Archived on 13 May 2022 at 2:45 pm [URL redacted]
@RubyBubar [name pseudonymized]: Viz magazine deserves a Pulitzer. #woke @LozzaFox #Wokeflix #chomsky [URL redacted]

#ComicStripViz "What would the anti-woke arseholes do if they were...
U P AND DOWN the country, from Lands End to John O'Groats, as well as across the width of it, from Lowestoff Ness to Ardnamurchan Point, we've all wondered what it would be like to be Woke For A Day. If we found ourselves inexplicably transformed into a treasonous Marxist do-gooder, hell-bent on dismantling proud traditions such as racism, sexism and homophobia, how would we spend 24 hours? And this quandary doesn't just plague the average Joe in the street - it also haunts the arsehole celebrity set, too. We phoned three of our favourite anti-woke bellends and asked them: What would YOU do if you went Woke For A Day?
Laurence Fox, arsehole failed actor
AS AN ANTI-WOKE firebrand, I steadfastly refuse to kneel, due to kneeling's toxic association with the Stalinist BlackLivesMatter movement. So if I went Woke For A Day, I'd take the opportunity to do all the kneeling-based chores I haven't been able to perform for the last few years - such as tying my shoelaces and fixing that leak under the sink. If I had any time left after that, I'd probably have fun doing a few other knee-centric activities, such as weeding the garden or pretending to be a child by shuffling about with my shoes on my knees. All" (May 2022). #IndivActorLaurenceFox #SymbolTakeAKneeGenuflectionKneeling #IndivDictatorJosephStalin #CauseBlackLivesMatterBLM

Archived on 12 January 2021 at 12:00 pm [URL redacted]
@CarrieGonsalves [name pseudonymized]: @DailyMailUK I have read this a few times and on each reading some new #woke horror dawns upon me. Only #Viz could draw it. At the moment I am wondering if #MillieTant transitioned circa 2005? Is #BootFace also a bloke? [URL redacted]

#NewspaperUKTabloidTheDailyMail article about a supposed woman that took over her ex-boyfriend's #BrandMetaFacebook page to create #SlurPaedophilia
The tweeter seems to be correlating the appearance with the woman with the overly anti #CauseFeminism portrayal of the #ComicStripViz #CharacterFictionalMillieTant who is apparently, a 'caricature of a left-wing militant feminist' i.e.

