#IRLActorJamesDean i.e. #TheoryCodedMasculinity / #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity / #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverPetroMotorcycle versus #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle / #MetaphorGenerationMillennials + #LiteralVehicleScooterElectric #TheoryDeclinism #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych #TheoryHauntology
#OtheringUnhealthyObesity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-axJ3yXgK0M / https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/1452198179529584644 #PhenomnRevolutionRussian #ToponymBolsheviks #IRLHistoricalFigureKarlMarx #IRLHistoricalFigureFriedrichEngels #PhenomnStatueToppling #TauntCultureCancel #AdvocacyRUValdaiDiscussionClub i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valdai_Discussion_Club
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctLOtI32cWY&t=1990s "We look in amazement at the processes underway in the countries which have been traditionally looked at as the standard-bearers of progress. Of course, the social and cultural shocks that are taking place in the United States and Western Europe are none of our business; we are keeping out of this. Some people in the West believe that an aggressive elimination of entire pages from their own history, 'reverse discrimination' against the majority in the interests of a minority, and the demand to give up the traditional notions of mother, father, family and even gender, they believe that all of these are the mileposts on the path towards social renewal." https://valdaiclub.com/events/posts/articles/vladimir-putin-meets-with-members-of-the-valdai-discussion-club-transcript-of-the-18th-plenary-session/ #2021_ #TheoryDeclinism
#TVTheMandalorianS2E1 i.e. https://www.starwars.com/databank/cobb-vanth-s-speeder And https://www.ign.com/articles/mandalorian-anakin-podracer-speeder-bike-easter-egg #OrgUSLucasfilmStarWars #1969_EasyRider #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverPetroMotorcycle #LiteralVehicleScooterElectric #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #TheoryDeclinism #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #MetaphorVersusSideBySideTriptych #TheoryHauntology
#FictionalCharacterMartyMcFly i.e. #1985_BackToTheFuture
#FictionalCharacterStarWarsPadmeAmidala #FictionalCharacterStarWarsPrincessLeia
#1985_TheGoonies or #1986_StandByMe ?
"How have women evolved" #TauntWokeCulture
"The last great generation before all you sissies were born." #MetaphorGenerationGenX #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #BrandMolsonCoorsMillerLite ? #TheoryDeclinism
#TauntLeftThe #TheoryDeclinism #PoliticsStatusQuoTheEstablishment i.e. #OrgUSFedCentersForDiseaseControlAndPreventionCDC #PhenomnMaskWearing #CatchcryFreedomOfSpeechFreeSpeech
by #CaricaturistHenryPayne
#NewspaperITBerlinerLaVeritaMartinaPastorelli ? "passing from equilibrium to dis-equilibrium of terror due to the woke culture, which makes the West fragile but also transgressive and suicidal, therefore extremely disturbing and unpredictable; in the opposite camp, one is ready to do anything to resist the awakened delusions and imperialist ambitions... 'There is a risk of escalation, above all if one considers the struggle between modern and postmodern culture. Deterrence lies on the one hand in choosing life, refusing suicide; on the other in believing that life has a greater meaning than life itself. Not necessarily religious, but such as to allow one to choose between meaning and death. Now, in postmodern culture meaning has been reduced to mere survival out of fear of dying, which hinders the logic of deterrence. The nonsense that comes from this vision brings despair and anguish, and with they had the idea of ending it all by committing suicide. Starting from this idea of individual suicide, we then introduce that of collective suicide. The extraordinary European infertility already represents a form of it, as well as the legalisation of euthanasia, which has become the new way of taking leave of life. Was going to war recklessly into danger always the most honourable way to commit universal suicide? maybe, but postmodernism has become too fragile to go to fight: do you really believe that Italy or France would agree to leave 100,0000 corpses on the trenches of Ukraine? For this reason, nuclear war will end up representing the third and most 'satisfactory' form of collective suicide. Which moreover identifies a scapegoat for our desperation: without a profound renewal of Western humanism, committing suicide by killing an enemy who embodies the Ma will become an acceptable prospect for her. We must then rediscover a meaning: put reason and truth, nature and life, God and immortality, friendship and love, and no longer freedom in first place'.
What role can religion play, in the past accused of being the cause of conflicts, and today the only hope in the face of this suicidal trend and the threat of a Leviathan?
