Archived on 11 June 2023 at 4:45 am [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 May 2023 at 10:15 am [URL redacted]
@EstrellaRukavina [name pseudonymized] [12]: “FACTS” Supporting “TRUMP” ain’t nothing to be proud of!…So, keep it to yourself!!! #America #BlackTwitter #democracy #FoxLies #GOPLies #MAGACult #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 25 April 2023 at 5:45 am [URL redacted]
@JodieGauvey [name pseudonymized] [37]: Länsimaiden suurin ajattelija! #JordanPeterson #valeuutiset #äärioikeisto #vihapuhe #LarryElder #OliLondon #transfobia #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 17 February 2023 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@MarilynMahelona [name pseudonymized] [03]: @Ahammelburg Het is geen fobie, het is volkomen terechte afschuw. Walging. De #gendergekte van #D66 is werkelijk #zumkotzen. Dat jullie idiote #woke agenda je op 15 maart maar op mag breken. #stemzeweg [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 February 2023 at 5:30 am [URL redacted]
@MeghanHentze [name pseudonymized]: Anti #woke army at it again [URL redacted]
Archived on 5 January 2023 at 4:00 am [URL redacted]
@AshtonHaberern [name pseudonymized]: @politstrip Blame the moral downfall of Germany on Angela Merkel, Former Chancellor of Germany Her extreme #Woke agenda opened German's borders to mass migration w/ benefits. Making #Germans into second-class citizens w fewer benefits. Just like Biden's America. [URL redacted]

#BeliefIslamismShariAhlamicLawShariAhLaw #NewspaperUKTabloidTheDailyMailRebeccaCamber (28 July 2011); #NewspaperUKTabloidTheDailyMailSueReid (29 July 2011). #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic #OtheringHateIslamophobiaAntiMuslim / #ConspiracyTheoryGreatReplacement

Context: #FabricationShariAhLawMuslimNoGoZones And And #CharacterisationVigilanteAndOrMilitia
Supplementary: "The Daily Mail has today published an article regarding a poster campaign to enforce sharia law in parts of the UK, giving yet more unwarranted publicity and exposure to the disturbing antics of Islam4UK.
The article draws attention to a number of posters that have been plastered around certain local areas warning of a 'sharia controlled zone' in which alcohol; gambling; music and concerts; drugs and smoking; porn and prostitution are all 'banned'.
The article states that 'Anjem Choudary has claimed responsibility for the scheme, saying he plans to flood specific Muslim and non-Muslim communities around the UK and 'put the seeds down for an Islamic Emirate in the long term' '.
The article reports that over the past few weeks streets in the London Boroughs of Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham have been targeted with the offensive posters.
Choudary also tells the DM that, 'We are going to put the events in Oslo on the agenda. We are going to be marching and addressing this issue. It is a whole new scenario now. The Muslim community needs to be vigilant. There is an undercurrent against Islam.'
Choudary is indeed right about the undercurrent against Islam in Europe, which has been manifested in its most extreme form in the deadly attacks in Norway committed by a self-proclaimed anti-Islam right-wing terrorist. However, Choudary would do well to acknowledge that it is exactly this kind of activity; his wild antics and megalomania in imposing so called 'sharia-controlled zones' and the irresponsible conduct of sections of our media in giving him the publicity he craves, that produces the sort of scaremongering that feeds far right prejudice (28 July 2011)." #OrgClassifGrpVigilanteUKMuslimPatrol  #OrgUKMuslimEngagementAndDevelopmentMEND #OrgClassifGrpTerrorismAlMuhajirounIslam4UK i.e. #OrgClassifGrpTerrorismAlMuhajirounAnjemChoudary #2011_Norway22JulyAttacks i.e. #ToponymEuropeNordicScandinaviaNorwayOslo #IRLMurdererAndersBreivikAKAFjotolfHansen #PoliticsFascismNaziNeoFarRightAltRightRadicalRight

Archived on 23 December 2022 at 5:45 pm [URL redacted]
@AliceCampora [name pseudonymized]: @Franck_Aubry Vous confondez homosexuel et #Woke dégénéré... ci dessous un couple d'homo sans histoire et des #Woke dégénérés qui se prennent des pains... forcément... [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 December 2022 at 11:15 am [URL redacted]
@ReidAkita [name pseudonymized] [02]: I call for a crusade. The crusade. One final fight. This time, we shall not conquer Jerusalem, but the whole world. We shall clear the earth: all sodomites, adulterers, and non believers shall perish in flame. #gay #LGBT #LGBTQIA #pride #BLM #woke #gayromania [URL redacted]

#ToponymEastMiddIsraelJerusalem #NarrativeUtopiaEschatologyApocalypticism / #PoliticsFascismUltraPalingenetic ? #BeliefChristianityBibleNTCorinthians ?

Supplementary: #PoliticsFascismReligiousChristo #WebsiteBylineTimesStevenMonacelli
"QAnon ideas have spread so widely among Christian congregations that hundreds of evangelical pastors signed on to an open letter in February condemning 'Christian Nationalism' and the role that QAnon has played in the radicalization of white evangelicals.
'Just as it was tragically inconsistent for Christians in the 20th Century to support the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi ideology, it is unthinkable for Christians to support the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, QAnon, 3 Percenters, America Firsters, and similar groups,' the letter read.
Anon adherents often bristle at the term 'QAnon' and split hairs regarding the difference between the mysterious 'Q' who posts cryptic drops and the 'Anons' that attempt to decode them. Perhaps another name is in order: the Q Qlux Qlan. To be certain, there are non-white believers in the movement, including a handful of Black speakers at the recent 'Qonference'. But even the remnants of the KKK have started reaching out beyond White folks.
Regardless of what one calls the movement, the deeply religious character of the prevailing beliefs and the zealotry of the adherents is abundantly clear.
Moreover, the violent rhetoric of the movement -- including open calls for hanging politicians and a military coup -- invites comparisons to Christian Nationalism's more explicitly violent and totalitarian relative, Christian Fascism" (9 June 2021). #ConspiracyTheoryCabalQAnon #OrgClassifGrpMilitiaUSProudBoys #OrgClassifGrpMilitiaUSOathKeepers #OrgClassifGrpMilitiaUSThreePercenters #AdvocacyUSDigitalCitizensAlliance

#OtheringHateAntisemitismCaricatureSpider #OtheringOutGroupTransgressiveDeviant #OtheringOutGroupGangMob #IdentityLGBTQIAPrideFlag #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #CauseEquality #CauseFeminism #BeliefPaganism / #BeliefCreationism ? #OrgRUSovietUnionOfSovietSocialistRepublicsUSSR #PoliticsAnarchy #PhenomnBodyAdornmentTattoo #PowerControlViolationPaedophilia #OtheringUnhealthy (as per #BrandMcDonalds drink container reference) #PoliticsNationalismEnglishSaintGeorgesCrossCrusader

Context: this illustration appears to be a #CharacterisationDerivativeWorkCoOption from the original created by #CaricaturistBenGarrison i.e.

Supplementary: #IRLScholarUmbertoEco "However, the followers of Ur-Fascism must also be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak." #_Focal
Addendum: this seems to be a #IdentityConservative interpretation of #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI i.e. #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic i.e. so-called #ConspiracyTheoryCulturalMarxism
A #TechServiceReddit interprets the image as: "It's a Crusader, and judging by that helmet a Saracen, joining forces against the usual alt-right enemies.
So they're saying that they want to make common cause with Muslims to kill... all of those Jews and Communists and homos and pedos and black people in general and feminists ... They're actually saying, as far as I can see, that Christian and Muslim fundamentalists should join forces." #IdentityMuslimSaracen e.g.

