Archived on 17 May 2023 at 9:30 am [URL redacted]
@VickiLickteig [name pseudonymized] [03]: Ook in 🇳🇱 via de psychopaten #Soros, #Gates én de #WHO! 😡 Ik snap niet dat leraren, laat staan ouders, deze #seksualisering en #pedofilisering van hun leerlingen en kinderen toestaan❗️Hoe onverantwoord ben je dan als #woke leraar/ouder?! #girfec @Yvonbrinkerink @TessersDon [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"Also in via the psychopaths Soros, Gates and the WHO!
I don't understand that teachers, let alone parents, allow this sexualization and pedophilization of their students and children How irresponsible are you as a woke teacher / parent?! girfec" #SymbolFlagNetherlands #OrgIntlUNWHO #OrgUKGBSCTGovGettingItRightForEveryChildGIRFEC

#OrgIntlInternationalCentreForMissingAndExploitedChildrenICMEC (p.38)

Context: #OrgIntlUNWHOStandardsForSexualityEducationInEurope "Traditionally, sexuality education has focused on the potential risks of sexuality, such as unintended pregnancy and STI. This negative focus is often frightening for children and young people: moreover, it does not respond to their need for information and skills and, in all too many cases, it simply has no relevance to their lives.
A holistic approach based on an understanding of sexuality as an area of human potential helps children and young people to develop essential skills to enable them to self-determine their sexuality and their relationships at the various developmental stages. It supports them in becoming more empowered in order to live out their sexuality and their partnerships in a fulfilling and responsible manner. These skills are also essential for protect- ing themselves from possible risks.
Sexuality education is also part of a more general education, and thus affects the development of the child's personality. Its preventive nature not only contributes to the prevention of negative consequences linked to sexuality, but can also improve quality of life, health and well-being. In this way, sexuality education contributes to health promotion in general." #OrgIntlUNWHOSexualAndReproductiveHealthAndRightsSRHR

Archived on 4 May 2023 at 2:00 am [URL redacted]
@HaileeHolroyd [name pseudonymized]: “The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. Maximilien Robespierre #CNN #MSNBC #FOX #fakenews #education #MaximilienRobespierre #psyop #woke #savethechildren #wokemob #democracy #news #theview #hollywood… [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

#IndivHistoricalFigureMaximilienRobespierre i.e.

Supplementary: #EDUUSUniversityVirginiaTechMattGabriele "Those claims by the Right, however, seem at first glance to not make sense. They state that they represent the will of the people and want to terrorize those they consider 'tyrants.' And yet, they themselves have tried to overturn a legitimate election and more recently enacted sweeping voter suppression laws across several states in order to cement their own hold on power. In addition, the Right and their enablers rush to stake out absolutist positions related to 'religious liberty' or 'freedom of speech' but then cheer on (or directly use) state power to limit just those liberties and freedoms they purport to support. For example, they assert 'liberty' to discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community, and assert 'freedom' to legislate against mask-wearing during a global pandemic or to ban the teaching of history they don't agree with. ...
Over the course of 1792-94, the avatars of the 'will of the people' continued to narrow. It was no longer the legislature as a whole, composed of hundreds of delegates that embodied the 'will of the people,' but it specifically became the Committee of Public Safety led by Robespierre. He vocalized the public will and embodied the public good so that those who disagreed became existential enemies of France herself who needed to be eliminated. Hence, we wind up with the Terror -- denunciations and mass executions of perceived enemies both at home and abroad. The Terror, Furet argued, was only ended when Robespierre lost control of the discourse and no longer embodied the public will, so he himself became a threat and was executed.
Contemporary America hasn't, of course, reached its own Terror. But the parallels between the modes of discourse in the late eighteenth- and early twenty-first centuries are striking. The Right has adopted an authoritarian mode of discourse because they think they embody the will of the people, the nation itself, and so are the only legitimate political actors." #WebsiteFiveThirtyEightNateSilver "'But I have a theory about how they missed the Trump train,' he continued. 'They don't hang out with regular folks like us who like to hunt and fish and pray and actually work for a living. Heck, I don't even know that they know how to talk to people from middle America.' #EventRepublicanNationalConventionRNC #IndivTelevisionPersonalityWillieRobertson #CatchcryTrumpTrain #OtheringElitesMedia
There's been a lot of this talk at the RNC, about 'real' Americans and 'regular' Americans and how they're the ones who make America great. ...
These politicians, implicitly and often explicitly, usually have certain people in mind when they refer to 'real Americans.' They often mean white people without college degrees -- the so-called 'white working class.' They usually mean practicing Christians. Their examples usually refer to people in the South or the Midwest -- not East Coast elites or West Coast hippies." #OtheringLegitimacyRealAmericans #PleaAuthenticityBased #IdentityClassWorkingWhite

