#PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PowerControlMicrofascismMicroaggression #PhenomnWhitePrivilege #PhenomnUnconsciousBias #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #SlurWhiteSupremacy #OtheringStereotypeSocialIdentityAdultification i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adultification_bias #IdentityLGBTQIA
#IRLDeceasedBankoBrown i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Banko_Brown #BrandWalgreens
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlL00d2sdRw #OrgUSFedGovAttorneyGeneralWilliamBarr #OrgUSCASanFranciscoDistrictAttorneyBrookeJenkins i.e. https://www.sfdistrictattorney.org/about-us/ #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #IRLBusinesspersonVivekRamaswamy #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPPOTUSDonaldTrump #PleaLawAndOrder ?
#FictionalCharacterTintin i.e. https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuifje_in_Afrika
i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tintin_in_the_Congo
#AdvocacyTurningPointTPUSACharlieKirk #TauntLeftThe #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #IdentityWhite #TheoryVictimhoodWhiteThymos #BeliefChristianitySinOriginal #BeliefChristianityRedemption #BeliefChristianitySinner #BeliefChristianityUnholy religion #IRLReligiousLeaderVoddieBauchamJr #2021_FaultLinesTheSocialJusticeMovementAndEvangelicalismsLoomingCatastrophe #BeliefChristianityHeaven #BrandSalemMediaGroup
"Awake. Normality
Family, Values, Faith Identity, Community, Culture, Our Own Research and a Rejection of Illegitimate Authority.
A Woke.
Bigot!! Conspiracy Theorist! Ant-Vaxxer! Trust The Science!! Stop Researching! Racist! Men Have Vaginas!"
#ConspiracyTheoryStolenElectionBigLie ?
#OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #TVViacomCBSNews https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cbs-poll-teens-see-less-racism/ #MetaphorPurityRace #HandleTwitterTheRabbitHole84 https://twitter.com/TheRabbitHole84/status/1603769847564734464 #OtheringDiscriminationRacism https://therabbithole84.substack.com/p/learned-helplessness-the-robbing #SlurWhiteSupremacy
"Unionize Everything!" ?
"Morrison: She surrendered completely to the so-called master narrative.
Moyers: To?
Morrison: The master narrative, I mean, the whole notion of what is ugliness, what is worthlessness, what is contempt. She got it from her family, she got it from school, she got it from the movies, she got it everywhere.
Moyers: The master narrative. What is that's life?
Morrison: No, it's white male life. The master narrative is whatever ideological script that is being imposed by the people in authority on everybody else. The master fiction. History. It has a certain point of view. So, when these little girls see that the most prized gift that they can get at Christmastime is this little white doll, that's the master narrative speaking. 'This is beautiful, this is lovely, and you're not it.' She is so needful, so completely needful, has so little, needs so much, she becomes the perfect victim."
#TheoryRacialColourBlindness #ToponymAsiaSouthIndia #OrgUSFedSupremeCourtSCOTUSBrettKavanaugh #IRLLawyerCharlesRoyAKAChipRoy i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chip_Roy #PhenomnMulticulturalism / #TheoryCriticalConsciousness ? #IRLActivistGretaThunberg #BrandNewsCorporationRupertMurdoch #NMUSFOXFNC #PhenomnDisunion #CaricaturistScottAdamsAKADilbert #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyLoriLightfoot #LegislationUS1789ConstAmendment1AFirst
#OtheringDenialPseudospeciation ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob1RaFO5CJo&t=57s #MetaphorWarfareBellicism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnJ6Ttaiu9M #PhenomnPropagandaUsefulIdiot #WebsiteNewsmaxBennyJohnson #BrandTimcastMediaGroupTimPool #IRLUltracrepidarianDaveRubin #IRLYouTuberMattChristiansen #BrandTenetMediaTaylerHansen i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenet_Media And https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/07/business/media/russia-tenet-media-tim-pool.html #IRLUltracrepidarianLaurenChen #IRLDogmatistLaurenSouthern
#OtheringDiscriminationRacism #TheoryRacialColourBlindness #IRLActorIdrisElba #TauntBaizuo i.e. https://www.quora.com/What-does-the-Chinese-word-Baizuo-refer-to/answer/Hu-Shi-Xiong
#PhenomnAgencyDifferencePlurality #BeliefDeityGodAllahYHWHJesusChristMessiah
#OrgClassifPPTRAdaletVeKalkinmaPartisiAKPRecepTayyipErdogan #ReasoningFallacyOfRelativePrivation #ToponymEmpireOttoman #OrgIntlWEF #OrgClassifPPNLVolkspartijVoorVrijheidEnDemocratieVVDMarkRutte #PowerControlViolationRape #PhenomnBrexitNexit i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_withdrawal_from_the_European_Union
#WorksInspectionOfTheNewArrivalsAKAChoosingTheFavourite by #IRLPainterGiulioRosati i.e. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giulio_Rosati https://www.artnet.com/artists/giulio-rosati/choosing-the-favourite-BS7p1tdoFH5rxDXvG0MQvg2 #PowerControlBarbaryCaptivityNarratives #PowerControlChattelSlavery
"Race Baiter Destroys His Own Argument in Under a Minute" #EDUUSUniversityOfNorthCarolinaAtCharlotte #ToponymAmericaNorthUSNorthCarolinaCharlotte
#TheoryLinguisticsSocioAfricanAmericanVernacularEnglishAAVE #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseMainstreamMediaMSM #TauntWhitewashing
#MagazineUSMotherJonesFionaHarvey "Rightwing Tory MPs should stop portraying concerns over the climate and nature as 'woke', and understand that voters are deeply concerned about the crisis, the Conservative minister Zac Goldsmith has warned.
'What I'm trying to persuade people is that this stuff is not remote, it's not trendy, it's not woke, it's not nice to have and it's not a waste of UK taxpayers' money,' he said. 'This is fundamental.'" https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/11/uk-environment-minister-zac-goldsmith-climate-wokeness-stupid-cop27/
#BehaviourEmotionalDysregulationHistrionics / #CatchcryShovedDownYourThroat #CharacterisationWokeIntolerance / #BehaviourToleranceIn #HandleFacebookVereinFreundeDerTagespolitik
#ConspiracyTheoryCabalGroomingGang i.e. #PhenomnVilification & #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PhenomnCulturalFormPhotographyMugshot
"No need to waste your time asking me if I have any 'books' by Annie Ernaux, I don't offer books by antisemitic, hystero-feminist, indigenist, racialist collaborators and anything related to the woke stench!" #OtheringHateAntisemitism #TheoryAffectiveResponseHysteria #IdentityFirstNations #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #IRLWriterAnnieErnaux
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKpTwYUh5RU #CaricaturistAntonioBranco's caption seeks reframe #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT as a #PleaParadox i.e. that efforts to recognise past injustices (so that some sort of atonement may be reached) is somehow #OtheringDiscriminationRacism.ist. The 'taped mouth' of a young person talks about #MetaphorGenerationTheYounger being silenced i.e. having their right to #CatchcryFreedomOfSpeechFreeSpeech curtailed.
#BrandDisneyTheLittleMermaidAriel #PleaGetGoWokeGoBroke
#FictionalCharacterBlueFairy in #2022_Pinocchio i.e. #IRLActorCynthiaErivo versus #1940_Pinocchio 2D version. #PhenomnRevisionRemake
#CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #CatchcryLivesMatterAllALM #SymbolTakeAKneeGenuflectionKneeling #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #TauntClownWorld #NMUSFOXFNCTuckerCarlson #MetaphorWarfareSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #PleaMAGA #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesRishiSunak #PhenomnImmigration #NMUKGBNews #OrgClassifPPUKTheBrexitPartyNigelFarage #PhenomnBrexit
"A parent who emigrated from Iran to the United States told me that the lessons were 'absolutely unacceptable' and reminiscent of the political indoctrination in the Islamic Republic. 'I moved here because this is America, because of the rights and the opportunities that we have. And this is not where I want my country to go,' the parent explained. When I asked about her own childhood in Iran, she became emotional. 'I remember when we would line up in the morning in an assembly. We had to chant 'Death to America.' I remember being in elementary school and thinking, 'I don't want to chant this. I have aunts and uncles in America. I don't want them to die.' ' Her husband sent a letter to the Beaverton School District, blasting the curriculum as 'presenting racist material under the guise of 'antiracism.' ' (When reached for comment, the Beaverton School District replied that it 'does not advocate for overthrowing the United States.')" #ToponymEastMiddleIran #TauntIndoctrination #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT ?
