Archived on 20 May 2023 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@GaylaVanduine [name pseudonymized]: A Ust Watch before it's taken down Best Talk on the sickening and unscientific subject of woke genderism I've watched and listened 👌👌👌 [URL redacted] #woke #genderism #craziness #unscientific #bulls #leftism #braindamage #dehumanising #culture
Archived on 6 April 2023 at 8:15 am [URL redacted]
@JazmynGessling [name pseudonymized]: "Las palabras "cancel culture" o "woke" esconden los términos reales: censura, totalitarismo, stalinismo, revolución cultural, maoísmo!" Frédéric Beigbeder | Escritor #WokeCulture #Woke #ProgresistaSigueProgresista #progres #mamertosfera [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 March 2023 at 7:15 am [URL redacted]
@LillianNylen [name pseudonymized] [03]: Hey, #VideoGameIndustry! HERE'S your "#WiderAudience": #censorship #OutrageMobs #LowestCommonDenominatorSlop #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 March 2023 at 4:15 pm [URL redacted]
@DarleneMindiola [name pseudonymized]: @EndWokeness This is how desperate the #communists are #woke #liberal #Propaganda #censorship #Democrats So scared of #DonaldJTrump and Big Bad #MAGA Living for #TrumpArrest instead of battle of ideas by #TRUMP2024 I don’t know what’s worse? [URL redacted]


Context: #NewspaperUSBrdshtTheHillLaurenSforza "Fabricated images of former President Trump being arrested are circulating social media as the country prepares for his possible indictment this week.
The images, created using artificial intelligence software (AI), show what appears to be the a large group of New York City Police Department officers arresting the former president as he resists be detained. Some of the images that were posted on Twitter even depict Trump being forced to the ground, while another image shows him running away from the police officers.
The text in the images, like on the police officers' uniform, is garbled -- an indicator that they were fake.
Eliot Higgins, founder and creative director of investigative collective Bellingcat, first shared these images Monday on Twitter, and they have gained traction over the last several days.
He explained in a tweet that he used MidJourney V5 -- an AI software that creates images from a written prompt -- to form the images. That prompt that he used read 'Donald Trump falling over while getting arrested. Fibonacci Spiral. News footage,' and it produced many of the images that were posted on Twitter." #TechGenerativeAIMidJourney i.e. #TechGenerativeAIDeepfake #WebsiteBellingcatEliotHiggins: #NarrativeTruthHoax
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #NMINWorldIsOneNewsWION

Supplementary: #NMUKBBCMariannaSpring "The fake images of black Trump supporters, generated by artificial intelligence (AI), are one of the emerging disinformation trends ahead of the US presidential election in November.
Unlike in 2016, when there was evidence of foreign influence campaigns, the AI-generated images found by the BBC appear to have been made and shared by US voters themselves.
One of them was Mark Kaye and his team at a conservative radio show in Florida.
They created an image of Mr Trump smiling with his arms around a group of black women at a party and shared it on Facebook, where Mr Kaye has more than one million followers.
At first it looks real, but on closer inspection everyone's skin is a little too shiny and there are missing fingers on people's hands - some tell-tale signs of AI-created images.
'I'm not a photojournalist,' Mr Kaye tells me from his radio studio.
'I'm not out there taking pictures of what's really happening. I'm a storyteller.'" #NarrativeTruthImpersonation #IdentityAmericanBlackAndAfrican #HandleTwitterTrump_History45 #CampaignHashtagBlackVotersMatterCliffAlbright #WebsiteNewsmaxMarkKaye i.e.

Archived on 22 February 2023 at 7:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JoshuaKarpan [name pseudonymized] [02]: De censuurcommissie #wokisme meldt met blijdschap dat de laatste foto van Willy Wonka met zijn 7 dwergen inmiddels is aangepast en werd goedgekeurd voor publicatie. Inspiratie werd gevonden bij de Vlaamse dwergen (lees 'sukkels') van #Vivaldi en hun baas. #woke #wokewaanzin #Dahl [URL redacted]

Addendum: the edited version of the #1971_WillyWonkaAndTheChocolateFactory image appears to be populated with various Belgian politicians including: #OrgClassifPPBEGroenPetraDeSutter #OrgClassifPPBEGroenTinneVanDerStraeten

