Archived on 16 March 2023 at 8:00 am [URL redacted]
@ShylaFlete [name pseudonymized]: #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 18 January 2023 at 9:30 am [URL redacted]
@StephaniGuintu [name pseudonymized]: De definitie van waanzin is steeds hetzelfde doen, en andere resultaten verwachten. #HonderdMiljoenDoden #TotalitaireWaanzin #EU #WEF #GroeneGekte #KlasseHaat #EnergieArmoe #Hongersnoden #Misantropie #Woke [URL redacted]

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." #OrgEU #OrgIntlWEF
'Groene Gekte' = 'Green Madness' #PhenomnDeprivationPoverty #PhenomnDisasterFamine #OtheringHateMisanthropy

Addendum: #AphorismLearningFoolMeOnceShameOnYouFoolMeTwiceShameOnMe

"The Communist Cycle
Establish a new communist utopia
Say it wasn't 'real communism'
Rob or kill the successful
Starve to death
Force the rest to work for free
Run out of food" #PoliticsCommunism #NarrativeUtopia #IRLHistoricalFigureKarlMarx

Addendum: surely, more a characterisation of #PoliticsAuthoritarianism mixed with #PhenomnCorruption? The point: "Rob or kill the successful" seems to point to the #TheoryIndividualismCompetitiveSelfMadeManArchetype i.e. that 'being successful' is wholly attributable to the deeds of an individual (and has nothing to do with their circumstance). #TheoryCognitiveBiasSelfAttribution

Archived on 27 December 2022 at 11:15 pm [URL redacted]
@HillaryTacon [name pseudonymized] [03]: #Woke, White Knight, #Russian @pavel_velikhov tried to paint me as non-sensical #racist by pointing to #CNN report about #Police brutality against #Blacks. #BlackCulture is violent, aggressive, criminal, predatory. #MSM lie about Russia but believe them about Blacks? [URL redacted]
Archived on 13 October 2022 at 2:00 pm [URL redacted]
@NotnamedSpingler [name pseudonymized]: Who cares about #Education any more? #Ignorance and #Want lead to #Poverty. Is that preferable to education (no, I don’t mean #Woke #Indoctrination, I mean #Reading, #wRiting and #aRithmetic) Also #Manners, #Standards, #Facts, #Science, #Reason, #Logic and good old #CommonSense. [URL redacted]

"The Last of the Spirits attempts to use the structure of Dickens' fable to tell the story of two homeless street children - a brother and sister - who will become those same two children the Ghost of Christmas Present calls Ignorance and Want." #MetaphorWretchedChildrenIgnoranceAndWant

Archived on 6 July 2022 at 1:15 pm [URL redacted]
@BraylonSegrave [name pseudonymized] [03]: @Keir_Starmer Bad as #BorisJohnsonMustGo is, what is the alternative? A #woke #labourparty that is: 1. Confused about the definition of a woman. 3. More united on their knees virtue signalling than standing up for the average working class person against crime, poverty, inflation, strikes [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 May 2022 at 3:00 pm [URL redacted]
@BartGrassia [name pseudonymized]: Fuck da poor. You want a fair wage? Work harder. government don't owe you shit and they ain't ever gon give you a fair wage so cry about it. #MAGA #Libertarian #Republican #TRUMP2024 #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 February 2022 at 5:15 pm [URL redacted]
@LakishaHymers [name pseudonymized]: #Trudeau’s 2 focuses: 1. Creating #Equality by lowering #Canada’s & #Canadians’ standard of Living. Not others up. 2. Creating LOTS of Very #Woke SoundBites. NEVER Any incriminating ones; so he can show the @UN ⁦@UNGeneva⁩ how deserving of a job THERE he is. #TrudeauMustGo [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 January 2022 at 1:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JuneBenns [name pseudonymized] [02]: How I overcame #whiteprivilege and #systemicracism by #RishiSunak . #socialism not liberal #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 December 2021 at 1:45 pm [URL redacted]
@AmayaSlovin [name pseudonymized]: Jordan Peterson| The HIDDEN Truth THAT NOBODY’S TALKING ABOUT!!!!” (NEW) In today's video we look at Jordan Peterson| The HIDDEN Truth THAT NOBODY’S TALKING ABOUT!!!!” (NEW) #WOKE #JordanbPeterson #ForeverInspired [URL redacted]
Archived on 5 July 2021 at 4:45 am [URL redacted]
@DrakeMyung [name pseudonymized] [18]: It seems his name is no longer applicable, eh @Marvel ? #woke #liberalmedia #leftists #comics #CaptainAmerica [URL redacted]

