Archived on 13 December 2021 at 1:15 pm [URL redacted]
@GillianKalkat [name pseudonymized] [03]: SUBSCRIBE! FREESPEECH! NO-MEDIA BIAS!! [URL redacted] #BorisJohnsonMustGo #JohnsonOutNow #labourvtory #KeirStarmer #BorisOut #ToryCovidCatastrophe #YouTubeShorts #YouTuber #telegram #Britain #PolandXmas #comunismo #Freedom #podcastandchillwithmacg #woke #F1 #Formula1
Archived on 30 October 2021 at 9:45 am [URL redacted]
@BrookeAguila [name pseudonymized] [11]: @Valeurs @S_Lignier #woke non merci. [URL redacted]

#PleaNostalgia.ic historical timeline montage i.e. #MetaphorTransformationEvolution of still images depicting key historical events in French history terminating at a set of contemporary images of #IdentityLGBTQIA people and depicting examples of #PhenomnImmigration as well as a group of #IdentityBlack men (an image recycled on multiple French nationalist websites and blogs - used to represent #OtheringOutGroupGangMob - commonly signifying the French pejorative colloquialism #OtheringOutGroupRacaille i.e. 'riffraff', 'scum'). Significantly, the turning point in the narratives centres on a shift from patriotic caucasians to #IdentityBlack people, a #IdentityMuslim women dressed in a #SymbolHijabNiqabBurqa sitting beside a #IdentityLGBTQIATrans person. Basically, #PoliticsNationalismFrance / #PoliticsNationalismConservative #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation (still-frame images is seemingly of #IRLHistoricalFigureJoanOfArc who despite having her conviction later overturned, was burnt at the stake as a heretic).
set to soundtrack of #2017_LittleDarkAge i.e. by US band MGMT i.e.

Context: And #SymbolHyperborea i.e. #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity #TheoryMyth

Archived on 6 September 2021 at 11:00 pm [URL redacted]
@RaheemVali [name pseudonymized] [02]: #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #SocialJusticeDay #Woke [URL redacted]

#CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #TheorySocialJustice #WebsitePragerU

Context: #AdvocacyUSHooverInstitutionAyaanHirsiAli i.e. #2001_September11Attacks911 #MetaphorWarfareHero #TheoryModelBinary #ReasoningFallacyFalseEquivalence #IRLHistoricalFigurePatrickHenry i.e. #EDUUSBrandeisUniversity #TauntCultureCancel #TheoryPhysicalismOrMaterialism "But materialism as traditionally construed is not a linguistic thesis at all; rather it is a metaphysical thesis in the sense that it tells us about the nature of the world. At least for the positivists, therefore, there was a clear reason for distinguishing physicalism (a linguistic thesis) from materialism (a metaphysical thesis)." #TauntLeftist #TauntLunaticFringe the #TauntLeftLoony ? #MetaphorCultReligious i.e. #MetaphorCultWoke #BeliefSecularism #EDUNLUniversiteitLeiden #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #TauntWokeism #BeliefDeityGodAllahYHWHJesusChristMessiah #TheoryMarxism #TauntIndoctrination #MetaphorConformitySheepSheeple #BeliefIslamismAllahuAkbar #SymbolTakeAKneeGenuflectionKneeling #PleaBlasphemy #OtheringHateSpeech #OtheringHateIslamophobiaAntiMuslim #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #NarrativeUtopiaWokeLiberal #SloganDefundThePolice #ToponymEastMiddleSyriaArRaqqah #PoliticsCollectivism #PowerControlViolencePhysicalBrutality i.e. #PleaLawAndOrder #PowerControlSubjugation #CatchcryFreedomOfSpeechFreeSpeech #PoliticsNationalismConservative i.e. #PoliticsConservatismTraditionalist #OrgClassifPPNLVolkspartijVoorVrijheidEnDemocratieVVD #EDUUSStanfordUniversity
Supplementary: "The Hoover Institution is a unit of Stanford University but has its own board of overseers".