#FictionalCharacterStarWarsObiWanKenob #IRLActorMosesIngram (who plays #TVObiWanKenobiRevaSevander) #BrandDisneyPlusStreaming https://twitter.com/indiewire/status/1528824334726443008 #PhenomnRevisionRemake
#SymbolGestureGivingTheFinger to: #PoliticsFascismReligiousIslamo #TauntWokeism #PhenomnColonialism #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PhenomnGenderSpectrum ? #TauntCultureCancel #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI #IdentityFirstNations #CharacterisationRadicalFundamentalismIslamic #BeliefIslamismSalafis #OrgIntlMuslimBrotherhood ? #BeliefIslamismWahhabism #BeliefIslamismTablighiJamaat i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tablighi_Jamaat #OtheringHateAntisemitism #OtheringHateHomophobia #TheoryCommunitarianism #BeliefIslamismTaqiya i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiya #BeliefIslamismShariAhlamicLawShariAhLawFatwa #SymbolHijabNiqabBurqa #PhenomnTerrorismJihadificationJihad
-------------- versus --------------
#IRLHistoricalFigureFrederickDouglass #1857_
#MassShooting2022RobbElementarySchool #TauntIndoctrination #TauntCultureCancel #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #MetaphorWarfareGender #IdentityLGBTQIATrans #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #ConspiracyTheoryGrooming #CatchcryGunsDontKillPeoplePeopleKillPeople #TauntLeftHardFar #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticParty
#PhenomnChristmasCardWithGuns #LegislationUS1791ConstAmdt2RightToBearArms + #ConspiracyTheoryGrooming = #NarrativeValuesFamily
"I'm surprised that the woke haven't yet cancel all those artists and intellectuals who have decided not to vote against the xenophobic, anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist Putinist candidate. And you Dov?" #OrgClassifPPRUSUnitedRussiaVladimirPutin #OtheringHateAntisemitism #OtheringHateHomophobia #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
#2022_InvasionOfUkraine #OrgIntlNATOOTAN
#TauntWokeCulture #TauntCultureCancel #TheoryPanopticon #PhenomnColonialism #PoliticsNeoliberalism #PoliticsConservatismSocialSoCon / #PoliticsConservatismTraditionalist #OtheringHateHomophobia #OtheringElitesLiberalCulturalEducated ? #OtheringHateIslamophobiaAntiMuslim #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #TheoryMarxism #TheoryPostmodern #CatchcryIdentityPolitics #PleaBlasphemy / #BeliefChristianity
"I felt like sharing some racist art" #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
"Assita Kanko nva was probably too busy bashing blm woke headscarf green and denying racism when Trump wanted to dissolve NATO..." #OrgClassifPPBENieuwVlaamseAlliantieNVAAssitaKanko #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #SymbolHijabNiqabBurqa #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPPOTUSDonaldTrump #OrgIntlNATOOTAN
"Trying to form a European army is occupational therapy. We have NATO. In the field of defence, we must make efforts at Member State level. The added value of the EU is not replacing the member states, but acting in a timely manner & coordinating successfully." #OrgEU
#OtheringDiscriminationRacism #OrgClassifGrpTerrorismUSKuKluxKlanKKK #PleaParadox via https://twitter.com/RetiredMaybe/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMZiK13YVto&t=6s #ToponymAmericaNorthUSFloridaOrlando #2020_CapitolSiege #PoliticsFascismNaziNeoFarRightAltRightRadicalRight #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPRonDeSantisRDS #TVViacomCBS4News https://news4sanantonio.com/news/nation-world/orlando-nazi-demonstration-florida-hate-problem-racist-white-supremist #IdentityAmericanBlackAndAfrican #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #AdvocacyUSManhattanInstituteForPolicyResearchChristopherRufo
https://reorder.tv/?v=_fHfgU8oMSo https://deadspin.com/how-americas-largest-local-tv-owner-turned-its-news-anc-1824233490
http://reorder.tv/?v=T50pLTvwO80 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/02/business/media/sinclair-news-anchors-script.html And https://www.npr.org/2018/04/02/598916366/sinclair-broadcast-group-forces-nearly-200-station-anchors-to-read-same-script
#TauntIslamoGauchismeIslamoLeftism #CauseAntifa #NMFRLaChaineInfoLCI #NMFRCanalPlusCNews #NMFRBFMTV i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BFM_TV
#IRLEntrepreneurSamuelGrzybowski #OrgClassifPPGYWalwariChristianeTaubira #OrgClassifPPFRGroupeLaFranceInsoumiseLFIJeanLucMelenchon #IdentityFirstNations #PhenomnColonialism #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PoliticsCommunism #SymbolHijabNiqabBurqa #TauntCultureCancel #PhenomnGenderNeutralNeutrality #TheorySociologyIntersectionality
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_Qqsw-5sBU #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #NMDEZDF #PhenomnColonialism #PhenomnMaskWearing #EDUUKUniversityOfCardiff #OrgClassifPPDESozialdemokratischeParteiDeutschlandsSPDFrankWalterSteinmeier #BrandBioNTechSE #LiteralHealthImmunotherapy #PhenomnVirusCOVID19 #PhenomnVirusCOVID19PandemicMitigationLockdown #OrgClassifPPDESozialdemokratischeParteiDeutschlandsSPDKarlLauterbach #PhenomnVirusCOVID19Pandemic #LiteralHealthcareMental #ToponymEuropeGermanySaxonyAnhalt i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landtag_of_Saxony-Anhalt #NMDEARD i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARD_(broadcaster) #OrgClassifPPDECDURainerRobra
#IdentityJewish #OtheringHateAntisemitism #IdentityFirstNations #ToponymEastMiddIsrael #IdentityJewishZionism / #PoliticsNationalism
"Oh, I don't care about Palestinians. This pin lets me call Jews 'white supremacists,' 'racists' and Nazis' as much as I want." #ToponymPalestine #SlurWhiteSupremacy #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PoliticsFascismNazi
#EDUUSBostonUniversityIbramXKendi #TheoryOckamsRazor #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
tweet responding to Die Tageszeitung article criticising a #BrandMetaInstagram post by #NMDEZDF, which supposedly includes a #OtheringDiscriminationRacism.ist slur.
