Archived on 20 February 2023 at 7:00 pm [URL redacted]
@NoahChromy [name pseudonymized]: @GBNEWS Mayfield girls grammar school in Gravesend! This week they are teaching the girls ‘How can white people show they are anti-racist’!!!! #woke #Brainwashing #AntiWhiteism [URL redacted]

"How can white people show that they are anti-racist?"

Addendum: surely this is simply about promoting #BehaviourTolerance ?

Archived on 12 February 2023 at 2:15 pm [URL redacted]
@LisaKewish [name pseudonymized] [46]: Please visit my site and Donate what you can. I stand against the #Woke #Indoctrination of our #Children as well as many other Dangers. I need Financial support to improve the site, to promote the site, to give me time to research, to edit many GBs of footage [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 February 2023 at 6:15 am [URL redacted]
@LisaKewish [name pseudonymized] [46]: Please visit my site and Donate what you can. I stand against the #Woke #Indoctrination of our #Children as well as many other Dangers. I need Financial support to improve the site, to promote the site, to give me time to research, to edit many GBs of footage [URL redacted]
Archived on 17 January 2023 at 7:00 pm [URL redacted]
@BradenTayag [name pseudonymized]: Why Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far “The only thing that wokeness has to offer is to brainwash bright young minds like you to believe you are victims". #woke #WokeCulture Buy me a Coffee: [URL redacted] Twitch: [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#OrgUKTheOxfordUnionSociety "
Initially used as a term to empower awareness of systemic inequalities in society, wokeism is now a deeply divisive term. The media's perpetuation of woke culture has made this term a buzzword. For some, being woke is part of the antidote of acknowledging the instruments of oppression. For others, it is a dangerously absolutist ideology, a sort of reverse McCarthyism, corroding liberal society and encouraging self-imposed victimhood. Is the 'war on woke' a legitimate phenomenon, or a reactionary distraction from the real problems being 'woke' addresses?" #PodcastChTRIGGERnometryKonstantinKisin #TauntWokeism #IndivHistoricalFigureJosephMcCarthySYNMcCarthyism

Addendum: In establishing basis of his argument, Kisin fallaciously sets out the following definition: "because one of the tenets of wokeness of course is that your feelings matter more than the truth" - attempting to co-opt his audience into his combative worldview that 'those oversensitive, progressive types' are conspiring against him and his ilk, but that he/they will ultimately triumph because only they recognise what is true (presumably, incontrovertibly and incontestably so).

Archived on 16 January 2023 at 9:45 pm [URL redacted]
@DaisyDiano [name pseudonymized]: #woke is a term of Democratic Party "newspeak" that makes the "woke" think they are awake, when in fact they are completely brainwashed. [URL redacted]
Archived on 5 December 2022 at 8:15 am [URL redacted]
@LoisRuggieri [name pseudonymized]: #Brainwashed #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 December 2022 at 6:30 pm [URL redacted]
@CheyanneMiehlke [name pseudonymized] [11]: @Regendelfin @zdfmagazin @janboehm Der Grenze verläuft mehr so zwischen „gesunder Menschenverstand“ und „linksgrün Gehirngewaschen“! #transmenschen #woke #LGBTQ #Vollverblödung #GrünerMist [URL redacted]

"The line runs more between 'common sense' and 'left-green brainwashed'!
trans people, woke LGBTQ, total stupidity, green crap" #TauntBrainwashed #IdentityLGBTQIATrans #PhenomnAdvocacyLobbyGreen ?