Archived on 30 November 2022 at 3:00 pm [URL redacted]
@WesleyBandish [name pseudonymized]: #COVID19 #Woke #GreatReset #jab #fakenewsmedia [URL redacted]
Archived on 20 November 2022 at 4:45 pm [URL redacted]
@KenThrift [name pseudonymized] [02]: #Klimathotet och dess rörelse är en produkt som är skapad av #media. Även #Greta är skapad av hennes pappa som både är PR-chef och talskrivare. Aktivisterna vill inte "rädda klimatet" utan omfördela världens rikedomar. #fakenews #woke #cop27    #miljö #vänster [URL redacted]

"The climate threat and its movement is a product created by the media. Greta was also created by her father, who is both PR manager and speechwriter. The activists do not want to 'save the climate' but redistribute the world's wealth. fakenews woke COP27 environment left" #PhenomnClimateChangeCrisis #IndivActivistGretaThunberg #IndivActorSvanteThunberg #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseFakeNews #2022_UNClimateChangeConferenceCOP27 #PoliticsCommunism ?

"The claim that there was practically no audience when Greta Thunberg gave a speech at the climate meeting in Katowice is correct. SVT admits this in a written comment to Nyheter Idag. "It is true that at that time there were not that many delegates left in the congress hall," writes Erica Lascelles on SVT Nyheter."

Archived on 10 November 2022 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@KyraSamaripa [name pseudonymized]: #woke [URL redacted]
Archived on 31 August 2022 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@ChristieDakessian [name pseudonymized] [04]: Left-wing media spreading #FakeNews again. The #CancelCulture the #synodalerWeg #DerSynodaleWeg is truly worried about abuse church reform, why is +Bode and others saying nothing about #Trier #Coverup Kardinal Marx, Bätzing & Ackermann? bc they don’t care #Woke @Pontifex #Woelki [URL redacted]

"'We must always keep in mind what the cause of @DerSynodaleWeg
was: the crime of sexual abuse in the sphere of the church. If it is critically argued that sexual abuse is instrumentalized in order to promote changes in the church, I do not understand it.'"

Archived on 10 July 2022 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@KenzieAlkhatib [name pseudonymized] [02]: @SuellaBraverman Have you listened to the @campbellclaret podcast lately? I suggest u do , as should anyone else who thinks u should run for #PM Another #Johnson loyalist promoted beyond their ability . I also see you are still following the memo👇 #WOKENESS #Woke #ToriesUnfitToGovern [URL redacted]

#NewspaperUKBrdshtTheIndependentRobMerrick "There are lessons that we can learn from Trump....a lie can go round the world before the truth can get its boots on" (15 December 2020) #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseFakeNews #TauntWokeism #2020_