#WebsiteSpikedAndrewDoyleAKATitaniaMcGrath tweet seeking to draw parallels between controversy about the misrepresentation of #IdentityIndigenousBlackPeopleOfColourBIPOC and discussions about a supposed #OtheringHateAntisemitismCaricatureGoblin trope in #IRLAuthorJKRowling's #FictionalCharacterHarryPotter (and therefore wider controversy about Rowling and the #SlurTERF position). i.e. using a #ReasoningFallacyStrawman to serve a #PleaAWorldOfSimpleStableFixedOperations agenda.
response criticising tweet, which is clearly simply a restatement of the status quo i.e. #PhenomnCulturalHegemony #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #OtheringCaricatureSlaveryNWord
https://www.tiktok.com/@cantarguewithhistory/video/7020600368690171142 #PowerControlSegregationDiscrimination
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gX6WIEzB08 was posted by #IRLFilmmakerDavidHoffman who states that it was filmed in #1962_ however it's not explicit what the source/who the author is. One video comment suggests that it is taken from: "The southern way of life documentary", which might be 'History of the Negro People' (1965) i.e. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5607914/
This is another interview credited to Hoffman: 'Her Family Were Racists. She Reveals What They Were So Afraid Of':
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhQIC4n6wB8 #IRLDeceasedEmmettTill i.e. "In 1955, Emmett Till, a black fourteen year old from Chicago, visited his relatives in Mississippi. The exact details are not known, but Till apparently referred to a female white store clerk as 'Baby.' Several days later, the woman's husband and brother took Till from his uncle's home, beat him to death... The men were caught, tried, and found innocent by an all-white jury. The case became a cause celebre during the civil rights movement, showing the nation that brutal violence undergirded Jim Crow laws and etiquette." https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/brute/homepage.htm #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
"when you realize the feminist movement is a government scam so that they can get the other half of the population working so they double the tax intake and raise your children by their standards." #PlatformSMTelegramMessenger address: t.me/deportationmassTM listed on top-left-hand corner, which according to Telegram Analytics i.e. https://tgstat.com/channel/@deportationmasstm the account's profile statement reads: "For the betterment & welbeing [sic] of white people, white power. A pro-white, non-white." i.e. #ConspiracyTheoryGreatReplacement, #SlurWhiteSupremacy, anti #PhenomnImmigration #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
левые [versus?] правые i.e. #MetaphorVersusRightWingLeftWing #MetaphorWarfareSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #TauntLeftist
#OrgClassifPPFRReconqueteEricZemmour #OrgClassifPPFRLaPartiSocialistePS #OrgClassifPPFRGroupeLaFranceInsoumiseLFI #OrgClassifPPFREuropeEcologieLesVertsEELV #OrgClassifPPFRLeNouveauPartiAnticapitalisteNPA #IdentityFirstNations #OrgClassifPPFRUnionPopulaireRepublicaineUPR #OrgFRCollectifContreLIslamophobieEnFranceCCIF / #OrgBECollectifContreLIslamophobieEnEuropeCCIE #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PhenomnColonialism #TheoryCommunitarianism i.e. #PoliticsCollectivism ? #OrgClassifPPFRRenaissanceRE
#OtheringHateIslamophobiaAntiMuslim #TauntIslamoGauchismeIslamoLeftism "Nique La France [Fuck France]" #OrgFRConfederationGeneraleDuTravailCGT ? #OrgFRUnionNationaleDesEtudiantsDeFranceUNEF ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmyEMmVTpzI #NMUKBBC #IRLUltracrepidarianMichaelVaughan i.e. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/59391682 #TauntCultureCancel #OrgUKYorkshireCountyCricketClub #OtheringDiscriminationRacism scandal i.e. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/59166142 #IRLSportspersonAzeemRafiq
>The multitude of data available, despite the ban on ethnic statistics, paints a picture of a country plagued by its deep inequalities
>White candidates born in France are 83% more likely to get a job interview than those from non-white minorities
>At school, all the indicators show differences in the educational trajectory according to the ethnic origin of the pupils
>People with Arabic or African-sounding names get 30% fewer appointments for accommodation PAGES 16-18"
#NewspaperFRBrdshtLeMondeMarieCharrel and #NewspaperFRBrdshtLeMondeViolaineMorin https://irts-poitou-charentes.centredoc.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=89274
"Dare to talk about anti-white racism (10 October 2021) #NewspaperFRBrdshtLeFigaro
It is an assault, banal, but it is worth recounting it. According to the information available to us, on October 1, in Lyon, a young woman was returning home after an evening with her boyfriend and a couple of friends. It was then that a 'youth', as those who speak Orwellian #IRLAuthorGeorgeOrwell say, began to harass her, before insulting her by calling her a 'dirty whore', because she did not accept his advances. The person concerned did not stop there, however, and courageously rounded up his friends while yelling 'fuck his mother at this white son of a bitch', speaking of the companion of the young woman, who had spoken out. The 'young people' beat him up while the police made themselves wait a good half an hour before intervening, only to explain that there was little they could do, because such events now happened very often. The terms used by the abuser have the virtue of clarity. These events are more and more numerous, but they are always treated as news, as if they did not correspond to what must be called a form of uninhibited ethnic persecution on the part of thugs seeing the world racially and who take themselves for conquerors with the right to lay down the law in the neighborhoods they deem theirs. Because how else to name an assault where the victim is precisely designated by his skin color? These persecutions are also celebrated in rap, where there is no lack of calls to fuck France, to rape it, to dominate it, to humiliate it, some even confessing their desire to hang white people, like Nick Conrad, #IRLPresenterNickConrad he years ago, who then presented his song as a desperate gesture of resistance against a neocolonial and discriminatory France. It should also be noted that those who attack whites as whites also attack them as French. From this point of view, as long as one reads the events politically, and that one does not allow oneself to be convinced to turn them into simple miscellaneous facts, they become clearer. It is a new sovereignty which is deployed through these aggressions, which in an archaic way, seeks first of all to be exerted on the body of the women, which it is necessary to submit and humiliate. The memory of the assaults in Cologne #ToponymEuropeGermanyCologne just a few years ago comes to mind. It's no wonder that a growing number of women are internalizing a mental compass of insecurity. On the scale of history, none of this is really surprising: when the demographic composition of a society changes so abruptly, when national consciousness crumbles, and the assimilation machine #PhenomnImmigration is seized up to the point of turn against itself, it is inevitable that the most aggressive tribal reflexes will be reactivated and this even more so if the dominant discourse presents the people of the host country as illegitimate in their own country. A territorial war that does not speak its name is being played out quarter by quarter: it draws on a daily basis what historians tomorrow will probably call a clash of civilization. Because the simple reference to anti-white racism #TauntRacismWhite continues to cause a scandal among those who claim to represent sociological reason. Even if we find in the heart of the public space a derealizing sociological device which prevents deciphering the meaning of events, and which condemns to the social death penalty and to the most humiliating repentance anyone who dares to name reality as it is. In other words, whoever dares to name anti-white racism risks the symbolic degradation of its civic doubts. He will be marked on the extreme right, #PoliticsFascismNaziNeoFarRightAltRightRadicalRight and treated as a plague victim, a divisor of the French, an enemy of the Republic. And since the fear of being put on such a label is still very much alive, most politicians are silent, use periphrases, and even come to say the opposite of what they think. The lysenkization ['lyssenkisation'] #IRLScientistTrofimLysenko of sociology #LiteralFieldSociology is a major fact of our time. Paradoxically, the function of sociology today is to throw a theoretical veil over reality, #CatchcryFreedomAcademic to falsify the meaning of words, to make invisible realities which nevertheless strike everyone's gaze. The clash of civilizations taking place in France is only named to explain that it does not exist. We make a new definition of racism explaining that it is an invisible system encoded in the matrix of Western societies persecuting minorities to condemn them to a structurally unfavorable position in the social order. #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional The white would necessarily be racist, and the racist would necessarily be white. Conversely, the minority could not be racist, and even when he uses racial insults, it is in the manner of a self-defense reflex which we will be sorry but which we will refrain from qualifying as racist."
#OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PoliticsNationalismFrance
#FictionalCharacterZwartePiet i.e. #OtheringDiscriminationRacism and presumably emblematic of #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional
"This morning I got a call from UNICEF if I wanted to participate in the campaign 'a negro baby for christmas'. I say I will discuss it with my wife because normally we always have rabbit." #OrgIntlUNICEF #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
#WebsiteInfoWarsAlexJones #OrgClassifPPRUSUnitedRussiaVladimirPutin #WebsiteInfoWarsAlexJones #ToponymBolsheviks #PoliticsCommunism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzRn2-R0GiE&t=90s #IRLPhilosopherSlavojZizek #IRLScholarJordanPeterson
"Reading about the early intelligence research is always difficult for psychologists because it requires them to face one of the gloomiest episodes in the history of their discipline. However, awareness darker side of intelligence research is important for two reasons. First, it alerts us to the potential problems with interpreting performance on intelligence tests, especially in terms of cultural and class bias. This is a topic that we will return to in Chapter 3. Second, scientific racism, of the kind manifested in the interpretation of the results of the army testing programme, is not just of historical interest. Claims about certain ethnic and racial groups possessing inferior intelligence still circulate in society, and are often found in propaganda of far-right movements (William and Law, 2012). Moreover, far-right movements have been helped in their project by some misinformed and discredited interpretations of psychological research, including The Bell Curve which you read about in Section 1. Such works continue to attribute differences in performance on a set of tests to differences in innate ability, rather than to differences in education, experience or opportunities, or the biased nature of the tests. The history of intelligence research provides a powerful reminder of why it is important to debunk this kind of bad science, which still raises its ugly head every now and then" (p.61). https://www.studocu.com/en-gb/document/the-open-university/investigating-psychology-1/chapter-2-32-3-in-depth-notes-on-the-investigating-intelligence-textbook-from-the-de100-module/16844027
Possible source: Jovan Byford, Jean McAvoy, Philip Banyard (2014) 'Investigating Intelligence', Milton Keynes, The Open University.
#OtheringDiscriminationRacism #LiteralFieldPsychology #OtheringDiscriminationRacismScientific
this meme seems to be referring to #LegislationUS2023TexasSenateBill5 (which is seemingly a revamped version of the previous #LegislationUSTexasSenateBill14 #ToponymAmericaNorthUSTexas voter ID law) which requires voters to provide #LiteralVoterIdentificationVoterID Critics of such requirements believe that such legislation is #OtheringDiscriminationRacism - specially, that it is prejudicial to #IdentityAmericanBlackAndAfrican e.g. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/09/23/ted-cruz-makes-texas-size-mess-voter-id-racism/
response to tweet by #NewspaperUSBrdshtIndianapolisStarKoLynCheang i.e. https://eu.indystar.com/story/news/local/indianapolis/2021/10/07/old-national-bank-accused-redlining-discrimination-against-black-mortgages/6009151001/ about #MetaphorRedlining i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redlining #OtheringDiscriminationRacism which is supposedly a case of #TheoryMarxism #CharacterisationWeaknessVictimismVictimMentality
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_MsgVzejIo #OtheringCaricatureTriggered #MetaphorWarfareSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #TropeWhiteSaviour #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #IdentityAmericanBlackAndAfrican #SymbolEmblemFlagUSConfederate #OtheringElitesOutOfTouchLivingInTheirBubble
#MagazineNationalReviewCarolineDowney i.e.
"National Review is an American semi-monthly conservative editorial magazine" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Review
#TheorySociologyIntersectionality #PhenomnWhitePrivilege #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #AdvocacyUSManhattanInstituteForPolicyResearchChristopherRufo And https://www.city-journal.org/contributor/christopher-f-rufo_1334 "City Journal is a public policy magazine and website, published by the conservative Manhattan Institute for Policy Research" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_Journal
#TechServiceGoogleRandyReyes i.e. https://accelerate.withgoogle.com/stories/meet-randy-reyes-global-diversity-inclusion-lead
#OrgUSTheLadipoGroup i.e. https://theladipogroup.com/about-us/
#IRLScholarKamauBobb i.e. https://www.cc.gatech.edu/people/kamau-bobb #Cause1619Project #PowerControlChattelSlavery #TheoryRacialColourBlindness #PoliticsGeoExceptionalismAmerican
#CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #TheorySocialJustice #WebsitePragerU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKcWu0tsiZM #TheoryEthnomathematics #LiteralSchoolCollegeUniversity #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #ReasoningFallacyReductioAdAbsurdum #PhenomnWhitePrivilege #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #MetaphorWarfareSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #ToponymOceaniaAustralia #PhenomnResponsibilityMoral
https://elpais.com/ideas/2021-08-15/ha-sido-usted-cancelado-el-movimiento-woke-y-su-falta-de-relativismo-moral.html (15 August 2021).
Google Translate (Spanish to English):
*You have been canceled: the 'woke' movement and its lack of moral relativism*
In this new social conscience, ideas that do not fall into the category of acceptable are considered radically immoral.
At the beginning of the last decade, young progressives in the West, angered by the consequences of the Great Recession, mobilised to occupy the streets, read Thomas Piketty's theory of economic inequalities at 1,000 pages in length, and demonstrated against the 1% made up of the richest. All that has been forgotten. Young progressives are now woke, that is, they are more socially conscious and more outraged by racial and gender injustices. In colleges, professors have become cautious when tackling sensitive topics, especially if the class is broadcasting on Zoom. And the new social conscience is not just a thing for young people. The latest Hollywood movies have increasingly diverse castings, and men are overshadowed by the starring role of perfect women. The more traditional newspapers have begun to speak of "supreme white". "Nike and even the CIA run ads talking about patriarchy and intersectionality.
The word woke (awake, aware) began to be used in the African-American fight against racism, but it has also come to designate progressive politics on gender and trans rights in particular. The horrific videos of unarmed black men being murdered by police officers that began circulating on social media in the mid-2010s notably boosted critical race theory, an intellectual trend that emerged in university law departments. and sociology. In recent years, the right wing has also started to use the word, but with an ironic and pejorative connotation: if someone speaks of wokism (in a pejorative tone) there is no doubt that they are opposed to racial and gender politics. ist.
In many ways, this woke wave is reminiscent of the political correctness of the 1990s and its emphasis on controlling language. Today's activists tend to be outraged by any pressure that they find problematic and controversial, at words that, in today's environment, are not only seen as mildly controversial, but have consequences. Contrary to what happens in most currents of the intellectual left, the Woke movement is not relativistic at all; when a person receives the qualification of problematic they run the risk of ending up "canceled", disappeared. This new awareness is a stained phenomenon: ideas or behaviours that do not fall into the category of acceptable are considered radically immoral. But the woke movement has also become an obsession for the right wing, which enjoys being outraged because something or someone has been "canceled". Being against the woke allows conservative media and politicians today to unite for a new cause, but the revolt that each case of cultural cancellation provokes distracts the right and prevents it from making a fundamental political reflection.
Another striking aspect of the woke movement is how it prioritises different types of oppression. The new social consciousness includes feminism, but according to "intersectional" principles, feminists must give the first line to transgender rights, as the controversy around J. K. Rowling (the Harry Potter writer starred in a controversy last year by hinting that in order to be a woman she has menstruation). The "Karen" meme - which portrays the stereotype of a white, bourgeois and racist woman - indicates that feminism is also below anti-racism. Another example was the resistance of the German media to talk about the sexual assaults that occurred during the celebrations. New Year's Eve 2016 for fear of being accused of stigmatising the alleged culprits.
It is curious that European activists have adopted aspects of the Woke movement that are specific to the United States: for example, the denunciation of the actors against the blackface or the murder of George Floyd became international phenomena.
But the fundamental difference between Europe and the US is in the legislation. The laws against discrimination are much stricter in the United States than in Europe. In the US, corporate human resources departments have been offering employees training courses on inclusion and diversity since the 1970s. The future of the Woke movement on both sides of the Atlantic will depend on the ability of activists and their adversaries to take advantage of the current moral outrage to make significant legal changes.
François Bonnet is a sociologist at the French Center for Scientific Research. He is the author of The Upper Limit (University of California Press, 2019).
Translation by María Luisa Rodríguez Tapia.
#CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #TauntCultureCancel #2007_GlobalFinancialCrisisGFC #IRLScholarThomasPiketty #PoliticsProgressivismSocialLiberalism #TechServiceZoom #SlurWhiteSupremacy #BrandNike #TauntLeftCultural #PoliticallyCorrectPC #PoliticsFascismNaziNeoFarRightAltRightRadicalRight #CauseFeminism #IRLAuthorJKRowling #FictionalCharacterHarryPotter #TauntKaren #OtheringCaricatureImperialismBlackfaceBlackingUp #IRLDeceasedGeorgeFloyd #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI
Christine Jurgen ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXROTTOYYt4 #IRLAuthorJenniferHarvey i.e. https://jenniferharvey.org/ https://skepticreview.com/2018/07/25/mythicist-milwaukee-presents-mythcon-v-on-september-22-2018-a-preview/ #ToponymAmericaNorthUSColoradoDenver #2018_ #OtheringDiscriminationRacism https://mythinformed.org/what-we-do #AdvocacyUSMythicistMilwaukee i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mythicist_Milwaukee
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwgsbZ1MsAE #WebsiteTheDailyWireBenShapiro #IRLAuthorMalcolmNance #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #IRLHistoricalFigureDerrickBell https://news.stanford.edu/news/2004/april21/brownbell-421.html #1954_USBrownVersusBoardOfEducation
#EDUUSUniversityOfWisconsin #SymbolChamberlinRock #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PhenomnStatueToppling
Supplementay: "Many people attribute the Wisconsin Idea, as it is known, to Charles Van Hise, the president of the University of Wisconsin from 1903 to 1918. 'I shall never be content until the beneficent influence of the University reaches every family of the state,' Hise said in an address in 1905. 'If our beloved institution reaches this ideal it will be the first perfect state university.' His idea was written into the mission of the state's university system, and over time that system became a model for what public higher education could be.
But the backbone of the idea almost went away in 2015, when Governor Scott Walker released his administration's budget proposal, which included a change to the university's mission. The Wisconsin Idea would be tweaked. The 'search for truth' would be cut in favor of a charge to 'meet the state's workforce needs.'" https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2018/12/the-liberal-arts-may-not-survive-the-21st-century/577876/ #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPScottWalker
#NewspaperFRBrdshtLiberation https://www.pressreader.com/france/liberation/20210803/281694027824345
#OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPTimScott #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseMainstreamMediaMSM #CaricaturistAntonioBranco #OtheringDiscriminationRacism 'Uncle Tim' hashtag i.e. "Sen. Tim Scott's being called 'Uncle Tim,' evoking 'Uncle Tom,' in reaction to his rebuttal to President Biden's address to Congress" https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-racial-stereotype-behind-attacks-on-tim-scott-11621276995 #OtheringCaricatureSlaveryUncleTom #OrgClassifGrpTerrorismUSKuKluxKlanKKK
#CharacterisationWokeIntolerance #IRLHistoricalFigureFyodorDostoevsky (portrait by Vasily Perov, 1872). #NarrativeTruthFalsehoodMisquote: "Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles"
#NewspaperUSBrdshtLosAngelesTimesToddMartens https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2021-07-18/disneyland-jungle-cruise-changes-woke-culture-vs-necessary-change-american-culture #BrandDisneylandRideJungleCruise #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #IdentityFirstNations #PhenomnColonialism #NarrativeNationalIdentity
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh4I51d0m-g&t=3493s #CauseStrikeBirth e.g. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/mar/12/birthstrikers-meet-the-women-who-refuse-to-have-children-until-climate-change-ends #CauseActivismEnvironmentalExtinctionRebellion #CauseActivismEnvironmental #TheoryTeleology #CatchcryIdentityPolitics #CharacterisationWeaknessVictimismVictimMentality #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PoliticsTechnocracy #TauntKaren #TauntCultureCancel
#NewspaperUSBrdshtNewYorkTimes #NMUSCNN #TVUSABC #TVViacomCBS #NewspaperUSBrdshtTheWashingtonPost ? #NMUSMSNBC #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseMainstreamMediaMSM #LiteralSchoolCollegeUniversity #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #CaricaturistTomStiglich e.g. https://www.hawaiitribune-herald.com/2020/06/03/opinion/cartoon-for-june-3-7/
#WebsiteTheBabylonBee #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #PleaLawAndOrder #OrgUKFootballAssociationFAGarethSouthgate #SymbolNobelPrize #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyPOTUSBarackObama #FictionalCharacterBryceHapley (seemingly, BB have invented this character as a caricature of an activist).
#ToponymEuropeGermanyDeutscheDemokratischeRepublikDDRStasi #TheoryMarxism #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #OtheringHateAntisemitism #PoliticsFascismNaziSiegHeilSalute
#OtheringDiscriminationRacism #OtheringCaricatureTriggered / #BehaviourEmotionalDysregulationHistrionics #MetaphorVersusWeaknessStrength
#WebsitePragerU #IRLDogmatistAmalaEkpunobi and #WebsitePragerUWillWitt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_ItQxUOMvk (and Tyler Ray ?) #TViCarly #BrandMarvelComics #IRLActorJennetteMcCurdy #NewspaperUSBrdshtLosAngelesTimesDanielleBroadway https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2021-07-08/icarly-reboot-laci-mosley-paramount-plus-racist-viewers #IRLActorLaciMosley #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #SymbolEmblemFlagUS #BeliefDeityGodAllahYHWHJesusChristMessiah #IRLActorDeanCain
# IndividualSportspersonJadonSancho #IRLSportspersonBukayoSaka #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesBorisJohnson #OrgUKFootballAssociationFA #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
#PleaMAGA #IRLHistoricalFigureRobertELee or perhaps #TVTheDukesOfHazzard ? #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyPOTUSJoeBiden #PhenomnImmigration #PhenomnVirusCOVID19 #2020_CapitolSiege #OrgUSHollywood #BeliefChristianity #IdentityLGBTQIA #ToponymAmericaNorthUSIllinoisChicago #BeliefAtheism #PhenomnClimateChange #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PhenomnGender #PhenomnClimateChangeGlobalWarming
#CatchcryFreedomOfSpeechFreeSpeech #ConspiracyTheoryStolenElectionBigLie #2020_CapitolSiege #CatchcryStopTheSteal #PoliticsSocialism #TheoryMarxism #CauseFeminism #MetaphorWarfareSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticParty #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #AdvocacyTurningPointTPUSABlexit ? #CauseAntifa #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #PleaMAGA #BeliefDeityGodAllahYHWHJesusChristMessiah #2024_USPresidentialElection
#NewspaperFRBrdshtLeFigaro #AdvocacyFRFondapolChristopheDeVoogd: "to calculate it, the Observatory of Decolonialism, weighs no less than half of the items listed in the social science databases. Not that these themes should be rejected a priori: the question of gender, the history of slavery or the mental residues of colonization are important and legitimate objects of study; but it is another thing to make it the exclusive reading prism of The affectio societatis, that is to say the common desire to associate, a condition of society, is replaced by the denunciation of the fantasized mechanisms of 'domination' which seem to govern all human relationships. our societies. And it is yet another to decree the universal victimization of minorities by the 'domination' of the white Western male. In fact, the frequent breaches of the scientific approach are enough to make circular reasoning dizzy (the conclusion is already in the premise, as in the unstoppable 'racism being a white invention, there cannot be anti-white racism' ); denial of the facts (what about 'discrimination>>>> within and between minorities?); blatant contradiction (race and gender are, it is said, only social constructions>> but, if we can change gender, however