"Normal person who just wants to be left alone | LGBTQ
Propaganda" #IdentityLGBTQIAPrideFlag #PhenomnPropaganda #CatchcryShovedDownYourThroat

Archived on 3 December 2022 at 12:30 pm [URL redacted]
@BryonBare [name pseudonymized] [09]: @ZDF @zdfmagazin . Der typische #ZDF Zuschauer. Eierlos und gehirngewaschen, Hauptsache viel vorgekaute #Moral. . #Boehmermann #trans #transfeindlichkeit #transphobie #turds #woke #wokistan [URL redacted]

"Eggless and brainwashed, the main thing is a lot of pre-chewed morals." #TauntBrainwashed #TauntBandwagonSuperficial 

Archived on 1 December 2022 at 1:30 pm [URL redacted]
@MarilynCoffeen [name pseudonymized] [02]: @Daveqc1514 #votedblue #BidensAmerica #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #woke #WokeAgenda #Wokeness #DemocratsAreTheProblem [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 September 2022 at 8:00 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 August 2022 at 1:00 am [URL redacted]
@JudyBeim [name pseudonymized] [04]: @ArtValley818_ "Woke" people are the most annoying, hypocritical, and obnoxious people on earth. We lived with a "woke" family for one month, you'll never believe what happened.👇 [URL redacted] #woke #wokeaf [URL redacted]
Archived on 31 July 2022 at 5:30 pm [URL redacted]
@KylerHeister [name pseudonymized] [13]: Think while it’s still legal🧠The Greatest Conspiracy is IGNORANCE #MassAwakening #Thierry #woke #WEFMaffia colonizing the world #BorderlineEugenics #BrainwashedByTavistock [URL redacted]

"TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE TOP SECRET BRAINWASHING THINK TANK Tavistock Institute was established to wage psychological warfare on the masses. It was founded by John Rawlings Rees in 1947, two days after the birth of the CIA. Tavistock has reshaped modern society, through an invisible army of shock-troops. Virtually every Major Corporation, university, and think tank are linked to Tavistock. Many social movements of the last century have been Tavistock projects, including feminism movement, and radical left-wing ideas. Even more, they invented the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, rap, and hip hop music. Most Americans have been profiled and brainwashed by Tavistock." #OtheringHateAntisemitismCaricaturePuppetMaster #1947_ #OrgUSFedCIA #CauseFeminism #TauntLeftRadical #OrgClassifGrpMusicUKTheBeatles #OrgClassifGrpMusicUKTheRollingStones #PhenomnCulturalFormGenreMusicRap #PhenomnCulturalFormGenreMusicHipHop #TauntBrainwashed

Archived on 26 July 2022 at 2:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JoannaBrender [name pseudonymized] [02]: #woke #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #liberals #LiberalWorldOrder #brainwashed #conservative #politics [URL redacted]
Archived on 25 July 2022 at 11:00 am [URL redacted]
@WarrenCagnolatti [name pseudonymized]: #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 July 2022 at 12:15 pm [URL redacted]
@MitchellKirihara [name pseudonymized] [02]: Gehersenspoelde, #extreemlinkse #woke #wappies zien maar de helft van deze afbeelding en focussen al hun reacties daar op. De achterliggende betekenis kan hun gestolen worden zolang ze maar mensen voor "nazi" kunnen verslijten om hun gelijk te halen. [URL redacted]

"Brainwashed, 'far-left' 'woke' 'wappies' only see half of this image and focus all their reactions on it. The underlying meaning can be stolen from them as long as they can take people for 'Nazi' to prove themselves right." #TauntBrainwashed #TauntLeftHardFar

