivScholarSirmaBilge #IndivAuthorAleksandrSolzhenitsyn
Supplementary: French/English translation: "Boulevard Voltaire is generally classified among the websites of the French extreme right, several of its contributors being from currents of this ideological tendency and certain texts published on Boulevard Voltaire being considered Islamophobic, against multiculturalism and against homosexual marriage."

Archived on 6 February 2021 at 12:15 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 27 January 2021 at 12:30 am [URL redacted]
@JavonLacerenza [name pseudonymized]: Intersectional Imperialism w/Marco (Don’t be afraid, be a friend!) by The Lurch on #SoundCloud [URL redacted] #woke #leftist #left #wokeleft #pmc #pc #Liberals #imperialism #election #elections2020 #identity
Archived on 31 December 2020 at 9:30 am [URL redacted]
@ScottieOdendahl [name pseudonymized] [10]: The Intersectional Crackup with Douglas Murray (Ep.20) [URL redacted] #BCPoli #CdnPoli #HumanRights #Liberalism #PostModernism #CriticalRaceTheory #Woke #QueerTheory #Feminism #Disability #DisabilityRights #Intersectional #DouglasMurray
Archived on 22 September 2020 at 5:45 pm [URL redacted]
@JeniferDings [name pseudonymized]: Get well soon JP #jordanpeterson #12rulesoflife #intersection #intersectionalism #intersectionality #communism #marxism #politics #philosphy #learning #intelligence #thinking #thinker #science #woke #feminism [URL redacted]
Archived on 18 September 2020 at 9:45 pm [URL redacted]
@TammieCachero [name pseudonymized]: Very interesting #Woke isn't what a lot of people think it is. Watch "Is Critical Theory Biblical?" on YouTube [URL redacted]

This video by The #OrgUKColsonCenter for #BeliefChristianity Worldview: attempts to reframe #TheoryCriticalTheory in #MetaphorBiblical terms. It does so, through a critique hinging on a #TheoryModelBinary (rather than polyphony) through the bogeyman of #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #PhenomnResponsibilityMoral 

Archived on 10 September 2020 at 1:15 am [URL redacted]
@NicolePonzer [name pseudonymized]: Glad to get started. First heard of @ConceptualJames on the @RubinReport. Cynical Theory is probably going to be spoken of quite often in the years ahead. Armor up and spar with ideas. #CRT #intersectionality #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 September 2020 at 8:30 pm [URL redacted]
@RubyJamiolkowski [name pseudonymized] [03]: Let's have some fun with this handy new #Intersectionality chart. How many magical #oppressed groups do you fall into, and who's small business are you willing to burn down in order to get #justice? h/t @ConceptualJames and (of course) the always racist, @NMAAHC #woke #SJW [URL redacted]
Archived on 2 September 2020 at 6:15 am [URL redacted]
@NoaRipepi [name pseudonymized] [16]: Huge credit to @BenjaminABoyce for excellent interview of @CaseyAPetersen, who is challenging the #woke #cult ideology of #Intersectionality and #CriticalRaceTheory at @SandiaLabs. [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 July 2020 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @richardqspencer @UKLabour Errr, no, “UNRAVELLING” is the word. Pro-nuclear weapons Attlee acted without #woke, #genderfluid, #BLM, #antifa, #antisemitism, #intersectionality, #anti_transphobia #art_destruction @ShamimaBegums agendas. @UKLabour replaced #MontyPython but found a dressing-up box! [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 July 2020 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @SusieMcG4 @UKLabour He’d enjoy laughing at a pantomime! Pro-nuclear weapons Attlee also acted without #woke, #genderfluid, #BLM, #antifa, #antisemitism, #intersectionality, #anti_transphobia #art_destruction @ShamimaBegums agendas. @UKLabour has replaced #MontyPython But has found a dressing-up box! [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 July 2020 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @Jameswb3 @UKLabour @AngelaRayner Pro-nuclear weapons Attlee also acted without #woke, #genderfluid, #BLM, #antifa, #antisemitism, #intersectionality, #anti_transphobia #art_destruction @ShamimaBegums agendas. @UKLabour has replaced #MontyPython But has found a dressing-up box! [URL redacted]
Archived on 18 July 2020 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@EricaSchlesselman [name pseudonymized] [06]: 1| #Woke & #Intersectionaliteit zijn nieuwe termen voor de oude marxistische klassen-, gender- en rassenstrijd. Nu ook de strijd voor seksuele identiteit via #LGBTQ-activisme. Oude wijn in nieuwe zakken dus. Het leidt reductie van de mens tot zijn materiële eigenschappen, [URL redacted]

