Archived on 12 June 2023 at 2:45 am [URL redacted]
@BradfordHendrieth [name pseudonymized] [47]: @ABC #woke #Leftists #trans #lgbtq and #KhazarianMafia are trying to normalize the madness because they know they will be found guilty of those crimes. Their logic is if they “normalize” it, it won’t be a crime, but they will fail. [URL redacted]
Archived on 18 May 2023 at 9:15 am [URL redacted]
@LarryMazion [name pseudonymized] [03]: Ja, das Kind hat Recht. Get #woke, go broke! #Bunt funktioniert nicht. Und diese #Frühsexualisierung Missionen in Schulen sind ekelhaft! [URL redacted]

"Colorful doesn't work.
And these early sex missions in schools are disgusting!" #PleaGetGoWokeGoBroke

#IdentityLGBTQIA #MetaphorWarCultureLiberalEducation #CaricaturistBobMoran

Addendum: as per #TheoryLinguisticsConceptualMetaphorCMT, you could say that the cartoon evokes a #MetaphorPurityContamination i.e. that in his natural state, the child is 'pure', and that in being exposed to ideas, which the cartoonist deems 'impure', he has become unwell, resulting in #MetaphorHealthSicknessNauseated

Archived on 25 October 2022 at 11:30 pm [URL redacted]
@DianaVeloso [name pseudonymized] [18]: This must end. Schools should be safe from radical gender theory and #woke propaganda. #VoteRepublican so this will be banned in schools, and kids won't be subject to trans woke propaganda. #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #Midterms2022 #redwave [URL redacted]

#IdentityLGBTQIA #MetaphorWarCultureLiberalEducation #CaricaturistBobMoran

Addendum: as per #TheoryLinguisticsConceptualMetaphorCMT, you could say that the cartoon evokes a #MetaphorPurityContamination i.e. that in his natural state, the child is 'pure', and that in being exposed to ideas, which the cartoonist deems 'impure', he has become unwell, resulting in #MetaphorHealthSicknessNauseated

Archived on 8 September 2022 at 1:00 am [URL redacted]
@PamelaLiza [name pseudonymized] [05]: @MahoodNikita #woke [URL redacted]

#IdentityLGBTQIA / #EventLGBTQPrideMonth #MetaphorWarCultureLiberalEducation #CaricaturistBobMoran

Addendum: as per #TheoryLinguisticsConceptualMetaphorCMT, you could say that the cartoon evokes a #MetaphorPurityContamination i.e. that in his natural state, the child is 'pure', and that in being exposed to ideas, which the cartoonist deems 'impure', he has become unwell, resulting in #MetaphorHealthSicknessNauseated

Archived on 21 June 2022 at 6:45 pm [URL redacted]
@FredrickSchuver [name pseudonymized] [03]: Wir hätten sehr viel #Diversity auf der Welt - ganz ohne masslose, schädliche Migration und kruder Entstellung von Verwirrten. #GoWokeGoBroke #Woke #CancelCulture [URL redacted]

"We would have a lot diversity in the world - without excessive, harmful migration and crude distortion of the confused. GoWokeGoBroke Woke CancelCulture" #PhenomnImmigration #PleaGetGoWokeGoBroke #TauntCultureCancel

Archived on 15 June 2022 at 5:15 pm [URL redacted]
@GordonVannuland [name pseudonymized] [03]: #vomiting #woke [URL redacted]

#IdentityLGBTQIA / #EventLGBTQPrideMonth #MetaphorWarCultureLiberalEducation #CaricaturistBobMoran

Addendum: as per #TheoryLinguisticsConceptualMetaphorCMT, you could say that the cartoon evokes a #MetaphorPurityContamination i.e. that in his natural state, the child is 'pure', and that in being exposed to ideas, which the cartoonist deems 'impure', he has become unwell, resulting in #MetaphorHealthSicknessNauseated

Archived on 13 June 2022 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@MariLeigh [name pseudonymized] [16]: Sums up #woke big-state high-tax pro-immigration eco-socialists @Conservatives @10DowningStreet @BorisJohnson @pritipatel @kitmalthouse @sajidjavid @RishiSunak @nadhimzahawi @DominicRaab @BrandonLewis @grantshapps @michaelgove @OliverDowden #lieslieslies [URL redacted]

#IdentityLGBTQIA / #EventLGBTQPrideMonth #MetaphorWarCultureLiberalEducation #CaricaturistBobMoran

Addendum: as per #TheoryLinguisticsConceptualMetaphorCMT, you could say that the cartoon evokes a #MetaphorPurityContamination i.e. that in his natural state, the child is 'pure', and that in being exposed to ideas, which the cartoonist deems 'impure', he has become unwell, resulting in #MetaphorHealthSicknessNauseated

