Archived on 11 June 2023 at 11:30 pm [URL redacted]
@MarleyMarple [name pseudonymized]: The last time we heard statements from the mouths of people like these, it resulted in 7 million gays, intellectuals, Jews, Muslims, and other non-white #woke people being transported to killing centers, gassed, & cremated with the usual genocide that flows from such hate speech. [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 April 2023 at 7:30 pm [URL redacted]
@DariusFlail [name pseudonymized]: @elonmusk rocks....yet again #BBC reporter shows it dumbass #woke side.. [URL redacted]
Archived on 5 November 2022 at 5:30 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 June 2022 at 12:15 pm [URL redacted]
@CalebCucinella [name pseudonymized] [05]: @starwars It’s not #Lucasfilm’s first claim of a hate conspiracy, Meant to distract from the truth about their product. #woke #obiwan #ObiWanKenobi #DisneyPlus @Disney #StarWars @AP @BoundingComics [URL redacted]

#IndivPoliticalStrategistSteveBannon #WebsiteVDAREPeterBrimelow i.e. / #IndivIdeologueMiloYiannopoulosAKAMiloAndreasWagner #WebsiteTheDailyWireBenShapiro #WebsiteVDAREMichaelJThompsonAKAPaulKersey i.e. #AdvocacyUSNationalPolicyInstituteNPIRichardSpencer #IndivUltracrepidarianDaveRubin #IndivUltracrepidarianMikeCernovich i.e. #NMUSOneAmericaNewsNetworkOANNJackPosobiec #IndivScholarJordanPeterson #WebsiteInfoWarsAlexJones #IndivIdeologuePaulJosephWatson #PodcastChComicArtistProSecretsEthanVanSciver #BrandTimcastMediaGroupTimPool #PodcastChGeeksPlusGamersJeremyGriggs #PodcastChTheQuarteringJeremyHambley

Context: response to tweet by #IndivActorEwanMcGregor defending #IndivActorMosesIngram (who plays #TVObiWanKenobiRevaSevander) from #PowerControlMicrofascismBullyingCyberTrolling
Response by Hambley to #IndivFilmmakerProducerLaurenHissrich about the #OtheringHateMisogyny.istic tone of his posts:
Supplementary: "We need to talk about the fact that almost 40% of negative YouTube videos mentioning The Last Jedi are from radical right wing or alt right accounts. These accounts have also dedicated their channels to hate campaigns against Captain Marvel star Brie Larson, former SNL cast member Leslie Jones, and feminist YouTuber Anita Sarkeesian. ...
Christopher Wylie, a data scientist for Cambridge Analytica, states that Bannon was interested in the firm 'because [Bannon] follows this idea of the Breitbart doctrine, which is that if you want to change politics, you first have to change culture.' He stated that Bannon wanted 'weapons to fight a culture war.'" #2017_StarWarsTheLastJediEpisodeVIII #IndivActorBrieLarson #IndivComedianLeslieJones #PodcastChFeministFrequencyAnitaSarkeesian #OtheringHateMisogyny #IndivActorJohnBoyega #MetaphorWarfareCulture #CampaignHashtagGamerGate #SlurWhiteSupremacy #MagazineVanityFair #BrandCambridgeAnalytica #IndivWhistleblowerChristopherWylie #Website4chan8chan8kun #IndivActorOscarIsaac #IndivActorLupitaNyongO #PoliticsFascismUltraPalingenetic  #_Focal

Archived on 24 February 2022 at 10:15 pm [URL redacted]
@AveryVosika [name pseudonymized] [02]: They try to cancel #rogan for #hatespeech then turn around and support the #NeoNazis in the Azov Battalions #WokeAF #woke #wokewatch #wokeism #Hypocrisy [URL redacted]

#TauntCultureCancel #PodcastChJoeRoganExperienceJRE #OtheringHateSpeech #PoliticsFascismNazi #OrgUAAzovBattalion / #CharacterisationVigilanteAndOrMilitia i.e. #PoliticsNationalismUkrainian

Context: this seems to be singing from the same #NarrativeDenazification hymn-sheet.
Supplementary: #OrgUSFedDptOfState: "the 1939 non-aggression pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, also known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which helped precipitate World War II, is politically inconvenient for the Putin regime. In 2020, in an attempt to minimize and rationalize Stalin's decision to align himself with Hitler, Putin published a twisted version of the start of World War II, downplaying the Soviet role and shifting blame for the war to other countries. Russia often takes this a step further by labeling those who disagree with its twisted version of history as Nazis or Nazi sympathizers." (20 January 2022) #1939_MolotovRibbentropPact

