Archived on 1 June 2022 at 12:15 pm [URL redacted]
@CalebCucinella [name pseudonymized] [05]: @starwars It’s not #Lucasfilm’s first claim of a hate conspiracy, Meant to distract from the truth about their product. #woke #obiwan #ObiWanKenobi #DisneyPlus @Disney #StarWars @AP @BoundingComics [URL redacted]

#IRLPoliticalStrategistSteveBannon #WebsiteVDAREPeterBrimelow i.e. / #IRLIdeologueMiloYiannopoulosAKAMiloAndreasWagner #WebsiteTheDailyWireBenShapiro #WebsiteVDAREMichaelJThompsonAKAPaulKersey i.e. #AdvocacyUSNationalPolicyInstituteNPIRichardSpencer #IRLUltracrepidarianDaveRubin #IRLUltracrepidarianMikeCernovich i.e. #NMUSOneAmericaNewsNetworkOANNJackPosobiec #IRLScholarJordanPeterson #WebsiteInfoWarsAlexJones #IRLIdeologuePaulJosephWatson #VlogComicArtistProSecretsEthanVanSciver #BrandTimcastMediaGroupTimPool #VlogGeeksPlusGamersJeremyGriggs #VlogTheQuarteringJeremyHambley

Context: response to tweet by #IRLActorEwanMcGregor defending #IRLActorMosesIngram (who plays #TVObiWanKenobiRevaSevander) from #PowerControlMicrofascismBullyingCyberTrolling
Response by Hambley to #IRLFilmmakerProducerLaurenHissrich about the #OtheringHateMisogyny.istic tone of his posts:
Supplementary: "We need to talk about the fact that almost 40% of negative YouTube videos mentioning The Last Jedi are from radical right wing or alt right accounts. These accounts have also dedicated their channels to hate campaigns against Captain Marvel star Brie Larson, former SNL cast member Leslie Jones, and feminist YouTuber Anita Sarkeesian. ...
Christopher Wylie, a data scientist for Cambridge Analytica, states that Bannon was interested in the firm 'because [Bannon] follows this idea of the Breitbart doctrine, which is that if you want to change politics, you first have to change culture.' He stated that Bannon wanted 'weapons to fight a culture war.'" #2017_StarWarsTheLastJediEpisodeVIII #IRLActorBrieLarson #IRLComedianLeslieJones #VlogFeministFrequencyAnitaSarkeesian #OtheringHateMisogyny #IRLActorJohnBoyega #MetaphorWarfareCulture #CampaignHashtagGamerGate #SlurWhiteSupremacy #MagazineVanityFair #BrandCambridgeAnalytica #IRLWhistleblowerChristopherWylie #Website4chan8chan8kun #IRLActorOscarIsaac #IRLActorLupitaNyongO #PoliticsFascismUltraPalingenetic  #_Focal

Archived on 27 February 2022 at 11:45 pm [URL redacted]
Archived on 5 October 2021 at 7:15 pm [URL redacted]
@LeviHarrigill [name pseudonymized] [10]: The #Self? "I find the combination of mass, #chip-based #entertainment and 20th century #solipsism a rather pernicious form of #culture. For all the glorification of the individual, its fundamental thrust is: submit." By me, 1979 #Forecasting #Design #Woke [URL redacted] [URL redacted]
Archived on 20 June 2021 at 2:30 pm [URL redacted]
@TimothyHoddy [name pseudonymized] [06]: @carolecadwalla #Woke Eventually Backfires! [URL redacted]