Archived on 10 December 2022 at 3:45 am [URL redacted]
@BrittneyZollars [name pseudonymized]: Once gain, Twitter is correct! #ButtPlugDean is fully supported by his superiors and #woke parents. Rather than protecting their children, they cower like mice. At least children can now teach parents how to insert sex toys up their… #ExposeGroomers [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 December 2022 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@MariaDaku [name pseudonymized] [02]: @dijoni @dijoni No honey, let me show you the definition of disgrace: #Woke @POTUS hiring a poorly taste man in dress who loves to steal women luggage at airports presidential cabinet. WTF??? I thought #LilNasX was disgusting after Industry Baby. I was mistaken. We're going to #Hell! [URL redacted]

Addendum: the "I really do care, why don't you?" slogan is presumably a reference to #IRLModelMelaniaTrump's famous "I really don't care, do u?" jacket i.e. and

Archived on 21 November 2022 at 10:00 pm [URL redacted]
@SimonSanor [name pseudonymized]: La ville de #Besançon a décidé de repeindre la statue de Victor Hugo en noir. L’original ne convenait pas à l’idéologie #woke du moment vous comprenez ! Vivement la version de #VictorHugo enceint !🫃#Wokisme [URL redacted]

"The city of Besançon has decided to repaint the statue of Victor Hugo black.
The original did not suit the woke ideology of the moment you understand!
Strongly the version of VictorHugo pregnant! wokism" #ToponymEuropeFranceBesancon #IRLWriterVictorHugo  #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic 

Context: #WebsiteHuffPostAlbaneGuichard "In Besançon, a statue that has been installed for twenty years finds itself at the heart of a controversy. Damaged by time and oxidation, this monument representing Victor Hugo, born in the town of Doubs, needed a makeover. But following his restoration, some now consider the color of his face 'too black'. Among them, far-right elected officials who fueled the controversy and attacked mayor Anne Vignot on social networks.
On Twitter, MEP and Reconquest executive Gilbert Collard spoke of 'woke madness of the greens' and claimed that 'the EELV town hall of Besançon is erecting a statue of black Victor Hugo against the will of the artist's widow'. 'The city of Besançon has decided to repaint the statue of Victor Hugo black for the sole purpose of joining the trend of ambient progressivism. Literary whiteness becomes a crime," adds Philippe de Villiers. ...
After the controversy, however, she clarified that the renovation of the statue was not finished and that it was normal that the colors are not exactly identical, since they come from the oxidation of bronze. "The skater has to interpret a bit. He works in bronze with the aim that his patinas are long-lasting,' she explained to France 3 Franche-Comté.
During the press conference on Tuesday, the director of the foundry, Christophe Béry, explained that the initial patina had almost entirely disappeared, and that the restoration had simply made it possible to return the statue to its original colors. It now remains to be hoped that the finish of the patina is not accompanied by a new layer of racism" (22 November 2022). #OrgClassifPPFREuropeEcologieLesVertsEELVAnneVignot #OrgClassifPPFRReconqueteGilbertCollard 

Archived on 19 October 2022 at 12:30 pm [URL redacted]
@KadenceGallagos [name pseudonymized]: #Woke [URL redacted]

i.e. #ConspiracyTheoryGrooming in a #IdentityLGBTQIATrans disguise. #MetaphorPredator

Addendum: #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic post, which uses the same meme to frame its #ReasoningFallacyArgumentumAdPopulum i.e. "The event took place as planned and images and video quickly circulated across social media showing children looking at male-groomers dressed as clowns, along with armed Antifa guarding the whole event.
Roanoke is a small town on the edge of the DFW Metroplex known for quality restaurants and trying to be normal.
Many people say these types of events attract pedophiles.
Protect TX Kids has a video of a leftist woman whipping out her breasts in public, right in front of her children."

Archived on 16 October 2022 at 5:30 pm [URL redacted]
@ShanaArtison [name pseudonymized] [03]: #China #zelensky #Ukraine #putin #woke Just another day in a dutch town called assen. They expose children to this disgusting #LHBTIQ images. Thats why i stand with #putin #Trump Stop the pussy agenda2030! [URL redacted]

"Social media posts in several languages claim an image shows Volodymyr Zelensky at an LGBTQ Pride event in 1999. But the photo has been digitally manipulated; the original photo, posted to the Flickr photo-sharing service in 2006, does not show the Ukrainian president." #OrgClassifPPUASluhaNaroduSNVolodymyrZelenskyy #IdentityLGBTQIAPride

Context: #WebsiteSnopes "In the latter half of 2022, a doctored photograph purporting to show Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy participating in an LGBTQ Pride parade wearing nothing but short shorts and a gigantic Afro hairdo circulated on social media. Although the face of the person alleged to be Zelenskyy does resemble him, however, he did not appear in the original, unmanipulated picture....
A reverse-image search reveals that the original photograph [ ] was taken by Thomas Hobbs in 2006 and posted by the photographer on Flickr. Though the identity of the subject in question wasn't specified, it is clearly not Volovymyr Zelenskyy."

Archived on 20 September 2022 at 3:00 pm [URL redacted]
@RyderVondeylen [name pseudonymized] [03]: @LoveRocksLondon The #woke activism is like terrorism imho. They Demonise anyone who doesn't conform to their ideology. The #Woke are causing the division, it becomes a fight when others refuse to submit to their control of other's opinions. It's also dangerous for children and women imho [URL redacted]

i.e. #ConspiracyTheoryGrooming in a #IdentityLGBTQIATrans disguise. #MetaphorPredator

Addendum: #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic post, which uses the same meme to frame its #ReasoningFallacyArgumentumAdPopulum i.e. "The event took place as planned and images and video quickly circulated across social media showing children looking at male-groomers dressed as clowns, along with armed Antifa guarding the whole event.
Roanoke is a small town on the edge of the DFW Metroplex known for quality restaurants and trying to be normal.
Many people say these types of events attract pedophiles.
Protect TX Kids has a video of a leftist woman whipping out her breasts in public, right in front of her children."

in context with the above, the mention of #IdentityDragQueen #IRLEntertainerDesmondNapolesAKADesmondIsAmazing is posed as a 'morality tale' about the consequences of straying from #ReasoningFallacyAppealToTraditionValues


Addendum: this images projects the poster's #MetaphorThreatExistential, which the #CharacterisationEmasculationAmbiguityAndrogyny of seeing #IdentityLGBTQIATrans people reading to (and therefore interacting in a natural way with) children. Their #TheoryAffectiveResponseBewilderment seems to stem from an assumed framing where the actions of so-called #OtheringOutGroupTransgressiveDeviant are assumed to be #IdentityLGBTQIAQueerCodingHypersexuality and therefore present a paradox - contrasting 'deviance' with 'childhood innocence' i.e. #TheoryPoliticsOfInnocence. Of course, the obvious alternative, interpretation is that queer ≠ assume hyper-sexuality. Ironically, a family, by definition necessitates sexual intercourse (or at least, some sort of exchange of genetic material) - and so, if the above logic is followed, it would be #PhenomnSexualityHeterosexuality couples who pose the greatest threat not trans people. But then, these things aren't about logic, they're about (among other things) a #MetaphorThreatExistential felt through the perceived #CharacterisationEmasculationAmbiguityAndrogyny of contemporary social change. #_Focal i.e. this tweet represents a persistent theme, which sets trans against notions of the 'traditional family'. #NarrativeValuesFamilyConcernedParent