#OrgIntlNATOOTAN #PoliticsFascismNaziPartySwastika

Supplementary: "A statement signed by more than 300 historians who study genocide, Nazism and World War II said Putin's rhetoric about de-Nazifying fascists among Ukraine's elected leadership is 'propaganda.'
'We strongly reject the Russian government's cynical abuse of the term genocide, the memory of World War II and the Holocaust, and the equation of the Ukrainian state with the Nazi regime to justify its unprovoked aggression,' the statement says. 'This rhetoric is factually wrong, morally repugnant and deeply offensive to the memory of millions of victims of Nazism and those who courageously fought against it, including Russian and Ukrainian soldiers of the Red Army.
'We do not idealize the Ukrainian state and society. Like any other country, it has right-wing extremists and violent xenophobic groups. Ukraine also ought to better confront the darker chapters of its painful and complicated history. Yet none of this justifies the Russian aggression and the gross mischaracterization of Ukraine.'
One of the authors of the statement, Eugene Finkel, an associate professor at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, told us the influence of Ukraine's neo-Nazi faction is relatively small.
'Neo-Nazi, far right and xenophobic groups do exist in Ukraine, like in pretty much any other country, including Russia,' Finkel said. 'They are vocal and can be prone to violence but they are numerically small, marginal and their political influence at the state level is non-existent. That is not to say that Ukraine doesn't have a far-right problem. It does. But I would consider the KKK in the US and skinheads and neo-Nazi groups in Russia a much bigger problem and threat than the Ukrainian far right.'" And

Archived on 16 February 2022 at 11:45 am [URL redacted]
@AnuheaPazo [name pseudonymized] [02]: Hear! Hear! #Conservatives ++ #psyops #hybridwarfare #fakenews #woke #extremism [URL redacted]

#OrgClassifPPUKConservativesOliverDowden: "Today, a social media mob can cancel you merely because you have dared to challenge one of the left's fashionable nostrums. To mount a vigorous defence of the values of a free society." #TauntWokeMob #TauntCultureCancel #TauntLeftThe #TauntNostrum
"When the Prime Minister appointed me as Chairman of our Party in September, I said that I intended to be a strong voice for our conservative values. So, I am writing to you from the United States where I am meeting leading conservative politicians and strategists to see what we can learn from our transatlantic friends to get the Party ready to win the next General Election. But I am also here to strengthen our alliance at a crucial time in conservatives' battle against a pernicious new ideology which is infecting our schools, universities, government bodies, companies and now even the hard sciences. Just yesterday, I spoke to the Heritage Foundation think tank in Washington DC about this. I am of course talking about so-called 'social justice warriors'. Those who claim to be 'woke'. The people who vandalise the Cenotaph and statues of Sir Winston Churchill. Who think that 'free speech is hate speech' and that people are 'privileged' just because of their skin colour. It is tempting to assume that these 'ideas' can be passed off as a fad. I do not see it that way, Alma. I see it as a profoundly dangerous phenomenon. At a time when our attention should be focused on external foes, the country is in danger of entering a period of extreme and nonsensical self-criticism. When we should be showcasing our values and the strength of democratic societies, we look willing to abandon those values. Only the Conservatives can combat this ideology. Just this week, my friend the Education Secretary made clear to teachers that their job is education not indoctrination and set out strict new rules so our children can make their own minds up. But we should not assume the path to victory is an easy one. It is profoundly sad that the modern Labour Party is gripped by this ideology and that is why we need your help to kick it out of our institutions." #AdvocacyUSTheHeritageFoundation #NoRAmericaNorthUSWashingtonDC #SymbolWarMemorialUKCenotaph #IndivHistoricalFigureWinstonChurchill #CatchcryFreedomOfSpeechFreeSpeech #PhenomnWhitePrivilege #CatchcryIntrospection #OtheringHateSpeech #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesNadhimZahawi #MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation #TauntIndoctrination #OrgClassifPPUKLabour #CharacterisationWokePsychodrama

Archived on 25 December 2021 at 9:00 am [URL redacted]
@RubyMellick [name pseudonymized]: This is what happens when you talk against the establishment. Gotta keep pushing against the filthy degenerate #woke leftists! Day by day, they're getting exposed for what they are and the tides of war will change back in favour of normal human beings. [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 December 2021 at 11:30 pm [URL redacted]
@RandyUtsumi [name pseudonymized] [13]: @FoxResurrected #CancelCulture #Censorship #FreeSpeech #PoliticalCorrectness #Intolerance #Woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 September 2021 at 11:00 pm [URL redacted]
@RaheemVali [name pseudonymized] [02]: #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #SocialJusticeDay #Woke [URL redacted]

#CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #TheorySocialJustice #WebsitePragerU

Context: #AdvocacyUSHooverInstitutionAyaanHirsiAli i.e. #2001_September11Attacks911 #MetaphorWarfareHero #TheoryModelBinary #ReasoningFallacyFalseEquivalence #IndivHistoricalFigurePatrickHenry i.e. #EDUUSBrandeisUniversity #TauntCultureCancel #TheoryPhysicalismOrMaterialism "But materialism as traditionally construed is not a linguistic thesis at all; rather it is a metaphysical thesis in the sense that it tells us about the nature of the world. At least for the positivists, therefore, there was a clear reason for distinguishing physicalism (a linguistic thesis) from materialism (a metaphysical thesis)." #TauntLeftist #TauntLunaticFringe the #TauntLeftLoony ? #MetaphorCultReligious i.e. #MetaphorCultWoke #BeliefSecularism #EDUNLUniversiteitLeiden #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #TauntWokeism #BeliefDeityGodAllahYHWHJesusChristMessiah #TauntMarxism #TauntIndoctrination #MetaphorConformitySheepSheeple #BeliefIslamismAllahuAkbar #SymbolTakeAKneeGenuflectionKneeling #PleaBlasphemy #OtheringHateSpeech #OtheringHateIslamophobiaAntiMuslim #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #NarrativeUtopiaWokeLiberal #SloganDefundThePolice #NoREastMiddleSyriaArRaqqah #PoliticsCollectivism #PowerControlViolenceBrutality i.e. #PleaLawAndOrder #PowerControlSubjugation #CatchcryFreedomOfSpeechFreeSpeech #PoliticsNationalismConservative i.e. #PoliticsConservatismTraditionalist #OrgClassifPPNLVolkspartijVoorVrijheidEnDemocratieVVD #EDUUSStanfordUniversity
Supplementary: "The Hoover Institution is a unit of Stanford University but has its own board of overseers".

Archived on 27 August 2021 at 4:00 pm [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: Twitter Emperors eased my banishment after 6 days! #USA's unelected Emperors fiddled with #woke words while vandals tore Independence from under their gold slipper feet? (Brit humour might attract more disfavour unless sex with the Caligulan horse distracts those Emperors enow?) [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 June 2021 at 1:30 pm [URL redacted]
@MyraBisnauth [name pseudonymized]: Well, well…here we go! Her name is Dr. Aruna Khilanani. She is a fucking racist..@YaleMed and #BigTech oligarchs give her a platform to spread this hate… but they ban Trump and Conservatives for what⁉️#hate #racist #leftists #violentwoke #woke #arunakhilanani #hatespeech #IOTBW [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 June 2021 at 11:45 am [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 May 2021 at 8:30 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 May 2021 at 4:45 pm [URL redacted]
@EnriqueChana [name pseudonymized]: Will @SaintHoax speak against threats against jews (not even israelis, jews) by propals around Europe? Oh wait, that's not #woke enough, they'd rather turn a blind eye than speaking against the mainstream. Apparently not all human rights are equal. #sainthoax #israel #jews [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 April 2021 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@LiamRamariz [name pseudonymized] [25]: Het is idd genoeg geweest. Stop #islam en de faciliterende permissive #woke politici [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"Vrijheid verdwinjnt waar islam verschijnt" (translated via Google Translate) as "Freedom disappears where Islam appears". #OtheringHateSpeech

Archived on 2 April 2021 at 9:45 am [URL redacted]
@EugeneMcday [name pseudonymized] [38]: @Inspired_dads 🇦🇺That’s why in my opinion, it’s vital that we continue to support our FG’s current bill amendments to STOP the conformity based subjects that have wormed their way into our schools and universities. There is NO place for ideologies in our curriculums ‼️ It’s producing #woke 🤷‍♂️ [URL redacted]

appears to be pointing to the #NoROceaniaAustralia "Australian Education Legislation Amendment Prohibiting the Indoctrination of Children) Bill 2020" i.e.;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Fbillhome%2Fs1254%22

Archived on 29 March 2021 at 10:15 am [URL redacted]
@LindseyBobadilla [name pseudonymized]: New episode dropped! #podcast #Biden #COVIDVaccination #Spotify #veterans #miltwitter #woke #JoeBiden #EverGivenShip #BorderCrisis #KidsInCages #americansarestupid Apple: [URL redacted] YouTube: [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#BeliefJudaismStarOfDavid #ConspiracyTheoryCOVID19Vaccine #PoliticsFascismNazi #OtheringOutGroupAntiVaxxer