#NMUSCNNWillMullery #OtheringDiscriminationRacism

Supplementary: "Measuring intergroup attitudes is centrally important to social science. A tremendous amount of scholarship is devoted to understanding the content and source of these attitudes and their influence on behavior. In the study of American politics, white attitudes toward African Americans may be especially relevant, and a great deal of influential scholarship has focused on refining the techniques used to measure anti-Black prejudice. Perhaps no theory in this area has been more successful than 'modern racism' (Sears and Kinder, 1971; Kinder and Sears, 1981).
Theories of modern racism, also known as symbolic racism or racial resentment, were first postulated more than forty years ago in response to a shift in the expression of racial prejudice. As more explicit forms of prejudice began to fade, scholars identified a new set of racial attitudes, rooted in both anti-Black animus and the belief that Blacks violate traditional social values. In contrast to more traditional accounts of racism, in which overt prejudice is measured by support for racial stereotypes about Black inferiority, the new scales were devised to capture both the racial affect and social value judgments included in symbolic racial attitudes (Henry and Sears, 2002)." i.e. / #TheoryIntergroupSymbolicRacismRacialResentment #OtheringDenialPrejudice

Archived on 13 July 2020 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@NaiaCelis [name pseudonymized] [02]: No one is safe when it comes to intersectionality. #woke #toowoke #criticaltheory [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 July 2020 at 7:45 am [URL redacted]
@DarrylAbascal [name pseudonymized] [05]: Are the Left finally waking up? "'Dangerous' #woke movement broken down by left-wing commentator Claire Fox" [URL redacted] #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #SJW #regressiveLeft #intersectionalism #Progressive
Archived on 5 July 2020 at 11:15 pm [URL redacted]
@WarrenLindemeyer [name pseudonymized] [02]: Oscars Vow More Inclusivity With Participation Oscar [URL redacted] #Oscars #OscarsTooWhite #Inclusivity #Inclusive #Inclusivism #Intersectionalism #Inclusion #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #ANTIFA #AwardShows #Woke #Woketivism [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 July 2020 at 4:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JesusToeller [name pseudonymized]: "yas queen, slay." Game of Thrones botched the storytelling at the end, but thematically this is crucial. This is the whole point of the story arc: The white savior, the feminist hero, the breaker of chains -- > became the mad queen #feminism #intersectionalism #sjws #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 June 2020 at 12:00 am [URL redacted]
@IsaacGoes [name pseudonymized]: Thanks to @ksemamajama and Carter for this important and timely conversation with @BenjaminABoyce regarding how #intersectionality on college campuses has metastasized into society at large. #racism #woke #CriticalRaceTheory #identitypolitics [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 June 2020 at 10:45 pm [URL redacted]
@AlyssaCross [name pseudonymized] [09]: @BretWeinstein Testifies to Congress on the Evergreen State College Riots. #Woke #antiracism #intersectionality [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 June 2020 at 10:15 pm [URL redacted]
@AlyssaCross [name pseudonymized] [09]: @DaveRubin's first show was an interview with @SamHarrisOrg in which they discussed The @BenAffleck Debacle on Real Time with @BillMaher. #woke #intersectionality #antiracism [URL redacted]

#IndivUltracrepidarianDaveRubin #AdvocacyUSProjectReasonSamHarris #IndivActorBenAffleck #IndivComedianBillMaher #TheorySociologyIntersectionality

Context: "Appearing on HBO talk show Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday night, Affleck reacted furiously to claims by Maher that Islam manifested as 'the only religion that acts like the mafia' and which would 'fucking kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book'.
Author and philosopher Sam Harris also attracted the Argo director's ire after suggesting: 'We have been sold this meme of Islamophobia, where criticism of the religion gets conflated with bigotry towards Muslims as people. It's intellectually ridiculous.' ...
[Affleck] 'Hold on -- are you the person who officially understands the codified doctrine of Islam? It's gross and racist. It's like saying, 'Oh, you shifty Jew!' Your argument is, 'You know, black people, they shoot each other.''
He [Affleck] added: 'How about more than a billion people who aren't fanatical, who don't punch women, who just want to go to school, have some sandwiches, pray five times a day, and don't do any of the things you're saying of all Muslims. It's stereotyping.'" #OtheringHateIslamophobiaAntiMuslim

Archived on 16 June 2020 at 10:00 pm [URL redacted]
@AlyssaCross [name pseudonymized] [09]: The Ben Affleck/ Sam Harris Debacle on Bill Maher In this video, @BenAffleck loses his mind while discussing Islam with @SamHarrisOrg. He perfectly demonstrates #Woke reasoning. Hollywood execs are in line with Ben. #antiracist / #intersectionality [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 June 2020 at 9:45 pm [URL redacted]
@AlyssaCross [name pseudonymized] [09]: @joerogan interviews @NAChristakis about the Yale Halloween Costume Controversy. *(Highly recommend listening to the full 2 hour interview- this professor is extremely interesting). #antiracism #intersectionality #woke #Totalitarianism [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 June 2020 at 9:30 pm [URL redacted]
@AlyssaCross [name pseudonymized] [09]: The Yale Halloween Costume Controversy Crazy example of a totalitarian mob generated by #WokeCulture, this time at Yale University. @NAChristakis found himself at the center of this madness: [URL redacted] #intersectionality #antiracism #woke #WokeKindergarten
Archived on 16 June 2020 at 9:30 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 June 2020 at 2:15 pm [URL redacted]
@RowanLoeffel [name pseudonymized] [04]: @AkivaMCohen As a Jew, our misguided #AsAJews making common cause with the #woke #intersectionality is of greater concern when that #DNC is monopolized by #AntifaTerrorists regardless of #Trump's inferiority complexes [URL redacted]
Archived on 13 June 2020 at 3:00 pm [URL redacted]
@LeonardSharr [name pseudonymized]: Who would have thought that this was foretelling the future of our #education system #woke #cult #CultOfWoke #CultOfWokeness #WokeMob #WokeEducation #SJW Modern Educayshun [URL redacted] via @YouTube