Archived on 11 June 2022 at 8:30 pm [URL redacted]
@WendellSidenstricker [name pseudonymized] [03]: @NickAdamsinUSA "WOKE" "WOKENESS" are LABELS RWNJ's concocted as an INSULT to "LIBS!" WOKE: aware of & actively attentive to important facts & issues. (which terrifies the Right-Wing) #WOKE ENDANGERS #PROPAGANDA which is the tool THEY use to MANIPULATE their viewers. aka BRAINWASHING/CONTROL [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 June 2022 at 3:00 pm [URL redacted]
@BarryVannevel [name pseudonymized] [120]: #woke #Disney #Biden #Trump #trumptrains #TrumpTruths #TrumpWon #LGB #Trump2024 #COVID19 #FJB #PandemicOfTheVaccinated #BidenIsALaughingstock #elon #musk #twitter #Hillary #killary #hillaryclinton #FakeNews #sensorship #FreedomOfSpeech #freedom #FreedomFighter #GasPrices #gas [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 May 2022 at 11:15 pm [URL redacted]
@ShellyHodapp [name pseudonymized] [08]: @FactsATruth #america IS AT CIVIL WAR WITH 21,000+ murders/yr mostly by the "HOOD" n our #police is the #frontline troops u attack #traitorsofamerica #defund the #blm #woke n fund the police #RolandMartinUnfiltered @joebiden #theview #cnn #nbs #URKRAINE #antifascistasempre #2000Mules [URL redacted]
Archived on 23 May 2022 at 9:45 pm [URL redacted]
@WandaRampe [name pseudonymized]: #RepublicanParty #TRUMP2024 #USA #woke #MAGA #WalkAway #DrainTheSwamp #AmericaFirst #redpill #Covfefe #redwave #GOP [URL redacted]
Archived on 20 May 2022 at 10:15 pm [URL redacted]
@BarryVannevel [name pseudonymized] [120]: #woke #Disney #Biden #Trump #trumptrains #TrumpTruths #TrumpWon #LGB #Trump2024 #COVID19 #FJB #PandemicOfTheVaccinated #BidenIsALaughingstock #elon #musk #twitter #Hillary #killary #hillaryclinton #FakeNews #sensorship #FreedomOfSpeech #freedom #FreedomFighter #GasPrices #gas [URL redacted]
Archived on 20 May 2022 at 2:15 pm [URL redacted]
@BarryVannevel [name pseudonymized] [120]: #woke #Disney #Biden #Trump #trumptrains #TrumpTruths #TrumpWon #LGB #Trump2024 #COVID19 #FJB #PandemicOfTheVaccinated #BidenIsALaughingstock #elon #musk #twitter #Hillary #killary #hillaryclinton #FakeNews #sensorship #FreedomOfSpeech #freedom #FreedomFighter #GasPrices ™️ [URL redacted]
Archived on 12 April 2022 at 7:00 pm [URL redacted]
@WendellSidenstricker [name pseudonymized] [03]: @imaproudliberal @donwinslow @HerschelWalker of course. it doesn't matter to #Republicans tho'. they just pick a word(s) they test it on a focus group & based on the groups reaction (more negative, the better!) they ALL just keep repeating the word(s). #CRT! #WOKE! latest is #GROOM! #GROOMING! this is BRAINWASHING! 🧠 [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 February 2022 at 6:45 pm [URL redacted]
@MonicaLauderdale [name pseudonymized] [03]: #fakenews #UPSC #VisionIAS #NCERT #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #bbcnews #CNN #FoxNews #RTNews #AlJazeera #woke #Propaganda #misinformation #Television #AmericanIdol #UkraineRussiaConflict #worldwar3 #nuclearwar #nuclear [URL redacted]

#MetaphorConformitySheep #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseMainstreamMediaMSM "Russia x America Gog x magog" i.e.

Context: "There are 3 types of people in this world.. The first one believes whatever the BBC, CNN and FOX NEWS make them to.. The second type of people belongs to the opposite side.. They blindly follow what the Rt, Al-Jazeera or such medias tell them, even though which is far better than the first. Anyway these two types of people are controlled by the medias and they blindly believes whatever they see on the television.. Politicians could easily control such people and distract them accordingly. But There exist a few who see things beyond the media hypocrisy.. They closely study the past history, they have hundreds of questions In their head and they deeply examine things and stay silent before jumping into a conclusion.. Sadly this World order has shaped the majority of population into first two categories so that things which are Real become myths or said as conspiracies infront of the world and fake dramas created behind the screen becomes the Real.. This world order need such kind of people more and never let the woke people to rise up. Because every rulers since the time of 'ancient rome' has suppressed the woke becoz they are hard to be controlled or used according to their wish"

Archived on 16 February 2022 at 11:45 am [URL redacted]
@AnuheaPazo [name pseudonymized] [02]: Hear! Hear! #Conservatives ++ #psyops #hybridwarfare #fakenews #woke #extremism [URL redacted]