tweet in response to #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheObserverCaroleCadwalladr:
"The power of GB News lies less in what it broadcasts and more in what it clips. This is what Neil in an interview with the BBC's Amol Rajan calls the 'slice'n'dice' model - its content is designed to be clipped and shared, to go viral, to change the conversation, to bolster conservative narratives and to constantly and repeatedly perform 'anti-wokeness'. " #NMUKGBNewsAndrewNeil #NMUKBBCAmolRajan 'conservative narratives' i.e. #MetaphorWarfareCulture #AdvocacyAELegatumInstitutePhilippaStroud #EDUUKUniversityKingsCollegeLondonKCLMartinMoore #AdvocacyUKVoteLeave #IRLBusinesspersonPaulMarshall #WebsiteGuidoFawkes #WebsiteSpiked #MagazineUKTheSpectator #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheTelegraph #PlatformSMTwitterTWTR #OrgClassifPPUKConservatives #NewspaperUKTabloidTheDailyMail #PlatformSMTelegramMessenger #BrandMetaFacebook #NMUKBBC #LiteralOppositionPoliticalParties #NMUKBBCNicholasWatt #PhenomnVirusCOVID19PandemicMitigationLockdown #PowerControlMicrofascismBullyingPileOn #NMUKGBNewsDanWootton #ConspiracyTheoryCOVID19PandemicDenialHoax #PhenomnPropagandaDisinformation #MetaphorDeceitLugenpresseFakeNews #NMUKITVChannel4 #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesRishiSunak #MetaphorWarfareCulture #TheoryPerformativeActivismAstroturfing #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheTelegraphTomHarwood #TVTheSimpsonsEleanorAbernathyCrazyCatLady #IRLPoliticalStrategistDominicCummings #OrgUKElectoralCommission #IRLBusinesspersonArronBanks #AdvocacyUKLeaveEUAndyWigmore #PhenomnBrexit #ToponymRussia #IRLWhistleblowerChristopherWylie #BrandCambridgeAnalytica #PoliticsAuthoritarianism #OrgClassifPPUKLiberalDemocratPaulStrasburger #OrgClassifPPUKLabourBenBradshaw #OrgClassifPPUKLabourChrisBryant #OrgClassifPPUKGreenPartyCarolineLucas #OrgClassifPPUKScottishNationalPartySNPAlynSmith #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesPatienceWheatcroft #OrgClassifPPUKConservativesBorisJohnson #PhenomnNationalSecurity #NewspaperUKBrdshtTheGuardianLukeHarding #WebsiteSubstack

Context: 'Infocalypse' #IRLConsultantAvivOvadya #TechGenerativeAIDeepfake

Supplementary: #OrgUSProPublica "Cambridge analysts ran the enhanced data through an algorithm to create psychological profiles that allowed for more incisive targeting. Potential voters were assigned one of five personality groups: risk-takers, carers, go-getters, individualists and supporters. Each got a tailored message. Risk-takers were viewed as highly neurotic and susceptible to ads that pricked their fears, Cambridge records show. Go-getters, on the other hand, would respond better to messages of optimism and the promise of a better future. ...
For the gun industry, a Democratic majority in the Senate and a Hillary Clinton presidency would have meant more legislative battles and a possible return to gun restrictions and loss of profits. Patrick O'Malley, the man who had been running the NSSF's largely successful electioneering effort for more than a decade, realized it needed to modernize, according to Cambridge emails.
So in April 2016, O'Malley, an NSSF contractor and political consultant, hired Cambridge Analytica. The written agreement called for Cambridge to mobilize supporters of the Second Amendment in the battleground states of Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Missouri, Colorado, Nevada, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire." #OrgUSNationalShootingSportsFoundationNSSF #LegislationUS1791ConstAmdt2RightToBearArms #AdvocacyUSNationalRifleAssociationNRA #OrgClassifPPUSDemocraticPartyHillaryClinton #2016_ #ToponymAmericaNorthUSFlorida #ToponymAmericaNorthUSNorthCarolina #ToponymAmericaNorthUSVirginia #ToponymAmericaNorthUSMissouri #ToponymAmericaNorthUSColorado #ToponymAmericaNorthUSNevada #ToponymAmericaNorthUSWisconsin #ToponymAmericaNorthUSOhio #ToponymAmericaNorthUSPennsylvania #ToponymAmericaNorthUSNewHampshire #PhenomnMiningDataMicrotargeting