Archived on 28 July 2021 at 2:00 am [URL redacted]
@JulioCoron [name pseudonymized] [02]: There you go The internet, social media and left has successfully turned most of the youngest generations into Angry 😤 Sad 😢 Soft 🍦 Entitled 🤩 Snowflakes ❄️ Man they will get eaten alive in most countries #woke #Olympics #Tokyo2020 #cdnpoli [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 July 2021 at 7:30 pm [URL redacted]
@DrakeLort [name pseudonymized]: #WatchWithUS? What the @NBCOlympics NO WAY! I'm to PROUD of #AMERICA and the #USA to watch those #Woke #Activist #Athletes #ActivistAthletes disrespect the #AmericanFlag and #NATIONALANTHEM #USA #USA #USA #boycottolympics #BoycottWokeness #GowokeGobroke [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 July 2021 at 7:45 am [URL redacted]
@EugeneMcday [name pseudonymized] [42]: @Josieamycashman Perfect, well said👌🇦🇺 For those who choose to come to #Australia to enjoy our freedoms that prior gens fought tirelessly for, as well as our beautiful environment, don’t ever consider opening your mouth with #woke driven ideologies and conformity that don’t belong here ‼️🇦🇺💯 [URL redacted]
Archived on 8 July 2021 at 5:45 pm [URL redacted]
@MekhiBachara [name pseudonymized]: Since when did flying your own flag in your own country become racist? Please help me understand #BLM #woke , are you really American or pretending to be American? [URL redacted]
Archived on 30 June 2021 at 8:15 pm [URL redacted]
@DanielaMcclave [name pseudonymized]: The left are the ones brainwashed with stupid ideologies and think socialism works. #MAGA #Trump2024 #Woke #Americafirst #Liberallogic [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 June 2021 at 11:45 pm [URL redacted]
@RachelHilland [name pseudonymized]: Watching our @RealAmVoice Save America Freedom Tour start with the national anthem song by @DaveBrayUSA making me so proud to be an American. While the left gets more #WOKE America is waking up! @AmandaHead and Jeremy Herrell Can’t wait to be back with you guys! #FeelingChills! [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 June 2021 at 7:30 pm [URL redacted]
@ZoeSunseri [name pseudonymized]: #GeneralMilley #woke #WakeUp #AmericaFirst #America #SaveAmerica #CNN #Democrats #DefundThePolice #BLM [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 June 2021 at 3:00 pm [URL redacted]
@RichardKayr [name pseudonymized] [17]: @Conservatives @BorisJohnson Why does the Labour Party always sit on the Left? ... because the Tory Party is always right! #Conservatives #Tory #LabourLies #LabourLosers #LabourLosingWomen #WOKE #uklabour [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 June 2021 at 7:30 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 2 June 2021 at 12:30 pm [URL redacted]
@BobCalix [name pseudonymized] [03]: @NancyiaC #Jan6 #StopTheSteal opened more eyes to the top national security threat. #woke Btb, not Biden, who's just reiterating findings of #NAACP #ADL #SPLC #ACLU #DHS; the #FBI assessed white nationalism, white supremacism as the primary source of domestic terrorism in 2006. ghost skin [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 April 2021 at 5:00 am [URL redacted]
@JaidenBoretsky [name pseudonymized] [07]: Shake it off #USA. Plow through the corrosive #leftist #woke #antifa #blm haters of things #American. Remember the best things happen "Only in #America" [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 April 2021 at 10:15 am [URL redacted]
@JazmynBeardshear [name pseudonymized]: #Woke @BBCWorld will surely regret granting this guy an interview 😂😂😂 [URL redacted]


Addendum: In discussing the trial and subsequent conviction of #IRLMurdererDerekChauvin, #VlogTheOfficerTatumBrandonTatum seems to be using this platform to criticise claims of the US being #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional. Part of the interest in this perspective is the fact that there is an assumption that all #IdentityIndigenousBlackPeopleOfColourBIPOC are assumed to be anti-racist - overlooking the fact that this is only one dimension of how people are i.e. presumably Tatum prizes his #PoliticsNationalismConservative more than anything else (and most likely sees criticism of the US in this way, as an affront).
The assumption is likely motivated by a logic of #TheorySelfPreservation i.e. that #IRLDeceasedGeorgeFloyd being murdered represents a threat to all #IdentityAmericanBlackAndAfrican.s who in their identification with his plight, will automatically rally on his side. Doing however overlooks the fact that in doing so, assumes that those identifying will automatically interpret his murder as an act of #OtheringDiscriminationRacism.
This foregrounds #PhenomnCulturalHegemony, #OtheringDiscriminationRacismInternalized and possible #TheorySociologyIntersectionality

Archived on 20 April 2021 at 3:45 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 April 2021 at 7:15 am [URL redacted]
@ShelleySchlink [name pseudonymized] [04]: @gmb gone totally politically correct now? Not a single British white person presenting the news. #congratulations you're 100% #woke 'news' organisation now, u made it. #GMB #tooleftwingnow #multicultureism gone haywire. [URL redacted]

The logic of this tweet seems to go along the lines of: "it's OK to have some non white people on #NMUKITVGMB - in a tokenistic kind of way (because after all, it's not like they're essential of anything) - as a type of 'decoration' / evidence used to stave off criticism of being racist, but of course, because they're not fulfilling an essential role - the more of 'them' i.e. #MetaphorVersusUsThem that you have the fewer 'legitimate' i.e. white people that you have to do the actual job". The 'give away' is the characterisation of a "British white person" i.e. a 'legitimate British person' (pointing to the idea that #IdentityWhite is an essential attribute of Britishness). The tweet is an overt example of deep-seated #OtheringDiscriminationRacism and strongly implies that the author feels under attack i.e. #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation as they struggle (resist) to engaged with contemporary society i.e. a #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity if ever there was one.

