Archived on 12 February 2023 at 3:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JasminNicoli [name pseudonymized] [21]: #woke and needy @metmuseum NYC labeled Russian 19th cent artists Repin, Kuindzhi, Aivazovsky as Ukrainians “born in the Russian Empire. “ (when there was no #Ukraine!) 😂😂😂 In the description of their works - “Ukrainian". BTW Aivazovsky (👇❤️) was an Armenian from #Crimea.😂 [URL redacted]

#OrgUSMetropolitanMuseumOfArt #NoREuropeUkraineCrimea

Context: "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York recognized Ivan Aivazovsky, Arkhyp Kuindzhi, and Ilya Repin as Ukrainian, not Russian, artists." #NoRRussia.n #PhenomnColonialismDe #IndivPainterIvanAivazovsky, #IndivPainterArkhypKuindzhi, and #IndivPainterIlyaRepin
