Archived on 19 January 2022 at 2:00 pm [URL redacted]
@TyreseOusey [name pseudonymized]: 🤷🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️👀 #woke #cancel #black #noirsenfrance [URL redacted]

Three girls are presented with a choice between a white and a black doll - the white doll is consistently chosen i.e. #OtheringDiscriminationRacismSystemicInstitutional / #PhenomnCulturalHegemony #OtheringDiscriminationRacismInternalized
"- Pourquoi ?
- Parce que j'aims bien ses yeux bleus.
- Quelle est la poupée la moins jolie ?
- Celle-là.
- Pourquoi
- Je ne sais pas...
- Parce qu'elle est noire.
- Quelle est la poupée la moins jolie?
- La noire.
- Parce que je n'aime pas trop la noire.
- Pourquoi ?
- La noire.
- Parce que tous les enfants de mon école sont blancs et moi, quand je serai grande, je mettrai de la crème pour devenir blanche."
Snippet from the TV documentary 'Noirs en France' by #IndivJournalistAureliaPerreau and #IndivWriterAlainMabanckou i.e.

Context: "For the first time, the film 'Blacks in France' gives voice to black French people of all ages and from all walks of life, known or unknown to the general public. Told by the writer Alain Mabanckou, this documentary retraces their stories made up of prejudices and stereotypes, but also shot through with hope and pride. These blacks in France build a history in constant transformation." #OtheringDenialPrejudice