Archived on 6 July 2022 at 6:30 pm [URL redacted]
@CaroleGallett [name pseudonymized]: Leftism is a disease.. at this rate the lefties are all going to neutralize themselves out of the gene pool via stupidity. That I’m not upset about. #leftoids #leftism #woke #idiocy #weakness [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 July 2022 at 8:00 pm [URL redacted]
@TuckerHammargren [name pseudonymized] [12]: I would like to have seen it go up to a much older age group, but to all them #woke Tik Tok #teachers I'd like to say guess what 'it's not all about YOU'. @GovRonDeSantis #sexnotgender #TruthIsNotTerrorism #sexisreality #Parents #grooming #womenwontshutup [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 June 2022 at 9:45 am [URL redacted]
@KirkVincil [name pseudonymized] [02]: VOILÀ LE MONDE MERVEILLEUX DU MONDE OCCIDENTAL🇺🇸🇪🇺🇬🇧 / THIS IS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF THE WESTERN WORLD🇺🇸🇪🇺🇬🇧#woke #LGBT #lgbtqiandpride #demon [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 June 2022 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@SheldonWildhaber [name pseudonymized]: This is everything they want you to hate, so embrace it. #woke #WhatIsAWoman [URL redacted]
Archived on 8 June 2022 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@GenevieveMazmanian [name pseudonymized] [07]: Full Naked man shoving something up his ass while a child does what?🤬😶🌈 Welcome to #Pride2022 isn't this #woke #ChildAbuse? This is NOT ok #Leaveourkidsalone #pridemonth2022 #LGBTQIA #Pride #LGBTQ #ProtectOurKids #WeHaveFailed [URL redacted]

#PhenomnRectitudeDecencyCommon #PhenomnGossipClickbait #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic #PhenomnArtsVisual ?

Context: ""it was taken in 2016 at the Festival of Naked Forms organized in Prague, Czech Republic.
According to the organization's website, the multi-genre festival explores the work of nudity in contemporary performance art and annually brings together artists from several countries in an empty hall.
The man in the photo is called Ivan Mecl and he shows more photos of the festival on his website. According to him, it is a performance that mixes dance with body painting.
Conclusion: The photo showing a naked man being painted by a child is real, but has nothing to do with a French LGBT Workshop! The image was taken from a festival that took place in 2016 in the Czech Republic!"" #IRLArtistIvanMecl #2016_FestivalOfNakedForms #ToponymEuropeCzechiaCzechRepublicPrague i.e. And

Archived on 25 May 2022 at 1:15 pm [URL redacted]
@MakaylaGradoville [name pseudonymized]: La conneries #Woke a encore frapper.. Et il a une sacrée détente. Ce n'est que le début mes amis 🤢 #TexasSchoolMassacre #TexasMassacre [URL redacted]
Archived on 15 April 2022 at 2:45 pm [URL redacted]
@KayaSeyboth [name pseudonymized]: FURIOUS dad makes school board listen to sexually explicit material available to kids: #woke #agenda #filth [URL redacted]
Archived on 2 April 2022 at 4:30 pm [URL redacted]
@DonnieHellbusch [name pseudonymized] [02]: SUPPORT THE EFFORT of Laura Ingraham to expose the DESPICABLE #Woke Corporate Board Rooms whose occupants seek to sexualize INNOCENT 5-9 year old children in concert with #Leftist Teacher's Unions, #Democrats & the #MSM. #StandWithParents & #SaveInnocentKids from Adult perversion [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 March 2022 at 4:00 pm [URL redacted]
@ShaynaHeid [name pseudonymized]: If the #Woke destroy America, there is no place to seek refuge. [URL redacted]

"This is the USA. There is no one Coming to our rescue if things go Sideways. No one will be resupplying us. No one Will airdrop food, ammunition, medicine. There is no place to escape to for freedom.
This is It!" #TheoryAffectiveResponseAnxiety #PhenomnBodyAdornmentTattoo #PoliticsGeoExceptionalismAmerican #PowerControlViolationPaedophilia #MetaphorDogWhistle #MetaphorThreatVeiledHostility ? #MetaphorWarfareBattleFight

Addendum: is this look what's known as #TauntMAGAt (as the combination of the cap, beard, tattoos and #TheoryCodedMasculinityOver certainly appear to be an archetype)?

Archived on 17 March 2022 at 10:30 pm [URL redacted]
@KalebScurto [name pseudonymized] [26]: @JaneyCMJ @Tiff_Weather @CforWomenUK @Baroness_Nichol #WomensRights v #TransRights #Females v #Males #Women v #Men Women v #Transwomen #Victims v #Rapists #GC Protectors v #Woke #Activists #WomensHistoryMonth #WomensDay #IWD #Gender #BeKind 💩 @MarkDrakeford @NicolaSturgeon @NadiaWhittomeMP #HumanRights #TranswomenAreMen #NHS [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 March 2022 at 2:00 pm [URL redacted]
@TyrelGenenbacher [name pseudonymized] [02]: #NoToSelfID #Woke #wokeism [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 March 2022 at 9:00 am [URL redacted]
@JamyaPevzner [name pseudonymized] [03]: @vpecresse @FloPortelli @mc_cavecchi Encore une sottise, décidément vous les enfilez, vous… 🙄 Ne vous a-t-on pas dit que l’égalité des sexes n’avait plus aucune importance, depuis que le #Wokisme a imposé une société non-binaire et non-genrée… ??? Poubelle, tous ces vieux concepts de différenciation… Be #woke ! [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 February 2022 at 10:45 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 February 2022 at 12:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JaheimBrauneis [name pseudonymized] [10]: A #Woke #MentalHealth #Charity that ignores the fact that #Females aka #Women are being raped by '#Transwomen' in #Female Only #Prisons which requires lifelong #MentalHealthSupport for trauma bcos they want to prioritise #Rapist #Males aka #Transwomen's feelings. #Gender = 👇 [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 January 2022 at 9:30 pm [URL redacted]
@TalonSelko [name pseudonymized] [08]: #WOKE Freaks with #Pronoun names! Street justice 🪓🔪Colombian style 👇🏽 [URL redacted]

#OtheringHateGenderphobia #_CondemnationGender #TheoryHegemonicMasculinity #PleaAWorldOfSimpleStableFixedOperations #MetaphorThreatIdeological / #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic #BehaviourThreatening towards #IdentityLGBTQIATrans

Supplementary: "Genderphobia must be understood in relation to homophobia and transphobia because they are easy to conflate but quite distinct. The distinctions between homo- phobia, transphobia and genderphobia are less about semantics than recognising the specific tensions defining subcultural experiences. Flattening out differences among gays, lesbians and transpeople obscures palpable tensions between these groups. Conflation also ignores the way gender discrimination affects the gender behaviour of heterosexually oriented people. The tyranny of gender is that no one is safe from rigid, hegemonic notions of appearance and behaviour." Stephens, Vincent. (2005). 'Pop Goes the Rapper: A Close Reading of Eminem's Genderphobia.' Popular Music 24(1): 21-36.

