Archived on 6 February 2021 at 1:00 am [URL redacted]
Archived on 22 January 2021 at 5:45 pm [URL redacted]
@DarrellRiad [name pseudonymized]: "The New Normal" Documentary: What the 1% Has To Gain and The Rest of Us are About to Lose! The truth comes to light! Click on the link to get some insight. Take Care of yourself and your families! [URL redacted] #woke #GenZ #NewWorldOrder #JoeBidenPresident #BillGates

#HandleBrighteonTruthComesToLight #2021_TheNewNormal #PlatformSMAltTechBrighteon #NarrativeTheNewNormal #ConspiracyTheoryNewWorldOrderNWO #MetaphorGenerationGenZ #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyJoeBiden #IndivPhilanthropistBillGates

Context: #NMINTLReuters "An hour-long documentary being shared on social media makes numerous suggestions about the pandemic, global current affairs and the potential of a new world order. This article tackles some of the main topics addressed. Others are outside the scope of this check. ...
The New Normal, it compiles news footage, amateur footage, shots of news websites and graphics, all tied together with a voiceover narration. It then sets out the possibility that the COVID-19 pandemic was 'planned by a group of tech elites who are dictating to governments globally' and that life after COVID-19 could see a world with 'harsh tyrannical rules governed by a centralised totalitarian state'." #WebsiteHappenNetwork i.e. #ConspiracyTheoryCOVID19PandemicDenialHoax #ConspiracyTheoryNewWorldOrderNWO #OtheringElitesGlobal #PoliticsAuthoritarianismAutocracyTotalitarianism #PhenomnRevolutionIndustrialFourth4IR #OrgIntlWEFEvent201Scenario #IndivPhilanthropistMelindaGates #BrandPfizer #BrandBioNTechSE #BrandModernaTherapeutics #ConspiracyTheory5G #OrgIntlWEF #OrgIntlWEFGreatReset

Archived on 24 April 2020 at 1:00 am [URL redacted]
@SpencerLoveall [name pseudonymized]: #Caronavirus #Woke Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel [URL redacted] via @YouTube
Presumably posted as some sort of "proof" that #IndivPhilanthropistBillGates is behind #PhenomnVirusCOVID19 vaccination initiatives (because of Gates' partnership with The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum via his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation i.e. 18 October 2019). Instead, the video is documentation of issues raised through rehearsing responses of a hypothetical scenario pandemic). #ConspiracyTheoryCOVID19Vaccine #OrgIntlWEFEvent201Scenario

Archived on 14 April 2020 at 6:45 pm [URL redacted]

[screen name not defined]: No need for the reminder... I know I'm several degrees behind the #woke curve, but I'm hopeful that I'll catch up some day.

#vaccine #vaccination #BillGatesVirus #Event201 #conspiracy #COVID19

#TauntWoke is used pejoratively in this context in relation to a negative portal of anti-virus initiatives instigated by #IndivPhilanthropistBillGates (presumably because of the existential threat posed by such philanthropic initiatives to conservative sensibilities). #OrgIntlWEFEvent201Scenario

Meme representing a paranoid perspective on a possible vetting process for those who have received an eventual vaccination for #PhenomnVirusCOVID19. The memes seeks to establish a parallel between such vetting and the process of Nazi soldiers checking citizen identity papers i.e. that COVID-19 vaccinations are ultimately an instrument state-control - possibly fascism (or through the distorted lens of US libertarianism - a conflation of the benevolence of socialism and the perniciousness of communism). SlurNaziReference #ConspiracyTheoryCOVID19Vaccine #LiteralVaccinePassport