impossible to change race); double discourse (purely <scientific>> display in public discourse, <<<<militant >>> claim in texts programmatic); research method based on interviews and feelings'; and when statistical data is used, concomitance, correlation and causality are blithely confused. This conceptual hodgepodge is actually at the very heart of this new paradigm, where we slide without shouting beware of differences against inequalities, and of inequalities against discrimination. So many breaches of the three rules of interpretation, laid down by the American Hayden by the epistemologist White, yet one of the beacons of intellectual postmodernity: conformity to facts, coherence there when will there be pure and simple censorship and professional bans, already practiced in the United States by the 'cancel culture', and which an apostle of this 'brave new world' calls for for France », the sociologist Geoffroy de Lagasnerie? But also among students, indoctrinated (a small minority) or intimidated (the most numerous) by the vulgate <woke». Students who think no less and discreetly make their disagreement known, but who repeat, since their success depends on it, from cover letters in memoirs, the essential elements of the expected speech: diversity, discrimination, deconstruction', the three 'D's » of the new dogma. Newspeak and forced dissimulation thus prosper, while certain establishments live in growing suspicion of all against all, an omnipresent threat of 'sexist and sexual violence obliges. Observers notice the increasing avoidance between the sexes, for fear of being the victim or the accused of harassment or inappropriate remarks. This is how the 'woke hell', paved with the best intentions of anti-racism and gender equality, risks transforming our university, as it is doing in the United States, in a doubly Orwellian place, by the triumph of misguided knowledge and by its desolate sadness. Normalien, associate professor and doctor in history, Christophe de Voogd is president of the Scientific Council of the Foundation for Political Innovation (think-tank)." https://www.lefigaro.fr/vox/societe/christophe-de-voogd-l-ideologie-woke-une-culture-du-ressentiment-qui-sape-la-possibilite-de-faire-societe-20210618 #IRLPoliticianFrederiqueVidal #TauntIslamoGauchismeIslamoLeftism #MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation ? #OrgCentreNationalDeLaRechercheScientifiqueCNRS #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #PowerControlChattelSlavery #CharacterisationWeaknessVictimismVictimMentality #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #TauntToxicWhiteness #IRLAuthorGeorgeOrwell #IRLPhilosopherGeoffroyDeLagasnerie
"It has already been four months since the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Frédérique Vidal, V announced an investigation into Islamo-leftism at universities. Since this date, no official communication on the announced report. As if the loud cries uttered, from petitions to press releases, by hundreds of academics, Conference of University Presidents (CPU) and CNRS in the lead, in the name of academic freedom and the non-existence of said Islamo-leftism arguments which, moreover, were contradictory - had immediately overcome the ministerial concern. Further: instead of being content with this discreet burial, some protesters have just filed an appeal before the Council of State against the initiative of Frédérique Vidal, wishing, it seems, to make him pay for his initial desire. Unless the very recent and discreet signal from the ministry (the work continues) has reignited their fear? Regardless, this excess of outraged virtue proves counterproductive. Courageous voices (Pascal Bruckner, Pierre-André Taguieff, Philippe d'Iribarne, Nathalie Heinich, Mathieu Bock-Côté, among others), are rising to denounce the ongoing intellectual and political drift. A report from the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, composed of academics, has just, given the ministerial silence, drawn up an edifying inventory: themes of conferences, titles of works and articles, job profiles or calls for projects show the impressive penetration of the new progressive science into French research. Because this movement goes far beyond Islamo-leftism alone. In fact, it aims to be, according to its own words, 'intersectional', that is to say, pointing out the convergence of <discriminations>>>> based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, ability physical, etc. However, far from being in the minority as it readily presents itself, the intersectional paradigm, as the Observatory of Decolonialism has just calculated, weighs no less than half of the items listed in the databases. in social sciences. Not that these themes should be rejected a priori: the question of gender, the history of slavery or the mental remnants of colonization are important and legitimate objects of study; but it is another thing to make it the exclusive reading prism of 'The affectio societatis, that is to say the common desire to associate, a condition of society, is filled by the denunciation of the fantasized mechanisms of 'domination' which seem to govern all human relationships. our societies. And it is yet another thing to decree the universal victimization of minorities by the 'domination' of the Western white male. In fact, the frequent breaches of the scientific approach are enough to make circular reasoning dizzy (the conclusion is already in the premise, as in the unstoppable 'racism being a white invention, there cannot be anti-white racism' ); denial of the facts (what about discrimination >>> within and between minorities?); blatant contradiction (race and gender are, it is said, only social constructions but, if one can change gender, it is on the other hand impossible to change race); double discourse (purely scientific display in public discourse, 'militant' claim in programmatic texts); research method based on interviews and feelings'; and when statistical data is used, concomitance, correlation and causality are blithely confused. This conceptual hodgepodge is in fact at the very heart of this new paradigm, where we slip without warning from differences to inequalities, and from inequalities to discrimination. So many breaches of the three rules of interpretation, decreed by the American epistemologist Hayden White, nevertheless one of the beacons of intellectual postmodernity: conformity to the facts, coherence." #IRLScholarPascalBruckner #IRLScholarPierreAndreTaguieff #OrgCentreNationalDeLaRechercheScientifiqueCNRSPhilippeDIribarne #IRLScholarNathalieHeinich #IRLScholarMathieuBockCote #PhenomnColonialismDe #AdvocacyFRLObservatoireDuDecolonialisme i.e. https://www.arretsurimages.net/articles/lobservatoire-du-decolonialisme-faux-think-tank-vrai-media-dopinion #OtheringDiscrimination #IRLHistorianHaydenWhite i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayden_White #TheoryPostmodern
#NewspaperUSBrdshtTheWashingtonPostDarrylFears https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2021/bird-names-racism-audubon/ #IRLHistoricalFigureJamesSligoJameson #PhenomnColonialism #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #SlurWhiteSupremacy #PowerControlChattelSlavery #IRLHistoricalFigureJohnJamesAudubon #IdentityFirstNations #IdentityIndigenousBlackPeopleOfColourBIPOC #OrgUSNtlAudubonSocietyElizabethGray #IRLHistoricalFigureAlfredRusselWallace #IRLHistoricalFigureCharlesDarwin #OtheringCaricatureSlaveryNWord #IdentityFirstNationsCherokeeNation #SymbolEmblemFlagUSConfederate #CampaignBirdNamesForBirdsBNFBJordanRutter #OrgUSAmericanOrnithologicalSocietyAOS #OrgUSNorthAmericanClassificationCommitteeNACC #OrgUSAmericanBirdingAssociationJeffGordon #EventBlackBirdersWeek #IRLDeceasedGeorgeFloyd #IRLDeceasedAhmaudArbery
tweet in response to #WebsiteTheDailyWire article: https://www.dailywire.com/news/ex-wh-stenographer-recalls-witnessing-putin-humiliate-biden-in-past-meeting-left-biden-speechless #OrgClassifPPRUSUnitedRussiaVladimirPutin
Presumably, 'DONES-JONES' points to #PhenomnTradingDowJonesIndustrialAverage ?