Archived on 23 December 2021 at 11:45 am [URL redacted]
@JaheimBrauneis [name pseudonymized] [10]: If you are on Twitter and not been #PeakTrans'ed' yet, then you're part of the problem and a potential danger to #society, #humanity, #females, #children. #Trans #TransAlly #BeKind #Woke #Paedophiles #Rapists #Parents #Parenting #Safeguarding #SocialWorkers #ChildAbuse #Animals [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 December 2021 at 9:30 pm [URL redacted]
@WarrenInselman [name pseudonymized] [09]: State of #Woke #Pedophilia Today [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 October 2021 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@AlbertoRobitaille [name pseudonymized]: Woke AF! #Woke [URL redacted]

Context: #EDUUSUniversityOfNorthCarolinaChapelHillUNC #LiteralSchoolCurriculum
• It's easier; makes life easier
• Sense of belonging; to fit in
• The world is organized for Right-handers
• More access
• More opportunity
• More advantage
I wonder what impact showing a black woman presenter counts here i.e. is it really the slide which is causing offence?

Archived on 16 September 2021 at 11:15 am [URL redacted]
@DarrylAbascal [name pseudonymized] [05]: "A snapshot of #London today, as the principles of #CriticalRaceTheory are put into practice" [URL redacted] #DefundthePolice #Islam #woke #Racism #ToponymEuropeUKLondonTowerHamlets #BeliefIslamismShariAhlamicLawShariAhLaw #OtheringHateHomophobia #IdentityLGBTQIA #OtheringOutGroupGangMob #PhenomnMulticulturalism #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #LiteralSchoolCollegeUniversity #EDUUSNewYorkUniversityNYU DELGADO, R., & STEFANCIC, J. (2012). 'Critical race theory: an introduction'. New York, New York University Press. #IRLScholarRichardDelgado and #IRLScholarJeanStefancic #CharacterisationVigilanteAndOrMilitia #PleaLawAndOrder i.e. #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic / #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation And

Supplementary: Young, Jock. (2011). 'Moral panics and the transgressive other'. Crime Media Culture - CRIME MEDIA CULT. 7. 245-258. 10.1177/1741659011417604.
i.e. #OtheringOutGroup
And possibly the following: McRobbie, A., & Thornton, S. L. (1995). 'Rethinking "Moral Panic" for Multi-Mediated Social Worlds'. The British Journal of Sociology, 46(4), 559-574. And Walsh J. P. (2020). 'Social media and moral panics: Assessing the effects of technological change on societal reaction'. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 1367877920912257.
And possibly:
"the key attributes of moral panics as arising out of fundamental changes in social structure and culture, and issues of moral disturbance because of conflicts with values":

Archived on 2 September 2021 at 4:00 am [URL redacted]
@EdmundYearta [name pseudonymized]: When you time travel from 7th to 21st century. That isn't your fault, you are just lost in time. #Halal #SexSlavery #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 August 2021 at 12:15 pm [URL redacted]
@ElaineSobey [name pseudonymized] [03]: These people now run the @DNC and America's #education system. [URL redacted] #democrats #DemocratsAreADisaster #woke #Biden #BidenMustGo [URL redacted]
Archived on 15 August 2021 at 12:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JohnElkhatib [name pseudonymized] [02]: DEMOCRAT FUNDRAISING 3 TO 1 OVER REPUBLICANS. FIGHT BACK. Donate today to WIN BACK the US House and Senate 2022. Receive 3' x 6' Defeat Big Tech Censorship [URL redacted] YARD BANNER. You Make The Difference. Must Watch Border Crisis Video: [URL redacted] #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 August 2021 at 2:00 pm [URL redacted]
@WadeKallo [name pseudonymized]: #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 August 2021 at 1:15 am [URL redacted]
@TerrellFilut [name pseudonymized] [08]: If Democrats always get their way does it matter who controls the House or for that matter the Senate. Republicans seem to be unable to stop the Democrats. We have lost the Republic. America as we knew it is no more. Charge of #Racism works. #Woke works. Bye, Bye, America. [URL redacted]

HOROWITZ, D. (2021). 'The enemy within: how a totalitarian movement is destroying America'. #AdvocacyUSDavidHorowitzFreedomCenterDHFCDavidHorowitz

Archived on 1 August 2021 at 4:45 am [URL redacted]
@MarcellaFatland [name pseudonymized]: Perhaps this is what Western scientists and intellectuals are worried about in America and Canada, the rise of wokeness and the repeat of history? #woke #science #society #intelligence [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 July 2021 at 10:00 pm [URL redacted]
@ShaquilleWeafer [name pseudonymized]: How #Woke Culture Is Spreading Anti-Biblical Messages [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 July 2021 at 7:15 pm [URL redacted]
@ChayaGomis [name pseudonymized] [28]: Now the #olympics have went #woke I am proposing some new events to drive of liberal viewership to keep from going #broke. Lefties never really liked all those other sports any ways... so here we go...... #WokeOlympics #OlympicGames #Olympics2021 [URL redacted]

#TheoryProxemicsIntimateDistance left-to-right, top-to-bottom:
A). #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyPOTUSJoeBiden appears with #IRLPrivateCitizenStephanieCarter during former Defense Secretary #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyAshCarter's swearing in ceremony in the White House on Feb. 17, #2015_. | Evan Vucci/AP Photo. Via:
B). #IRLActorEvaLongoria, co-founder of the Latino Victory PAC, speaks at a get-out-the-vote rally as Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor and current Nevada Assemblywoman #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyLucyFlores (D-Las Vegas) and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden look on at a union hall on November 1, #2014_ in Las Vegas, Nevada.
C). Vice President Biden leans in to say something to #IRLPrivateCitizenMaggieCoons after he administers the Senate oath to her father, #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyChrisCoons (D-Del.), left, during a ceremonial swearing-in Tuesday on Capitol Hill. (Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press). #2015_ Via:
D). Vice President Joe Biden, center, kisses a niece of incoming Senate Majority Leader #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPMitchMcConnell of Ky., left, with McConnell's wife, former Labor Secretary #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPElaineChao, on the head during a ceremonial re-enactment swearing-in ceremony, Tuesday, Jan. 6, #2015_, in the Old Senate Chamber of Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin). Via:

Context: in reference to image 'A' above - Stephanie Carter explains: "By the time then-Vice President Biden had arrived, he could sense I was uncharacteristically nervous - and quickly gave me a hug. After the swearing in, as Ash was giving remarks, he [Joe Biden] leaned in to tell me 'thank you for letting him [Ash Carter] do this' and kept his hands on my shoulders as a means of offering his support. But a still shot taken from a video -- misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends -- sent out in a snarky tweet -- came to be the lasting image of that day." (not) #CauseMeToo

Addendum: Clearly, this meme seeks to discredit Bidden through strongly inferring his sexual impropriety (seemingly the slur is the product of a social-conservative imagination because evocation of of moral #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic ). #OtheringOutGroupTransgressiveDeviant When considered in relation to Trump, surely any implied transgression is paled by comparison? i.e.