#OrgClassifPPUKConservativesOliverDowden: "Today, a social media mob can cancel you merely because you have dared to challenge one of the left's fashionable nostrums. To mount a vigorous defence of the values of a free society." #TauntWokeMob #TauntCultureCancel #TauntLeftThe #TauntNostrum
"When the Prime Minister appointed me as Chairman of our Party in September, I said that I intended to be a strong voice for our conservative values. So, I am writing to you from the United States where I am meeting leading conservative politicians and strategists to see what we can learn from our transatlantic friends to get the Party ready to win the next General Election. But I am also here to strengthen our alliance at a crucial time in conservatives' battle against a pernicious new ideology which is infecting our schools, universities, government bodies, companies and now even the hard sciences. Just yesterday, I spoke to the Heritage Foundation think tank in Washington DC about this. I am of course talking about so-called 'social justice warriors'. Those who claim to be 'woke'. The people who vandalise the Cenotaph and statues of Sir Winston Churchill. Who think that 'free speech is hate speech' and that people are 'privileged' just because of their skin colour. It is tempting to assume that these 'ideas' can be passed off as a fad. I do not see it that way, Alma. I see it as a profoundly dangerous phenomenon. At a time when our attention should be focused on external foes, the country is in danger of entering a period of extreme and nonsensical self-criticism. When we should be showcasing our values and the strength of democratic societies, we look willing to abandon those values. Only the Conservatives can combat this ideology. Just this week, my friend the Education Secretary made clear to teachers that their job is education not indoctrination and set out strict new rules so our children can make their own minds up. But we should not assume the path to victory is an easy one. It is profoundly sad that the modern Labour Party is gripped by this ideology and that is why we need your help to kick it out of our institutions." #AdvocacyUSTheHeritageFoundation #NoRAmericaNorthUSWashingtonDC #SymbolWarMemorialUKCenotaph #IndivHistoricalFigureWinstonChurchill #CatchcryFreedomOfSpeechFreeSpeech #PhenomnWhitePrivilege #CatchcryIntrospection #OtheringHateSpeech #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesNadhimZahawi #MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation #TauntIndoctrination #OrgClassifPPUKLabour #CharacterisationWokePsychodrama

Archived on 21 January 2022 at 2:00 pm [URL redacted]
@MarisolKowalski [name pseudonymized]: Even #candy is #racist! Did anyone even ask for this? . Follow @UnordinaryMen . #wokemedia #liberalmedia #fakenews #fakenewsmedia #biden #letsgobrandon #americans #america #wokenews #woke #LiberalismIsTheRealPandemic #Stupidity #wtf #areyouserious [URL redacted]
Archived on 31 December 2021 at 2:45 pm [URL redacted]
@JoelLoreth [name pseudonymized] [07]: @TeeJ2021 YES! YES! YES! This #BlackLivesMatter #CRT #WOKE #PC bullshit HAS to end immediately!!!! #FakeNews #EnemyOfThePeople #WarAgainstAmerica [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 September 2021 at 9:30 pm [URL redacted]
@BarbaraRobidoux [name pseudonymized] [02]: #Liberals #woke #fakenews #media #NDTV [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 September 2021 at 10:45 am [URL redacted]
Archived on 25 August 2021 at 7:45 pm [URL redacted]
@LindaWengert [name pseudonymized] [07]: #memecredi Celui-ci est moins grand public, il traite de shitstorms dans les milieux sceptiques. Total soutien à @TroncheBiais, @MrSam144 et @DEFAKATOR_Off. #wokesAreTrash #woke #baizuo #zététique #scepticisme [URL redacted]
Archived on 14 August 2021 at 9:30 am [URL redacted]
@JazmynSpare [name pseudonymized] [04]: [URL redacted] The government wants everybody fighting with their neighbors ‘Cause they know that if we get along, we’ll probably go against ’em #TomMacdonald #Brainwashed #HangOverGang #Hog4life #BidensAmerica #HOG #WakeUpAmerica #woke #Snowflakes #Woke #FakeNews
Archived on 14 August 2021 at 3:00 am [URL redacted]
@KylerSochia [name pseudonymized]: . Tom MacDonald - Brainwashed . #woke #fakenews #BidensAmerica . [URL redacted]
Archived on 8 August 2021 at 4:15 am [URL redacted]
@AlexiaCaligiuri [name pseudonymized] [03]: @Mewmewjusticef1 @HoraeOf I too hope its just #RageBait #FakeNews. I mean why else would they cast a POC as a white character?🤔🤨Prob an attempt to make #JusticeForJohnny look like a bunch of #racists🙄in an attempt to smear JDs supporters😠 Then again it IS @netflix they are WELL KNOWN for being #Woke😒 [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 August 2021 at 9:00 pm [URL redacted]
@TysonGannon [name pseudonymized] [02]: #fakenews 101 are #disney just pretending to have #ScarJo others sue them? All on the say-so of the @CIA for their next big plans for mass media aka #Entertainment mind control industry? #StreamingNow #ScarlettJohansson #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #woke #ironman #ArianaGrande @enews [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 July 2021 at 3:30 am [URL redacted]
@MakennaGreive [name pseudonymized] [11]: Liberals love the red pill #MAGA #patriot #democRATS #jesus #trump2024 #Trump2021 #christianity #GOP #donaldtrump #namecalling #meantweets #cult45 #Socialism #research #woke #fakenewsmedia #fakenews #Trump #TrumpWon #family #wakeup #gun #guns #gunsofinstagram #bluepill #redpill [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 July 2021 at 10:15 pm [URL redacted]
@KadenceLizarde [name pseudonymized] [05]: @DearAuntCrabby #Jan6th #1stAmendment #AcademicTwitter #1619Project #Adrinachrome #BidenCrimeCrisis #BeijingBiden #ArrestFauci #ArrestBillGates #CancelCulture #ClintonFoundationWhistleblowers #BidenBorderCrisis #CriticalRaceTheory #FreeAssangeNOW #January6thInsurrection #MAGA #BLM #Resist #WOKE [URL redacted]

#MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseFakeNews "This is what the Czech Republic has to say about our recent election.
'The danger to America is not Joe Biden, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Biden presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Biden, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Biden, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president'"

Context: And #NoREuropeCzechiaCzechRepublic

Archived on 20 June 2021 at 2:30 pm [URL redacted]
@TimothyHoddy [name pseudonymized] [06]: @carolecadwalla #Woke Eventually Backfires! [URL redacted]

tweet in response to #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheObserverCaroleCadwalladr:
"The power of GB News lies less in what it broadcasts and more in what it clips. This is what Neil in an interview with the BBC's Amol Rajan calls the 'slice'n'dice' model - its content is designed to be clipped and shared, to go viral, to change the conversation, to bolster conservative narratives and to constantly and repeatedly perform 'anti-wokeness'. " #NMUKGBNewsAndrewNeil #NMUKBBCAmolRajan 'conservative narratives' i.e. #MetaphorWarfareCulture #AdvocacyAELegatumInstitutePhilippaStroud #EDUUKUniversityKingsCollegeLondonKCLMartinMoore #AdvocacyUKVoteLeave #IndivBusinesspersonPaulMarshall #WebsiteGuidoFawkes #WebsiteSpiked #MagazineUKTheSpectator #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheTelegraph #PlatformSMTwitterTWTR #OrgClassifPPUKConservatives #NewspaperUKTabloidTheDailyMail #PlatformSMTelegramMessenger #BrandMetaFacebook #NMUKBBC #LiteralOppositionPoliticalParties #NMUKBBCNicholasWatt #PhenomnPandemicMitigationLockdown #PowerControlMicrofascismBullyingPileOn #NMUKGBNewsDanWootton #ConspiracyTheoryCOVID19PandemicDenialHoax #PhenomnPropagandaDisinformation #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseFakeNews #NMUKITVChannel4 #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesRishiSunak #MetaphorWarfareCulture #TheoryPerformativeActivismAstroturfing #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheTelegraphTomHarwood #TVTheSimpsonsEleanorAbernathyCrazyCatLady #IndivPoliticalStrategistDominicCummings #OrgUKElectoralCommission #IndivBusinesspersonArronBanks #AdvocacyUKLeaveEUAndyWigmore #PhenomnBrexit #NoRRussia #IndivWhistleblowerChristopherWylie #BrandCambridgeAnalytica #PoliticsAuthoritarianism #OrgClassifPPUKLiberalDemocratPaulStrasburger #OrgClassifPPUKLabourBenBradshaw #OrgClassifPPUKLabourChrisBryant #OrgClassifPPUKGreenPartyCarolineLucas #OrgClassifPPUKScottishNationalPartySNPAlynSmith #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesPatienceWheatcroft #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesBorisJohnson #PhenomnNationalSecurity #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheGuardianLukeHarding #WebsiteSubstack