Archived on 21 February 2023 at 9:00 am [URL redacted]
@EzraLorkowski [name pseudonymized] [03]: @PuffinBooks @sharnajackson @EmpathyLabUK Literature censorship by #Woke @PuffinBooks on Dahl's books may result in massive #BocottPuffinBooks [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 November 2022 at 4:45 pm [URL redacted]
@KahealaniCucullu [name pseudonymized] [17]: #woke #wokemadness Resist it. Think. [URL redacted]
Archived on 2 November 2022 at 2:30 pm [URL redacted]
@CheyanneMiehlke [name pseudonymized] [11]: @TichysEinblick #Einheitskultur #roth #Kulturmarxismus #CancelCulture #Orwell #Bequemlichkeitsverblödung #GrüneKhmer #GrünerMist #woke #christlicheWerte #Linksfaschismus #Zensur #kulturelleEinebnung [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 September 2022 at 8:00 am [URL redacted]
@TabathaLigori [name pseudonymized] [02]: Only tyrannical woke dickheads censor information because they hide the truth and manipulate & gaslight nations with LIES. But now the people have woken up to your corrupt #WEF ways and #TrudeauMustGo #TrudeauResign #TrudeauCorruption #TrudeauHasToGo #woke [URL redacted]

"It has come to my attention that #HashtagTrudeauMustGo has been trending for more than 24 hours. This is nothing more than the work of Putin and the CPC in an effort to discredit me. This is precisely why our Government has committed to regulating and censoring Canadian online content." #OrgClassifPPRUSUnitedRussiaVladimirPutin #OrgClassifPPCAConservativePartyCPC

Archived on 17 September 2022 at 4:45 pm [URL redacted]
@ElliotIgarta [name pseudonymized]: Rebekah Koffler and Charles Love explore America's Obsession with #Censorship and #Race on the latest Censored, But Not Silenced #US #USA #CharlesLove #government #politics #identitypolitics #woke #PC #education #media [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 September 2022 at 7:45 pm [URL redacted]
@ElijahNurse [name pseudonymized] [02]: Can we get anymore #libtard than this? Ignorant snowflake #Twitter employee caught in undercover video personally insulting his future boss, @elonmusk #woke libtard employee is so unbelievably stupid that we can’t help but laugh & wonder if this video is even real. #Elon [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 August 2022 at 9:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JaydaCerchio [name pseudonymized] [02]: Agitprop's bastardized and weaponized self-interest to imply "supremacy." Why? Agitation propaganda: the propaganda of insurgency & destabilization. #PodernFamily #podcast #DEI #backlash #Tribalism #propaganda #woke #censorship #podcasts #Theocracy [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 August 2022 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@JaydaCerchio [name pseudonymized] [02]: Agitprop's bastardized and weaponized self-interest to imply "supremacy." Why? Agitation propaganda: the propaganda of insurgency & destabilization. #PodernFamily #podcast #DEI #backlash #Tribalism #propaganda #woke #censorship #podcasts #Theocracy [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 June 2022 at 11:45 am [URL redacted]
@TeaganHeestand [name pseudonymized] [03]: I see Katie Hopkins is trending but its really related to Sophie Corcoran. #Wets and #Woke going into meltdown because someone on Twitter has a different view. Grow up you Nit Wits. [URL redacted]

"Powerful people are pulling the levers of our democracy. They actively pursue a 'Cancel Culture 'a 'Censorship' on what they think you should hear, see and believe.
They allow for no dissent to their "woke" orthodoxy and would throw you in the gutter because you had a different opinion.
They are 'funded' by organisations we buy goods from, we buy lottery tickets from and even to whom we donate Little did we know they themselves are funding the charities who legally challenge Gov. legislation.
You the donator, believer and purchaser are far from their minds they're too busy occupying courts and studios telling You you're wrong thinking all the while criminal enterprises continue profiting from people trafficking and modern day slavery." #PhenomnAgencyHumanPowerlessness #TauntCultureCancel #PhenomnCensorship #PowerControlChattelSlavery