Archived on 28 July 2021 at 7:00 pm [URL redacted]
@TerrellVoas [name pseudonymized]: @dawnpatrol20 @wetaDP @Reggiedunlop_7 @GeorgeTakei I laugh at this whole #woke buzzword. Because I did wake up from the Republcian lies I was told for many decades that never happened. I was deceived. Nobody took my guns, the suburbs weren’t destroyed, & Trump destroyed the deficit more than any Democrat in history. [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 July 2021 at 2:30 am [URL redacted]
@OscarGastel [name pseudonymized] [03]: We gotta stop those "White Supremacist Insurrectionist" with #CriticalRaceTheory from oppressing people who don't have ID, abe 2 use GPS to get to the polls or know how to request an absentee ballot! #CivlRights #Woke #CRT #TeachersUnion #AntiWhite [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 July 2021 at 6:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JackieSaloka [name pseudonymized]: The difference between #woke & #awake [URL redacted]

used to signify #OtheringCaricatureTriggered / #BehaviourEmotionalDysregulationHistrionics / #TauntWokeMilitant Versus #PhenomnRealityObjective #MetaphorBrain

Supplementary: the following #PhenomnParody created by the website co-founded by #WebsiteNewzyJustinHart i.e. And #NMUSRealAmericasVoice was seemingly generated using #TechGenerativeAI: #2024_DontCryCryo
The clip reframes legitimate concern about the outcome of the recent #2024_USPresidentialElection and the success of #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPPOTUSDonaldTrump / #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPJDVance in purely affective terms i.e. #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic, where such criticism must necessarily be a sign of #CharacterisationWeakness that such people are innately weak i.e. #CharacterisationWeaknessSnowflake.s this is despite Trump's #PoliticsAuthoritarianism on show at his recent #2024_TrumpMadisonSquareGardenRally and the #PoliticsAuthoritarianismAutocracy and #PoliticsFascismTechno promised by #AdvocacyUSTheHeritageFoundationProject2025
The parody presents a characterisation of supposed #TauntLiberalTears, which by inference designates those who are unconcerned about the outcome - logically, #PleaMAGA conservatives are thereby necessarily #PleaBraveryCourage.ous
The parody using the concept of such #PoliticsProgressivismBrittle being chosen to wait out Trump's second term through choosing to be #LiteralFieldSciencePhysicsCryogenic frozen - waking to be told by #IRLEntrepreneurElonMusk (who is now captain of a #BrandSpaceX #ToponymSpaceSolarSystemMars transporter) that #IRLBusinesspersonDonaldTrumpJr (with seemingly, #IRLSportspersonNickBosa i.e. as his VP) has just been elected as the new president on #ToponymAmericaNorthUS

Archived on 5 July 2021 at 4:15 pm [URL redacted]
@NickolasWillems [name pseudonymized] [30]: Have you heard of #woke art? Here is a good example which a bunch of idiots have recently chosen to be displayed on the fourth plinth at Trafalgar Square. [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 July 2021 at 8:00 am [URL redacted]
@JimmyFrankman [name pseudonymized] [04]: #woke #Snowflake #bollocks [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 July 2021 at 7:45 am [URL redacted]
@ArielleSchirato [name pseudonymized] [02]: Gruwelijk. Lees hier hoe de woke-idiotie het universitair onderwijs kapot gaat maken. Waarom stellen de bestuurders daar geen paal en perk aan? #woke #universiteiten ⁦@deVSNU⁩ [URL redacted]
Archived on 8 June 2021 at 5:15 am [URL redacted]
@KiaraButaud [name pseudonymized]: #woke Indians adore sucking Pakistani dicks the whole comment sec is filled with woke Indian clowns saying that RW Indians would be offended by this ,but the only offensive comments I found were from Pakistani accounts #stopbootlicking [URL redacted]
Archived on 27 May 2021 at 10:00 am [URL redacted]
@WayneLococo [name pseudonymized] [02]: #wokezone #woke #CancelCulture #thursdayvibes [URL redacted]
Archived on 15 May 2021 at 12:30 am [URL redacted]
@TaraChastine [name pseudonymized] [03]: '#Woke utopia', the end of the #West & a #new cult - #JamesLindsay #interview - BQ #33 [URL redacted]

#NewspaperUKTabloidTheSunStevenEdginton: #CatchcryPlatformingDeplatformingNoPlatforming.s #WebsiteNewDiscoursesJamesLindsay in an effort to substantiate #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic / fears about theories such as #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT, #TheoryPostmodern i.e. #TheoryPostmodernConservatism through inferences to #TheoryMarxism (and other social conservative boogiemen).
The clip seeks to promote the book: 'Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity', authored by #IRLAuthorHelenPluckrose and Lindsay.
Seemingly, "Cynical Theories is a melodramatic book. Pluckrose and Lindsay guide the reader through postmodernism's metamorphosis as it transforms into the 'applied postmodernism' of the '80s and '90s--comprising the new fields of postcolonial theory, queer theory, critical race theory, gender studies, feminist studies, disability studies, and fat studies--which eventually gives rise to the most dangerous of all postmodernism's transmutations, the 'reified postmodernism' Pluckrose and Lindsay sometimes refer to as 'Social Justice scholarship.'" #IRLPhilosopherJeanFrancoisLyotard, #IRLPhilosopherJacquesDerrida and #IRLPhilosopherMichelFoucault #IRLScholarRichardDawkins, #IRLAuthorGloriaJeanWatkinsAKABellHooks, #IRLScholarAnthonyGraylingAKAACGrayling #NarrativeUtopiaWokeLiberal #OrgClassifPPCNChineseCommunistPartyCCP Cultural #PhenomnRevolution #PoliticsCommunism #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #CharacterisationWeakness #TauntGaslighting #IRLAuthorShelbySteele #PowerControlSegregationJimCrowLaws

Archived on 10 May 2021 at 11:15 pm [URL redacted]
@MariRogina [name pseudonymized] [06]: @DaphneH10389132 👉Turn off #fakenews 👉Russia is our Allie 👉#covid19 didnt originate in Russia genius 👉 #China is our enemy & so Our American traitors #Biden #Pelosi #hunterbiden #hillaryclinton etc 👉China could have 100 to 1 solider wise American Military UNTOUCHABLE 👉 Get #woke quick! [URL redacted]

#OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyPOTUSJoeBiden #ConspiracyTheoryObamaMichelleTransMan

Supplementary: "The image is of Michelle Obama onstage to deliver an addresses at the Democratic National Convention on August 25, 2008. A review of broadcast video and photo agency images recorded that night do not reveal the same bulge and crease that purportedly is evidence that Obama was hiding a penis under her Maria Pinto dress.
The fake image originated as early as 2010" #EventDemocraticNationalConvention2008

Archived on 13 April 2021 at 6:45 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 30 March 2021 at 9:45 am [URL redacted]
@JamesKlobucher [name pseudonymized] [06]: #TRA #WokeQuaeda #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 March 2021 at 11:30 am [URL redacted]
@JimmyDeskins [name pseudonymized] [24]: @ASPoliceHorses @ASPolice You can never appease the mob, so look where your #woke tolerance got you. Stay safe, and come down on these thugs with the full force of the law! [URL redacted]

the collection of images conflate violence and anarchy with legitimate #PhenomnProtestDemonstration. They serve to incite #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic through the use of a #ReasoningFallacyStrawman. Those most susceptible are likely those invested in #PoliticsStatusQuo and who see #CauseActivismSocial and the Right To Protest as a #MetaphorThreatIdeological to the sanctity of their #PleaLawAndOrder #ReasoningFallacyAppealToTraditionValues. The imagery is a #CharacterisationOversimplification / #ReasoningFallacyFalseEquivalence, most likely attractive to those who recognise the portrayal in terms of a #ReasoningFallacyConfirmationBias.
The images all appear to show #ToponymEuropeUKSouthWestEnglandBristol. On the left are images of #PhenomnStatueToppling of slave trader #IRLHistoricalFigureEdwardColston / #PowerControlChattelSlavery from June 2020 i.e. The protest was in response to and international outrage about the brutal murder of #IRLDeceasedGeorgeFloyd. On the right are images from the #LiteralKillTheBillProtest showing violence that erupted between protesters and police in March 2021 i.e. where the Government is seeking to extend their powers under the #LegislationUK2021PoliceCrimeSentencingAndCourtsBill i.e.

