Archived on 30 May 2023 at 2:45 pm [URL redacted]
@RyanBuenconsejo [name pseudonymized] [29]: Besonders interessant ist übrigens, dass die postmodernen Ideologien (aka #Wokeness) der sog. #SocialJusticeWarriors miteinander zusammenhängen. Charakteristisch für die #Woke-Linken ist etwa ihre grosse Liebe zum Islamismus. Je radikaler, umso besser. In der Szene wird die Burka… [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 7 April 2023 at 10:15 am [URL redacted]
@GenePerlich [name pseudonymized] [02]: #woke #nike #women #GirlPower #lhbtqia+ I wish everyone his or her joy and love in their life. but girls getting confused, I can imagine why. Best girl motivation ad …. About a decade ago 1/3 [URL redacted]

#BrandProcterAndGambleAlways #CampaignHashtagLikeAGirl #LiteralMessagingPersuasionAdvertising

Context: #TheoryFemvertising And ? And #TheorySociologyRecuperation "'recuperation' [...] was a means of describing how the ideas of radical social movements are taken up but emptied of their political force and tied back to normative notions" (Akane Kanai and Rosalind Gill, p.13): Hoad-Reddick, Kate, 'Pitching the Feminist Voice: A Critique of Contemporary Consumer Feminism' (2017). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 5093.
Supplementary: #EDUAUSUniversityOfNewSouthWalesUNSWNoelaDavis "Judith Butler's theory of the constitution of subjectivity conceptualizes the subject as a performative materialization of its social environment. In her theory Butler utilizes Louis Althusser's notion of interpellation, and she critiques the constitutive paradoxes to which its tautological framing leads. Although there is no pre-existing subject, as it is constituted in the turn to the interpellative hail, Butler nonetheless theorizes a guilt and compulsion acting on an 'individual' that compels his or her turn to answer the hail. There is a price to pay for subjectivity in Butler's schema: the reprimand of the interpellative law that punishes at the same time as it constitutes. But a return to Althusser's text finds that he does not rely so much on coercion and guilt in his explanation of the subject's answer to the hail. Althusser can instead be read as suggesting that we are already an instantiation and enactment of power-ideology and, to paraphrase Michel Foucault, are already the principle of our own 'subjection.' This contests the notion that we are in any way compelled to submit to an external, punitive force to become subjects. As subjects, we are always-already the embodiment of the field of society-power-ideology (p.881). ...
The potential of interpellation as the basis for a performative theory of subjectivity lies in its being a naming that constitutes the subject it so names. There is no subject before this naming; that is, interpellation does not describe a pre-existing or given subject which then internalizes or appropriates its subjectifying conditions. Instead, interpellation gives an account of the genesis of the subject; that is, of the subject as an already subjectified, and thus social, being.
In The Psychic Life of Power, Butler examines Althusser's scenario of interpellation, aiming to give a 'symptomatic' reading of his text, a reading that will show the 'invisible' within it (Butler 1997b, 113). The scene of interpellation that Butler critiques in Althusser describes a hailing that transforms 'individuals into subjects' (Althusser 1971, 174). In his example, a policeman in the street calls out 'Hey, you there!' The mysterious qualities of this call are revealed as Althusser observes that the one so hailed turns around in response, and 'nine times out of ten it is the right one' who turns. In turning, the respondent 'becomes a subject' by recognizing that 'the hail was 'really' addressed to him' (174-75; original emphasis). In her reading, Butler highlights the enigmatic nature of such a suggestion, noting the 'paradoxical' elements of these processes of subject-formation (subjectivation) (Butler 1997b, 1). This arises because, in describing this scene, we must speak as if there is something that responds and turns to answer the hail, yet because interpellation constitutes the subject, there is no subject-no 'who'--to hear and respond to the call. In giving this account we must thus 'refer to what does not yet exist' (4), and are confronted with the difficulty of explaining what turns to answer, how 'it' recognizes the call, and why it turns (p.882)." Noela Davis (2012). 'Subjected Subjects? On Judith Butler's Paradox of Interpellation.' Hypatia 27(4): 881-897. #JournalHypatia #IndivPhilosopherLouisAlthusser i.e. #TheoryInterpellation #IndivPhilosopherJudithButler, #IndivPhilosopherMichelFoucault And #TheoryPerformativeSocialEnvironmentMaterialization #1997_ThePsychicLifeOfPower #TheorySubjectivation

