Archived on 3 June 2023 at 6:15 pm [URL redacted]
@LarryMazion [name pseudonymized] [03]: So ist es, gut zusammengefasst. #Stolzmonat! Wir brauchen weder die #Ampel, allen voran die #GruenenSekte, noch die bunte #woke Welt mit dieser schrecklichen Fahne! #SchwarzRotGold ist angesagt. #ESC, #Eurovision2023 mit diesem entarteten und grässlichen Auftritt hat es gezeigt! [URL redacted]

"That's it, well summarized.
pride month!
We need neither the traffic light, especially the Green Sect, nor the colorful woke world with this terrible flag! BlackRedGold is hip.
ESC, Eurovision2023 showed it with this degenerate and ghastly performance!" #EventLGBTQPrideMonth #PhenomnAdvocacyLobbyGreen i.e. #PoliticsNationalismGermany ? #EventEurovisionSongContestESC #OtheringOutGroupTransgressiveDegenerate

These warmongers don't go to the front.
These renunciation preachers renounce nothing at all.
These multicultural lunatics don't live in immigrant neighborhoods.
These tolerance world champions are censorship world champions.
And very often they are all in ONE PERSON
ONLY IDIOTS FOLLOW YOU !" #OrgClassifPPDESozialdemokratischeParteiDeutschlandsSPD #OrgClassifPPDEBundnis90DieGrunen #OrgClassifPPDEFreieDemokratischeParteiFDP i.e. #TauntHypocrisy #2022_InvasionOfUkraine #PhenomnMongeringWar #PhenomnMulticulturalism #PhenomnImmigrationRefugee #BehaviourToleranceIn

Archived on 17 May 2023 at 5:45 am [URL redacted]
@RyanBuenconsejo [name pseudonymized] [26]: Als #Deutschland noch #rächtzz , nationalistisch & nicht inklusiv war! So angsteinflössend! So unsympathisch! So abstossend! #ESC #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 September 2022 at 10:30 am [URL redacted]
@ChristianPiver [name pseudonymized] [03]: Hello Europe. This is #Sweden calling! Our 12 points go to…… #Asyl #Deutschland #Fluechtlinge #Migranten #Muslime #Islam #GruenerMist #Linke #DieLinken #Woke #Schweden #Islamisten [URL redacted]

"First it looked like a victory for the left-wing alliance in Sweden, then the middle-class camp was ahead. Now it's time to wait until Wednesday. The only thing that is clear is that the right-wing populists play an important role."

Context: #OrgClassifPPSESverigedemokraternaSDJimmieAkesson i.e. and
Supplementary: #JournalUKInternationalSocialismJournalISJHassanMahamdallie "Islamophobia has become the predominant form of racism in Europe today. It is proving to be potent and multifaceted, manifesting itself at state, popular and party political level. It represents a profoundly divisive force, not least because the 'Muslim question' is a central component of the 'war on terror' characterised by those prosecuting it as an elemental struggle for the very survival of Western civilisation and Enlightenment values." Mahamdallie, H. (2015). "Islamophobia: the othering of Europe's Muslims." International Socialism journal(146).
Addendum: "The far-right Sweden Democrats party was the big winner in the country's election on Sunday, increasing its share of the vote by two to three percentage points and becoming the second largest party, but the overall result was too close to call as counting continued.
With 95% of votes counted, the rightwing bloc had 49.7% of the vote, which would give it a majority of one seat in parliament over the incumbent leftwing bloc.
Exit polls on Sunday night at first suggested a narrow victory for the Social Democrats and their centre-left allies. But as the votes were counted the tally swung towards the right." #OrgClassifPPSESverigesSocialdemokratiskaArbetareparti i.e.

Archived on 14 October 2021 at 4:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JoBoosinger [name pseudonymized] [06]: Ihr #Framing #Hetzer von #ARD #ZDF hetzt seit Jahren gegen #Weiße #Deutsche #AfD unterstützt befliessenlich die #Antideutsche #linksextremistische #Ideologie der @Die_Gruenen @xsarahleee @ABaerbock #Habeck @EskenSaskia @KuehniKev #woke #Rassismus #Hass auf die #weiße #Hautfarbe [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"I wish Germany had been completely bombed in World War II. This country does not deserve a right to exist." #NarrativeWarWWII

Archived on 25 April 2021 at 10:30 am [URL redacted]
@AlanaAttenborough [name pseudonymized]: Also in Wokeland ist bereits Nazi wer am N-Kuss festhalten möchte. Echte Nazis sollten mal anfangen Unterlassungserklärungen rauszuschicken, so wie ihre Marke für Firlefanz verwässert wird. #Nazis #Faschismus #Woke #Rassismus #Antirassismus [URL redacted]