'After Hiroshima, a total war would be the end of the human race, so much so that the prospect of a single world state - a universal Leviathan as a solution guaranteeing peace - would be acceptable. But Leviathan cannot keep his promises, not even by implementing a sort of planetary Orwellian Stalinism, and it is precisely his atrocious prospect that must make us think again. The lords of the Leviathan are supermen, all the others are submen: if the Le-"
#ConspiracyTheoryNewWorldOrderNWO #IRLConspiracistAnthonyRalphEpperson #1990_TheNewWorldOrder
#OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPPOTUSDonaldTrump "our best days are still ahead" versus #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyPOTUSJoeBiden #CaricaturistAntonioBranco
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osisuABGBF4 #AdvocacyUSNaturalResourcesDefenseCouncilNRDCJenniferSass i.e. https://www.nrdc.org/experts/jennifer-sass
#TheoryDeclinism #PleaNostalgia #TheoryModelBinary #MetaphorTransformationRetrogression #IRLModelJeanPatchett i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Patchett #TheoryCodedFemininityOver #MagazineCondeNastVogue i.e. https://theimpression.com/puppets-and-puppets-fall-2023-fashion-show-details/ #IdentityLGBTQIATrans #PhenomnBodyAdornmentTattoo #1954_ #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
#1969_EasyRider #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverPetroMotorcycle #LiteralVehicleScooterElectric #TheoryDeclinism #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
#OrgClassifGrpMusicUKTheRollingStonesMickJagger #OrgClassifGrpMusicUSTheDoorsJimMorrison #IRLMusicianDavidBowie #OrgClassifGrpMusicUSAerosmithStevenTyler #IRLMusicianJimmyHendrix #IRLMusicianJohnnyCash #IRLSingerElvisPresley #OrgClassifGrpMusicUKBlackSabbathOzzyOsbourne #OrgClassifGrpMusicUSGunsNRosesAxlRose #PhenomnCulturalFormPhotographyMugshot
#NewspaperUKBrdshtTheTimesMelaniePhillips "The outspoken state school head and former social mobility tsar Katharine Birbalsingh has been making waves again, this time over independent schools.
In an essay for an updated edition of a book called The State of Independence, she writes that in recent years these schools - particularly the most prestigious ones - have embraced the agenda of identity politics. Independent schools, she says, are essential in the great battle for traditionalism. Parents who send their children to such schools still believe this is precisely what they are buying. No longer.
The significant change came about, Birbalsingh says, after the emergence of Black Lives Matter and the dominance of identity politics in the progressive circles where many, if not most, teachers make their ideological home.
In another essay in this book Claire Fox, the one-time Marxist turned libertarian turned baroness, who is herself a former teacher, endorses this observation. Fox writes that 'woke ideology is increasingly what is being taught at the highest levels of private schooling'. This, she suggests, may explain why so many leading 'social justice warriors' in the universities were themselves privately educated.
Eton, for example, has called for more gender intelligence and invited the founder of the Everyday Sexism Project to lecture pupils. Rugby School has introduced post-doctoral bursaries to explore 'the historical intersection between schools, class and colonialism'. An unidentified school founded in the 16th century and charging more than £35,000 per year, writes Fox, has trained its staff in 'unconscious bias', gives lessons in 'micro-aggressions and stereotyping' and has told department heads to ensure that 'black British history influences curricular development'. Birbalsingh says the grip that all this has exercised can't be explained without grasping the impact of 'child-centred' education. This maintains that the child is the principal driver of his or her education experience, with the teacher relegated to a back-seat role. As a result structured teaching, discipline and adult authority in school go down the drain.
Birbalsingh says that this plays out far worse in independent schools because it combines with the guilt of the privileged. Not only are these pupils drawn overwhelmingly from the upper social strata, but many of the teachers were themselves privately educated. They make themselves feel better, she says, by embracing ideologies that tell them they are empowering their students to address the perceived injustices of the world.
Such schools no longer inspire their pupils to repay their privileged upbringing through public service. Instead, they 'follow the children's leadership' by embracing causes fashionable among the young which will secure the teacher's position as a 'good person'. This helps explain why transgender is being pushed by so many posh girls' schools, regardless of the damage it is doing to individual girls and to women's rights.
In America, the extent of this cultural self-flagellation in its most elite high schools has provoked some parents to take their children away. One such New York parent wrote that schools such as Brearley, from where he was removing his daughter, were supposed to be the training grounds for America's leaders.
In a letter to all Brearley parents, he wrote: 'Our nation will not survive a generation of leadership even more poorly educated than we have now, nor will we survive a generation of students taught to hate its own country and despise its history.'
In my 1996 book, All Must Have Prizes, drawing on my own perceptions of what was being taught in both state and independent schools and the evidence from teachers and educationists, I wrote about the catastrophic effects of child-centred education. The fact that I was denounced by virtually the entire education establishment proved my point that this had become an unchallengeable orthodoxy. At the same time, I received huge support from parents - and from dissident teachers who privately expressed their despair that the very understanding of education as the transmission of a culture was being destroyed, and along with it the life chances of the most vulnerable children.
Birbalsingh, whose educational philosophy runs headlong against this, heads one of the most successful state schools in Britain in one of its most culturally diverse and challenging areas. Yet she is demonised as 'right-wing' - that adults brainless insult that tells you so spend much about the person reflexively hurling it at those with whom they disagree.
These devastating observations about independent schools shouldn't be brushed aside as of marginal importance. Such schools may educate a small minority but they in effect set down markers for education that lead the culture.