Archived on 28 April 2022 at 3:15 pm [URL redacted]
@VirginiaChonko [name pseudonymized]: People are going to defend Ben Shapiro about THIS, but this just straight up isn't a good look for him. "This isn't free speech, I'm being censored" how are you this flustered trying to talk to a student* when you went to Harvard and do this for a living #GOP #woke #debate #CRT [URL redacted]
Archived on 5 April 2022 at 7:30 pm [URL redacted]
@MarshaScherbert [name pseudonymized]: 2022 #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 March 2022 at 7:30 pm [URL redacted]
@KayleeKlann [name pseudonymized] [04]: #woke #catinthehat #drseuss #censorship #BidenHarris #BidenAdministration #BidensAmerica #HunterBiden #Bidenflation #BidenLies #BidenDisaster [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 March 2022 at 3:45 pm [URL redacted]
@JoeMihalovic [name pseudonymized] [03]: *The enemy of my enemy is my friend* Think very carefully about who else is on the side you are taking here - it's the clearest way to cut through propaganda and bias. #RussiaUkraineConflict #WEFGate #FJB #Ukraine️ #SorosSwamp #BlackfaceHiltler #woke #censorship #WWIII [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 February 2022 at 12:15 am [URL redacted]
@KaydenBazzell [name pseudonymized]: @elonmusk said it best… #woke #wokeness #wokeism #cancelculture #censorship [URL redacted]
Archived on 8 February 2022 at 7:30 am [URL redacted]
@NicolasSokolowski [name pseudonymized]: I could not believe how utterly creative and utterly frightening Ben Garrison's depiction of the #Woke Outrage Machine is...prayer is good🙏 [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 February 2022 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
@JorySinha [name pseudonymized]: 😵‍💫 Royal Holloway's trigger warning is the latest in a series introduced by universities, (once renown centers of learning) #woke is killing us- one book at a time #banbooks #cultureclash [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 January 2022 at 2:15 am [URL redacted]
@CarlosCocherell [name pseudonymized] [27]: #Bigtech #MSM #CRT #education #university #woke #Pelosi #DefundThePolice #Censorship #insurrection #CDC It’s unbelievable what’s happening. People are fed up w/ #Google #CNN #Twitter #Lies #Moms #Parents #CRT #Virginia #Michigan #Wisconsin #Pennsylvania #Arizona #Florida [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 December 2021 at 12:15 pm [URL redacted]
@MaxTritz [name pseudonymized] [03]: Floride : une loi “anti woke” qui restreint la liberté d'enseignement [URL redacted] #woke #legislation #floride #liberte #enseignement [URL redacted]

#MagazineFRActuaLitteValentineCostantini #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #EDUUSUniversityOfFlorida #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPRonDeSantisRDS i.e. #PhenomnCensorship of #CatchcryFreedomAcademic #OrgUSFloridaEducationAssociationAndrewSpar: "Teachers are trained and experienced in the education of children and have a duty to prepare their pupils to contribute effectively to society. Teachers should have the freedom to teach honest and complete facts about historical events like slavery and civil rights without being censored by politicians. The governor's announcement today flies in the face of this core American value ... All Florida kids should receive an evidence-based education that doesn't change based on their zip code.' Teaching subjects such as critical race theory remains, for many, a means of providing historical perspective. It then becomes possible to show children how racist laws promulgated in the past still have an effect on today's society. However, the country seems to be slowly shifting towards a tendency to suppress this approach to teaching, as much for young pupils as for students." #LiteralSchoolCollegeUniversity

Supplementary: #AdvocacyUSPENAmerica: "Florida Governor Ron DeSantis introduced the Stop W.O.K.E Act, a bill he says would allow parents to sue school districts that teach 'critical race theory' and, if they win, to recoup legal costs. Critics warn that this private right of action, similar to one contained in Texas's controversial anti-abortion law, marks a new front in the education culture war and will drown school districts in costly litigation." #LegislationUSFloridaStopTheWrongsToOurKidsAndEmployeesWOKEAct

Archived on 25 December 2021 at 3:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JaxonMarcrum [name pseudonymized] [02]: WHO ARE THE BRAIN POLICE? Is the western world now a continent-sized village of the damned? [URL redacted] #USA #UK #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom #Woke #Wokeness #CancelCulture #Conditioning #Brainwashing #Totaitarianism #Authoritarianism #Censorship #Spies #Spying [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 December 2021 at 12:15 am [URL redacted]
@RandyUtsumi [name pseudonymized] [13]: @FoxResurrected #CancelCulture #Censorship #FreeSpeech #PoliticalCorrectness #Intolerance #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 December 2021 at 11:30 pm [URL redacted]
@RandyUtsumi [name pseudonymized] [13]: @FoxResurrected #CancelCulture #Censorship #FreeSpeech #PoliticalCorrectness #Intolerance #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 December 2021 at 10:15 pm [URL redacted]