overt #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #ToponymAsiaChina slur directed towards #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyPOTUSJoeBiden inferring that he is representing #OrgClassifPPCNChineseCommunistPartyCCP interests.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKpTwYUh5RU #CaricaturistAntonioBranco's caption seeks reframe #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT as a #PleaParadox i.e. that efforts to recognise past injustices (so that some sort of atonement may be reached) is somehow #OtheringDiscriminationRacism.ist. The 'taped mouth' of a young person talks about #MetaphorGenerationTheYounger being silenced i.e. having their right to #CatchcryFreedomOfSpeechFreeSpeech curtailed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=venhJ6Bv-Yw #TheoryAffectiveResponseOutrage #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesJacobReesMogg #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesMargaretThatcher #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesBorisJohnson #CharacterisationWeaknessSnowflake #PoliticsNationalismBritish #BrandMetaInstagram #PlatformSMTwitterTWTR #ToponymEuropeUKNottinghamshireNottingham #IRLConsultantMayaForstater #AdvocacyUSCentreForGlobalDevelopmentCGD #LegislationUKGenderRecognitionActGRA #OtheringHateTransphobia #IdentityLGBTQIATrans #OtheringHateSpeech #IRLDogmatistLisaKeogh #EDUUKUniversityOfAbertay #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #TauntLefty #EDUUKUniversityOfOxfordMagdalenCollege https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-57409743 #IRLFamilyRoyalUKQueenElizabethII #SymbolEmblemFlagUS #IRLHistoricalFigureCecilRhodes #PhenomnColonialism #TheoryRevisionismHistorical
#IRLSingerSongwriterTomMacDonald #2021_TomMacDonaldSnowflakes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCMwlorNEZk #CharacterisationWeaknessSnowflake #TheoryAffectiveResponseOutrage #OtheringCaricatureTriggered #MetaphorGenerationMillennials #PleaPronouns #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation #BeliefChristianity #BehaviourToleranceIn #TauntWokeInsincerity #PleaRespect #ReasoningFallacyAppealToTraditionValues #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseFakeNews #PoliticsNationalismConservative #CharacterisationOversimplification #PleaOrderStableSocial #NarrativeStableMorality #PoliticsCommunism #PoliticsDemocracy #PoliticsPatriotism #CatchcryIdentityPolitics #PoliticsFascismNazi #PhenomnWomensSport #IdentityLGBTQIATrans #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PlatformSMTwitterTWTR #BrandStarbucksCorporation #BrandAppleiPhone #TauntBigPharma #NarrativeTruthAssaultOn
#TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #OrgRUSovietUnionOfSovietSocialistRepublicsUSSR #PoliticsCommunism
Via @GrandOldMemes (Twitter) and @SilentMemejority (Instagram)
#WebsitePragerU #IRLActorSiakaMassaquoi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjVe-PRC6Cg #PleaGetGoWokeGoBroke #OrgUSHollywood #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #TauntRacismReverseLeft #PhenomnCulturalHegemony #CauseCivilRightsMovement
(listen to the background music and the way that it's used to underline the clip's #PoliticsConservatismSocialSoCon agenda - especially the transition from the frenetic violin bowing at 3:25 to calm piano that begins around 3:30).
#CatchcryPlatformingDeplatformingNoPlatforming.s #WebsiteNewDiscoursesJamesLindsay in an effort to substantiate #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic / fears about theories such as #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT, #TheoryPostmodern i.e. #TheoryPostmodernConservatism through inferences to #TheoryMarxism (and other social conservative boogiemen).
The clip seeks to promote the book: 'Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity', authored by #IRLAuthorHelenPluckrose and Lindsay.
Seemingly, "Cynical Theories is a melodramatic book. Pluckrose and Lindsay guide the reader through postmodernism's metamorphosis as it transforms into the 'applied postmodernism' of the '80s and '90s--comprising the new fields of postcolonial theory, queer theory, critical race theory, gender studies, feminist studies, disability studies, and fat studies--which eventually gives rise to the most dangerous of all postmodernism's transmutations, the 'reified postmodernism' Pluckrose and Lindsay sometimes refer to as 'Social Justice scholarship.'" https://www.liberalcurrents.com/the-cynical-theorists-behind-cynical-theories/
#IRLPhilosopherJeanFrancoisLyotard, #IRLPhilosopherJacquesDerrida and #IRLPhilosopherMichelFoucault
#IRLScholarRichardDawkins, #IRLAuthorGloriaJeanWatkinsAKABellHooks, #IRLScholarAnthonyGraylingAKAACGrayling
#NarrativeUtopiaWokeLiberal #OrgClassifPPCNChineseCommunistPartyCCP Cultural #PhenomnRevolution #PoliticsCommunism #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #CharacterisationWeakness #TauntGaslighting #IRLAuthorShelbySteele #PowerControlSegregationJimCrowLaws
overt #OtheringDiscriminationRacism sterotype of #ToponymAsiaChina person posted by the Branch Chair of the Association for Project Management (APM) i.e. https://www.apm.org.uk/branch-locator/wessex-branch/
#OrgClassifPPUKLabourDavidLammy #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesJohnBercow #OrgClassifPPUKLabourJessPhillips #OrgClassifPPUKLabourJonAshworth #OrgClassifPPUKLabourKeirStarmer #OrgClassifPPUKLabourLisaNandy #OrgClassifPPUKLabourDawnButler #OrgClassifPPUKLabourSadiqKhan #OrgClassifPPUKLabourDianeAbbott #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6-2a_7mhvw #VlogJoeRoganExperienceJRE #IRLFinancierGeorgeSoros #Cause1619Project #PolicyGreenNewDealGND #IRLEntrepreneurHunterBiden #OrgClassifGrpTerrorismUSKuKluxKlanKKK #TauntLeftHardFar #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8g9g_CytoU #EDUUSTheBrearleySchool #EDUUSGraceChurchSchoolGeorgeDavison (head) and #EDUUSGraceChurchSchoolPaulRossi (maths teacher) #EDUUSTheDaltonSchool #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #TauntIndoctrination #TheorySocialJustice Anti #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
#IRLAuthorDalillaHermans "Het laatste wat ik nog wil zeggen over racisme" [The last thing I want to say about racism] #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
The logic of this tweet seems to go along the lines of: "it's OK to have some non white people on #NMUKITVGMB - in a tokenistic kind of way (because after all, it's not like they're essential of anything) - as a type of 'decoration' / evidence used to stave off criticism of being racist, but of course, because they're not fulfilling an essential role - the more of 'them' i.e. #MetaphorVersusUsThem that you have the fewer 'legitimate' i.e. white people that you have to do the actual job". The 'give away' is the characterisation of a "British white person" i.e. a 'legitimate British person' (pointing to the idea that #IdentityWhite is an essential attribute of Britishness). The tweet is an overt example of deep-seated #OtheringDiscriminationRacism and strongly implies that the author feels under attack i.e. #TheoryPoliticsOfFearAnxietyOfVictimisation as they struggle (resist) to engaged with contemporary society i.e. a #TheoryPoliticsOfEternity if ever there was one.
Interestingly, the image used to illustrate the tweet is taken from a video, which shows #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesBorisJohnson, moments before being infamously stuck on a zip-wire while intending to celebrate/raise awareness for the UK winning its first Olympic gold medal in the #2012_LondonOlympicGames i.e. an image that has become synonymous with #TauntSnatchingDefeatFromTheJawsOfVictory i.e. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2012/aug/01/boris-johnson-zip-wire Presumably, the image is meant to signify a sense of #PoliticsNationalismConservative re #TauntFlagWaving etc.
#ToponymEuropeNetherlands #PhenomnWhitePrivilege http://www.veltmaete.nl/white/
Historical images of #PowerControlExploitationChildLabour seemingly being used as #ReasoningFallacyStrawman that exploitation is not directly correlated with race (racial discrimination) - presumably offering up the explanation that such situations are solely the consequence of a lack-of-opportunity, and certainly not discrimination. The argument seeks to shift focus back onto the issue of #IdentityClassWorking #IdentityWhite. This type of argument follows the logic that #OtheringDiscriminationRacism isn't an issue because people of all races are able to be discriminated against (and so discrimination against black people is simply one example of many, rather than a category of itself - and so deserves no special treatment). This image (from the above collection) seems to typify this thesis: http://www.veltmaete.nl/wp-content/gallery/white/29.jpg (which strongly implies that #IdentityIndigenousBlackPeopleOfColourBIPOC are being exploited by white people) which is contrasted with this image: http://www.veltmaete.nl/wp-content/gallery/white/30.jpg (which because it includes a white boy shining shoes - that was cropped out of the first image - strongly implies that race isn't the determining issue).