Interestingly, the image used to illustrate the tweet is taken from a video, which shows #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesBorisJohnson, moments before being infamously stuck on a zip-wire while intending to celebrate/raise awareness for the UK winning its first Olympic gold medal in the #2012_LondonOlympicGames i.e. an image that has become synonymous with #TauntSnatchingDefeatFromTheJawsOfVictory i.e. Presumably, the image is meant to signify a sense of #PoliticsNationalismConservative re #TauntFlagWaving etc.

Supplementary: #2006_Borat version of infamous image:

Archived on 15 March 2021 at 2:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JaquelineJoslin [name pseudonymized]: Twitter is so stupidly #woke they flagged a Response to my post as sensitive content . It was a Meme of #JohnWayne . So a legendary red blooded American actor is now a threat to the wimps behind the keyboard . WTF [URL redacted]
Archived on 25 February 2021 at 10:00 am [URL redacted]
@RooseveltGierhart [name pseudonymized] [14]: It is mostly NOT Britain's Black population who support kneeling to Marxist #BLM and destroying this country's history. It is the WHITE middle class #woke Leftists. THEY are the ones who fan the flames of racial division for their own political ends. THEY are the racists. [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 February 2021 at 10:00 am [URL redacted]
@KassandraVallett [name pseudonymized] [05]: @GlobalBritain21 @y_alibhai I thought she’d already gone! Don’t let us hold you back! Free to go when you want and we will help you if required! If you hate our values and are Country that much I cannot believe you are still spreading you #woke #sick #extremist #antiBritish bile! [URL redacted]
Archived on 13 February 2021 at 4:00 pm [URL redacted]
@SteveUch [name pseudonymized] [03]: Can we not refer to #communism/#fascism/#Nazism as "#Woke"? Confusing! Call a spade a spade! "#CancelCulture" is #UNAMERICAN. [URL redacted]
Archived on 15 January 2021 at 3:45 am [URL redacted]
@JillFornataro [name pseudonymized]: The #left is using #WOke as a racist weapon against whites & black conservatives. #Woke has no place in America. We are one nation under one flag. Be against Wokeness it is communism in black. We must boycott companies who are using wokeness to attack the livelihood of Americans. [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 December 2020 at 7:30 am [URL redacted]
@JulioMoulding [name pseudonymized] [14]: Boris Beat EU, Now Let's Beat COVID! Now give @Nigel_Farage knighthood or peerage.Then let's sort immigration, #woke culture, #DefundTheBBC replace the Human Rights Act with a British Bill of Rights and build new Great Britain. Agree? Please retweet. [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#MetaphorWarfareBattleFight #TauntDefundTheBBC #PolicyRightsHuman #PoliticsNationalismConservative #PhenomnBrexit.eer #PoliticsNationalismBritish #OrgClassifPPUKTheBrexitPartyNigelFarage #OrgUKGovHouseOfLordsHonoursPeerage

Supplementary: "Brexit is rooted in imperial nostalgia and myths of British exceptionalism, coming up as they have -- especially since 2008 -- against the reality that Britain is no longer a major world power... Those most under the spell of imperial nostalgia have now become the sorcerers themselves, having somehow managed to conjure up a mandate to transform Britain in their image." #PleaNostalgiaImperial #PleaGlobalBritain

Archived on 16 April 2020 at 6:00 am [URL redacted]

[screen name not defined]: Before #Trump and During #Trump #WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwkening #DigitalSoldiers #Woke Notice Obama is pushing our constitution away in the 2nd photo. Best Painter ever!

'The Forgotten Man' by Jon McNaughton (2010) is a #NarrativePainting, which depicts a nationalistic, conservative world-view, whose unsubtle #TheoryConstitutionalLawOriginalism #CharacterisationSentimentality is intended to provoke #TheoryAffectiveResponseOutrage. #TheoryRetrotopia ?

Context: #PoliticsNationalismNativism ?
Addendum: according to this tweet: "Make no mistake about it... The Obama's were the creators and starting point of all the division and current anti-American chaos we're witnessing in America today." #CatchcryDivision
Note that the meme within this tweet appears to be attributed to 'President Trumps Revolutionary Movement' i.e. reference to #ConspiracyTheoryCabalQAnonQArmy ?