Archived on 5 April 2023 at 11:45 am [URL redacted]
Archived on 9 March 2023 at 1:15 pm [URL redacted]
@RyanBuenconsejo [name pseudonymized] [29]: Understanding #Hamas, #Hezbollah as social movements that are progressive, that are on the Left, that are part of a #globalLeft, is extremely important. Quelle: [URL redacted] - #JudithButler, Chef-Ideologin der #Woke-Bewegung, Miterfinderin der #QueerTheory Ideologie [URL redacted]
Archived on 6 March 2023 at 1:45 pm [URL redacted]
@RyanBuenconsejo [name pseudonymized] [29]: @laStaempfli @lisapaus Gibt es noch Zweifel, dass Judith Butlers #QueerTheory Ideologie nicht nur #homophob und #misogyn ist, sondern auch totalitär? #Woke #Totalitarismus #HannahArendt [URL redacted]

"Where facts are consistently replaced by lies and total fiction, it turns out that there is no substitute for the truth. Because the result is by no means that the lie is now accepted as true and the truth is defamed as a lie, but that the human sense of orientation in the realm of reality, which cannot function without the distinction between truth and untruth, is destroyed." #IndivPhilosopherHannahArendt

Supplementary: #WebsiteBigThink #MetaphorVersusGenderSex #LiteralFieldGenderStudies #PhenomnGenderNorms

Addendum: #BrandKochIndustriesCharlesKoch i.e.

Archived on 19 August 2022 at 8:00 am [URL redacted]
@CierraOhea [name pseudonymized]: Al Dios #Woke todopoderoso. [URL redacted]
Archived on 18 July 2022 at 12:00 pm [URL redacted]
@RyanBuenconsejo [name pseudonymized] [29]: “understanding Hamas, Hezbollah as social movements that are progressive, that are on the Left, that are part of a global Left, is extremely important.” -Judith Butler, Chefideologin der #Woke-Bewegung & gerngesehener Interviewgast beim #woke-linken @tagesanzeiger [URL redacted]
Archived on 18 July 2022 at 5:15 am [URL redacted]
@RyanBuenconsejo [name pseudonymized] [29]: Nur so nebenbei:Einen positiven Bezug zur schiitischen Terrororganisation #Hizbollah hat nicht nur Emily Dische-Becker, die von der @documenta_ als #Antisemitismus-Beraterin eingesetzt wurde. Judith Butler, Oberguru der #Woke-Sekte, ist ein bekanntes Hizbollah- & #Hamas Fangirl. [URL redacted]
Archived on 4 December 2021 at 9:15 pm [URL redacted]
@AngelicaOch [name pseudonymized]: The 2021 #Holberg Debate: "Identity Politics and Culture Wars" [URL redacted] via @YouTube, with Judith Butler, Cornell West, & Glenn Greenwald; Simon Critchley chairs #IdentityPolitics #CancelCulture #woke

#2021_TheHolbergDebate "Does identity politics as it is currently manifesting itself offer a suitable avenue towards social justice, or has it become a recipe for cultural antagonism, political polarization, and new forms of injustice?" And #IndivPhilosopherJudithButler #IndivScholarCornelWest #IndivScholarSimonCritchley #NewspaperUSBrdshtNewYorkTimesGlennGreenwald #TauntCultureCancel #CatchcryIdentityPolitics #MetaphorWarfareCulture

"A fierce debate over social justice and identity-based politics seems to have exploded in recent years in the Western world, and few areas of life remain untouched by cultural conflicts. To some, identity-based politics has been embraced as an effective strategy to combat discrimination and marginalization. To others, it may seem that identity politics has resulted in culture wars involving violent conflicts and a destructive exchange of labels.
Identity-based politics often relate to volatile issues such as abortion, homosexuality, transgender rights, pornography, multiculturalism and racism. Identity conflicts also involve fundamental orientations such as religion and ideology, as well as political issues ranging from freedom of speech to the distribution of wealth and privilege.
Debates on these issues have challenged established views on equality and brought about an alternative demand for identity-based equity as a better approach. Even the term identity politics itself is debated, as many will contend that it is inherently biased and used by those who oppose struggles for social justice by marginalized groups.
Regardless of one's position on the current culture wars, it seems apparent that they involve both struggles for social justice and struggles for power."

