"New study Fondapol The woke ideology by Valent1Pierre. This study aims to analyse the growing influence of this belief system on our Western societies."
#AdvocacyFRFondapolPierreValentin https://www.fondapol.org/etude/lideologie-woke-1-anatomie-du-wokisme/ And https://www.fondapol.org/etude/lideologie-woke-2-face-au-wokisme/ #TheoryModernPost i.e. #TheoryModernPostConservatism #CharacterisationWeaknessVictimismVictimMentality #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI #TauntWokeism #EDUUSEvergreenStateCollegeBretWeinstein #IndivDeceasedGeorgeFloyd #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #IndivSingerEricaWrightAKAErykahBadu / #IndivSingerGeorgiaAnneMuldrow #2008_MasterTeacher
#2018_SokalSquaredHoax i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grievance_studies_affair And https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2018/10/30/sokal-squared-hoax-was-put-down-scholars-concerned-racial-issues-opinion (Joel P. Christensen and Matthew A. Sears, 30 October 2018).
#TheoryRelativismCultural i.e. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/relativism/
#PhenomnColonialism / #TheoryCriticalPostcolonialism #IdentityFirstNations #IndivScholarPierreAndreTaguieff
#TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT ('race' translated as 'breed' here, which I assume is a language/translation discrepancy, rather than semantic one).
"Fox News has mentioned critical breed theory nearly 1,300 times over a three-and-a-half-month period" (23 June 2021). https://www.fr24news.com/a/2021/06/trumpworld-bets-big-on-critical-race-theory.html
#TheoryRacialColourBlindness e.g. https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=41856
#PhenomnUnityStrategicEssentialism i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_essentialism
Fahs, B., & Karger, M. (2016). Women's Studies as Virus: Institutional Feminism, Affect, and the Projection of Danger. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 5(1), 929-957. https://doi.org/10.17583/generos.2016.1683
#IndivScholarBradleyCampbell & #IndivScholarJasonManning
#IndivScholarJonathanHaidt &
LUKIANOFF, G., & HAIDT, J. (2018). The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting up a Generation for Failure.
"Woke in its initial inception meant political consciousness for Black people about the histories of anti-Blackness in this [USA] country and globally rather than this kind of more generalised political consciousness that it came to take up. One thing that I think is a very common misunderstanding about woke is the idea that it was derived from this phrase 'stay woke'. Woke itself is a standalone word. It's a word that conforms to the syntactic and phonological, which is to say that the sound system and grammatical principles, of African American English which has its origins in the South. 'Awake' is synonymous with 'woke' right, so one might say, 'I was woke about, let's say 7am'. The idea of 'wakefulness' as a concept referring to political consciousness stretches as far back as 1923, and then we see it going all the way up through the 1980s. Marcus Garvey in 'The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey' in the frame of what we might think of as black nationalist tradition where he says, 'wake up Ethiopia, wake up Africa, let us work towards the one end of a glorious and redeemed and mighty nation', he's talking about political consciousness in the same way as Laurence Fishburne's character at the end of 'School Daze' in the 1980s film. In 1962, a New York Times article by a guy named [William] Melvin Kelley 'If You're Woke You Dig It' writing about cultural appropriation and linguistic appropriation of Black language and culture by white people, specifically. As early as the 1990s or the late 1980s, you see it more attached to the idea of 'political correctness'. This is the point of which white people I would suggest, begin using it reflexively. And so it doesn't now just have the meaning of thinking about anti-Blackness from the perspective of someone who experiences it. More now it refers to this more general sense of awareness, as a marker of general political consciousness attention to such issues as those environmental, feminists, regarding ability and so on. Childish Gambino's song 'Redbone', canonised the phrase 'stay woke' for a popular audience. While Childish Gambino might understand that 'wokeness', at least in its original inception, has a lot to do with our awareness of anti-Black oppression. Listeners to the song from a variety of demographics all over the world aren't abreast of that history and now are using it, the phrase, in a way that destroys its meaning. But it has also been taken up more recently by conservatives. And it became used in a negative or pejorative fashion, right or at least one that is mocking or sarcastic. In fact, it's a well-known and popular tactic of conservatives to pick up and shift the meanings of individual terms, to then weaponize them. Mark Milley and Matt Gaetz arguing about what's woke and what isn't, whether it's good or whether it's bad, where that has nothing to do with the case of the Scottsboro Boys or Emmett Till or Trayvon Martin or Sandra Bland or Rodney King or Ahmaud Arbery or Breonna Taylor or George Floyd. I'm not suggesting that it's necessarily a conscious process, but it's the result of the kind of consumption of Black culture, which has always had a lot of capital purchase in the United States and pop culture globally." (5 August 2021, #WebsiteBrut). https://www.brut.media/us/news/brut-vocab-why-we-say-woke--ccd9916d-c0e0-42a8-98c2-615d05ad8895