For years, they have been under increasingly vituperative attack for small doing so. Now it turns out they have abandoned that role and have chosen to be led by children instead.
Birbalsingh stood down as head of the Social Mobility Commission because of the impossibility of telling home truths to a wider culture that seems to regard these as micro-aggressions.
In her essay, which she wrote last summer while she was still at the commission, she likens independent schools to an iceberg that has melted so much that it topples in on itself. The uproar she provokes tells us much about the toppling icebergs of Britain and the West." https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/private-schools-woke-takeover-is-a-worry-to-all-fmntz5qkh
#AdvocacyTurningPointTPUSA #MetaphorTransformationEvolution #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle / #CharacterisationWeaknessFragility / #BehaviourEmotionalDysregulationHistrionics versus #PleaNostalgia #IdentityClassWorking #PowerControlExploitationChildLabour #NarrativeWarWWII #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #TheoryDeclinism #Meme1800s1900s2000s
#IRLActorClintEastwood #IRLActorTellySavalas #TheoryCodedMasculinityOver #CharacterisationWeaknessCrybabies #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #PleaPronouns #PhenomnGenderSpectrum #CharacterisationVegan #TheoryDeclinism #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft / #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverRugged #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csv1wXOr5tY&t=208s #PhenomnCulturalFormGenreFilmWar
#ConspiracyTheoryGreatReplacement #PoliticsFascismNaziPropaganda #1932_DieBernegerungFrankreichsIn100Jahren #TheoryDeclinism #TheoryAffectiveEconomies https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/91xhg0/france_in_100_years_german_1930s/ #TheoryHauntology
"The future in Germany! Woke" #TheoryDeclinism
#TheoryModelBinaryDualityManichean #IRLActorJohnWayne / #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverRugged versus #SymbolHairstyleTopknot #TheoryDeclinism #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #MetaphorVersusUsThem #TheoryModelBinary #PleaAuthenticity #PleaNostalgia #MetaphorTransformationRetrogression #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOMhN-hfMtY&t=94s "...even if I could, it'd all be grey. Put your picture on my wall, it reminds me that it's not so bad it's not so bad..."
"That's all I loathe... this generation of burners, who have never done anything in their lives, except lack of respect for others, ingratitude towards elders... woke nupes LFI Sandrine Rousseau Wokisme EELV" #OrgClassifPPFREuropeEcologieLesVertsEELVSandrineRousseau #OrgClassifPPFRNouvelleUnionPopulaireEcologiqueEtSocialeNUPES #OrgClassifPPFRGroupeLaFranceInsoumiseLFI
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOMhN-hfMtY&t=94s "...even if I could, it'd all be grey. Put your picture on my wall, it reminds me that it's not so bad it's not so bad..."
this is an excerpt (page XX) from #1990_TheNewWorldOrder https://archive.org/details/TheNewWorldOrder_201709 by #IRLConspiracistAnthonyRalphEpperson i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._Ralph_Epperson
#IRLActorClintEastwood #IRLActorTellySavalas #TheoryCodedMasculinityOver #CharacterisationWeaknessCrybabies #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #PleaPronouns #PhenomnGenderSpectrum #CharacterisationVegan #TheoryDeclinism #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft / #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverRugged #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csv1wXOr5tY&t=208s #PhenomnCulturalFormGenreFilmWar
#PleaAWorldOfSimpleStableFixedOperations / #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength: #IRLActorJohnWayne / #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverRugged versus #OrgClassifPPCALiberalPartyJustinTrudeau / #CharacterisationWeaknessUnmanlyEffeminate i.e. #CharacterisationEmasculationAmbiguityAndrogyny :: #IRLHistoricalFigureMarilynMonroe / #TheoryCodedFemininityOver versus #IdentityLGBTQIATrans i.e. #CharacterisationEmasculationIndeterminacyEpicene / #OtheringOutGroupTransgressiveDeviant #TheoryModelBinary #MetaphorTransformationRetrogression #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
#MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych #1992_ #IRLActorMarkWahlberg i.e. #TheoryCodedMasculinityOver and #IRLModelKateMoss i.e. #TheoryCodedFemininityOver versus #2022_ #IRLModelBappieKortram i.e. #OtheringOutGroupTransgressiveDeviant / #IdentityLGBTQIATrans and #IRLDesignerJamillaGrannetia Both #PhenomnBodyAdornmentTattoo + #OtheringUnhealthyFatShaming #PleaAWorldOfSimpleStableFixedOperations
"1933: The perfect society is racially pure
2015: The perfect society is mixed race.