Supplementary: #NewspaperUSBrdshtTheWashingtonPostSarahBond "This kind of appropriation of the yellow Star of David badge is a gross false equivalence. Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers would have us believe that the evil of being encouraged to get a vaccine is the same as the project of ethnic labeling and cleansing undertaken by the Third Reich. It appears at first a farcical analogy, but it's not without its dangers.
And in appropriating deep symbols of Jewish pain, these bad actors undermine not only the gravity, nuance and suffering of the Holocaust, but also of centuries of historical antisemitism, in service to their need to be public martyrs. They cast about for some touchstone for their perceived injustice, landing on the Holocaust as the ultimate exemplar of persecution in the modern era. In so doing, Holocaust-invokers add themselves to a long and sad history of borrowing the pain of others to lend credence to their own" (1 June 2021) #PhenomnCulturalAppropriation #ReasoningFallacyFalseEquivalence #OtheringHateAntisemitism Also,

Archived on 22 March 2021 at 10:15 am [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @Parkerbats picks @BorisJohnson as deranged by "Long-Covid" when there are targets as pictured? Then there's #Cress_Eater_Dick of The Yard, #Sad_geek_Khan of #Londonistan, Sorry puppet @Femi_Sorry, abacus owner @DianeAbbott. Lordy I hope they find vaccines for Long-#Woke soon! 💊 [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 17 March 2021 at 2:30 pm [URL redacted]
@CynthiaMongan [name pseudonymized]: Recall @LondonBreed @chesaboudin and @GavinNewsom How has San Francisco gone to the toilet to hell?! #sf #California #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 10 February 2021 at 5:15 pm [URL redacted]
@DaynaHadding [name pseudonymized] [04]: .@afneil Andrew, this is the reason why Caucasians/whites, call that species what you may, should be #Woke! This deranged vileness, is how people who looks like you, thinks like, shares your flawed worldview on #Wokeness behaves-WHEN no one is looking! [URL redacted]

the elderly woman doesn't actually utter the #OtheringCaricatureSlaveryNWord but her #OtheringDiscriminationRacism vile attitude is certainly in line with this. #OtheringHateSpeech

Archived on 29 January 2021 at 5:15 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 January 2021 at 3:15 pm [URL redacted]
@KizzyGaw [name pseudonymized] [20]: #censorship #woke #antiwoke #feminism #antifeminism #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #theleft #CancelCulture Social media platforms removing crime statistics because it's considered #hatespeech - #GeorgeOrwell's 1984 is surely here. [URL redacted]
Archived on 8 January 2021 at 2:00 pm [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @Ofcom-the-#woke ring-fenced ALL opinion with #Hatespeech regs destroying #FreeSpeech. After @DefundBBC, priority is scrapping subjectively ab-usable rules & #Ofcom itself. Meantime, subscribe to @FreeSpeechUnion & ignore daft rules. I remain #Islamophobe & #Bean_o_phile @TheSun [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 January 2021 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@KizzyGaw [name pseudonymized] [20]: #woke ...#hatespeech has come along and said: "There are certain opinions that you may not have and there are certain things you may not say"... It is a new category of restriction and it's potentially infinite... I would never have made hate speech a crime. #LionelShriver [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 January 2021 at 2:30 pm [URL redacted]
@CotyAndis [name pseudonymized]: @CraftyOldHen He needs to be careful what he says now his yearned for #woke totalitarianism has come into full force. [URL redacted]
Archived on 16 July 2020 at 3:00 pm [URL redacted]
@LuisEslava [name pseudonymized] [03]: If you say I'm not a racist but I call you one, then what? Who's the real racist? I don't automatically assume an entire group of people is evil based on the ACTIONS of a few. Nor should you assume I'm racist. BLM is A George Soros Op to DESTROY all of us, all AMERICANS. #woke [URL redacted]

it's the new hate speech
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell" #IndivAuthorGeorgeOrwell #NarrativeTruthImmutableUniversalIncontrovertibleAbsolute #OtheringHateSpeech

Supplementary: "In conclusion, based on current evidence George Orwell probably did not employ this saying. The quote was attributed to Orwell in its earliest known appearance in 1982. The expression evolved into a handful of variants, but the ascription to Orwell was preserved. The origin is unclear, but it is possible that the statement began as a proposed summary of Orwell's position, and it was later incorrectly converted into a quotation."
Also see:

Archived on 23 May 2020 at 2:15 pm [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @MartinKnight_ @Rob_Kimbell @metpoliceuk you missed #woke items from virtue-signalling list? #intersectionals? #genderfluids? DEAL WITH knife crime & #islamist abuse. Get away from subjective issues like #Hatespeech when you don’t even know the provenance of the Anglo-Greek word Islamophobia. Means FEAR [URL redacted]