Archived on 21 March 2021 at 12:15 pm [URL redacted]
@TristaLeek [name pseudonymized] [02]: #Woke #Britannia is here 🤔 #SundayMorning #SundayThoughts #talkradio #skynews #bbcnews #marr #ridge #gmb #lbc #foxnews [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 17 March 2021 at 6:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JessThistlethwaite [name pseudonymized] [24]: I applaud @billburr's honrst comedy on the #GRAMMYs. His comedic ability to poke fun at himself & his shortcomings is refreshing. All the #woke leftards who are trying to make him the latest victim of #CancelCulture need to lighten up. #WakeUpAmerica [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 March 2021 at 11:15 am [URL redacted]
@ChuckMadorsky [name pseudonymized] [02]: So true #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 15 February 2021 at 6:30 pm [URL redacted]
@RaekwonMagera [name pseudonymized]: Hey @adidas why are you supporting the Slow Factory Foundation which is distributing this neoracist garbage to white parents in US public schools? I know you support them because you appear on their website. Shameful #wokenidiots #woke #neoracism #CriticalRaceTheory #antiracism [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 February 2021 at 4:15 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 February 2021 at 10:00 am [URL redacted]
@MilesSechrest [name pseudonymized] [02]: Wake up to #woke! Boycott woke businesses & advertisers, sack woke CEOs of key institutions, defund woke unis, close 'diversity and inclusion' departments, retrain woke teachers & police. We can do it if we act now. We are not America! [URL redacted]

#PleaBoycott #NewspaperUKTabloidTheSunStevenEdginton: #CatchcryPlatformingDeplatformingNoPlatforming.s

Addendum: seemingly, an effort by #WebsiteNewDiscoursesJamesLindsay to substantiate #PoliticsConservatismSocialSoCon fears / #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic about theories such as #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT, #TheoryPostmodernConservatism through inferences to #TheoryMarxism (and other social conservative boogiemen).
The clip seeks to promote the book: 'Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity', authored by #IRLAuthorHelenPluckrose and Lindsay.
Seemingly, "Cynical Theories is a melodramatic book. Pluckrose and Lindsay guide the reader through postmodernism's metamorphosis as it transforms into the 'applied postmodernism' of the '80s and '90s--comprising the new fields of postcolonial theory, queer theory, critical race theory, gender studies, feminist studies, disability studies, and fat studies--which eventually gives rise to the most dangerous of all postmodernism's transmutations, the 'reified postmodernism' Pluckrose and Lindsay sometimes refer to as 'Social Justice scholarship.'" #IRLPhilosopherJeanFrancoisLyotard, #IRLPhilosopherJacquesDerrida and #IRLPhilosopherMichelFoucault #IRLScholarRichardDawkins, #IRLAuthorGloriaJeanWatkinsAKABellHooks, #IRLScholarAnthonyGraylingAKAACGrayling #NarrativeUtopiaWokeLiberal #OrgClassifPPCNChineseCommunistPartyCCP Cultural #PhenomnRevolution #PoliticsCommunism #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #CharacterisationWeakness #TauntGaslighting #IRLAuthorShelbySteele #PowerControlSegregationJimCrowLaws

Archived on 5 February 2021 at 5:15 am [URL redacted]
@TomHaycook [name pseudonymized]: Yeh, watch out for those Patriots in the army. How to know your country has been utterly infiltrated by Marxists. #woke #Marxism #BritishArmy @BritishArmy - are you serious? [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 February 2021 at 5:15 pm [URL redacted]
@ThadGamber [name pseudonymized]: Leftards can't argue with new world record. They approve it. #leftist #lefttards #woke #MSM #GoWoke [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 January 2021 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@ClaySaraga [name pseudonymized]: Under the #BidenAdministration, this guy can use the women’s restroom, right next to your little girl. Joe is so #woke #AnthonyWeiner [URL redacted]

an effort to inflame the ire #PoliticsConservatismSocialSoCon.s triggering a sense of #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic / hysteria

Archived on 25 January 2021 at 4:45 pm [URL redacted]
@KenyaAgraz [name pseudonymized] [04]: #manspreading #Mansplaining #feminism #CancelCulture #woke #sitting #politicalcartoon #webmeme #meme #obese #bodypositivity #fatshaming [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 January 2021 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@HenryAshenfelder [name pseudonymized]: Peak @guardian Basking in the apparent “glory” of a teenage male winning a female race. Spare a thought for the *actual* women, who may have trained hard, only to be cheated on the altar of #woke. [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 January 2021 at 9:30 am [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @abline11 A great world orator, writer, patriot is to be revered, flaws & all. @BBC tabloid (& @JoeBiden) "kneeling" to #woke & #BLM mouthpieces is one of 100s of straws breaking this "camels" back. #Churchill & #Reagan foresaw this, but not via a hijacked #BBC @USATODAY @TheSun @libertyhq [URL redacted]

#TauntLeftwaffe #OrgClassifPPUKLabour
The use of BLM protests to illustrate #PoliticsFascism expresses the #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic that #PoliticsConservatismSocialSoCon.s feel about #IdentityIndigenousBlackPeopleOfColourBIPOC having rights/being accepted as equals clearly evokes a #OtheringDiscriminationRacism narrative. #SlurAntiWhite

Archived on 17 January 2021 at 9:45 pm [URL redacted]
@JamesKlobucher [name pseudonymized] [06]: A reminder of what you'll get with the #woke , #antifa #blm , #BidenHarrisInauguration #bidenharris2020 #DontVoteWoke #WokeQaeda [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 January 2021 at 6:25 pm [URL redacted]
@ElliotSiepker [name pseudonymized] [14]: #UnwokeUnawake #ClaireFox talks to #WilliamClouston about a supposed #FreeSpeech crisis: [URL redacted] i.e. just another #SoConNarrative about #MoralOutrage, #MoralPanic and #WhiteMaleVictimisationAnxiety.
Archived on 4 January 2021 at 10:00 am [URL redacted]
@AbrahamFulper [name pseudonymized] [08]: Does the #Wokeness of the #BBC Know no bounds🤔 As the BBC slaps 'DISCRIMINATORY LANGUAGE' WARNING' on the film version of the classic sitcom Dad's Army😲 Read my full piece on our #Woke #Aunty 👇 [URL redacted] Dad's BARMY:⬇️ [URL redacted] #DefundTheBBC [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 January 2021 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
@UnnamedRapozo [name pseudonymized] [02]: @MayorofLondon @GeorgeThePoet Turned it off for first time ever!! Sick of your #woke shit!! [URL redacted]

#OrgClassifPPUKLabourSadiqKhan #IRLPoetSpokenWordGeorgeMpangaAKAGeorgeThePoet

Context: this tweet is in response to the following tweet: by Sadiq Khan where be praises the success of London NYE 2020 fireworks/celebrations, where in doing so, he states: "London stands together against racism. Tonight and always [hashtag]BlackLivesMatter @GeorgeThePoet". #2021_NYECelebrationsNewYearEveLondon #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #OrgUKNtlHealthServiceNHS

Addendum: presumably, "Turned it off for first time ever" describes the response the tweeter had to seeing the television broadcast of the London NYE 2020 celebrations i.e. that they 'turned their television off' upon seeing the televisation. And so, by inference, presumably, they didn't attend the celebrations in person (either because they live in London but decided not to attend or that they don't live in London but habitually watch the celebration on television).