Supposedly: "row ringleader of the student backlash against Rod Liddle's speech at Durham University is a #OrgClassifPPUKLabourJeremyCorbyn supporter who stood for the Labour Party" according to #NewspaperUKTabloidTheDailyMailMichaelPowell

Archived on 7 December 2021 at 11:15 am [URL redacted]
@RayLinscott [name pseudonymized] [14]: Woke School Board Member Attempts To Dox And STALK Parents Who Question Critical Theory Teachings [URL redacted] #CRT #racism #Woke #Democrats #DemocratsAreDangerous #TrumpWasRight #Trump #tuesdayvibe
Archived on 3 December 2021 at 8:15 am [URL redacted]
@TommyFerrier [name pseudonymized]: #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 2 November 2021 at 10:45 pm [URL redacted]
@LakishaJarvi [name pseudonymized]: Censorship of a USA 🇺🇸 President By @jack @Twitter Only made #realDonaldTrump More Popular. Free Speech 🎤 is still Free 🇺🇸 #Section230 protects Censorship Veiled as #Woke ♉️ [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 31 October 2021 at 8:15 am [URL redacted]
@ArleneColasacco [name pseudonymized]: Putin is right about this. #woke #crt #CancelCulture #Hollywood [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 October 2021 at 1:15 pm [URL redacted]
@AsiaCasperson [name pseudonymized]: 2 Avg. Joes S01E11 – Surviving Woke University with Isabella Azzolino #Woke #Education #Censorship [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 8 September 2021 at 12:15 pm [URL redacted]
@KendrickPachner [name pseudonymized]: Au #Canada, les fascistes indigénistes #woke brûlent des #BD de #Tintin et d'#Astérix. "Là où l'on brûle les livres, on finit par brûler des hommes." Heinrich Heine [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 September 2021 at 9:45 am [URL redacted]
@LianaMaccani [name pseudonymized] [03]: #FFF #Republican #Democrat #Trump #TrumpTrain #GOP #democratsdestroyamerica #afghanistan #Liberal #Conservative #MAGA #KAG #humantrafficking #neverforget #Kabul #SaveAmerica #ArrestFauci #JoeBidenSucks #censorship #RemovePelosi #woke #mybodymychoice #bidensamerica #taliban [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 August 2021 at 6:00 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 July 2021 at 11:15 am [URL redacted]
@AnnaSieckmann [name pseudonymized] [15]: He's right. #Wokeness #Woke #Censorship #Orwellian #Idiocracy #FreeSpeech #FreeThought #comedy [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 July 2021 at 11:00 pm [URL redacted]
@RalphHarajli [name pseudonymized]: #Censorship #bs #Covid_19 #CovidIsNotOver #mRNA #china #woke #deltavarient #VACCINE #Censorshipfromchina [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 July 2021 at 12:00 pm [URL redacted]
@AnnaSieckmann [name pseudonymized] [15]: I'm #offended! #Wokeness #Woke #Censorship #Orwellian #Idiocracy #FreeSpeech #FreeThought [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 July 2021 at 11:00 am [URL redacted]
@AnnaSieckmann [name pseudonymized] [15]: Pretty much. From #rebellion and #humanrights to #fascism and puritanical morality police. #Wokeness #Woke #Censorship #Orwellian #Idiocracy #FreeSpeech #FreeThought #Humanity #HumanRights [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 July 2021 at 2:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JessThistlethwaite [name pseudonymized] [24]: Sorry. This just ain't attractive. Should have known crap like this was gonna happen once @VictoriasSecret dropped the beautiful Angel models & stuck in a bunch of dough faced, #woke activists.🤡 Blow off your customer base to score points with the <5%. [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 July 2021 at 8:45 am [URL redacted]
@JarvisGossett [name pseudonymized] [03]: De geschiedenis herhaalt zich.. Pieter Markus signaleert het gebrek aan historisch besef bij de hedendaagse ‘wokies’. Overigens is de overeenkomst met de Chinese culturele revolutie meer dan toevallig, gezien de marxistische signatuur van de #woke ideologie. #volkskrant [URL redacted]