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7iSvkZ0vLQ #NewspaperUSBrdshtNewYorkTimesWilliamMelvinKelley #1962_IfYoureWokeYouDigIt #IndivActorDonaldGloverAKAChildishGambino #2016_Redbone
#TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT https://www.npr.org/2021/06/24/1009839021/uncovering-who-is-driving-the-fight-against-critical-race-theory-in-schools?t=1627328036978 #_Focal
And #WebsiteVoxAjaRomano: "Before 2014, the call to 'stay woke' was, for many people, unheard of. The idea behind it was common within Black communities at that point -- the notion that staying 'woke' and alert to the deceptions of other people was a basic survival tactic. But in 2014, following the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, 'stay woke' suddenly became the cautionary watchword of Black Lives Matter activists on the streets, used in a chilling and specific context : keeping watch for police brutality and unjust police tactics." (9 October 2020). https://www.vox.com/culture/21437879/stay-woke-wokeness-history-origin-evolution-controversy
#IndivPoliceDarrenWilson #NoRAmericaNorthUSMissouriStLouisCountyFerguson
#CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #2014_
#NewspaperFRBrdshtLeFigaro #AdvocacyFRFondapolChristopheDeVoogd: "to calculate it, the Observatory of Decolonialism, weighs no less than half of the items listed in the social science databases. Not that these themes should be rejected a priori: the question of gender, the history of slavery or the mental residues of colonization are important and legitimate objects of study; but it is another thing to make it the exclusive reading prism of The affectio societatis, that is to say the common desire to associate, a condition of society, is replaced by the denunciation of the fantasized mechanisms of 'domination' which seem to govern all human relationships. our societies. And it is yet another to decree the universal victimization of minorities by the 'domination' of the white Western male. In fact, the frequent breaches of the scientific approach are enough to make circular reasoning dizzy (the conclusion is already in the premise, as in the unstoppable 'racism being a white invention, there cannot be anti-white racism' ); denial of the facts (what about 'discrimination>>>> within and between minorities?); blatant contradiction (race and gender are, it is said, only social constructions>> but, if we can change gender, however impossible to change race); double discourse (purely <scientific>> display in public discourse, <<<<militant >>> claim in texts programmatic); research method based on interviews and feelings'; and when statistical data is used, concomitance, correlation and causality are blithely confused. This conceptual hodgepodge is actually at the very heart of this new paradigm, where we slide without shouting beware of differences against inequalities, and of inequalities against discrimination. So many breaches of the three rules of interpretation, laid down by the American Hayden by the epistemologist White, yet one of the beacons of intellectual postmodernity: conformity to facts, coherence there when will there be pure and simple censorship and professional bans, already practiced in the United States by the 'cancel culture', and which an apostle of this 'brave new world' calls for for France », the sociologist Geoffroy de Lagasnerie? But also among students, indoctrinated (a small minority) or intimidated (the most numerous) by the vulgate <woke». Students who think no less and discreetly make their disagreement known, but who repeat, since their success depends on it, from cover letters in memoirs, the essential elements of the expected speech: diversity, discrimination, deconstruction', the three 'D's » of the new dogma. Newspeak and forced dissimulation thus prosper, while certain establishments live in growing suspicion of all against all, an omnipresent threat of 'sexist and sexual violence obliges. Observers notice the increasing avoidance between the sexes, for fear of being the victim or the accused of harassment or inappropriate remarks. This is how the 'woke hell', paved with the best intentions of anti-racism and gender equality, risks transforming our university, as it is doing in the United States, in a doubly Orwellian place, by the triumph of misguided knowledge and by its desolate sadness. Normalien, associate professor and doctor in history, Christophe de Voogd is president of the Scientific Council of the Foundation for Political Innovation (think-tank)." https://www.lefigaro.fr/vox/societe/christophe-de-voogd-l-ideologie-woke-une-culture-du-ressentiment-qui-sape-la-possibilite-de-faire-societe-20210618 #IndivPoliticianFrederiqueVidal #TauntIslamoGauchismeIslamoLeftism #MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation ? #OrgCentreNationalDeLaRechercheScientifiqueCNRS #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #PowerControlChattelSlavery #CharacterisationWeaknessVictimismVictimMentality #OtheringDiscriminationRacism #TauntToxicWhiteness #IndivAuthorGeorgeOrwell #IndivPhilosopherGeoffroyDeLagasnerie
