Archived on 29 January 2023 at 9:15 am [URL redacted]
@HeathNeidenbach [name pseudonymized] [10]: Migrants, drag-queens et conférenciers islamistes déprogrammés : merci qui ? - #JeanLucMoudenc #Islamisme #woke #DamienRieu #DragQueens [URL redacted] C'est encore « l'extrême droite » qui a donné l'alerte, agi, prouvé, mobilisé. Et mobilisé tellement de monde que ... [URL redacted]

#IdentityDragQueen #BeliefIslamism #OrgClassifPPFRLesRepublicainsLRJeanLucMoudenc #NoREuropeFranceToulouse #WebsiteBoulevardVoltaireFredericSirgant "This last event in the Wokistan of Toulouse is worth the detour. The two artists in question, with pronounced Occitan names, Shanna Banana and Brandy Snap, were therefore to lead a reading workshop for 3-year-olds at the José-Cabanis media library in Toulouse. ... Which town hall - Mr. Moudenc should already have been there in the Baudis team twenty years ago - therefore deemed it necessary, in this month of February 2023, to promote these drag-queen artists. Because February (don't ask me why) is queer month. But there you go, the big wolf, always him, decided otherwise. For Le Monde is another blow from the 'extreme right'. More precisely from a 'far-right French Fury small group, born from the ashes of Generation Identity, dissolved in March 2021' . This " small group" had nevertheless distributed flyers, mobilized parents and launched a petition which had collected nearly 4,300 signatures. Hence the decline of the town hall, which splits a press release in which it discards, while recognizing the merits of the action: "This choice of programming, which did not give rise to any visa or endorsement from elected officials, can destabilize part of the public.' Exemplary case." #PhenomnDragQueenStoryHourDQSH #LiteralLanguageOccitan i.e.

"Demonstration of November 5, 2022 in Callac" #NoREuropeFranceCallac #PhenomnProtestDemonstration