left, moralism, cosmopolitan, tolerance, diversity, races, woke, wokuharam, bolshewoks, racism, anti-racism, anti-racism, mass migration, replacement migration"
#PoliticsFascismNaziAryanMasterRace i.e. #PoliticsNationalismEthno,
#MetaphorPurityRaceMixingMiscegenation, #PhenomnMulticulturalism,
#MetaphorTransformationEvolution #TheoryDeclinism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NXPnnEagNs #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyPOTUSWoodrowWilson
#MetaphorGenerationWoke #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #PleaPronouns #NarrativeWarWWIII #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength #TheoryDeclinism
#IRLScholarRuthWodak "Far-right populist parties thrive whenever there is a crisis. They either construct or exaggerate a crisis or instrumentalize existing crises. They create unreal scenarios of threat and danger, and then they position themselves as the only party and the only politicians who can save 'us' from this crisis and danger. In this way, they first create fear and then hope. This is an interdependent pattern. Which is, of course, not new, which has existed for many, many centuries; but they are very clever at employing this pattern." https://www.populismstudies.org/prof-ruth-wodak-i-am-very-worried-about-the-future-of-europe/ #PhenomnPopulism #TheoryPoliticsOfFearInstrumentalisingCrisis #MetaphorWeaponisation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqzVPpNdEjI&t=18s #PoliticsFascismNaziNeoFarRightAltRightRadicalRight #OtheringHateXenophobia #MetaphorThreatGeneralisedNonSpecific #OrgClassifPPATFreiheitlicheParteiOsterreichsFPOJorgHaider i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B6rg_Haider #1989_ #PhenomnImmigrationEconomicMigrant #2015_ #ToponymAfghanistan #ToponymEastMiddleIraq #ToponymEastMiddleIran #ToponymEastMiddleSyria #ToponymAfrica #ToponymAfricaSomalia #ToponymAfricaSudan #PowerControlExclusion #PoliticsTechnocracy
#MetaphorTransformationEvolution #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle / #CharacterisationWeaknessFragility / #BehaviourEmotionalDysregulationHistrionics versus #PleaNostalgia #IdentityClassWorking #PowerControlExploitationChildLabour #NarrativeWarWWII #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #TheoryDeclinism #Meme1800s1900s2000s
#BrandCalvinKlein #MetaphorTransformationEvolution #TheoryDeclinism #HandleInstagramSarcasticSimon i.e. 'sarcastic.simon'
#TheoryDeclinism: "50 years ago we could smoke, drink sugar, drive on roads without being charged tolls, we did not pay VAT, you could pay compliments without fear, drive around central Madrid, drink beer with a restaurant menu... but the dictatorship was that of Franco." #IRLDictatorFranciscoFranco
#TechServiceNetflix #OrgIntlWEFGreatReset http://republic-of-rhodesia.org/
#PhenomnColonialism #PleaNostalgia #NarrativeRhodesia i.e. #ToponymAfricaZimbabwe (previously Northern Rhodesia from 1924) and #ToponymAfricaZambia (previously Southern Rhodesia from 1923) i.e. https://www.britannica.com/place/Rhodesia #TheoryHauntology
#MetaphorTransformationEvolution (framed as the descent rather than ascent of culture over time) #TauntLeftThe #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #TheoryDeclinism #IdentityClassWorking #IdentityLGBTQIA
#AdvocacyTurningPointTPUSA #MetaphorTransformationEvolution #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle / #CharacterisationWeaknessFragility / #BehaviourEmotionalDysregulationHistrionics versus #PleaNostalgia #IdentityClassWorking #PowerControlExploitationChildLabour #NarrativeWarWWII #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #TheoryDeclinism #Meme1800s1900s2000s
#OrgClassifPPNLDemocratenD66RobJetten #ConspiracyTheoryNewWorldOrderNWO #OrgIntlUNWHO #OrgIntlWEF.fer ? "EU fanaat / EU fanatic" #OrgEU
#SymbolHairColourPink #PhenomnBodyAdornmentTattoo #PhenomnBodyAdornmentPiercing #OtheringOutGroupTransgressiveDeviant / #TheoryCriticalTheoryAbjection. Note the #OrgIntlWEF + #PolicyUSBuildBackBetter watermark, which has been burnt into the person's forehead - as if to say, "this is where we're heading as a consequence of 'building back better'" i.e. "we need to go back" as per #TheoryDeclinism And in context with the reference to D66, "D66 represents a future 'we' don't want for the Netherlands (because this is a step too far)".
"What was the Frankfurt School? Well, in the days following the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it was believed that a workers' revolution would sweep into Europe and, eventually, into the United States. But it did not do so. Towards the end of 1922 the Communist International (Comintern) began to consider what were the reasons. On Lenin's initiative a meeting was organised at the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow.
The aim of the meeting was to clarify the concept of, and give concrete effect to, a Marxist cultural revolution. Amongst those present were Georg Lukacsz (a Hungarian aristocrat, son of a banker, who had become a Communist during World War I. A good Marxist theoretician, he developed the idea of 'Revolution and Eros'sexual instinct used as an instrument of destruction.) and Willi Munzenberg (whose proposed solution was to 'organise the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilisation stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat'). 'It was,' said Ralph de Toledano (1916-2007) the conservative author and cofounder of the National Review, a meeting 'perhaps more harmful to Western civilization than the Bolshevik Revolution itself.'