"It has already been four months since the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Frédérique Vidal, V announced an investigation into Islamo-leftism at universities. Since this date, no official communication on the announced report. As if the loud cries uttered, from petitions to press releases, by hundreds of academics, Conference of University Presidents (CPU) and CNRS in the lead, in the name of academic freedom and the non-existence of said Islamo-leftism arguments which, moreover, were contradictory - had immediately overcome the ministerial concern. Further: instead of being content with this discreet burial, some protesters have just filed an appeal before the Council of State against the initiative of Frédérique Vidal, wishing, it seems, to make him pay for his initial desire. Unless the very recent and discreet signal from the ministry (the work continues) has reignited their fear? Regardless, this excess of outraged virtue proves counterproductive. Courageous voices (Pascal Bruckner, Pierre-André Taguieff, Philippe d'Iribarne, Nathalie Heinich, Mathieu Bock-Côté, among others), are rising to denounce the ongoing intellectual and political drift. A report from the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, composed of academics, has just, given the ministerial silence, drawn up an edifying inventory: themes of conferences, titles of works and articles, job profiles or calls for projects show the impressive penetration of the new progressive science into French research. Because this movement goes far beyond Islamo-leftism alone. In fact, it aims to be, according to its own words, 'intersectional', that is to say, pointing out the convergence of <discriminations>>>> based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, ability physical, etc. However, far from being in the minority as it readily presents itself, the intersectional paradigm, as the Observatory of Decolonialism has just calculated, weighs no less than half of the items listed in the databases. in social sciences. Not that these themes should be rejected a priori: the question of gender, the history of slavery or the mental remnants of colonization are important and legitimate objects of study; but it is another thing to make it the exclusive reading prism of 'The affectio societatis, that is to say the common desire to associate, a condition of society, is filled by the denunciation of the fantasized mechanisms of 'domination' which seem to govern all human relationships. our societies. And it is yet another thing to decree the universal victimization of minorities by the 'domination' of the Western white male. In fact, the frequent breaches of the scientific approach are enough to make circular reasoning dizzy (the conclusion is already in the premise, as in the unstoppable 'racism being a white invention, there cannot be anti-white racism' ); denial of the facts (what about discrimination >>> within and between minorities?); blatant contradiction (race and gender are, it is said, only social constructions but, if one can change gender, it is on the other hand impossible to change race); double discourse (purely scientific display in public discourse, 'militant' claim in programmatic texts); research method based on interviews and feelings'; and when statistical data is used, concomitance, correlation and causality are blithely confused. This conceptual hodgepodge is in fact at the very heart of this new paradigm, where we slip without warning from differences to inequalities, and from inequalities to discrimination. So many breaches of the three rules of interpretation, decreed by the American epistemologist Hayden White, nevertheless one of the beacons of intellectual postmodernity: conformity to the facts, coherence." #IndivScholarPascalBruckner #IndivScholarPierreAndreTaguieff #OrgCentreNationalDeLaRechercheScientifiqueCNRSPhilippeDIribarne #IndivScholarNathalieHeinich #IndivScholarMathieuBockCote #PhenomnColonialismDe #AdvocacyFRLObservatoireDuDecolonialisme i.e. https://www.arretsurimages.net/articles/lobservatoire-du-decolonialisme-faux-think-tank-vrai-media-dopinion #OtheringDiscrimination #IndivHistorianHaydenWhite i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayden_White #TheoryModernPost