#NMUSBreitbartWarnerToddHuston "As the issue begins, Steve Rogers -- the original Cap -- grouses about how America is built on 'lies.'
'I'm loyal to nothing. Except the dream,' Rogers says early in the issue. 'Here's the thing about a dream, though. A dream isn't real... I'm starting to think America actually has two dreams. And one lie. The first American dream is the one that isn't real. It's one some people expect to just be handed to them. And then they get angry when it disappears. When the truth is, it never really existed in the first place.'
He adds that the dream with the 'white picket fences' is a lie that 'doesn't get along nicely with reality. Other cultures. Immigrants. The poor.'" #1776_USDeclarationOfIndependence4thOfJuly #BrandMarvelCinematicUniverseMCUCaptainAmericaSteveRogers #NarativeAmericanDream #PhenomnImmigration #PhenomnDeprivationPoverty

Archived on 28 April 2020 at 5:25 pm [URL redacted]
@JaquelineJentzsch [name pseudonymized] [02]: @allahpundit @guypbenson @HowieCarrShow 🇶 #California Dreamin': Pending a blue-collar #Whoak resurgence via repatriation of the #SupplyChain from #China? 🛢️Triumph of the #Woke Oligarchs | RealClearEnergy [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#ToponymAsiaChina #WebsiteRealClearEnergyRCEJoelKotkin "Like the rest of the country, although far less than New York, California is suffering through the Covid-19 crisis. But in California, the pandemic seems likely to give the state's political and corporate elites a new license to increase their dominion while continuing to keep the middle and working classes down.
Perhaps nothing spells the triumph of California's progressive oligarchy more than Governor Gavin Newsom's decision to off-load the state's recovery strategy to a task force co-chaired by hedge-fund billionaire Tom Steyer. A recently failed presidential candidate, Steyer stands as a progressive funder. He is as zealous as he is rich. Steyer sometimes even found the policies adopted by climate-obsessed former governor Jerry Brown not extreme enough for his tastes." #OtheringElitesLiberalCulturalEducated #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyGavinNewsom #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyJerryBrown i.e. #TheoryDragonsOfInactionPerceivedRiskFinancial

Supplementary: #WebsiteTheDailyBeastKevinPoulsen and #WebsiteTheDailyBeastMaxwellTani
"The company behind the non-partisan news site RealClearPolitics has been secretly running a Facebook page filled with far-right memes and Islamophobic smears, The Daily Beast has learned. ...
It's a far cry from the usual fare on RealClearPolitics. Founded in 2000, the site was an early online aggregator of political news, curating links to widely read politics stories and opinion articles in other major outlets. ...
The Daily Beast connected to RealClear through archives on the Wayback Machine, which show that the website had RealClear's Google Analytics tracker code and that some of the site's images were served from the WordPress account of RealClear's chief technology officer. Interviews with former editorial staff of confirmed that it was a stealth RealClear property. ...
Conservative Country isn't the first ultra-partisan title that's been connected to RealClear. A 2017 SEC filing listed RealClear co-founder John McIntyre as a director at FDRLST Media and put both companies at the same Chicago address. FDRLST Media is the parent company of The Federalist...
RealClear didn't respond to questions about the Facebook page but acknowledged that it created the website. 'The Conservative Country website was created as part of an effort to understand the flow of traffic from social media--particularly Facebook--to political websites,' said RealClear CTO Anand Ramanujan in an email to The Daily Beast. 'There are no other non-RealClear titles out there.'" #BrandMetaFacebook #PoliticsFascismNaziNeoFarRightAltRightRadicalRight #OtheringHateIslamophobiaAntiMuslim #OrgUSInternetArchiveWaybackMachine #WebsiteRealClearPoliticsRCP #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyBetoORourke #WebsiteConservativeCountry #WebsiteRealClearMedia #IRLCampaignAdvisorSteveCortes #BrandFDRLSTMediaJohnMcIntyre #WebsiteRealClearAnandRamanujan #WebsiteAmericanThinkerThomasLifson

"The predictably pious Steyer and his fellow commissioners will no doubt claim devotion to the interests of average citizen. But, as a new lawsuit filed by some 300 civil rights leaders asserts, the policies being backed by Steyer and his fellow commissioners have already had produced disastrous results for millions of Californians. The real collective badge of shame is not California's GHG [Green House Gas] emissions but the prevalence of poverty amid
enormous affluence.
Critically, economic growth, at least outside asset- and iPhone-price inflation, is itself considered a threat to the planet within the environmental community, which largely hails the Covid lockdowns as a 'fire drill' for future actions to promote 'de-growth.' The open hope, as a Psychology Today writer puts it, would be to tame 'the human beast' by imposing low-consumption lifestyles on hoi polloi, including in developing countries. Such policies might not affect the prospects for social media, search, or import- dependent firms like Apple, but they have already been beastly for millions of Californians." #IRLBusinesspersonTomSteyer #CauseCivilRights #ToponymAmericaNorthUSCalifornia #LiteralSubstanceGasToxicAirEmissions #PhenomnDeprivationPoverty #BrandAppleiPhone #PhenomnVirusCOVID19PandemicMitigationLockdown #MagazineUSPsychologyTodayNigelBarber