Lenin died in 1924. By this time, however, Stalin was beginning to look on Munzenberg, Lukacz and like-thinkers as 'revisionists'. In June 1940, Munzenberg fled to the south of France where, on Stalin's orders, a NKVD assassination squad caught up with him and hanged him from a tree.
In the summer of 1924, after being attacked for his writings by the 5th Comintern Congress, Lukacz moved to Germany, where he chaired the first meeting of a group of Communist-oriented sociologists, a gathering that was to lead to the foundation of the Frankfurt School." Timothy Matthews (2009). 'The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt', Catholic Insight. https://archive.org/details/the-frankfurt-school-timothy-matthews #PhenomnFrankfurtSchool #OtheringHateAntisemiticCanardJudeoBolshevism
#CaricaturistDaveWhamond #TheoryDeclinism #TheoryAffectiveResponseBewilderment
#MetaphorGenerationWoke #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #PleaPronouns #NarrativeWarWWIII #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength #TheoryDeclinism
#TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength #MetaphorWarfareHeroAction #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverHyper #IRLActorSylvesterStallone #IRLActorArnoldSchwarzenegger #IRLActorJeanClaudeVanDamme #IRLActorDolphLundgren #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #IRLActorTomHolland #IRLActorBenedictCumberbatch #IRLActorEzraMiller e.g. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/ezra-miller-on-the-power-of-makeup #IRLActorRobertPattinson e.g. #2008_Twilight #TheoryDeclinism
#IRLActorClintEastwood #IRLActorTellySavalas #TheoryCodedMasculinityOver #CharacterisationWeaknessCrybabies #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #PleaPronouns #PhenomnGenderSpectrum #CharacterisationVegan #TheoryDeclinism #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft / #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverRugged #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csv1wXOr5tY&t=208s #PhenomnCulturalFormGenreFilmWar
#AphorismStrongWeakMenGoodBadTimes #TheoryDeclinism #IRLPhotographerJoeRosenthal's iconic #1945_RaisingTheFlagOnIwoJima #NarrativeWarWWII image of #OrgUSFedAFMMarines raising the #SymbolEmblemFlagUS atop Mount Suribachi during the battle of #ToponymAsiaEastJapanOgasawaraIwoJima #CharacterisationWeakness #MemeJessicaStarrAKALukeCrywalker #OrgUSDeepIsolationSamBrinton #IRLEntertainerBenitoSkinnerAKABennyDrama #2022_InvasionOfUkraine #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #VlogTheBennyShow #IRLDogmatistBennyJohnson
#TheoryDeclinism #TheoryModelBinaryDualityManichean #TVSavedByTheBell 1990's version with #IRLActorTiffaniThiessen versus reboot version with #IRLActorJosieTotah #PleaNostalgia #PleaAuthenticity #TheoryModelBinary #MetaphorTransformationRetrogression #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
"If you don't read newspapers, you are not informed.
If you do read newspapers you are wrong, informed!
#ToponymAmericaNorthUSOklahomaGeary #NarrativeWarWWI #NarrativeWarWWII #NarrativeWarSpanishAmerican #NarrativeWarAmericanCivil
tweet evokes #PoliticsNationalismBritish / #TheoryDeclinism in response to #IRLHistoricalFigureEdwardColston / #PhenomnStatueToppling article i.e. #NewspaperUKTabloidTheDailyMailGregoryKirby: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10377203/Colston-statue-trial-judge-worried-pressure-jury.html, which was posted by #IRLDogmatistDarrenGrimes.
#TheoryDeclinism #TheoryAffectiveResponseBewilderment #PoliticallyCorrectPC #CharacterisationWeaknessSnowflake #SymbolGestureWolfWhistlingCatcalling
#NarrativeWarWWII #IdentityBritish (from Imperial units cited)
#IRLActorArnoldSchwarzenegger reference is presumably to his character in #1984_TheTerminator as well as #FictionalCharacterMartyMcFly in #1985_BackToTheFuture - where both were able to go backwards in time.
"Live Passionately BG" watermark #TheoryDeclinism #BrandPearlMillingAKAAuntJemima
#NarrativeWarWWII #ToponymEuropeBelgiumVlaamsGewestBrussels #TheoryDeclinism #MetaphorVersusHardSoft "vrijheid" i.e. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/dutch-english/vrijheid #CatchcryFreedomOfSpeechFreeSpeech #CatchcryFreedomLiberty #CharacterisationStrengthCourageGritValor #LiteralEndurance
"American paratroopers proudly display a Nazi flag captured after a successful landing made behind German lines on the Normandy coast of France, June 9, 1944." #OrgUSFedAFMArmy i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/101st_Airborne_Division#/media/File:101st_Airborne_Division_-_WW2_01.jpg #ToponymEuropeFranceNormandy #1944_ #NarrativeWarWWII
"The last great generation before all you sissies were born." #MetaphorGenerationGenX #TheoryDeclinism #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft
response to #MagazineFRValeursActuelles (far-right weekly news magazine) https://www.valeursactuelles.com/clubvaleurs/societe/repentance-coloniale-et-reparation-pour-lesclavage-ces-militants-qui-veulent-faire-payer-la-france/ i.e. reparations for France's #PhenomnColonialism past. #TheoryDeclinism #_Focal ?