Archived on 15 July 2021 at 3:30 pm [URL redacted]
@ChristineRohlf [name pseudonymized] [02]: 🗣️ Nouvelle étude @Fondapol | L'idéologie #woke | par @Valent1Pierre Cette étude vise à analyser l’influence croissante de ce système de croyances sur nos sociétés occidentales. 1️⃣ Anatomie du wokisme [URL redacted] 2️⃣ Face au wokisme [URL redacted] [URL redacted]

"New study Fondapol The woke ideology by Valent1Pierre. This study aims to analyse the growing influence of this belief system on our Western societies."

#AdvocacyFRFondapolPierreValentin And #TheoryModernPost i.e. #TheoryModernPostConservatism #CharacterisationWeaknessVictimismVictimMentality #PolicyDiversityEquityAndInclusionDEI #TauntWokeism #EDUUSEvergreenStateCollegeBretWeinstein #IndivDeceasedGeorgeFloyd #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #IndivSingerEricaWrightAKAErykahBadu / #IndivSingerGeorgiaAnneMuldrow #2008_MasterTeacher #IndivAuthorHelenPluckrose #WebsiteNewDiscoursesJamesLindsay #IndivScholarPeterBoghossian #2018_SokalSquaredHoax i.e. And (Joel P. Christensen and Matthew A. Sears, 30 October 2018). #IndivPhilosopherMichelFoucault #IndivPhilosopherJacquesDerrida #IndivPhilosopherMartinHeidegger #TheoryRelativismCultural i.e. #PhenomnColonialism / #TheoryCriticalPostcolonialism #IdentityFirstNations #IndivScholarPierreAndreTaguieff #PhenomnAgeOfEnlightenment #PhenomnSkepticismRadical #IndivScholarKimberleCrenshaw #TheorySociologyIntersectionality #IndivScholarMaryPoovey #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional #IndivPhilosopherJudithButler #IdentityLGBTQIA #IndivAuthorDavidHalperin #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT ('race' translated as 'breed' here, which I assume is a language/translation discrepancy, rather than semantic one).
"Fox News has mentioned critical breed theory nearly 1,300 times over a three-and-a-half-month period" (23 June 2021). #TheoryRacialColourBlindness e.g. #TheoryMarginalisation #IndivScholarEveKosofskySedgwick #IndivScholarGayatriChakravortySpivak #PhenomnUnityStrategicEssentialism i.e. #IndivActivistHouriaBouteldja #OrgFRIndigenesDeLaRepubliqueIR
Fahs, B., & Karger, M. (2016). Women's Studies as Virus: Institutional Feminism, Affect, and the Projection of Danger. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 5(1), 929-957. #IndivScholarBradleyCampbell & #IndivScholarJasonManning #PowerControlMicrofascismMicroaggression #IndivAuthorDeraldWingSue #EDUUSBostonUniversityIbramXKendi #TauntCultureCancel #IndivScholarJonathanHaidt & #AdvocacyUSFoundationForIndividualRightsAndExpressionFIREGregLukianoff
LUKIANOFF, G., & HAIDT, J. (2018). The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting up a Generation for Failure. #IndivScholarStevenHorwitz #TheoryStockholmSyndrome #IndivAuthorRobinDiAngelo #IndivUltracrepidarianAllyHenny #WebsiteSpikedAndrewDoyleAKATitaniaMcGrath