Translated via Google Translate: "Woke Chinese youth in search of moral purity were inspired by #IRLHistoricalFigureChairmanMaoZedong's ideas and were recruited for his [Chinese] Cultural #PhenomnRevolution. As Red Guards, they did not shy away from denouncing their teachers and even their parents as class enemies. The result may be 20 million deaths and countless lives destroyed. #IdentityMuslim youths in search of moral purity found refuge in political Islam and were recruited for the #PhenomnTerrorismJihadificationJihad. They traveled to #ToponymEastMiddleSyria and became fighters for #OrgClassifGrpTerrorismISISDaeshISIL. The result is death and destruction. Progressive youth in search of moral purity preach the #TauntWokeAgendaIdeologyIdeologue. As #MetaphorWarfareSocialJusticeWarriorSJW, they measure everyone. The result is polarisation, the cancellation of opponents and a culture of fear resulting in (self) #TauntCultureCancel #PhenomnCensorship. What they all have in common is their youthful fanaticism, straightforwardness and #PhenomnBigotry. Do the wokies miss the similarities with their peers, do they not realize the danger?" #IRLDogmatistPieterMarkus, #ToponymEuropeNetherlandsGeldrop
Framed in terms of a 'age category' i.e. only young people are effected (perhaps, referring to the cliché that only young people are open-minded / that you become more conservative as you get older). #CharacterisationOversimplification

Archived on 7 July 2021 at 5:30 am [URL redacted]
@JoyceDelplato [name pseudonymized] [05]: I wish more people would actually wake up to this. The original 'not left or right, but forward'. #Debate #FreedomOfSpeech #Censorship #woke [URL redacted]

"The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress". (Pensées de J. Joubert, 1848). #IRLAuthorJosephJoubert #PhenomnPlatitudeThoughtTerminatingCliche

Archived on 7 July 2021 at 12:15 am [URL redacted]
@HalleRepak [name pseudonymized]: @Kandid61Kandi @LindseyGrahamSC Uh, what?! You've lost all sense of reality. Who's having their voices eliminated right now, both in the media and on the web? It sure as hell isn't those on the #Woke wagon you're riding. [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 July 2021 at 12:15 pm [URL redacted]
@NaomiJacob [name pseudonymized] [04]: #Politicians #MPs hardly live in the real world as most come from Middle Class/Wealth background so when they claim #DeepWoke what does that refer to and actually mean? The only #Woke I know is #TransRights #LiberalFeminists #TRAs #TransAlly who are deluded enough to think #TwAW [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 June 2021 at 2:30 am [URL redacted]
@ArielDurner [name pseudonymized] [03]: Bob Zany as the #woke comedian @Jay_D007 [URL redacted]
Archived on 18 June 2021 at 7:45 am [URL redacted]
@NelsonMcgimsey [name pseudonymized]: @greeborunner @MaccaTheFourth @bobito64 @piersmorgan Amazing, 60s Revolution was freedom love & peace. 2021 it's about censorship & thought-control. From those who purport to be "advanced-thinkers". Some people's #woke equals WORST of the most uptight aggressive strict controllers🙄sending us back centuries. #SocialRighteousness [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 June 2021 at 9:30 am [URL redacted]
@RoderickReul [name pseudonymized]: At colleges and universities in #woke western countries (mainly US and UK) astute and diligent students & docenti are reassessing and rewriting all #white privileged #history, classic litt. and #science books... [URL redacted]

"Saint Dominic and the Albigenses (1480). A painting by #IRLPainterPedroBerruguete depicting Dominic, founder of the Inquisition, checking books for heresy with a trial by fire." #MetaphorBookBurning #PhenomnCensorship