#PleaNostalgia.ic historical timeline montage i.e. #MetaphorTransformationEvolution of still images depicting key historical events in French history terminating at a set of contemporary images of #IdentityLGBTQIA people and depicting examples of #PhenomnImmigration as well as a group of #IdentityBlack men (an image recycled on multiple French nationalist websites and blogs - used to represent #OtheringOutGroupGangMob - commonly signifying the French pejorative colloquialism #OtheringOutGroupRacaille i.e. 'riffraff', 'scum'). Significantly, the turning point in the narratives centres on a shift from patriotic caucasians to #IdentityBlack people, a #IdentityMuslim women dressed in a #SymbolHijabNiqabBurqa sitting beside a #IdentityLGBTQIATrans person. Basically, #PoliticsNationalismFrance / #PoliticsNationalismConservative #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation (still-frame images is seemingly of #IRLHistoricalFigureJoanOfArc who despite having her conviction later overturned, was burnt at the stake as a heretic).
set to soundtrack of #2017_LittleDarkAge i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Dark_Age by US band MGMT i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MGMT
#IRLActorPierceBrosnan and #IRLActorMichelleYeoh in #1997_TomorrowNeverDies Versus #IRLActorDanielCraig and #IRLActorLashanaLynch / #FictionalCharacter007MNomi in #2021_NoTimeToDie https://www.instagram.com/p/CTkcrx7o7pt/ #TheoryCodedMasculinityAlphaMale ? #TheoryRepresentation #PoliticallyCorrectPC #PhenomnMaskWearing #LiteralVehicleScooterElectric #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #TheoryDeclinism #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #MetaphorVersusSideBySideTriptych #2027_
#MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych #TheoryCodedFemininityOver #TheoryDeclinism #OtheringOutGroup (women that seemingly have #TVKingOfTheHill tattoos). #CharacterisationEmasculationIndeterminacyEpicene #TheoryIntergroupBias
#IdentityLGBTQIAPrideRainbow #1941_1207AttackOnPearlHarbor #LiteralWristWatch is a reference to #ToponymAmericaNorthUSDelawareDoverAirForceBase #OrgAFTaliban i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badri_313_Battalion #PhenomnPropagandaDisinformation image mocks #IRLPhotographerJoeRosenthal's iconic #1945_RaisingTheFlagOnIwoJima #NarrativeWarWWII image of #OrgUSFedAFMMarines raising the #SymbolEmblemFlagUS atop Mount Suribachi during the battle of #ToponymAsiaEastJapanOgasawaraIwoJima i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raising_the_Flag_on_Iwo_Jima #TheoryDeclinism (because 'we' were successful then, not like now).
#OrgAFTaliban i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badri_313_Battalion #PhenomnPropagandaDisinformation image mocks #IRLPhotographerJoeRosenthal's iconic #1945_RaisingTheFlagOnIwoJima #NarrativeWarWWII image of #OrgUSFedAFMMarines raising the #SymbolEmblemFlagUS atop Mount Suribachi during the battle of #ToponymAsiaEastJapanOgasawaraIwoJima i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raising_the_Flag_on_Iwo_Jima #TheoryDeclinism (because 'we' were successful then, not like now).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6WTa1QmaF8&t=455s and #TechServiceTinEyeReverseImageSearch look-up of 2 August 2021 upload https://imgur.com/gallery/4Exb7WX i.e. seemingly, first upload instance. #PhenomnPropagandaUsefulIdiot
seemingly an attack on progressive policies to provide universal #LiteralHealthcare wrapped up as #TheoryDeclinism
#CharacterisationWeaknessCrybabies #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #TheoryDeclinism #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft / #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverRugged #IRLActorClintEastwood #IRLActorTellySavalas #TheoryCodedMasculinityOver #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csv1wXOr5tY&t=208s #PhenomnCulturalFormGenreFilmWar
"In 50 years, we will talk about Blanquer as we talk today about Joseph de Maistre or Louis de Bonald, as we talk about those who in the 19th century thought 'progress as a disaster'" #TauntCultureCancel #TauntIslamoGauchismeIslamoLeftism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamo-leftism #IRLHistoricalFigureLouisDeBonald "counter-revolutionary philosopher". #OrgClassifPPFRRenaissanceREJeanMichelBlanquer
#TheoryDeclinism #1980_Airplane! "Air #ToponymEastMiddIsrael, please clear the runway!"