Archived on 18 May 2022 at 9:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JeanetteKuerschner [name pseudonymized]: @grantwyeth @Diplomat_APAC Hope you have the #courage to #admit that u hv bn #brainwashed into #Hinduphobia . Btw it's not #Hindus who hv decimated any gr, ever. The ppl u hob nob w today fr #Abrahamic #woke #gratification, r the ones who won't hesitate to drive a knife thru u. [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 May 2022 at 12:00 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 April 2022 at 7:00 pm [URL redacted]
@WendellSidenstricker [name pseudonymized] [03]: @imaproudliberal @donwinslow @HerschelWalker of course. it doesn't matter to #Republicans tho'. they just pick a word(s) they test it on a focus group & based on the groups reaction (more negative, the better!) they ALL just keep repeating the word(s). #CRT! #WOKE! latest is #GROOM! #GROOMING! this is BRAINWASHING! 🧠 [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 March 2022 at 1:30 am [URL redacted]
@MekhiKuznetsov [name pseudonymized]: 🤣😂🤣 I liked the patriotic rebel "Hustle, Loyalty and Respect" version of John Cena a lot more than this new woke degenerate celebrity sellout "Conformity and Communist Propaganda" version. #JohnCena #Brainwashed #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 27 March 2022 at 8:15 pm [URL redacted]
@LawandaSvenningsen [name pseudonymized]: Pourquoi donc ne penses tu pas comme on te le dit ??? #Ukraine #woke #desinformation [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 March 2022 at 8:30 pm [URL redacted]
@SawyerBeishir [name pseudonymized] [23]: #woke #brainwashed [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 February 2022 at 1:45 pm [URL redacted]
@AveryLeerhoff [name pseudonymized] [02]: @ZombieChains Who in the #nftcommunity doesn’t love #Zombies? Check out the dope #pfp artwork in the @wokezombies #nftcollection then come join the discord to get involved: [URL redacted] #NFT #nfts #Whitelist #ETH #ethereum #zombie #pfpNFT #woke #nftartist #crypto #web3 #wagmi [URL redacted]
Archived on 17 January 2022 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
@NicolasValderas [name pseudonymized]: @risemelbourne Is that the implication of the 'new normal' 🤣 Crossing a road while being brainwashed #brainwashing #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 25 December 2021 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@MakanaOechsle [name pseudonymized] [05]: STAY WOKE I mean brainwashed by liberal extremists. #woke #Wokeness [URL redacted]
Archived on 25 December 2021 at 3:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JaxonMarcrum [name pseudonymized] [02]: WHO ARE THE BRAIN POLICE? Is the western world now a continent-sized village of the damned? [URL redacted] #USA #UK #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom #Woke #Wokeness #CancelCulture #Conditioning #Brainwashing #Totaitarianism #Authoritarianism #Censorship #Spies #Spying [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 November 2021 at 10:15 pm [URL redacted]
@ClarenceBurdiss [name pseudonymized]: Tätä #woke on. Helvetin huono vitsi. [URL redacted]
Archived on 8 October 2021 at 6:00 am [URL redacted]
@ColleenSaccente [name pseudonymized]: #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 September 2021 at 3:30 am [URL redacted]
@FrederickGreto [name pseudonymized]: [URL redacted] #WokeTeachers #schoolboardmeeting #school This guy shouldn’t be a teacher he’s trying to brainwash kids #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 27 August 2021 at 1:15 pm [URL redacted]
@TalonObney [name pseudonymized]: PLEASE READ THIS! #woke #antivax #covidiot #antivaxxers #blueanon #brainwashing #Communism #DemocratsAreADisaster #wokeaf #viral #redpill [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 August 2021 at 8:15 am [URL redacted]
@KellySumner [name pseudonymized]: Marxism EXPOSED!!! Check out the latest video from "Turning Point UK", where I expose brainwashed students in "Higher Education". #exposed #radicalisation #woke #BlackLivesMatter #saveoureducation #Sjw #marxism #racism #Twitter #SaturdayMorning [URL redacted] [URL redacted] #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #PhenomnWhitePrivilege #EDUUKUniversityOfLondonSchoolOfOrientalAndAfricanStudiesSOAS #PhenomnVoxPop

Addendum: One wonders what sort of ethical clearance was obtained for this i.e. clearance to record participants and to use their comments in a way that is clearly intended to be critical of their contribution i.e. the piece is overtly exploitative.