Archived on 14 June 2021 at 3:15 pm [URL redacted]
@PerryYoo [name pseudonymized]: @Gerard1945X Voor mijn volgers: een kleurplaat en een viltstift. Maak er wat moois van, dames en heren, dan zet ik ondertussen een cd op van Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. #woke 🎨 Frederic Leighton (1830-1896) [URL redacted]
Archived on 31 May 2021 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
@ChuckMorgret [name pseudonymized]: The same #CCP wants to take over North America! They have sent #Marxism into our k-12 schools, colleges, city, state, & fed Government institutions. They have weakened the USA to the point even our Military is partially infected with #Woke #Marxist ideological propaganda. #WakeUp [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 27 May 2021 at 11:00 pm [URL redacted]
@AlbertoDisque [name pseudonymized] [08]: #Democrats #OANN #TheView #TheFive #MorningJoe #democracy #Biden #BidenRemourse #CNN #MSNBC #tcot #Pelosi #Trump2024 #BigTechCensorship #BigTech #Twitter #censorship #lol @Jack Every #woke company during pride week. [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 May 2021 at 11:30 pm [URL redacted]
@JosephRauert [name pseudonymized] [15]: Democrat's Agenda Exposes What Their Real Goal Is [URL redacted] @RubinReport #DemocratsHateJews #BidenAdministration #packthecourts #electiolcollege #faucist #cancunculture #EnemyOfThePeople #woke #CriticalRaceTheory ##1619 project #BigTech #censorship #trump #maga
Archived on 8 April 2021 at 7:15 am [URL redacted]
@CedricCadreau [name pseudonymized] [02]: #Woke with #Coke. [URL redacted]
Archived on 2 March 2021 at 11:30 pm [URL redacted]
@HaileyCircosta [name pseudonymized]: Book burning/banning needs to be stopped NOW! It’s #communist #censorship ! A direct violation of the #1stAmendment ! Everyone needs to contact their congressman and protest this! #DrSeuss #BookBanning #communism #democrats #Woke #AmericaUncancelled #MAGA [URL redacted]

in #BrandDrSeuss' #1947_McElligotsPool 'Eskimo Fish', which have been cropped out here, appear to the right in the original illustration.

Context: 'Eskimo' i.e. stereotype that conflates #IdentityFirstNationsInuit and #IdentityFirstNationsYupik #OtheringCaricatureImperialismEskimo #ToponymAmericaNorthUSAlaska

Archived on 22 February 2021 at 3:45 pm [URL redacted]
@NickolasWillems [name pseudonymized] [30]: Ryan T. Anderson Senior Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation has had one of his books removed from the Amazon store after being on sale for 3 years. ##censorship by a #woke Amazon jeopardizes #FreeSpeech for all of us. @RyanTAnd [URL redacted]
Archived on 18 February 2021 at 5:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JusticeSliwoski [name pseudonymized] [03]: Slippery slope getting more slippy by the day. '#Woke war' is the latest populist nonsense. [URL redacted]

#PhenomnPopulism #PhenomnCensorship

Supplementary: "The concept of populism has in recent years inspired much debate and much confusion. It has been described variously as a pathology, a style, a syndrome and a doctrine. Others have raised doubts as to whether the term has any analytical utility, concluding that it is simply too vague to tell us anything meaningful about politics. Drawing on recent developments in the theoretical literature, it is argued that populism should be regarded as a 'thin' ideology which, although of limited analytical use on its own terms, nevertheless conveys a distinct set of ideas about the political which interact with the established ideational traditions of full ideologies." Stanley, B. (2008). 'The thin ideology of populism.' Journal of Political Ideologies 13(1): 95-110.

#EDUUSYaleUniversityJasonStanley #MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheGuardianTomMcCarthy "The normalization of the fascist myth 'makes us able to tolerate what was once intolerable by making it seem as if this is the way things have always been', Stanley writes. 'By contrast the word 'fascist' has acquired a feeling of the extreme, like crying wolf.'" #PoliticsFascism

Archived on 14 February 2021 at 10:00 am [URL redacted]
@TrentonDipetrillo [name pseudonymized] [18]: 'War on #WOKE!' Ministers to crack down on universities with 'free speech champion' plans [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 13 February 2021 at 4:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JuwanLicavoli [name pseudonymized]: 1/3 I drove past this pub for years when the sign outside showed a chimney sweep 🧹 . It later depicted a horse Perceptions that is was racist have led to a re-naming by @WayneShurv & @greeneking [URL redacted] #racist #racism #woke #blackboy #shinfield [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 February 2021 at 2:00 pm [URL redacted]
@BrinleyHuss [name pseudonymized]: @prageru #frederickdouglas #liberty #msm #bigtech #cancelculture #america #tyranny #goodmorningamerica #woke #fakewoke #censorship #freespeech #snowflake [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 February 2021 at 8:15 am [URL redacted]
@JasminCaillouet [name pseudonymized]: In your latest #familybusiness roundup: - Family distanced in revamped #Ferragamo board amid slumping revenues - #RupertMurdoch ‘far from done’ at #NewsCorp and warns of #woke censorship - #Crisis strategy helps H&M recover from #lockdowns [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#BrandNewsCorporationRupertMurdoch uses 'woke' characterisation / catchcry, to content that it is resulting in a form of #PhenomnCensorship