Supplementary: #IndivScholarDeandreMilesHercules
"Woke in its initial inception meant political consciousness for Black people about the histories of anti-Blackness in this [USA] country and globally rather than this kind of more generalised political consciousness that it came to take up. One thing that I think is a very common misunderstanding about woke is the idea that it was derived from this phrase 'stay woke'. Woke itself is a standalone word. It's a word that conforms to the syntactic and phonological, which is to say that the sound system and grammatical principles, of African American English which has its origins in the South. 'Awake' is synonymous with 'woke' right, so one might say, 'I was woke about, let's say 7am'. The idea of 'wakefulness' as a concept referring to political consciousness stretches as far back as 1923, and then we see it going all the way up through the 1980s. Marcus Garvey in 'The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey' in the frame of what we might think of as black nationalist tradition where he says, 'wake up Ethiopia, wake up Africa, let us work towards the one end of a glorious and redeemed and mighty nation', he's talking about political consciousness in the same way as Laurence Fishburne's character at the end of 'School Daze' in the 1980s film. In 1962, a New York Times article by a guy named [William] Melvin Kelley 'If You're Woke You Dig It' writing about cultural appropriation and linguistic appropriation of Black language and culture by white people, specifically. As early as the 1990s or the late 1980s, you see it more attached to the idea of 'political correctness'. This is the point of which white people I would suggest, begin using it reflexively. And so it doesn't now just have the meaning of thinking about anti-Blackness from the perspective of someone who experiences it. More now it refers to this more general sense of awareness, as a marker of general political consciousness attention to such issues as those environmental, feminists, regarding ability and so on. Childish Gambino's song 'Redbone', canonised the phrase 'stay woke' for a popular audience. While Childish Gambino might understand that 'wokeness', at least in its original inception, has a lot to do with our awareness of anti-Black oppression. Listeners to the song from a variety of demographics all over the world aren't abreast of that history and now are using it, the phrase, in a way that destroys its meaning. But it has also been taken up more recently by conservatives. And it became used in a negative or pejorative fashion, right or at least one that is mocking or sarcastic. In fact, it's a well-known and popular tactic of conservatives to pick up and shift the meanings of individual terms, to then weaponize them. Mark Milley and Matt Gaetz arguing about what's woke and what isn't, whether it's good or whether it's bad, where that has nothing to do with the case of the Scottsboro Boys or Emmett Till or Trayvon Martin or Sandra Bland or Rodney King or Ahmaud Arbery or Breonna Taylor or George Floyd. I'm not suggesting that it's necessarily a conscious process, but it's the result of the kind of consumption of Black culture, which has always had a lot of capital purchase in the United States and pop culture globally." (5 August 2021, #WebsiteBrut). #TheoryLinguisticsSemanticShift #TheoryLinguisticsSocioAfricanAmericanVernacularEnglishAAVE #MetaphorWokeWakefulnessAwake #IndivActivistMarcusGarvey #NoRAfricaEastEthiopia #IndivActorLaurenceFishburne #1988_SchoolDaze #NewspaperUSBrdshtNewYorkTimesWilliamMelvinKelley #1962_IfYoureWokeYouDigIt #IndivActorDonaldGloverAKAChildishGambino #2016_Redbone #OrgUSFedAFMMarkMilley #OrgClassifPPUSRepublicanPartyGOPMattGaetz #1938_ScottsboroBoys #IndivDeceasedEmmettTill #IndivDeceasedTrayvonMartin #IndivDeceasedSandraBland #IndivPrivateCitizenRodneyKing #IndivDeceasedAhmaudArbery #IndivDeceasedBreonnaTaylor #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #_Focal
And #WebsiteVoxAjaRomano: "Before 2014, the call to 'stay woke' was, for many people, unheard of. The idea behind it was common within Black communities at that point -- the notion that staying 'woke' and alert to the deceptions of other people was a basic survival tactic. But in 2014, following the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, 'stay woke' suddenly became the cautionary watchword of Black Lives Matter activists on the streets, used in a chilling and specific context : keeping watch for police brutality and unjust police tactics." (9 October 2020). #IndivDeceasedMichaelBrown #IndivPoliceDarrenWilson #NoRAmericaNorthUSMissouriStLouisCountyFerguson #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM #2014_