Archived on 2 August 2021 at 9:15 am [URL redacted]
@QuintonKanzig [name pseudonymized] [10]: #woke [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 August 2021 at 5:15 pm [URL redacted]
@MaleHerweck [name pseudonymized]: I feel like every time I turn #cabletv on I hear nothing but #brainwashing in planet #WOKE Time to cut the cable again [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 July 2021 at 2:00 am [URL redacted]
@JulioCoron [name pseudonymized] [02]: There you go The internet, social media and left has successfully turned most of the youngest generations into Angry 😤 Sad 😢 Soft 🍦 Entitled 🤩 Snowflakes ❄️ Man they will get eaten alive in most countries #woke #Olympics #Tokyo2020 #cdnpoli [URL redacted]
Archived on 30 June 2021 at 11:00 pm [URL redacted]
@KathleenHeaney [name pseudonymized]: #sotrue #BLM #woke #wokeism [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 June 2021 at 4:15 am [URL redacted]
@TaliaLagoni [name pseudonymized]: 1981 movie accurately predicted the state of the world today. 💯 #mydinnerwithandre ⠀ #️⃣1️⃣9️⃣8️⃣4️⃣ #nwo #orwellian #woke #highlyconscious #bigbrother #truth #whistleblower #cognitivedissonance #propaganda #mainstreammedia #mindcontrol [URL redacted]
"I keep meeting these people, just a few days ago I met this man who I greatly admire... he's a Swedish physicist, Gustav Bjornstrand, and he told me that he no longer watches television, he doesn't read newspapers and doesn't read magazines...
he's completely cut them out of his life because he really does feel that we are living in some kind of an Orwellian nightmare now... and everything that you hear now contributes into turning you into a robot..." #NoRAmericaNorthUSNewYork #PhenomnTelevisionIdiotBox / #TauntBrainwashed

Supplementary: #AdvocacyUSPENAmericaDejiOlukotun "We are not heading toward a world of Big Brother or one composed of Little Brothers, but toward a more mindless process--of bureaucratic indifference, arbitrary errors, and dehumanization--a world that is beginning to resemble Kafka's vision in The Trial." And #IndivAuthorFranzKafka #1914_TheTrial #TheoryAbsurdismBureaucraticIndifference #OtheringDenialDehumanization #PowerControlRegulationMicropolitics

Archived on 9 January 2021 at 1:45 am [URL redacted]
@ErnestFello [name pseudonymized]: Hey @CommonApp , kindly screw off with your indoctrination and virtue signaling. You’re a college admissions platform, not a place for spreading how #woke you are. We know you couldn’t care less about this issue, and even less about students themselves. Get off your high horse. [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 December 2020 at 4:00 am [URL redacted]
@KingstonMeirick [name pseudonymized]: Wash #brainwashed #brainwash #mouthwash #woke #awake [URL redacted]
Archived on 15 December 2020 at 8:00 pm [URL redacted]
@MariLeigh [name pseudonymized] [16]: @arusbridger From #woke ex-editor of #woke @guardian #lol #jokeinnit [URL redacted]
Archived on 18 November 2020 at 7:15 am [URL redacted]
@SergioPalya [name pseudonymized]: #fact #retarded #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 October 2020 at 11:15 pm [URL redacted]
@KatherineRuof [name pseudonymized] [09]: I don't have any time for #NZMSM Their lies are destroying our children's future - their children won't be spared #Woke = brainwashed! So brainwashed, so oblivious, we're losing a very insidious war being waged against us [URL redacted] #NZ #Kiwis #NewZealand #Sheep [URL redacted]
Archived on 30 September 2020 at 11:00 pm [URL redacted]
@DaleShae [name pseudonymized] [04]: #Woke #Labour Brian-washed the living dead zombies [URL redacted]

#OrgClassifPPUKLabour #TauntBrainwashed

Addendum: I'm not sure what "Brian-washing" is...