Archived on 11 June 2022 at 3:15 pm [URL redacted]
@BarryVannevel [name pseudonymized] [120]: #woke #Disney #Biden #Trump #trumptrains #TrumpTruths #TrumpWon #LGB #Trump2024 #COVID19 #FJB #PandemicOfTheVaccinated #BidenIsALaughingstock #elon #musk #twitter #Hillary #killary #hillaryclinton #FakeNews #sensorship #FreedomOfSpeech #freedom #FreedomFighter #GasPrices #gas [URL redacted]

#IdentityLGBTQIA / #EventLGBTQPrideMonth #MetaphorWarCultureLiberalEducation #CaricaturistBobMoran

Addendum: as per #TheoryLinguisticsConceptualMetaphorCMT, you could say that the cartoon evokes a #MetaphorPurityContamination i.e. that in his natural state, the child is 'pure', and that in being exposed to ideas, which the cartoonist deems 'impure', he has become unwell, resulting in #MetaphorHealthSicknessNauseated

Archived on 11 June 2022 at 10:15 am [URL redacted]
@EsperanzaLievano [name pseudonymized]: #woke #Gendergaga #GruenerMist Meine Toleranz endet, wenn Freaks meinem Kind erklären, was normal ist. [URL redacted]

"Verschont unsere Kids mit Eurem Scheiß! [Spare our kids your shit!]" "Wie war es heute in der Schule? [How was school today?]" #IdentityLGBTQIA / #EventLGBTQPrideMonth #MetaphorWarCultureLiberalEducation #CaricaturistBobMoran

Context: (presumably, the original version).
Addendum: as per #TheoryLinguisticsConceptualMetaphorCMT, you could say that the cartoon evokes a #MetaphorPurityContamination i.e. that in his natural state, the child is 'pure', and that in being exposed to ideas, which the cartoonist deems 'impure', he has become unwell, resulting in #MetaphorHealthSicknessNauseated

Archived on 10 June 2022 at 2:30 am [URL redacted]
@ShelleyOwca [name pseudonymized]: 2022: How was school today? #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #CrimesAgainstChildren are #CrimesAgainstHumanity #leavethekidsalone #woke [URL redacted]

#IdentityLGBTQIA / #EventLGBTQPrideMonth #MetaphorWarCultureLiberalEducation #CaricaturistBobMoran

Addendum: as per #TheoryLinguisticsConceptualMetaphorCMT, you could say that the cartoon evokes a #MetaphorPurityContamination i.e. that in his natural state, the child is 'pure', and that in being exposed to ideas, which the cartoonist deems 'impure', he has become unwell, resulting in #MetaphorHealthSicknessNauseated Tangentially, #IndivScholarSusanSontag's #1978_IllnessAsMetaphor i.e. might also be worth reviewing...

Archived on 18 April 2022 at 7:45 am [URL redacted]
@ShelleyBacci [name pseudonymized]: #woke #biden [URL redacted]

#OtheringOutGroup #ReasoningFallacyWhataboutism #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI #MetaphorVersusPurityAdulteration / #MetaphorPurityContamination #MetaphorVersusDiptych

Supplementary: "When it comes to estimating the size of demographic groups, Americans rarely get it right. In two recent YouGov polls, we asked respondents to guess the percentage (ranging from 0% to 100%) of American adults who are members of 43 different groups, including racial and religious groups, as well as other less frequently studied groups, such as pet owners and those who are left-handed.
When people's average perceptions of group sizes are compared to actual population estimates, an intriguing pattern emerges: Americans tend to vastly overestimate the size of minority groups. This holds for sexual minorities, including the proportion of gays and lesbians (estimate: 30%, true: 3%), bisexuals (estimate: 29%, true: 4%), and people who are transgender (estimate: 21%, true: 0.6%). " #BrandYouGovTaylorOrth #OtheringStereotypeSocialIdentity ? e.g.
Addendum: (in relation to the upper image) this really is a caricature of diversity i.e. a narrow stereotype used to represent a diverse range. So this is really more a case of #OtheringOutGroup, where the intention is to provoke a sense of disgust and #TheoryBiasConfirmation

Archived on 4 March 2021 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
@LucaMazer [name pseudonymized]: @Bartes73193791 Het probleem is dat wij heel deze #islamindoctrinatie opgedrongen krijgen door verschillende zenders, waaronder @VRT. De #jihad word blijkbaar op verschillende fronten gevoerd en het groene gif sluimert langzaam onze #mindset binnen. #woke up, voor de #islam ze sluit! [URL redacted]