Archived on 12 February 2023 at 1:30 pm [URL redacted]
@KassandraVallett [name pseudonymized] [03]: @RachelReevesMP You left the Country #bankrupt after 10yrs & there is no way we’d trust you again! You’d destroy the UK 🇬🇧 and we know your intentions on #Brexit as you tried to stop it after we instructed you to take us out! #NeverLabour #GroomingGangs #Deceit #Lies #Woke #NoIdeaWhatAWomanIs [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 October 2022 at 6:30 pm [URL redacted]
@MarissaRaiden [name pseudonymized]: This world is fu**ed …. #woke #AlphabetMafia [URL redacted]

#WebsiteSnopes "In July 2020, an old and debunked rumor claiming that pedophiles were attempting to normalize 'age fluidity,' an invented term for a fictional medical condition in which a person self-identifies as a younger age in order to engage in physical relationships with children, was recirculated on social media. ...
This is inaccurate. No concerted effort exists to normalize 'age fluidity' as a way for adults to engage in sexual relationships with children. This is transphobic hoax that was created in an attempt to smear the LGBTQ community by linking them to pedophilia.
This smear is not a novel one. In fact, there have been repeated attempts to spread the long-disproven idea that homosexuality is linked to pedophilia, despite the lack of scientific proof to support this claim." #PhenomnSexualityPracticesPaederasty #SlurPaedophilia #PhenomnSmearCampaign #PhenomnMongeringFear #FabricationAgeFluidTransAge
And "The graphic was originally posted on the Twitter account @Clovergender, which has since been suspended by Twitter.
A Google search for 'clovergender' reveals that it is a made-up term for a fake gender identity that emerged in December 2016. It started on 4chan, an anonymous online forum known in part as a gathering place for the alt-right, or white nationalists.
A 4chan user came up with the term 'clovergender' to mean 'a child trapped in a man's body who is attracted to other children'. It was created to troll left-wing or progressive social media users" #Website4chan8chan8kun #2016_ #FabricationClovergender #OtheringHateGenderphobia 

Archived on 17 April 2022 at 9:00 am [URL redacted]
@RylanKlesel [name pseudonymized] [17]: @dave43law @HelenRushby1 • #Labour & #TheStenchOfHypocrisy . Have #woke #Remain=#Rejoin #collaborators in #KeirStarmer's #LabourParty worked out what a REAL woman is yet? ~ #Men can get #ProstateCancer as they HAVE a #prostate. ~ #Women can get #CervicalCancer as they HAVE a #cervix... And a #womb! . [URL redacted]

'collaborator' i.e. #MetaphorWar to describe #OtheringCaricatureBrexitRemainer.s #OrgClassifPPUKLabourKeirStarmer #TheoryDeterminismBiologicalPhysiological

Context: this tweet is in response to criticism of #OrgClassifPPUKConservatives' #NoRAfricaRwanda #PhenomnImmigration plan i.e. it's a #ReasoningFallacyWhataboutism
Supplementary: #WebsiteTheConversationBenjaminCurtis "In philosophy, an argument is a reasoned debate aimed at truth. But in many other contexts, people often do not view arguments in this way. They view them, rather, as battles to be won. Their goal is to get their opponent to concede as much as possible without their conceding anything themselves.
Viewed in this way, whataboutism is an effective strategy. It works on the principle that offence is the best form of defence. By launching a counter-attack, you place your opponent on the back foot." #MetaphorWarCounterattack

#OrgClassifPPUKLabour #PhenomnMisconduct

Addendum: this appears to be an 'attack ad' - part of a #PhenomnSmearCampaign / negative campaigning designed to dissuade potential voters from voting UK Labour in the lead-up to the May 2022 local elections i.e.
Through reflecting on the focus of issues listed here (and its general tone), it's clear that it's targeting social conservative interests / worldview.

Archived on 12 March 2022 at 6:45 am [URL redacted]
@LewisMarkiewicz [name pseudonymized] [03]: @Acyn Citizens can’t criticize legislation by ‘duly elected’ officials because #WOKE. Vigorous debate over ideas and policy isn’t allowed in the ’free’ state of #Florida because #CancelCulture. Putting a buzz word or offensive accusation in a sentence doesn’t justify cruelty. [URL redacted]