Archived on 9 September 2020 at 9:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JamieGrills [name pseudonymized]: @AdamHachey1 @Tony5RepsMn Not just for that... do not underestimate your masters #woke [URL redacted]

#MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation #TauntIndoctrination #TauntBrainwashed

Addendum: #NarrativeInnateAbility - because of course, knowledge is innate and divinely bestowed, and certainly not the product of accumulated wisdom and training. This is not to say, that education isn't situated ideologically. The animation is just another restatement of the #NarrativeGenius: #PleaUnlearning

Archived on 18 July 2020 at 2:45 am [URL redacted]
@JaniyaDenetsosie [name pseudonymized] [03]: ‼️Parents who 😷 a child is abuse‼️ #Mask #Muzzle #ChildAbuse #Covidiots #BrainWashed #Facts #Truth #TruthBomb #Truther #TruthSeeker #SorryNotSorry #NewWorldOrder #Normie #NewNormal #Research #WakeUp #Woke #WokeAF #CDC #Plandemic #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #Namaske #SaveTheChildren [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 April 2020 at 7:15 am [URL redacted]
@DillonVarieur [name pseudonymized]: MKULTRA ROTHCHILDS ELITE RUB REAL POWER IN YOUR FACE! [URL redacted] via @YouTube #MKULTRA #QANONS #Q #BRAINWASHED #ROTHCHILDS #REDSHIELDFAMILYGOLD #ONEWORLDCURRENCY #WOKE educate yourself chances are your brainwashed.
Archived on 19 April 2020 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JamarionRumage [name pseudonymized] [13]: #ComprehensiveSchoolTeachers, #WOKE #UniLecturers and ignorance of #RecentHistory. Yes, this is the generation that was educated by ignorance! [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#CaricaturistPatrickCross (19 March 2020) 'The Greater Threat' #WebsiteTheCollegeFix i.e. #TauntIndoctrination

Supplementary: #AdvocacyUSInequalityMedia #IndivEconomistRobertReich

Addendum: conservative paranoia / anxiety manifest in attack of education - metaphorically creating the paradox that knowledge is the enemy of knowledge. It seeks to assert an idealogical position, invested in the idea a "belief" rather than logic (logical-analytical) based approach to understanding e.g. "I believe it so it's true" (leading to a logical paradox, where it is impossible to refute claims because of the failure to recognise logical argument).
Also, complete misunderstanding of what #PoliticsSocialism really means - presumably conflating it with #PoliticsCommunism #LiteralSchoolCollegeUniversity #TauntBrainwashed

Archived on 9 March 2020 at 11:45 am [URL redacted]
@ShellyBorowitz [name pseudonymized] [02]: Rich #Woke SJW's Cost College Millions in Lawsuit - College Fires Janitors and Dining Staff #snowflakes #lawsuits #SocialJustice [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

functional/utilitarian conception of #LiteralSchoolCollegeUniversity #TauntBrainwashed #PleaUnlearning #CaricaturistAntonioBranco #MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation

Supplementary: #NewspaperUSOnlineInsideHigherEdRobertWeisbuch "As a leading example, if extremist Muslims now selectively and reductively read the Koran to justify massacres, sexism, intolerance and slavery, our own extremist Christians now selectively and reductively scan the Hebrew and Christian Bibles in just the same way to promulgate just the same rationalizations of evil. Holy books present a full spectrum of attitudes, and international and national conflict today is fueled by choosing the most illiberal passages as the sole word of Allah/God. Millions of people now follow tyrants, justified, they believe, by their 'anger' -- the new euphemism for irrational hatred.
What's threatened by the new savagery is not just the college campus but also the Enlightenment in its most capacious sense: the values of skepticism, empiricism, scientific and philosophic rigor, and the tolerance that affords individual liberties. Even objections to Enlightenment values -- that they ignore the irrational or mask self-interest -- can be considered only in a setting established by those values. Such values -- the ones that our national founders signed onto in the Declaration of Independence and that undergird higher education as a guarantor of the republic and of human dignity -- are under a special intensity of attack while we academics seem preoccupied with the little stuff.
The biggest and worst surprise of my life has been this worldwide regression to bigoted ignorance and the gullibility or desperation that has enabled that ignorance such noxious success. Perhaps it was my own gullibility that had led me to assume the forward march of humanity toward a sunny spirit guided by reason. But all over the world they are turning out the lights." #BeliefIslamismQuran #BeliefChristianityBible #IdentityJewishHebrew #BeliefDeityGodAllahYHWHJesusChristMessiah