#ToponymAsiaSouthSriLanka #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #WebsiteAllInBritain i.e. https://allinbritain.org/about/ and https://twitter.com/allinbritain and https://www.conservativehome.com/tag/all-in-britain #AdvocacyUKCivitas i.e. https://www.civitas.org.uk/about-us/ and http://www.coreknowledge.org.uk/ #IRLHistorianZareerMasani #IRLTheologianNigelBiggar #MagazineUKTheSpectatorDouglasMurray
#1937_AndToThinkThatISawItOnMulberryStreet #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prre5k6SPU4&t=156s #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #MetaphorVersusTruthIllusion #MetaphorVersusCompetitionCooperation #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #IRLScholarHowardZinn #IRLHistoricalFigureCheGuevara #PoliticsCapitalism #TheoryEthnomathematics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnomathematics
the elderly woman doesn't actually utter the #OtheringCaricatureSlaveryNWord but her #OtheringDiscriminationRacism vile attitude is certainly in line with this. #OtheringHateSpeech
#PleaBoycott #NewspaperUKTabloidTheSunStevenEdginton:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE8p-mcFdNg #CatchcryPlatformingDeplatformingNoPlatforming.s
Slur, inferring that #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyPOTUSJoeBiden and #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyKamalaHarris are sexually involved, which would represent a case of #MetaphorPurityRaceMixing and therefore goes against the #PleaAWorldOfSimpleStableFixedOperations notion of #MetaphorPurityRacial - rather than the contemporary understanding that #MetaphorPurityRace is #EpistemologySociallyConstructed i.e. the meme is explicitly #OtheringDiscriminationRacism.ist #PleaAWorldOfSimpleStableFixedOperations. #PlatformVideoStreamingPornHub
#TauntLeftwaffe #OrgClassifPPUKLabour
The use of BLM protests to illustrate #PoliticsFascism expresses the #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic that #PoliticsConservatismSocialSoCon.s feel about #IdentityIndigenousBlackPeopleOfColourBIPOC having rights/being accepted as equals clearly evokes a #OtheringDiscriminationRacism narrative. #SlurAntiWhite
#FictionalCharacterKlukkluk #OtheringCaricatureImperialismAmericanIndian #OtheringDiscriminationRacism "Klukkluk was 'the Indian', a stereotypical native American character speaking broken Dutch who was good friends with Pipo [Pipo de Clown] and performed in the same circus" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipo_de_Clown #FictionalCharacterPipoDeClown
This tweeter is #_Riled
#LiteralSourcePrintMedia #1978_Grease #CharacterisationWeaknessSnowflake #PowerControlViolationRape #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PhenomnSlutShaming #OtheringHateHomophobia #PowerControlMicrofascismBullying #NewspaperUKTabloidTheDailyMail
i.e. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9106979/Grease-racist-rapey-homophobic-slut-shaming-say-woke-snowflakes.html
#TauntCultureCancel characterisation pointed at criticism (awareness) of #TVFawltyTowers being overtly racist. #IRLComedianJimmyMulville #TVHaveIGotNewsForYou #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheTelegraphAnitaSingh #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #_Riled
those criticising people making racist statements characterised in terms of #NarrativeStableMorality. In this context, #OtheringDiscriminationRacism is alluded to as a #LiteralBrand (rather than an idealogical position). #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheTelegraph
The clip by #VlogTheOfficerTatumBrandonTatum:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYqCQy7fvFw seeks to discredit claims that #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPPOTUSDonaldTrump is a racist through the implication that the views of a small number of African Americans i.e. "The Black Community" is somehow representative of all African Americans - as if being a member of a particular group gives you the authority to speak for all members of that group. #IdentityAmericanBlackAndAfrican #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM
#IRLEducatorJaneElliott: "White people's number one freedom, in the United States of America, is the freedom to be totally ignorant about those who are other than white." #1985_PBSFrontlineS03E09AClassDivided:
Via #HandleInstagramTheGhettoActivist i.e. https://www.instagram.com/TheGhettoActivist/ And https://theghettoactivist.com/about/
plea by #WebsiteInfoWarsAlexJones site personality #WebsiteInfoWarsOwenShroyer to maintain the status quo / reject initiatives to readdress racial imbalances through attempting to characterise such initiatives as a form of racial segregation and discrimination. #TauntLeftist #WebsiteTheDailyWireBenShapiro #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PowerControlSegregationJimCrowLaws Note that 'Crow' is a finctional character used symbolically: https://www.history.com/news/was-jim-crow-a-real-person
"A picket line consisting mostly of Ministers outside of Woolworth's in New York City on April 14th, 1960" #1960_ #BrandUSFWWoolworthCompany i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F._W._Woolworth_Company
#PoliticsNationalismBritish #TheoryAffectiveResponsePanic seemingly, driven by an inability to reconcile changes to our historical understanding. The comment assumes that history is stable/unchanging (instead of broadly, the narrativization of events according to the agenda of the status quo). Significantly, such reevaluation of history appears to pose a existential threat for the poster, presumably because of the way that they have used such narratives to bolster their own personal sense of worth / identity i.e. changes to our cultural narratives (history) threaten to compromise the poster's personal narrative. #TheoryRevisionismHistorical
#NMUSCNNWillMullery https://edition.cnn.com/2018/02/03/us/weekend-reads-february-3-trnd/index.html #OtheringDiscriminationRacism
it's the new hate speech
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell"
#TauntLeftThe #CatchcryDifferingOpinionsAsNeutralPerspectives #MemeConfusedAnimeDude i.e. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/is-this-a-pigeon
#AdvocacyUSRANDCorporationChristopherPaul and #AdvocacyUSRANDCorporationMiriamMatthews, The Russian #TheoryFirehoseOfFalsehood Propaganda Model: Why It Might Work and Options to Counter It. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2016. https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html #TheoryAlternativeFacts #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseFakeNews #MetaphorDeceitFakeReality
[screen name not defined]: #WokeAF #woke #lockdown #coal #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/7Q3WZd0QxI
[screen name not defined]: 3/4
...name from the virus, and ease off the mounting pressure as well as distracting everybody from their shortcomings.
One stream of this multi lateral campaign is hiding behind “racism” which worked perfectly with the #woke left.
As we witnessed in the last few weeks,... https://t.co/Qfg3o3BFwV
#OtheringDiscriminationRacism #TauntLeftThe
[screen name not defined]: A clear and simple message to the #Woke cretins here on #Twitter:
#FreddieMercury was not racist.
#DavidBowie was not a p*do.
#elvispresley was also not a p*do.
Now why don't you all run along and go and find something real to stand up for and oppose, you weak, whining brats? https://t.co/YdGWs0xQIp
Retaliation against detractors #PowerControlMicrofascismBullyingCyberTrolling a #IRLSingerFreddieMercury fan. #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PowerControlViolationPaedophilia #TauntWoke used pejoratively (and in an unsophisticated way) to condemn detractors who (it is implied) are overly concerns with being #PoliticallyCorrectPC.
#IRLSingerFreddieMercury donning a crown.
Iconic cover image of #IRLMusicianDavidBowie on his 1973 Aladdin Sane album.
Iconic photo of #IRLSingerElvisPresley.
"BREXITERS are NOT xenophobes or racists but have constantly to fend off assertions by bitter Remainers. Our raison d'être is to be able to rule ourselves, our fishing grounds and our democracy with representatives who can easily be booted out. The EU project is staffed by unelecteds, is unaudited and is a bureaucratic nightmare of 28 nations with almost as many languages, controlled from within the Twin Towers of Brussels and Strasbourg. We reject open immigration and the influx of a culture so alien and destructive to our own." #OtheringCaricatureBrexitBrexiteer #OtheringHateXenophobia #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #OtheringCaricatureBrexitRemainer #CatchcryFreedomAutonomy #MetaphorVersusUsThem #OrgEU #MetaphorDemocracySovereign #PoliticsBureaucracy #PoliticsTechnocracy #ToponymEuropeBelgiumVlaamsGewestBrussels #ToponymEuropeFranceStrasbourg #PhenomnImmigration #OtheringHateIslamophobiaAntiMuslim ? #ConspiracyTheoryCabalGroomingGang #ToponymEuropeUKYorkshireWestHalifax #PoliticsNationalismBritish