#PleaNostalgia (I'm not sure if this tweet is critical or in support of colonialism). The comparison (Woke Vs RégimeColonial) seems to 'good' versus 'bad' but could equally be suggesting that they are one and the same thing. #TheoryDeclinism ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Srdz4WxG1OI&t=5s #MetaphorVersusPurityAdulteration #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation / #TheoryVictimhoodWhiteThymos and #PhenomnResponsibilityBlamingVictim #TheoryDeclinism #1965_CaliforniaDreamin #TauntLeftist #IdentityLGBTQIA #MetaphorWarfareSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #PhenomnVirusCOVID19 #PleaLawAndOrder #TheoryAffectiveResponseHysteria #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyAlexandriaOcasioCortezAOC #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyJamaalBowman #ToponymAmericaNorthUSCaliforniaSouthernLosAngelesLA #ToponymAmericaNorthUSNewYork #NMUSFOXFNC #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #IRLDeceasedGeorgeFloyd #PhenomnCulturalAppropriation #SymbolEmblemFlagUSConfederate #OrgUSFedAFMMarkMilley #PhenomnWhiteRage #SlurWhiteSupremacy #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #IRLComedianJohnOliver #IRLComedianLeslieJones
#IRLActorClintEastwood #IRLActorTellySavalas #TheoryCodedMasculinityOver #CharacterisationWeaknessCrybabies #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #PleaPronouns #PhenomnGenderSpectrum #CharacterisationVegan #TheoryDeclinism #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft / #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverRugged #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csv1wXOr5tY&t=208s #PhenomnCulturalFormGenreFilmWar
#MetaphorVersusCompetitionCooperation #TheoryDeclinism (wistfulness yearning) #BrandVictoriasSecretAngels https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/16/business/victorias-secret-collective-megan-rapinoe.html #IRLSportspersonMeganRapinoe #IRLSportspersonEileenGu #IRLModelPalomaElsesser #IRLActorPriyankaChopraJonas #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI
#MetaphorTransformationEvolution (framed as the descent rather than ascent of culture over time) #TauntLeftThe #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #TheoryDeclinism #IdentityClassWorking #IdentityLGBTQIA #SymbolTakeAKneeGenuflectionKneeling
#AdvocacyTurningPointTPUSA #MetaphorTransformationEvolution #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle / #CharacterisationWeaknessFragility / #BehaviourEmotionalDysregulationHistrionics versus #PleaNostalgia #IdentityClassWorking #PowerControlExploitationChildLabour #NarrativeWarWWII #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #Meme1800s1900s2000s
#MetaphorTransformationEvolution (framed as the descent rather than ascent of culture over time) #TauntLeftThe #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #TheoryDeclinism #IdentityClassWorking #OtheringElitesLiberalCulturalEducated #IdentityLGBTQIA #SymbolTakeAKneeGenuflectionKneeling
#MetaphorTransformationEvolution (framed as the descent rather than ascent of culture over time) #TauntLeftThe #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #TheoryDeclinism #IdentityClassWorking #OtheringElitesLiberalCulturalEducated #IdentityLGBTQIA #SymbolTakeAKneeGenuflectionKneeling #FictionalCharacterFrankensteinsCreature
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beFYv8ZwT2U #DescriptionBirthingPeople #PleaPronouns #CauseFeminism #TheoryDeclinism #AdvocacyUSHooverInstitutionVictorDavisHanson https://www.hoover.org/profiles/victor-davis-hanson #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyAlexandriaOcasioCortezAOC supposed lack of #TauntMaturity #ReasoningFallacyAppealToTraditionValues
#TheoryDeclinism i.e. the display of aggression of #IRLSportspersonStuartPearce and #IRLSportspersonTerryButcher
#IRLSportspersonJesseLingard, #OrgUKFootballAssociationFAGarethSouthgate
#MetaphorVersusUsThem / #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength / #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverRugged
#IRLActorClintEastwood #IRLActorTellySavalas #TheoryCodedMasculinityOver #CharacterisationWeaknessCrybabies #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #PleaPronouns #PhenomnGenderSpectrum #CharacterisationVegan #TheoryDeclinism #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #MetaphorVersusHardSoft / #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverRugged #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csv1wXOr5tY&t=208s #PhenomnCulturalFormGenreFilmWar
"I am right for the simple reason that it seems to me the right result." #TheoryDeclinism #PleaAWorldOfSimpleStableFixedOperations
#MetaphorTransformationEvolution (framed as the descent rather than ascent of culture over time) #TauntLeftThe #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #TheoryDeclinism #IdentityClassWorking #OtheringElitesLiberalCulturalEducated #IdentityLGBTQIA #OtheringOutGroup