Context: 'Infocalypse' #IndivConsultantAvivOvadya #TechGenerativeAIDeepfake

Archived on 10 June 2021 at 7:30 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 28 May 2021 at 12:30 pm [URL redacted]
@ShirleyHusa [name pseudonymized] [02]: Consider the arbiters of reverse racism on the left are also the arbiters of anti-semtism by the left and the press not only allows their actions to go unabated but helps spread their venom. #JournalismIsNotACrime #woke #FakeNews [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 May 2021 at 10:30 pm [URL redacted]
@RafaelDrakulic [name pseudonymized] [02]: @BBCWorld Mean while the #Fakenews Media and #WOKE employees of the @BBCWorld totally ignore journalist arrested at home and made into Political prisoners! [URL redacted]
Archived on 19 April 2021 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@KassandraVallett [name pseudonymized] [05]: @foucalt42 @WendyPuerto @daniel_howells8 @Jefferson_MFG Strange! Growth and investment in UK 🇬🇧 is outstripping the EU. Perhaps follow @Jefferson_MFG to see the good news that the #Leftwaffa #Woke #FakeNewsMSM refuse to share! Britain in a great place to be and the EU will slowly implode 😉 [URL redacted]
Archived on 1 August 2020 at 8:00 pm [URL redacted]
@RobinMarg [name pseudonymized] [02]: He no longer hides. Times up and He's on a last minute rehearsal. #mindcontrol #newworldorder #illuminati #mkultra #wakeup #truthseeker #g #sheeple #deepstate #covid #chemtrails #pizzagate #OPENYOUREYES #qanon #secretsocieties #staywoke #redpill #trump #woke #fakenews #wwg [URL redacted]
Archived on 3 July 2020 at 6:15 am [URL redacted]
@MauriceRajchel [name pseudonymized] [02]: @maitlis No @maitlis you are trying to control the people with your #bias #BBC agenda The people should be afraid of you and the #MSM with your #FakeNews #Woke BS. #DefundTheBBC #sackmaitlis [URL redacted]
Archived on 11 May 2020 at 7:00 pm [URL redacted]
@MarshallConchola [name pseudonymized] [02]: #MAGA #KAG2020 #WeThePeople #FakeNews #WWG1WGA #Woke #Qanon #thegreatawakening #Tump2020 #immunization #worldhealthorganization #billgates #darktolight #savethechildren #VaccinesKill #Woke [URL redacted]

#IndivPhilanthropistBillGates #PhenomnVirusCOVID19 #PlatformSMYouTube #PhenomnCensorshipOfSocialMedia

Addendum: betrays a misunderstanding that services such as YouTube etc. should be completely open/unmediated through ignoring legal requirements.

Archived on 28 April 2020 at 6:30 pm [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @jeanniejuno @Rob_Kimbell Dangerous for the #Germans, the #woke, #leftwaffe, #UK #MSM will ravish them for protesting about #PPE! That steals OUR hacks thunder! Can’t admit #PPE shortages are a world wide problem. @BBCpolitics @newsnight @bbclaurak @maitlis @itvpeston @adamboultonSKY @jonsnowC4 @mrjamesob [URL redacted]
Archived on 24 April 2020 at 8:19 pm [URL redacted]
@ElliotSiepker [name pseudonymized] [14]: #UnwokeUnawake obvious lies as an expression of power: [URL redacted] (Carlos Maza, Coleman Lowndes and Hunter Boone, 31 August 2018, [URL redacted]. The Russian "Firehose of Falsehood": [URL redacted] (Christopher Paul and Miriam Matthews, 2016) [URL redacted]

#AdvocacyUSRANDCorporationChristopherPaul and #AdvocacyUSRANDCorporationMiriamMatthews, The Russian #TheoryFirehoseOfFalsehood Propaganda Model: Why It Might Work and Options to Counter It. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2016. #TheoryAlternativeFacts #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseFakeNews #MetaphorDeceitFakeReality