Sadiq Khan as #OrgClassifGrpTerrorismISISDaeshISIL #MetaphorDeceitUnmasking #OtheringHateIslamophobiaAntiMuslim #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic #TheoryAffectiveResponseExpression #ConspiracyTheoryGreatReplacement

Context: the image appears to be one produced by #IRLPainterDeanMartinAKATheMadArtist i.e. #NarrativePainting
Addendum: the painting uses the metaphor of 'unmasking', where a supposed a 'truth' lies underneath (obscured by outward appearances).
A similar set of painting has been created using the same metaphor of #OrgClassifPPUKLabourJeremyCorbyn where his 'mask' supposedly conceals #OrgClassifGrpTerrorismParamilitaryIRA and one of #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesTheresaMay where her 'mask' seemingly, conceals a wearing a #SymbolHeadgearBalaclava i.e.

Archived on 17 December 2020 at 5:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JessieAbidi [name pseudonymized]: .@trussliz calling time on woke... #LizTruss #Woke [URL redacted]

#AdvocacyUKCentreForPolicyStudiesCPSCapX #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesLizTruss #IRLPhilosopherMichelFoucault #TheoryPostmodernConservatism #TheoryIndividualismCompetitive #TheoryEssentialismEthical #NarrativeStableMorality #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #PhenomnUnconsciousBiasTraining #PolicyAffirmativeActionDiscriminationPositive #TauntLeftThe #TheoryDystopianism #PhenomnCensorship
Magda Stroińska (2002). Language and Totalitarian Regimes #IRLScholarMagdaStroinska

Context: the logo for the #AdvocacyUKCentreForPolicyStudiesCPS appears as a tessellated backdrop.
Supplementary: #IRLFilmmakerAdamCurtis "Antony Fisher and he invented the first modern think tank back in the 1950s. The Institute for Economic Affairs. It is the template for practically all the think tanks today.
Fisher himself would go on to found another 150 think tanks around the world.
But back in the early 1950s he was an isolated figure who felt completely at odds with the mood of his time. He worked with his friend Major Oliver Smedley..." #IRLBusinesspersonAntonyFisherAGAF #PhenomnPolicymakingPoliticalAdvocacyLobbyingThinkTankPressureGroup #IRLBusinesspersonOliverSmedley #IRLPrivateCitizenLindaWhetstone #TechServiceNetflixRachelWhetstone i.e. #NMUSFOXFNCSteveHilton
Addendum: for want of a better place, I am including this #AdvocacyUKLedByDonkeys tweet: here, which includes reference to the following: #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesKwasiKwarteng #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesLizTruss #ToponymEuropeUKLondon55TuftonStreet #IRLJournalistTimMontgomerie #AdvocacyUKTaxPayersAllianceTPAMatthewSinclair #AdvocacyUKTaxPayersAllianceTPAAlexWild #AdvocacyUKGlobalWarmingPolicyFoundation #AdvocacyUKCentreForPolicyStudiesCPSCarolineElsom #AdvocacyUKAdamSmithInstitute #AdvocacyUKInstituteOfEconomicAffairsIEARuthPorter #AdvocacyUKInstituteOfEconomicAffairsIEAJulianJessop #PoliticsCapitalismLaissezFaireFreeMarketFundamentalism
the #AdvocacyUKInstituteOfEconomicAffairsIEAFreeEnterpriseGroup now diverts to the #AdvocacyUKInstituteOfEconomicAffairsIEAFreeMarketForum i.e. #2012_BritanniaUnchainedGlobalLessonsForGrowthAndProsperity #AdvocacyUKInstituteOfEconomicAffairsIEAKristianNiemietz

Archived on 25 November 2020 at 8:00 am [URL redacted]
@TiffanyRuxton [name pseudonymized]: Trans rights should take precedence even if this affects females #woke #WokeAF [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 November 2020 at 12:45 am [URL redacted]
@JosephRauert [name pseudonymized] [15]: What Media Will Speak for Regular People & Conservatives? (Pt.3)| Megyn ... [URL redacted] via @YouTube @RubinReport #BidenHarris #BigTech #voterfraid #abortion #Immigration. #woke #Facebook #twitter #FoxNews #Censorship2020 #Hollywood #lockdown #Trump2020 #BuildTheWall
Archived on 27 October 2020 at 3:45 pm [URL redacted]
@LakishaDelissio [name pseudonymized] [14]: BREAKING: there are TWO #SamSmiths And they want a baby! Both want to be called “Mummy” Both are one man! 🤔 @UKLabour says ‘All things are possible in a #woke #trans pseudoscience reality’ @Independent rail against agreed biological reality! 😆😆😆🤡 [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 October 2020 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@KelvinShriber [name pseudonymized]: #woke #ally [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 October 2020 at 11:35 am [URL redacted]
@ElliotSiepker [name pseudonymized] [14]: #UnwokeUnawake 'Trump, QAnon and The Return of Magic' #YouTubeDoco by #KirbyFerguson about #Trump, #QAnon, #5G, #COVIDconspiracy, #VaccineConspiracy, #Satanism #MagicalThinkers etc. [URL redacted] and available here: [URL redacted]

#IRLFilmmakerKirbyFerguson #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPPOTUSDonaldTrump #MetaphorVersusUsThem #ConspiracyTheoryCabalQAnon #ConspiracyTheory5G #PhenomnVirusCOVID19 #BeliefConspiracy #ConspiracyTheoryCOVID19Vaccine #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic #BeliefDeitySatanLuciferDevilBeelzebubAntichristDajjal #BeliefMysticismMagicalThinkers #ConspiracyTheoryCabalElitesReptilianLizardPeople #ConspiracyTheoryCabalPizzagate e.g. "Four minutes into a video that was posted on Instagram last month, #IRLSingerJustinBieber leaned into the camera and adjusted the front of his black knit beanie. For some of his 130 million followers, it was a signal.
In the video, someone had posted a comment asking Mr. Bieber to touch his hat if he had been a victim of a child-trafficking ring known as PizzaGate. Thousands of comments were flooding in, and there was no evidence that Mr. Bieber had seen that message. But the pop star's innocuous gesture set off a flurry of online activity, which highlighted the resurgence of one of social media's early conspiracy theories." #IRLArtistMarinaAbramovic #EpistemologyAmateurExegetePatternSeeking #2009_BlackDynamite #PoliticsFascismCyber


Archived on 25 September 2020 at 7:00 pm [URL redacted]
@KaylaVenkat [name pseudonymized]: #woke #Jokes [URL redacted]

#TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic #IRLActivistGretaThunberg i.e. presumably, criticism of #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #PleaNostalgia #TheoryDeclinism #TheoryModelBinary #MetaphorVersusSideBySideDiptych

Supplementary: "The great summit of declinism--the peak from which all subsequent declinism has declined--was established in 1918, in the book that gave decline its good name in publishing: the German historian Oswald Spengler's best-selling, thousand-page work 'The Decline of the West.' Spengler has by now been reduced to an adjective; news-magazine writers back in the nineteen-seventies always used to refer to Henry Kissinger as 'Spenglerian,' meaning farsighted in his pessimism and trying to manage the decline of liberalism in the face of the inexorable spread of totalitarian societies." #IRLAuthorOswaldSpengler #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPHenryKissinger #1918_TheDeclineOfTheWest i.e.