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/roger-daltrey-woke-generation-creating-miserable-world #OrgClassifGrpMusicUKTheWhoRogerDaltrey #BrandAppleMusicZaneLowe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-ONJ8UuvhU&t=1922s #NarrativeUtopiaWokeLiberal #TauntCultureCancel #CharacterisationWeaknessSnowflake #OtheringCaricatureTriggered #TauntHypocrisyLiberal #TheoryDeclinism
#WebsiteSmashCulturalMarxism i.e. https://twitter.com/SmashCM79 #ConspiracyTheoryCulturalMarxism #OrgRUSovietUnionOfSovietSocialistRepublicsUSSR
#MemeJessicaStarrAKALukeCrywalker i.e. #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle / #CharacterisationWeaknessFragility / #BehaviourEmotionalDysregulationHistrionics versus #PleaNostalgia #TVAllInTheFamily characterisation. #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength #TheoryDeclinism #TheoryModelBinary #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
#ToponymEuropeNetherlands #PhenomnWhitePrivilege http://www.veltmaete.nl/white/
Historical images of #PowerControlExploitationChildLabour seemingly being used as #ReasoningFallacyStrawman that exploitation is not directly correlated with race (racial discrimination) - presumably offering up the explanation that such situations are solely the consequence of a lack-of-opportunity, and certainly not discrimination. The argument seeks to shift focus back onto the issue of #IdentityClassWorking #IdentityWhite. This type of argument follows the logic that #OtheringDiscriminationRacism isn't an issue because people of all races are able to be discriminated against (and so discrimination against black people is simply one example of many, rather than a category of itself - and so deserves no special treatment). This image (from the above collection) seems to typify this thesis: http://www.veltmaete.nl/wp-content/gallery/white/29.jpg (which strongly implies that #IdentityIndigenousBlackPeopleOfColourBIPOC are being exploited by white people) which is contrasted with this image: http://www.veltmaete.nl/wp-content/gallery/white/30.jpg (which because it includes a white boy shining shoes - that was cropped out of the first image - strongly implies that race isn't the determining issue).
#IdentityClassWorking + #TheoryCodedMasculinityOverRugged #TheoryDeclinism (wistfulness yearning) #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength #CharacterisationWeaknessCupcake i.e. #CharacterisationWeaknessSnowflake / #CharacterisationWeaknessCuck #PleaNostalgiaRetrospection
#TheoryDeclinism (wistfulness yearning) #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity
#TheoryDeclinism (wistfulness yearning)
#PhenomnBrexit #PhenomnIntelligenceIQ #OtheringCaricatureBrexitRemainerProjectReality
#TheoryDeclinism criticism by #PoliticsConservatismSocialSoCon @Connundrum54 about the lack of traditional subjects being taught in the #ToponymOceaniaAustralia.n #LiteralSchoolCurriculum https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/humanities-and-social-sciences/history/ #_CondemnationGender #PhenomnClimateChange
#TheoryDeclinism #MetaphorVersusHardSoft #MetaphorVersusUsThem #TheoryModelBinaryDualityManichean #PleaAuthenticity #PleaNostalgia #SymbolHairstyleTopknot #TheoryModelBinary #MetaphorTransformationRetrogression #IRLActorCaryGrant e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/bmvl3c/cary_grant_looking_dapper_1950s/ #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych #TheoryHauntology
#PleaNostalgia #TheoryDeclinism (golden age thinking / rosy retrospection / wistfulness yearning / reminiscence) #CharacterisationWeaknessHypersensitivity #CharacterisationWeaknessSnowflake
#PolicyUSFarmSecurityAdministrationFSA i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farm_Security_Administration
(versus #PhenomnFactoryFarming?)
#PleaAuthenticity #IdentityRugged ? #PleaNostalgiaRetrospection
#TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic #IRLActivistGretaThunberg i.e. presumably, criticism of #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #PleaNostalgia #TheoryDeclinism #TheoryModelBinary #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych
"Douglas Bader had no legs, so he couldn't take a knee... but he did used to have a gin and tonic and book his squash court before shooting down a few Germans!
#PleaNostalgia / #TheoryDeclinism / #PleaNostalgiaRetrospection
#TauntWoke use to denote #OtheringElitesLiberalCulturalEducated (or some other confused description). #IdentityWhite #IdentityClassWorking #IdentityLGBTQIA #TheoryDeclinism #PhenomnAccountSuspension
"white working people" invokes retrospective and #PleaNostalgia narrative... see: http://trigg.gr/t/15976 #IdentityLGBTQIA #PleaAuthenticity #TheoryDeclinism
image taken out of context and used to support #TheoryRevisionismHistorical narrative. #IdentityWhite #IdentityClassWorking #PhenomnMiningMiner
poster's attempt to incite #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic in fellow conservatives. #OtheringHateTransphobia #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheGuardianOwenJones #IRLEntertainerAmrouAlKadhi #IdentityDragQueen i.e. https://twitter.com/OwenJones84/status/1180503593440423943 #OtheringOutGroup