Archived on 11 February 2021 at 11:00 pm [URL redacted]
@BrynnTiwari [name pseudonymized]: Time to get rid of @disneyplus and Lucas films. Your little #woke movement goes both ways. Interesting to learn disney is not about true history, honest elections, or freedom of speech?We don’t these Fucks to entertain anyone any more! ✌🏼#GinaCarano #CancelDisneyPlus #done [URL redacted]
Archived on 27 January 2021 at 9:45 am [URL redacted]
@LaylaBoyce [name pseudonymized] [12]: The Impact of Obedience - w/ UAP and Martin Leidtke - Interview 3 pt2 [URL redacted] #tartarian #tartar #tartary #hidden #wakeup #truth #Tartaria #Autodidactic #woke #freethinker #mudflood #greatrest #selftaught #knowledge #Esoteric
Archived on 8 November 2020 at 8:30 am [URL redacted]
@TommiePerrie [name pseudonymized] [03]: Facing an incoming tsunami of #PoMo nonsense and various (pseudo) leftist US race maps, this documentary about #woke tells all one needs to know [URL redacted]
Archived on 26 October 2020 at 10:02 pm [URL redacted]
@MakaylaKatana [name pseudonymized]: Woke racial segregation now in Seattle, WA libraries | Brynnium Explains [URL redacted] _________________________________ @realchrisrufo @Not_the_Bee #woke #wokesegregation #neosegregation #segregation #racism #wokeracism #kingcountylibrarysystem #seattle #mlk
Archived on 8 September 2020 at 6:45 am [URL redacted]
@MekhiDelach [name pseudonymized] [03]: @paulfish2skyco2 @Pekae_UK @DailyMailCeleb It’s Pointless complaining to #woke #offcom, you may as well complain to your Cat 🐈. Just switch it off. [URL redacted]