Archived on 29 January 2021 at 5:15 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 January 2021 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @FlowersEnglish @4ourdogs It’s a #woke world- just do the Brit thing and take the piss! [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 January 2021 at 3:15 pm [URL redacted]
@KizzyGaw [name pseudonymized] [20]: #censorship #woke #antiwoke #feminism #antifeminism #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #theleft #CancelCulture Social media platforms removing crime statistics because it's considered #hatespeech - #GeorgeOrwell's 1984 is surely here. [URL redacted]
Archived on 17 January 2021 at 4:15 pm [URL redacted]
@TrishaKilgus [name pseudonymized]: "we will save our history from #woke militants" "we want to see a considered approach" @RobertJenrick @Conservatives 👏👏👏 [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 January 2021 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
@AlysonBandini [name pseudonymized]: Well I see #Sony is going downhill after they #CENSORED all the #anime and other games that the #SJWs wasn't happy with. Well #Hollywood, #Disney and other companies needs to stop acting #woke and you wouldn't be broke. We don't need heavy #censorship because it's stupid. [URL redacted]
Archived on 5 January 2021 at 2:15 pm [URL redacted]
@CliffordForgues [name pseudonymized] [07]: Woke Cultural Marxist: “Everything Before 2019 Must be Banned” [URL redacted] #woke #marxism [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 January 2021 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@KizzyGaw [name pseudonymized] [20]: #woke ...#hatespeech has come along and said: "There are certain opinions that you may not have and there are certain things you may not say"... It is a new category of restriction and it's potentially infinite... I would never have made hate speech a crime. #LionelShriver [URL redacted]
Archived on 17 December 2020 at 5:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JessieAbidi [name pseudonymized]: .@trussliz calling time on woke... #LizTruss #Woke [URL redacted]

#AdvocacyUKCentreForPolicyStudiesCPSCapX #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesLizTruss #IRLPhilosopherMichelFoucault #TheoryPostmodernConservatism #TheoryIndividualismCompetitive #TheoryEssentialismEthical #NarrativeStableMorality #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #PhenomnUnconsciousBiasTraining #PolicyAffirmativeActionDiscriminationPositive #TauntLeftThe #TheoryDystopianism #PhenomnCensorship
Magda Stroińska (2002). Language and Totalitarian Regimes #IRLScholarMagdaStroinska

Context: the logo for the #AdvocacyUKCentreForPolicyStudiesCPS appears as a tessellated backdrop.
Supplementary: #IRLFilmmakerAdamCurtis "Antony Fisher and he invented the first modern think tank back in the 1950s. The Institute for Economic Affairs. It is the template for practically all the think tanks today.
Fisher himself would go on to found another 150 think tanks around the world.
But back in the early 1950s he was an isolated figure who felt completely at odds with the mood of his time. He worked with his friend Major Oliver Smedley..." #IRLBusinesspersonAntonyFisherAGAF #PhenomnPolicymakingPoliticalAdvocacyLobbyingThinkTankPressureGroup #IRLBusinesspersonOliverSmedley #IRLPrivateCitizenLindaWhetstone #TechServiceNetflixRachelWhetstone i.e. #NMUSFOXFNCSteveHilton
Addendum: for want of a better place, I am including this #AdvocacyUKLedByDonkeys tweet: here, which includes reference to the following: #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesKwasiKwarteng #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesLizTruss #ToponymEuropeUKLondon55TuftonStreet #IRLJournalistTimMontgomerie #AdvocacyUKTaxPayersAllianceTPAMatthewSinclair #AdvocacyUKTaxPayersAllianceTPAAlexWild #AdvocacyUKGlobalWarmingPolicyFoundation #AdvocacyUKCentreForPolicyStudiesCPSCarolineElsom #AdvocacyUKAdamSmithInstitute #AdvocacyUKInstituteOfEconomicAffairsIEARuthPorter #AdvocacyUKInstituteOfEconomicAffairsIEAJulianJessop #PoliticsCapitalismLaissezFaireFreeMarketFundamentalism
the #AdvocacyUKInstituteOfEconomicAffairsIEAFreeEnterpriseGroup now diverts to the #AdvocacyUKInstituteOfEconomicAffairsIEAFreeMarketForum i.e. #2012_BritanniaUnchainedGlobalLessonsForGrowthAndProsperity #AdvocacyUKInstituteOfEconomicAffairsIEAKristianNiemietz

