Archived on 19 December 2022 at 8:00 am [URL redacted]
@AmariCliffe [name pseudonymized] [02]: Let's not forget. #woke #WorldCupFinal #diversity #TheEndOfWhitePeople [URL redacted]

#IndivDeceasedAutumnPasquale #IndivMurdererJustinRobinson

Context: "Justin Robinson doesn't deny strangling Autumn in his parents' basement on Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012, and then hiding her body.
'I'm deeply sorry,' Robinson says. 'I didn't really want this to happen. If I could take it back I would.' But, he says, 'I didn't kill her for no bike.'" #2012_ #ReasoningFallacyWhataboutism #IndivDeceasedTrayvonMartin i.e.

Supplementary: "Conjured by the minds of enslavers and auctioneers to promote the strength, breeding ability, and agility of muscular young black men, the Mandingo trope was born. While under the violence of enslavement, a physically powerful black man could be subdued and brutally forced into labor. Emancipation brought with it fears that these men would exact sexual revenge against white men through their daughters, as depicted in the film 'Birth of a Nation' (1915). The reinforcement of the stereotype of the Mandingo as animalistic and brutish, gave legal authority to white mobs and militias who tortured and killed black men for the safety of the public." #OtheringCaricatureSlaveryMandingo #1915_BirthOfANation 
Addendum: #TheoryAffectiveResponseNarrative about #MetaphorPurityRacialWhiteWomenAndBlackMen / #OtheringCaricatureSlaveryBrute
