Archived on 11 August 2021 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@GabriellaSirard [name pseudonymized]: Simply beautiful! The fake diversity of #woke #SJWs and their rainbow hair is no match for the REAL diversity of #gamergate and #notyourshield! [URL redacted]

#TauntSocialJusticeWarriorSJW #CampaignHashtagGamerGate #CampaignHashtagNotYourShield #PhenomnDoxxing

Supplementary: "In August 2014, game developer Zoe Quinn's ex boyfriend, Eron Gjoni, released a blog post accusing Quinn of receiving positive reviews on their game Depression Quest from Nathan Grayson, a writer for Kotaku, because the two were in a relationship. Gjoni accused Quinn of cheating on him and released personal information about her in the post. The clear angry attack of a disgruntled ex boyfriend was quickly transformed into a frenzy against 'ethics in gaming journalism.' ...
The misogynistic attacks against Quinn spread to other influential people in the video game industry including feminist YouTuber, Anita Sarkeesian. ...
Other women attacked included Brianna Wu, a game developer who posted a meme mocking the group of gamers who were threatening women's lives" #IndivSoftwareDeveloperBriannaWu

#SymbolKekistan i.e. "Kek 'adherents' created a whole cultural mythology around the idea, describing an ancient kingdom called 'Kekistan' that was eventually overwhelmed by 'Normistan' and 'C---istan.' They created not only a logo representing Kek - four Ks surrounding an E - but promptly deployed it in a green-and-black banner, which they call the 'national flag of Kekistan.'" And #SymbolHatePepeTheFrogKek #PoliticsFascismNaziNeoFarRightAltRightRadicalRight