#2015_ModernEducayshun #TheoryEthnomathematics #MetaphorCultWoke #TauntWokeMob #MetaphorWarfareSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #ReasoningFallacyReductioAdAbsurdum #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #MetaphorWarfareSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #PhenomnResponsibilityMoral

Supplementary: #IndivPhilosopherJohnRawls #1971_ATheoryOfJustice And #IndivHistoricalFigureImmanuelKant
Addendum: the film operates as a heavy-handed #PhenomnPolemic on the perils of #PolicyAffirmativeActionDiscriminationPositive. In doing so, its unsubtle message fails to recognise that we are all products of societal agendas and biases and that despite the (naive) insistence that achievement is solely and the product of #TheoryIndividualismCompetitive the reality is that #EpistemologySociallyConstructedKnowledge i.e. that as much as we have freewill to shape our own circumstances, we are also situated within a socio-cultural context that exerts a force, which we must act in relation to - we are, as much as anything, products of our circumstances.

Archived on 9 June 2020 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@MattBohte [name pseudonymized]: .#Woke #Mob Comes For #Tucker Carlson For #Criticizing #BLM, News Orgs #PURGE Staff in #Culture #Revolution [URL redacted] via @YouTube
Archived on 9 June 2020 at 4:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JoeyKobus [name pseudonymized] [03]: #Woke Mob Comes For #TuckerCarlson For Criticizing BLM, News Orgs PURGE S... [URL redacted] via @YouTube
Archived on 7 June 2020 at 7:00 am [URL redacted]
@JessKiddoo [name pseudonymized]: #Repost ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 Stand up for what you believe in. From JayKyuvee.tumblr . . #allblacklivesmatter #equality #blm #blackowned #blackbusiness #intersectionalfeminism #intersectionalactivism #activism #feminism #spreadthelove #yasskween #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 June 2020 at 11:15 pm [URL redacted]
@EzekielArtison [name pseudonymized]: It’s hard to be woke #2 #woke #hypocrites #intersectional #bullshit [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 June 2020 at 10:15 am [URL redacted]
@MaggieThody [name pseudonymized] [05]: @ianbremmer Yet stayed home for the Bataclan, Charlie Hebdo & Nice. ...wonder why? #woke #WokeHypocrisy #Intersectionality #BlackLivesMatter [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 June 2020 at 2:15 am [URL redacted]
@JacksonHelgerson [name pseudonymized]: @neontaster Define projection. The #AntifaTerrorists are and have always been fascists. But how convenient for them to take the name and run with it under the guise of #intersectionality and #woke culture. [URL redacted]

#TVTheSimpsonsRalphWiggum 'DavidThehc1776' i.e. David Basulto
Is the use of the #1776_ in the Twitter handle a coincidence?

#OrgClassifPPDEKommunistischeParteiDeutschlandsKPDAntifaschistischeAktion' versus #CauseAntifa

Context: "Antifaschistische Aktion was a militant anti-fascist organisation in the Weimar Republic started by members of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) that existed from 1932 to 1933."

Archived on 23 May 2020 at 2:15 pm [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @MartinKnight_ @Rob_Kimbell @metpoliceuk you missed #woke items from virtue-signalling list? #intersectionals? #genderfluids? DEAL WITH knife crime & #islamist abuse. Get away from subjective issues like #Hatespeech when you don’t even know the provenance of the Anglo-Greek word Islamophobia. Means FEAR [URL redacted]
Archived on 25 April 2020 at 3:15 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 April 2020 at 5:45 am [URL redacted]
@KaitlinQuraishi [name pseudonymized] [24]: @grauniadmeme The @Conservatives deprived the boy of his #woke #leftwaffe grandstanding with the #lockdownuk! You'd expect someone like @owenjones84 to stamp his feet and "skweam" until he was sick and had to run out of the interview! [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 March 2020 at 4:30 pm [URL redacted]
@RowanLoeffel [name pseudonymized] [04]: @DeborahProudJew @CBSNews @CBS @ViacomCBS @TheView @jaketapper @bariweiss @60Minutes This ðŸ"½ðŸ"½ðŸ"½'dreck' is what the so-called #woke #intersectional crowd give a platform to...I don't get it!!!!!!!!!! [URL redacted]