Archived on 11 June 2022 at 10:15 am [URL redacted]
@EsperanzaLievano [name pseudonymized]: #woke #Gendergaga #GruenerMist Meine Toleranz endet, wenn Freaks meinem Kind erklären, was normal ist. [URL redacted]

"Verschont unsere Kids mit Eurem Scheiß! [Spare our kids your shit!]" "Wie war es heute in der Schule? [How was school today?]" #IdentityLGBTQIA / #EventLGBTQPrideMonth #MetaphorWarCultureLiberalEducation #CaricaturistBobMoran

Context: (presumably, the original version).
Addendum: as per #TheoryLinguisticsConceptualMetaphorCMT, you could say that the cartoon evokes a #MetaphorPurityContamination i.e. that in his natural state, the child is 'pure', and that in being exposed to ideas, which the cartoonist deems 'impure', he has become unwell, resulting in #MetaphorHealthSicknessNauseated
