Archived on 26 October 2022 at 7:15 pm [URL redacted]
@JohnathanMarski [name pseudonymized]: @__Verlaine__ Triste de constater que certains en sont encore là. Compter les gens par rapport à leur couleur de peau. Ils ne pensent qu'à cela. #PatriceVieira #AissaMaiga #Woke [URL redacted]

#IndivActorAissaMaiga #OrgFRCesarAwards

Supplementary: "In the midst of that whirlwind of insurrections, the César Awards (the French Oscars) this past February became the televised transfeminist and decolonialist storming of the Bastille. In the lead, actress Aïssa Maïga denounced the institutional racism of cinema. When they gave the best director award to an absent Roman Polanski (the rapist is never there; the rapist has no body), another actress, Adèle Haenel, got up, turned her back on the patriarchs of cinema, and left, along with filmmaker Céline Sciamma. Two days later, Virginie Despentes, aka subcomandanta King Kong, joined Maïga, Haenel, et al. and, condemning French president Emmanuel Macron's neoliberal reforms as complicit with the politics of oppression, both sexual and racial, declared a general strike among subjugated minorities: 'From now on, we get up and we walk out.'" #2020_ #IndivFilmmakerRomanPolanski #IndivActorAdeleHaenel #PhenomnThePatriarchy #IndivFilmmakerCelineSciamma #IndivFilmmakerVirginieDespentes #OrgClassifPPFRRenaissanceREEmmanuelMacron #PoliticsCapitalismNeoliberalism #PowerControlSubjugation #IdentityBlackAsianAndMinorityEthnicBAME #CauseTransfeminism #PhenomnColonialism #PhenomnRevolutionFrenchBastilleSaintAntoine
