"Ein Elektroauto soll ich fahren? Wollt ihr mich verarschen??? [I'm supposed to drive an electric car? Are you kidding me???]"
"Das ist noch nicht alles, 007. Sie haben Moneypenny noch nicht gesehen...[That's not all, 007. You haven't seen Moneypenny yet...]"
#LiteralSubstanceFuelFossil #LiteralVehicleCarPluginHybridElectricVehiclePHEV i.e. #ReasoningFallacyConfirmationBias #TheoryDragonsOfInactionPerceivedRiskFunctional
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA8zMh9-URI (1 January 2023) via https://www.tiktok.com/@wudanscorpion/video/7183050852083518721:
"Something odd is going on here, and I will tell you this, climate change, that is the new talking point that is going to fear monger society. That is what is being utilized by the matrix. They are coming out and climate change is their baby, they want their 15-minutes cities - 'oh, perfect little little cities created for quarantine just in case another pandemic comes' - Andrew Tate (?) is now going against that talking point. That is the means by which they get to control you. Climate change is the means by which they are going to try to get digital IDs, and electric cars, and all of these mechanisms by which they can control you with a button and here's this guy who's got a big following coming out and criticizing the face of that movement who's Greta Thunberg. And suddenly, everybody's at his house."
#LiteralVehicleCarPluginHybridElectricVehiclePHEV versus #LiteralSubstanceFuelFossilCoal #TheoryDragonsOfInactionPerceivedRiskFunctional #AdvocacyUKConsciousPlanetSaveSoil i.e. https://consciousplanet.org/ https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cka1zuiIjhU/ #NewspaperUSBrdshtTheEpochTimesSiyamakKhorrami
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2fC203N0x8 #AdvocacyUSManhattanInstituteForPolicyResearchMarkMills i.e. https://www.manhattan-institute.org/expert/mark-p-mills #NewspaperUSBrdshtTheEpochTimesCaliforniaInsider
#ToponymEuropeSwitzerland #NMUSFOXFNCFoxAndFriendsFirst
"No, this is 'diversity'...
What you call 'diversity' is the hip mocha version of diversity that the elitist, white woke community can barely tolerate. It's the fair trade bag with organic foie gras, the electric Range Rover, the air miles pass of an ExtinctionRebellion activist."
#MetaphorDeceitDisingenuous / #TauntWokeInsincerity
"Electric car is super woke Change my mind." #ReasoningFallacyConfirmationBiasIToldYouSo
#MetaphorDeceitCrocodileTears #EDUUSUniversityOfHarvardAlejandraCaraballo i.e. https://cyber.harvard.edu/people/alejandra-caraballo #NewspaperUSBrdshtTheWashingtonPostTaylorLorenz i.e. https://www.washingtonpost.com/people/taylor-lorenz/ #IRLActorAmberHeard #IRLScholarChristineBlaseyFord
"Ein Elektroauto soll ich fahren? Wollt ihr mich verarschen??? [I'm supposed to drive an electric car? Are you kidding me???]"
"Das ist noch nicht alles, 007. Sie haben Moneypenny noch nicht gesehen...[That's not all, 007. You haven't seen Moneypenny yet...]"
"Ein Elektroauto soll ich fahren? Wollt ihr mich verarschen??? [I'm supposed to drive an electric car? Are you kidding me???]"
"Das ist noch nicht alles, 007. Sie haben Moneypenny noch nicht gesehen...[That's not all, 007. You haven't seen Moneypenny yet...]"
#LiteralSubstanceFuelFossil #LiteralVehicleCarPluginHybridElectricVehiclePHEV i.e. #ReasoningFallacyConfirmationBias #TheoryDragonsOfInactionPerceivedRiskFunctional
#OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyPeteButtigieg + #IdentityLGBTQIAPrideFlag + #MetaphorUnicorn / #LiteralVehicleCarPluginHybridElectricVehiclePHEV as #IRLHistoricalFigureMarieAntoinette by #CaricaturistTinaGarrisonAKATinaToon @ #WebsiteGrrrGraphics
#CaricaturistSteveHunter #AdvocacyAUAustraliaSaltbushClubCarbonSenseCoalition https://saltbushclub.com/about/ #TheoryDragonsOfInactionDiscredenceDenial i.e. anti #CauseRenewableGreenEnergy and anti #CauseActivismEnvironmental #OrgAUCSIRO i.e. 'The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is an Australian Government agency responsible for scientific research' #LiteralVehicleCarPluginHybridElectricVehiclePHEV #TauntClimateAlarmists