Archived on 19 June 2021 at 5:00 pm [URL redacted]
@BradCangelosi [name pseudonymized] [05]: Woke Origins @becomethesignal #culture #Hollywood #media #academia #racism #news #socialjustice #wokesupremacy #virtuesignaling #intersectionality #woke #inclusive #patriarchy #dothework #diversity #equity #race #gender #criticalRacetheory #blueanon #antiracism #decolonize [URL redacted]

#IndivFilmmakerTravisBrown #2021_TheWokeReformation #TheoryModernPost i.e. #TheoryModernPostConservatism #TheoryCriticalPostcolonialism #IndivPhilosopherJudithButler #TheoryCriticalQueer #TheoryCriticalRaceTheoryCRT #IndivScholarRichardDelgado #TheorySociologyIntersectionalityFeminism #IndivScholarKimberleCrenshaw #TheoryCulturalImperialism #PleaHeteronormativity i.e. #PhenomnThePatriarchy #SlurWhiteSupremacy #IndivScholarPauloFreire #TheoryCriticalConsciousness #MetaphorBlindnessDeafnessVsSeeingHearingTheTruth #PowerControlMicrofascismMicroaggression #TheorySocialJustice #CauseEquality #LiteralSchoolCollegeUniversity #MetaphorWarfareCultureLiberalEducation #TechICTSocialMedia
DIANGELO, R. J., & DYSON, M. E. (2018). 'White fragility: why it's so hard for White people to talk about racism'. #2018_WhiteFragility #IndivAuthorRobinDiAngelo and #IndivAuthorMichaelEricDyson
KENDI, I. X. (2019). 'How to be an Antiracist'. #EDUUSBostonUniversityIbramXKendi #InvectiveAllCopsAreBastardsACAB #WebsiteEverydayFeminismJonGreenberg #NarrativeUtopiaWokeLiberal #TheoryCultural

Context: "Believing Is Seeing: The 'Lens' Metaphor in Critical Theory":
Supplementary: "Conflict theorists view social structure as inherently unequal, based on power differentials related to issues like class, gender, race, and age. For a conflict theorist, culture is seen as reinforcing issues of 'privilege' for certain groups based upon race, sex, class, and so on. Women strive for equality in a male-dominated society. Senior citizens struggle to protect their rights, their health care, and their independence from a younger generation of lawmakers. ...
Conflict theorists believe that a society's system of material production has an effect on the rest of culture. People who have less power also have less ability to adapt to cultural change. This view contrasts with the perspective of functionalism. In the U.S. culture of capitalism, to illustrate, we continue to strive toward the promise of the American dream, which perpetuates the belief that the wealthy deserve their privileges." i.e. #PhenomnWealthInequality #TheorySociologyConflictTheory #TheoryIndividualismCompetitive #_Focal

Archived on 14 January 2021 at 4:00 pm [URL redacted]
@JamesKlobucher [name pseudonymized] [04]: @estherk_k Also becase according to #woke mentality, you can be any race you want! #transracial [URL redacted]

#_Riled about apparent trending of 'transracial' identity, which from the reaction, seems to represent an affront. #PleaAWorldOfSimpleStableFixedOperations #CatchcryIdentityPolitics

Supplementary: 'race' as a #EpistemologySociallyConstructed.ion #WebsiteTheConversationJoAdetunji "The idea that identities are constructed and performed has gained credence in recent decades, not least associated with the academic Judith Butler's ideas around 'performativity' - the idea that gender roles, in particular, are largely performed as a result of acculturation and expectation rather than representing innate characteristics.
But racial identities - and race as we understand it - were constructed in support of a political caste system in a way that gendered identities were largely not, and are wholly bound up in recent legacies of slavery and colonialism." #IndivActivistRachelDolezal #IndivPhilosopherJudithButler #TheoryPerformativity #NarrativeRaceTransracialism #OrgUSNtlAssociationForTheAdvancementOfColoredPeopleNAACP 