Archived on 21 November 2020 at 10:15 am [URL redacted]
@ShaneRhodehouse [name pseudonymized] [23]: #FairytaleOfNewYork #BANNED #woke #censorship #CENSORED #BBC Radio 1 will not play the original version of Fairytale of New York by The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl this #Christmas, because its audience may be offended by some of the lyrics... [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 November 2020 at 9:45 am [URL redacted]
@KatelynnKirchmer [name pseudonymized]: When state funded media outlets start censoring art like Fairytale of New York the next thing you know you have piles of literature on bonfires #enoughisenough with this #woke pish [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 21 July 2020 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
@ChristinHalbrooks [name pseudonymized] [17]: (1/5) Has the world gone completely mad? (Sorry to use this cliche, but it fits much too well in this case!) #woke #wokeness #PoliticalCorrectness [URL redacted]

#SymbolHatePepeTheFrogKek #PhenomnCensorship

Addendum: Presumably a libertarian perspective? What the comments fails to recognise is that all perspectives are engendered (produced by and infused through culture) i.e. there isn't such a thing as a neutral perspective. So in actual fact, all meaning represents a choice - or *censorship* to use the poster's terminology. Choosing to not censor is as political as choosing to do so (because neither are any more neutral).

Archived on 19 June 2020 at 7:15 pm [URL redacted]
@AntonioAlbiani [name pseudonymized] [02]: “The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship.” - George Bernard Shaw #katiehopkins #FreeSpeech #KBF #QAnon #dailybreifing #boris #woke #Gaslighting #VirtueSignaling #mobrule #Fascism [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 June 2020 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
@AmberSkarzynski [name pseudonymized] [03]: #WednesdayMotivation #TodayinDOOM #Woke enough? as #CancelCulture deletes #GoneWithTheWind & #Cops tv show #Censorship still calls for #DefundPolice #coronavirus cases on the rise #SecondWave ? #economy still can't #Brexit #Election troubles #Georgia #USDebt #Honda #recall &more [URL redacted]
Archived on 29 April 2020 at 9:57 am [URL redacted]
@EltonMcpartland [name pseudonymized]: Tucker: Big Tech censors dissent over lockdowns [URL redacted] Welcome to the new world Are we going to stand for this? #FreedomOfSpeech #censorship #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 13 April 2020 at 1:45 am [URL redacted]

[screen name not defined]: @MAJTOURE @BearingArmsCom Funny....I had no idea there were black #Uighurs . Gives #CCPChina chance at killing two birds with one stone. Don't worry, though. #XiJinping plan is to "protect" people. Its not discriminatory(?) Totalitarianism spreading along with #coronavirus . #woke yet?

Archived on 27 March 2020 at 11:45 pm [URL redacted]
@MarkMalfa [name pseudonymized]: So... my YouTube advertisement is a ((warning)) that Qanon is a far right conspiracy! #Censorship #NotGonnaWorkDeepState #redpilled #Woke #WWG1WGA [URL redacted]

#OrgUSProjectCamelotKerryLynnCassidy 'Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass'
"An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Years after the first Gulf War when we were supposedly not at war with Iraq yet he and Seal Team 9 were targeting Tomahawk Missiles on a monthly basis taking out targets that were increasingly 'soft'... involving deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911."
And #2011_ #OrgUSFedAFMOperationLookingGlass #CatchcryDrainTheSwamp #ConspiracyTheoryArea51 #2001_September11Attacks911
"Bill Wood aka William Newell Brockbrader" i.e. And #IRLPrivateCitizenWilliamNewelBrockbraderAKABillBrockbraderAKABillWood i.e.

Supplementary: #ConspiracyTheorySolarWardenSecretSpaceFleet