Context: #IndivScholarTimothySnyder #ConspiracyTheoryStolenElectionBigLie #TheoryPeriodizationPostTruth Pre #PoliticsFascism #IdentityLGBTQIATransTranny #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPPOTUSDonaldTrump #PhenomnCoupDEtatPutsch #TauntImpeachment #TheoryAffectiveResponseIncitementOfInsurrection #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #PoliticsNationalism #OtheringLegitimacyQuestioning #PoliticsGeoExceptionalismAmerican #CauseEquality #_Focal
Supplementary: In this fallacy one argues, 'I feel it, so it must be true. My feelings are valid, so you have no right to criticize what I say or do, or how I say or do it.' This latter is also a fallacy of stasis, confusing a respectful and reasoned response or refutation with personal invalidation, disrespect, prejudice, bigotry, sexism, homophobia or hostility. ...
'Alternate Facts' work to 'put you off balance,' 'control the story,' and 'make you think you're crazy,' and she notes that 'presenting alternate facts is the hallmark of untrustworthy people.' The Alternative Truth fallacy is related to the Big Lie Technique. See also Gaslighting, Blind Loyalty, The Big Brain/Little Brain Fallacy, and Two Truths #IndivPhilosopherHannahArendt #ReasoningFallacyAffective #TauntGaslighting #MemeSmallBrainYellingAtBigBrain #OtheringDenialPrejudice

Archived on 22 April 2020 at 11:06 am [URL redacted]
@ElliotSiepker [name pseudonymized] [14]: #UnwokeUnawake video-sharing site: [URL redacted] "severely violates basic standards of credibility and transparency" (Melissa Goldin, Eric Effron, 2020) [URL redacted] #woke [URL redacted]

#TechServiceNewsGuard's update-to-date list of websites publishing false Coronavirus information: #PhenomnVirusCOVID19

#IndivContrarianMikeAdams: (previously,
Adams explains that the platform is an alternative to mainstream services such as YouTube and Facebook, which he implies are in the pocket of 'globalists' #ConspiracyTheoryDeepState conspiracists).

Context: #EDUCAMcGillUniversityJonathanJarry

Archived on 15 April 2020 at 11:30 pm [URL redacted]
@IanRoat [name pseudonymized] [03]: THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT @realDonaldTrump #WWG1WGA #TrumpTrain #DrainTheSwanp #GOAT #TrumpPressConference #Trump2020LandslideVictory #KAG #Woke #WokeAF [URL redacted]

"DrainTheSwanp" = #CatchcryDrainTheSwamp ? #PleaGreatestOfAllTimeGOAT #SloganKeepAmericaGreatKAG2020 #TauntWokeAF

Addendum: I assume that the #CatchcryTrumpTrain reference is part of some sort campaign slogan (making use of alliteration). Update, see:

Archived on 13 April 2020 at 4:00 pm [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @jamesowild @OliverDowden @ofcom @CommonsDCMS @DCMS Joe public understands that #BBC has become clubby, introverted, #Celeb-centric, overpaid, #woke, #BAME-obsessed, #Brexit-wrecking, & contemptuous of licence payers, WHY NOT YOU? @scrapbbcBBCtax Until you get a grip, we LAMPOON [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 April 2020 at 7:45 am [URL redacted]
@KaitlinQuraishi [name pseudonymized] [24]: @bbcnickrobinson Proof positive! Hacks Uber Politicians, #HUP, address doubtless from a cosy pub where stories are scribbled on the back of beer mats, for use by a (cess)pool of presenters @scrapbbcBBCtax club for overpaid sons of #gammons prostituting as #woke #Leftwaffe on @BBCdg casting couch [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 April 2020 at 6:30 pm [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @jackoakareg @Holbornlolz Love it! Muaaahhhhh! The very best in lampooning of the bloody #Leftwaffe #woke brigade. Let us all react to them with derision whenever they raise their “purple heads” above the parapet. And @scrapbbcBBCtax [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 April 2020 at 3:45 pm [URL redacted]
@AliceWerr [name pseudonymized] [164]: @TelBabe Absolutely right. There was more unity in WWII because there was less selfishness. There was also a press corps of a different calibre than the #woke #biased #MSM today. [URL redacted]