Archived on 25 September 2020 at 6:00 pm [URL redacted]
@DejaMcnary [name pseudonymized] [02]: I was in the shop earlier and saw a whole display of these. Suffice to say that they hadn't sold (m)any. Skittles going the same way as Ben and Jerry's. #woke #WokeAF #WokeMob #VirtueSignalling #gowokegobroke [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 September 2020 at 12:15 pm [URL redacted]
@MelanieMoenter [name pseudonymized]: Meet Valentina Petrillo the proud winner of the Women's 100m, 200m and 400m gold medal at Italian Paralympic Athletics Championship. Problem? 💥THIS IS NOT A WOMAN YOU WOKE LUNATICS! HE'S A BLOKE!💥 #woke #gender #LGBTQ [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 September 2020 at 11:15 am [URL redacted]
@TedCorporan [name pseudonymized]: Yep. @nationaltrust with their #Woke nonsense again. Shocking. PS - Good for the @nationaltrust! [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic at tweet by UK conservative commentator #IRLDogmatistDarrenGrimes who was responding to a #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheTelegraph i.e. article about #IRLHistoricalFigureWinstonChurchill's connection to "colonialism and slavery" i.e. "The National Trust has included Winston Churchill's family home in a dossier of sites linked to "colonialism and slavery", citing the former prime minister's role in the Bengal famine and his opposition to Indian independence..." #OrgUKNationalTrustChartwellHouse #PhenomnBengalFamine #1943_

Archived on 18 September 2020 at 5:00 am [URL redacted]
@ScottieOdendahl [name pseudonymized] [10]: Mandatory Gender Ideology training in WA Public Schools [URL redacted] #PublicEducation #CriticalTheory #Ideology #woke #Propoganda #SocialEngineering #CdnPoli #WaPoli @BCPoli #Gender #SexBasedRights @ALLIANCELGB
Archived on 18 September 2020 at 1:00 am [URL redacted]
@KaydenceKimpel [name pseudonymized]: Minneapolis: #Woke #Tucker #TuckerCarlsonTonight #NiceJob #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 September 2020 at 6:30 pm [URL redacted]
@AniyahFondaw [name pseudonymized] [03]: These two #Marxist French “philosophers” are responsible for the culture wars in our midst. #Foucault and #Derrida were disciples of post-modernist critical theory, aka #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 September 2020 at 8:45 pm [URL redacted]
@AddisynTacinelli [name pseudonymized]: 88% on Rotten Tomatoes & 9 billion loss in shares_ #netflix #pedoflix #rottentomatoes #cuties #movie #french #woke #exploitation #movie #sexualized #shares #stocks #loss [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 September 2020 at 1:15 pm [URL redacted]
@RobertoTeferi [name pseudonymized] [13]: Is public sexualisation of women and girls (they are 11 years old) the latest in staying #woke? #Cuties #Netflix #CandaceCameronBure #Hallmark #GenZ [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 September 2020 at 3:15 pm [URL redacted]
@RobertoAnthrop [name pseudonymized] [03]: I hope someone picks up that phone... Because I fucking CALLED IT! #newyorker #NewYork #Netflix #cuties #RightWing #trolls #TLOU2 #StarWars #woke #cancelculture #pedos #NetflixPedofilia #pedophelia [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 September 2020 at 8:30 pm [URL redacted]
@RubyJamiolkowski [name pseudonymized] [03]: Let's have some fun with this handy new #Intersectionality chart. How many magical #oppressed groups do you fall into, and who's small business are you willing to burn down in order to get #justice? h/t @ConceptualJames and (of course) the always racist, @NMAAHC #woke #SJW [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 July 2020 at 3:45 pm [URL redacted]
@JamarionRumage [name pseudonymized] [14]: #ProtectOurHeritage #TeachOurHistory #MakeBritainGreatAgain #HonourBritishHistory Send the #Woke back to sleep and the #Snowflakes back to school for #FreeSpeech and remove their #SafePlaces [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#PoliticsNationalismBritish #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic seemingly, driven by an inability to reconcile changes to our historical understanding. The comment assumes that history is stable/unchanging (instead of broadly, the narrativization of events according to the agenda of the status quo). Significantly, such reevaluation of history appears to pose a existential threat for the poster, presumably because of the way that they have used such narratives to bolster their own personal sense of worth / identity i.e. changes to our cultural narratives (history) threaten to compromise the poster's personal narrative. #TheoryRevisionismHistorical

Archived on 16 July 2020 at 4:15 pm [URL redacted]
@DorisMclarnan [name pseudonymized]: A Christian perspective by Dr. Voddie Baucham on critical race theory - a must watch #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #AllLivesMatter #CriticalRaceTheory #SocialJustice #SJW #Marxism #NeoMarxism #CulturalMarxism #PC #PoliticalCorrectness #EndRacism #racism #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 July 2020 at 7:00 am [URL redacted]
@JaysonColetti [name pseudonymized]: With the recent #woke fam exposing human trafficking and the elite-it’s here well and alive or shall I say dead 💀 #wayfairchildtrafficking #wayfairgate #Epstein #adrenochome #SatanicElite #Hollywood #pizzagate #wayfair [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 June 2020 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@LorenLyndaker [name pseudonymized] [03]: @GerardBattenUK Google have removed #Churchill's photo from it's searches … Eg "WW2 leaders". All part of the #woke #FarLeft #BLM campaign to rewrite our history! Time to find a new search engine? [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 April 2020 at 5:45 am [URL redacted]
@LisaMccausland [name pseudonymized] [05]: Disgusting. Get out there and research the truth! #savethechildren #outoftheshadows #plandemic #america #vaccines #nwo #woke #coronavirus #lockdowns #eyeswideshut #covid19 #Qanons #coronavirus #WWG1WGA #qarmy #StormIsUponUs #kaga #maga #potus #Justice4Kimura #Constitution [URL redacted]

The matches with are of young girls dressed in either swimming consumes or modelling photos i.e the images are pretty innocuous. Perhaps, more significantly, the results match a single i.e. 4chan clone bulletin-board and are likely the consequence of multiple people "training" Google's algorithm of the "thingness" of the search phrase (as a discrete, uniquely identifiable thing). The poster's conceptualisation (that the image-match is somehow deliberate) possibly points to a broader world-view, about a lack of trust and agency/power. #PhenomnAlgorithmTraining

Archived on 19 April 2020 at 8:00 pm [URL redacted]
@MaryannAhrenholz [name pseudonymized] [02]: @Wormwoo04548746 @pseudocia Parties like labour used to be about white working people. Then they were hijacked by #woke and #lgbtq How the mighty have fallen [URL redacted]

"white working people" invokes retrospective and #PleaNostalgia narrative... see: #IdentityLGBTQIA #PleaAuthenticity #TheoryDeclinism

image taken out of context and used to support #TheoryRevisionismHistorical narrative. #IdentityWhite #IdentityClassWorking #PhenomnMiningMiner

Archived on 8 March 2020 at 6:30 pm [URL redacted]
@MylesSteckbauer [name pseudonymized] [02]: @KingofFree Dude, think before you get baited. This an image from a 1997 #HansHemmert #FineArt #exhibition - nothing #woke about it. [URL redacted] #WhiteMaleVictimisationAnxiety #DontTakeTheBait [URL redacted]